Linux Analysis Report 4wA5neDGrq


General Information

Sample Name: 4wA5neDGrq
Analysis ID: 510749
MD5: 00d772fea556f873bef2ce8e1b0cbb78
SHA1: 4bf5cde6a09bca30565f42e9ef02168aae0cde20
SHA256: 22f50f9e41244e3ff07a7c175242d03e3d7e5c53eeafeb2cf2b5f05a48ecff72
Tags: 32armelfgafgyt


Score: 56
Range: 0 - 100
Whitelisted: false


Antivirus / Scanner detection for submitted sample
Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted file
Uses the "uname" system call to query kernel version information (possible evasion)
Executes the "rm" command used to delete files or directories


AV Detection:

Antivirus / Scanner detection for submitted sample
Source: 4wA5neDGrq Avira: detected
Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted file
Source: 4wA5neDGrq Virustotal: Detection: 59% Perma Link
Source: 4wA5neDGrq ReversingLabs: Detection: 61%
Source: motd-news.15.dr String found in binary or memory:
Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample FILE: /home/landley/work/ab7/build/temp-armv6l/gcc-core/gcc/config/arm/lib1funcs.asm
Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample FILE: /home/landley/work/ab7/build/temp-armv6l/gcc-core/gcc/config/arm/lib1funcs.asm
Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample FILE: /home/landley/work/ab7/build/temp-armv6l/gcc-core/gcc/config/arm/lib1funcs.asm
Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample FILE: /home/landley/work/ab7/build/temp-armv6l/gcc-core/gcc/config/arm/lib1funcs.asm
Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample FILE: /home/landley/work/ab7/build/temp-armv6l/gcc-core/gcc/config/arm/lib1funcs.asm
Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample FILE: /home/landley/work/ab7/build/temp-armv6l/gcc-core/gcc/config/arm/lib1funcs.asm
Source: ELF static info symbol of initial sample FILE: /home/landley/work/ab7/build/temp-armv6l/gcc-core/gcc/config/arm/lib1funcs.asm
Source: classification engine Classification label: mal56.lin@0/1@0/0
Source: 4wA5neDGrq Joe Sandbox Cloud Basic: Detection: clean Score: 0 Perma Link

Persistence and Installation Behavior:

Executes the "rm" command used to delete files or directories
Source: /usr/bin/dash (PID: 5212) Rm executable: /usr/bin/rm -> rm -f /tmp/tmp.USJYxzaCuE /tmp/tmp.T3hUP4mjcM /tmp/tmp.wRaDNMdR2W Jump to behavior

Malware Analysis System Evasion:

Uses the "uname" system call to query kernel version information (possible evasion)
Source: /tmp/4wA5neDGrq (PID: 5263) Queries kernel information via 'uname': Jump to behavior
Source: 4wA5neDGrq, Binary or memory string: O}x86_64/usr/bin/qemu-arm/tmp/4wA5neDGrqSUDO_USER=saturninoPATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/binDISPLAY=:1.0XAUTHORITY=/run/user/1000/gdm/XauthoritySUDO_UID=1000TERM=xterm-256colorCOLORTERM=truecolorLOGNAME=rootUSER=rootLANG=en_US.UTF-8SUDO_COMMAND=/bin/bashHOME=/rootMAIL=/var/mail/rootSUDO_GID=1000SHELL=/bin/bash/tmp/4wA5neDGrq
Source: 4wA5neDGrq, Binary or memory string: /etc/qemu-binfmt/arm
Source: 4wA5neDGrq, Binary or memory string: V!/etc/qemu-binfmt/arm
Source: 4wA5neDGrq, Binary or memory string: /usr/bin/qemu-arm
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