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Windows Analysis Report


General Information

Sample Name:SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe
Analysis ID:709714


Nanocore, DarkTortilla
Range:0 - 100


Yara detected DarkTortilla Crypter
Multi AV Scanner detection for submitted file
Malicious sample detected (through community Yara rule)
Detected Nanocore Rat
Antivirus detection for URL or domain
Multi AV Scanner detection for domain / URL
Multi AV Scanner detection for dropped file
Yara detected Nanocore RAT
Machine Learning detection for sample
Uses ping.exe to check the status of other devices and networks
Uses ping.exe to sleep
.NET source code contains method to dynamically call methods (often used by packers)
Machine Learning detection for dropped file
C2 URLs / IPs found in malware configuration
Creates autostart registry keys with suspicious names
Hides that the sample has been downloaded from the Internet (zone.identifier)
Uses 32bit PE files
Queries the volume information (name, serial number etc) of a device
Yara signature match
May sleep (evasive loops) to hinder dynamic analysis
Uses code obfuscation techniques (call, push, ret)
Detected potential crypto function
Sample execution stops while process was sleeping (likely an evasion)
JA3 SSL client fingerprint seen in connection with other malware
HTTP GET or POST without a user agent
Contains long sleeps (>= 3 min)
Enables debug privileges
Creates a DirectInput object (often for capturing keystrokes)
Found a high number of Window / User specific system calls (may be a loop to detect user behavior)
Found inlined nop instructions (likely shell or obfuscated code)
Sample file is different than original file name gathered from version info
PE file contains strange resources
Drops PE files
Uses reg.exe to modify the Windows registry
Dropped file seen in connection with other malware
Creates a process in suspended mode (likely to inject code)


