Analysis Report MGTyV3yLFW


General Information

Sample Name: MGTyV3yLFW
Analysis ID: 321442
MD5: 9a0e765eecc5433af3dc726206ecc56e
SHA1: 5996d02c142588b6c1ed850e461845458bd94d17
SHA256: 35ff79dd456fe3054a60fe0a16f38bf5fc3928e1e8439ca4d945573f8c48c0b8


Score: 68
Range: 0 - 100
Whitelisted: false


Antivirus / Scanner detection for submitted sample
Malicious sample detected (through community Yara rule)
Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted file
Machine Learning detection for sample
Creates hidden files and/or directories
Executes the "grep" command used to find patterns in files or piped streams
Executes the "mkdir" command used to create folders
Executes the "mktemp" command used to create a temporary unique file name
Executes the "rm" command used to delete files or directories
Executes the "sleep" command used to delay execution and potentially evade sandboxes
Sample contains symbols with suspicious names
Sample has stripped symbol table
Yara signature match


AV Detection:

Antivirus / Scanner detection for submitted sample
Source: MGTyV3yLFW Avira: detected
Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted file
Source: MGTyV3yLFW Virustotal: Detection: 68% Perma Link
Source: MGTyV3yLFW Metadefender: Detection: 67% Perma Link
Source: MGTyV3yLFW ReversingLabs: Detection: 77%
Machine Learning detection for sample
Source: MGTyV3yLFW Joe Sandbox ML: detected

System Summary:

Malicious sample detected (through community Yara rule)
Source: MGTyV3yLFW, type: SAMPLE Matched rule: NetWiredRC Author: Jean-Philippe Teissier / @Jipe_
Sample contains symbols with suspicious names
Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample Name: DecodeSQLitePayloadData
Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample Name: GetChromiumPasswords
Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample Name: GetGoogleChromePasswords
Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample Name: GetMozillaProductPasswords
Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample Name: GetPidginPasswords
Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample Name: Password
Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample Name: cpGetUsername
Sample has stripped symbol table
Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample .symtab present: no
Yara signature match
Source: MGTyV3yLFW, type: SAMPLE Matched rule: NetWiredRC_B date = 2014-12-23, filetype = memory, author = Jean-Philippe Teissier / @Jipe_, description = NetWiredRC, version = 1.1
Source: classification engine Classification label: mal68.lin@0/9@0/0

Persistence and Installation Behavior:

Creates hidden files and/or directories
Source: /bin/mkdir (PID: 3647) Directory: .cache
Source: /bin/mkdir (PID: 3648) Directory: .cache
Executes the "grep" command used to find patterns in files or piped streams
Source: /bin/egrep (PID: 3649) Grep executable: /bin/grep -> grep -E [^[:print:]] /home/user/.cache/logrotate/status
Executes the "mkdir" command used to create folders
Source: /sbin/resolvconf (PID: 3609) Mkdir executable: /bin/mkdir -> mkdir -p /run/resolvconf/interface
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3647) Mkdir executable: /bin/mkdir -> mkdir -p /home/user/.cache/logrotate
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3648) Mkdir executable: /bin/mkdir -> mkdir -p /home/user/.cache/upstart
Executes the "mktemp" command used to create a temporary unique file name
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3651) Mktemp executable: /bin/mktemp -> mktemp
Executes the "rm" command used to delete files or directories
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3784) Rm executable: /bin/rm -> rm -f /tmp/tmp.s1YjGIpgkp

Malware Analysis System Evasion:

Executes the "sleep" command used to delay execution and potentially evade sandboxes
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3192) Sleep executable: /bin/sleep -> sleep 1
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3223) Sleep executable: /bin/sleep -> sleep 1
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3248) Sleep executable: /bin/sleep -> sleep 1
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3279) Sleep executable: /bin/sleep -> sleep 1
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3307) Sleep executable: /bin/sleep -> sleep 1
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3332) Sleep executable: /bin/sleep -> sleep 1
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3370) Sleep executable: /bin/sleep -> sleep 1
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3402) Sleep executable: /bin/sleep -> sleep 1
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3427) Sleep executable: /bin/sleep -> sleep 1
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3455) Sleep executable: /bin/sleep -> sleep 1
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3487) Sleep executable: /bin/sleep -> sleep 1
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3528) Sleep executable: /bin/sleep -> sleep 1
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3543) Sleep executable: /bin/sleep -> sleep 1
Source: /bin/dash (PID: 3585) Sleep executable: /bin/sleep -> sleep 1

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