  • System is w10x64
  • SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe (PID: 588 cmdline: "C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe" MD5: 54E31B7E289BEA078ED769A046C3842E)
    • cmd.exe (PID: 5960 cmdline: cmd" /c ping -n 38 > nul && REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /f /v "CHRIST,MARICERTYK" /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe MD5: F3BDBE3BB6F734E357235F4D5898582D)
      • conhost.exe (PID: 5928 cmdline: C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe 0xffffffff -ForceV1 MD5: EA777DEEA782E8B4D7C7C33BBF8A4496)
      • PING.EXE (PID: 6068 cmdline: ping -n 38 MD5: 70C24A306F768936563ABDADB9CA9108)
      • reg.exe (PID: 2708 cmdline: REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /f /v "CHRIST,MARICERTYK" /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe" MD5: CEE2A7E57DF2A159A065A34913A055C2)
    • cmd.exe (PID: 1888 cmdline: cmd" /c ping -n 41 > nul && copy "C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe" "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe" && ping -n 41 > nul && "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe MD5: F3BDBE3BB6F734E357235F4D5898582D)
      • conhost.exe (PID: 972 cmdline: C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe 0xffffffff -ForceV1 MD5: EA777DEEA782E8B4D7C7C33BBF8A4496)
      • PING.EXE (PID: 4768 cmdline: ping -n 41 MD5: 70C24A306F768936563ABDADB9CA9108)
      • PING.EXE (PID: 920 cmdline: ping -n 41 MD5: 70C24A306F768936563ABDADB9CA9108)
  • cleanup
{"Version": "", "Mutex": "2c83c052-5c8c-4da8-8e82-9c1bb5be", "Group": "9812", "Domain1": "9812.hopto.org", "Domain2": "", "Port": 9812, "KeyboardLogging": "Enable", "RunOnStartup": "Enable", "RequestElevation": "Disable", "BypassUAC": "Enable", "ClearZoneIdentifier": "Enable", "ClearAccessControl": "Disable", "SetCriticalProcess": "Disable", "PreventSystemSleep": "Enable", "ActivateAwayMode": "Disable", "EnableDebugMode": "Disable", "RunDelay": 0, "ConnectDelay": 4000, "RestartDelay": 5000, "TimeoutInterval": 5000, "KeepAliveTimeout": 30000, "MutexTimeout": 5000, "LanTimeout": 2500, "WanTimeout": 8000, "BufferSize": "ffff0000", "MaxPacketSize": "0000a000", "GCThreshold": "0000a000", "UseCustomDNS": "Enable", "PrimaryDNSServer": "", "BackupDNSServer": "", "BypassUserAccountControlData": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-16\"?>\r\n<Task version=\"1.2\" xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task\">\r\n  <RegistrationInfo />\r\n  <Triggers />\r\n  <Principals>\r\n    <Principal id=\"Author\">\r\n      <LogonType>InteractiveToken</LogonType>\r\n      <RunLevel>HighestAvailable</RunLevel>\r\n    </Principal>\r\n  </Principals>\r\n  <Settings>\r\n    <MultipleInstancesPolicy>Parallel</MultipleInstancesPolicy>\r\n    <DisallowStartIfOnBatteries>false</DisallowStartIfOnBatteries>\r\n    <StopIfGoingOnBatteries>false</StopIfGoingOnBatteries>\r\n    <AllowHardTerminate>true</AllowHardTerminate>\r\n    <StartWhenAvailable>false</StartWhenAvailable>\r\n    <RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable>false</RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable>\r\n    <IdleSettings>\r\n      <StopOnIdleEnd>false</StopOnIdleEnd>\r\n      <RestartOnIdle>false</RestartOnIdle>\r\n    </IdleSettings>\r\n    <AllowStartOnDemand>true</AllowStartOnDemand>\r\n    <Enabled>true</Enabled>\r\n    <Hidden>false</Hidden>\r\n    <RunOnlyIfIdle>false</RunOnlyIfIdle>\r\n    <WakeToRun>false</WakeToRun>\r\n    <ExecutionTimeLimit>PT0S</ExecutionTimeLimit>\r\n    <Priority>4</Priority>\r\n  </Settings>\r\n  <Actions Context=\"Author\">\r\n    <Exec>\r\n      <Command>\"#EXECUTABLEPATH\"</Command>\r\n      <Arguments>$(Arg0)</Arguments>\r\n    </Exec>\r\n  </Actions>\r\n</Task"}
00000000.00000002.420676515.0000000002643000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpJoeSecurity_DarkTortillaYara detected DarkTortilla CrypterJoe Security
    00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpNanocore_RAT_Gen_2Detetcs the Nanocore RATFlorian Roth
    • 0x43e7f:$x1: NanoCore.ClientPluginHost
    • 0x76c6f:$x1: NanoCore.ClientPluginHost
    • 0xa9a4f:$x1: NanoCore.ClientPluginHost
    • 0x43ebc:$x2: IClientNetworkHost
    • 0x76cac:$x2: IClientNetworkHost
    • 0xa9a8c:$x2: IClientNetworkHost
    • 0x479ef:$x3: #=qjgz7ljmpp0J7FvL9dmi8ctJILdgtcbw8JYUc6GC8MeJ9B11Crfg2Djxcf0p8PZGe
    • 0x7a7df:$x3: #=qjgz7ljmpp0J7FvL9dmi8ctJILdgtcbw8JYUc6GC8MeJ9B11Crfg2Djxcf0p8PZGe
    • 0xad5bf:$x3: #=qjgz7ljmpp0J7FvL9dmi8ctJILdgtcbw8JYUc6GC8MeJ9B11Crfg2Djxcf0p8PZGe
    00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpJoeSecurity_DarkTortillaYara detected DarkTortilla CrypterJoe Security
      00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpJoeSecurity_NanocoreYara detected Nanocore RATJoe Security
        00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpNanoCoreunknown Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>
        • 0x43be7:$a: NanoCore
        • 0x43bf7:$a: NanoCore
        • 0x43e2b:$a: NanoCore
        • 0x43e3f:$a: NanoCore
        • 0x43e7f:$a: NanoCore
        • 0x769d7:$a: NanoCore
        • 0x769e7:$a: NanoCore
        • 0x76c1b:$a: NanoCore
        • 0x76c2f:$a: NanoCore
        • 0x76c6f:$a: NanoCore
        • 0xa97b7:$a: NanoCore
        • 0xa97c7:$a: NanoCore
        • 0xa99fb:$a: NanoCore
        • 0xa9a0f:$a: NanoCore
        • 0xa9a4f:$a: NanoCore
        • 0x43c46:$b: ClientPlugin
        • 0x43e48:$b: ClientPlugin
        • 0x43e88:$b: ClientPlugin
        • 0x76a36:$b: ClientPlugin
        • 0x76c38:$b: ClientPlugin
        • 0x76c78:$b: ClientPlugin
        Click to see the 12 entries
        0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpackNanocore_RAT_Gen_2Detetcs the Nanocore RATFlorian Roth
        • 0xe38d:$x1: NanoCore.ClientPluginHost
        • 0xe3ca:$x2: IClientNetworkHost
        • 0x11efd:$x3: #=qjgz7ljmpp0J7FvL9dmi8ctJILdgtcbw8JYUc6GC8MeJ9B11Crfg2Djxcf0p8PZGe
        0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpackNanocore_RAT_Feb18_1Detects Nanocore RATFlorian Roth
        • 0xe105:$x1: NanoCore Client.exe
        • 0xe38d:$x2: NanoCore.ClientPluginHost
        • 0xf9c6:$s1: PluginCommand
        • 0xf9ba:$s2: FileCommand
        • 0x1086b:$s3: PipeExists
        • 0x16622:$s4: PipeCreated
        • 0xe3b7:$s5: IClientLoggingHost
        0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpackJoeSecurity_DarkTortillaYara detected DarkTortilla CrypterJoe Security
          0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpackJoeSecurity_NanocoreYara detected Nanocore RATJoe Security
            0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpackMALWARE_Win_NanoCoreDetects NanoCoreditekSHen
            • 0xe0f5:$x1: NanoCore Client
            • 0xe105:$x1: NanoCore Client
            • 0xe34d:$x2: NanoCore.ClientPlugin
            • 0xe38d:$x3: NanoCore.ClientPluginHost
            • 0xe342:$i1: IClientApp
            • 0xe363:$i2: IClientData
            • 0xe36f:$i3: IClientNetwork
            • 0xe37e:$i4: IClientAppHost
            • 0xe3a7:$i5: IClientDataHost
            • 0xe3b7:$i6: IClientLoggingHost
            • 0xe3ca:$i7: IClientNetworkHost
            • 0xe3dd:$i8: IClientUIHost
            • 0xe3eb:$i9: IClientNameObjectCollection
            • 0xe407:$i10: IClientReadOnlyNameObjectCollection
            • 0xe154:$s1: ClientPlugin
            • 0xe356:$s1: ClientPlugin
            • 0xe84a:$s2: EndPoint
            • 0xe853:$s3: IPAddress
            • 0xe85d:$s4: IPEndPoint
            • 0x10293:$s6: get_ClientSettings
            • 0x10837:$s7: get_Connected
            Click to see the 48 entries
            No Sigma rule has matched
            No Snort rule has matched

            Click to jump to signature section

            Show All Signature Results

            AV Detection

            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeReversingLabs: Detection: 88%
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeVirustotal: Detection: 79%Perma Link
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeMetadefender: Detection: 33%Perma Link
            Source: URL Cloud: Label: malware
            Source: 9812.hopto.orgAvira URL Cloud: Label: malware
            Source: Detection: 11%Perma Link
            Source: C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exeReversingLabs: Detection: 88%
            Source: C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exeMetadefender: Detection: 33%Perma Link
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORY
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000000.00000002.426014225.00000000037FA000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORY
            Source: Yara matchFile source: Process Memory Space: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe PID: 588, type: MEMORYSTR
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeJoe Sandbox ML: detected
            Source: C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exeJoe Sandbox ML: detected
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.raw.unpackMalware Configuration Extractor: NanoCore {"Version": "", "Mutex": "2c83c052-5c8c-4da8-8e82-9c1bb5be", "Group": "9812", "Domain1": "9812.hopto.org", "Domain2": "", "Port": 9812, "KeyboardLogging": "Enable", "RunOnStartup": "Enable", "RequestElevation": "Disable", "BypassUAC": "Enable", "ClearZoneIdentifier": "Enable", "ClearAccessControl": "Disable", "SetCriticalProcess": "Disable", "PreventSystemSleep": "Enable", "ActivateAwayMode": "Disable", "EnableDebugMode": "Disable", "RunDelay": 0, "ConnectDelay": 4000, "RestartDelay": 5000, "TimeoutInterval": 5000, "KeepAliveTimeout": 30000, "MutexTimeout": 5000, "LanTimeout": 2500, "WanTimeout": 8000, "BufferSize": "ffff0000", "MaxPacketSize": "0000a000", "GCThreshold": "0000a000", "UseCustomDNS": "Enable", "PrimaryDNSServer": "", "BackupDNSServer": "", "BypassUserAccountControlData": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-16\"?>\r\n<Task version=\"1.2\" xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task\">\r\n <RegistrationInfo />\r\n <Triggers />\r\n <Principals>\r\n <Principal id=\"Author\">\r\n <LogonType>InteractiveToken</LogonType>\r\n <RunLevel>HighestAvailable</RunLevel>\r\n </Principal>\r\n </Principals>\r\n <Settings>\r\n <MultipleInstancesPolicy>Parallel</MultipleInstancesPolicy>\r\n <DisallowStartIfOnBatteries>false</DisallowStartIfOnBatteries>\r\n <StopIfGoingOnBatteries>false</StopIfGoingOnBatteries>\r\n <AllowHardTerminate>true</AllowHardTerminate>\r\n <StartWhenAvailable>false</StartWhenAvailable>\r\n <RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable>false</RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable>\r\n <IdleSettings>\r\n <StopOnIdleEnd>false</StopOnIdleEnd>\r\n <RestartOnIdle>false</RestartOnIdle>\r\n </IdleSettings>\r\n <AllowStartOnDemand>true</AllowStartOnDemand>\r\n <Enabled>true</Enabled>\r\n <Hidden>false</Hidden>\r\n <RunOnlyIfIdle>false</RunOnlyIfIdle>\r\n <WakeToRun>false</WakeToRun>\r\n <ExecutionTimeLimit>PT0S</ExecutionTimeLimit>\r\n <Priority>4</Priority>\r\n </Settings>\r\n <Actions Context=\"Author\">\r\n <Exec>\r\n <Command>\"#EXECUTABLEPATH\"</Command>\r\n <Arguments>$(Arg0)</Arguments>\r\n </Exec>\r\n </Actions>\r\n</Task"}
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeStatic PE information: EXECUTABLE_IMAGE, 32BIT_MACHINE
            Source: unknownHTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeStatic PE information: HIGH_ENTROPY_VA, DYNAMIC_BASE, NX_COMPAT, NO_SEH, TERMINAL_SERVER_AWARE
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 4x nop then mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch], 00000000h
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 4x nop then mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch], 00000000h
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 4x nop then push dword ptr [ebp-20h]
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 4x nop then mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch], 7FFFFFFFh
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 4x nop then mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch], 00000000h
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 4x nop then mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch], 00000000h
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 4x nop then mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch], 00000000h
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 4x nop then push dword ptr [ebp-24h]
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 4x nop then mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch], 7FFFFFFFh
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 4x nop then push dword ptr [ebp-24h]
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 4x nop then mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch], 7FFFFFFFh
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 4x nop then xor edx, edx
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 4x nop then xor edx, edx
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 4x nop then push dword ptr [ebp-20h]
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 4x nop then mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch], 7FFFFFFFh
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 4x nop then mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch], 00000000h


            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE ping -n 38
            Source: Malware configuration extractorURLs: 9812.hopto.org
            Source: Malware configuration extractorURLs:
            Source: Joe Sandbox ViewJA3 fingerprint: 3b5074b1b5d032e5620f69f9f700ff0e
            Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: GET / HTTP/1.1Host: www.google.comConnection: Keep-Alive
            Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 443 -> 49696
            Source: unknownNetwork traffic detected: HTTP traffic on port 49696 -> 443
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.420049059.0000000000962000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.327493781.0000000000962000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://crl.globalsign.net/root-r2.crl0
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://fontfabrik.com
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.343011143.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.342501858.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.418804128.0000000006248000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.340800596.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.419016717.000000000624E000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.340235301.0000000006244000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.342178988.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341281240.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.340546586.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.343237476.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341513125.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.342726715.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341974759.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341036444.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.343497885.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341738243.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://ns.ado/1
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.418804128.0000000006248000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.419016717.000000000624E000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.340235301.0000000006244000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://ns.adobe.c/g
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.343011143.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.342501858.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.418804128.0000000006248000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.340800596.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.419016717.000000000624E000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.340235301.0000000006244000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.342178988.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341281240.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.340546586.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.343237476.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341513125.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.342726715.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341974759.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341036444.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.343497885.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341738243.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://ns.adobe.cobj
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.420527964.00000000025F1000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.332961781.000000000621A000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.carterandcone.com
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.carterandcone.com_Z
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.carterandcone.comk
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.carterandcone.coml
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.carterandcone.como.-
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.418922541.0000000006200000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.fontbureau.com
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.fontbureau.com/designers
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.335070520.000000000621B000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.fontbureau.com/designers/
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.fontbureau.com/designers/?
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.fontbureau.com/designers/cabarga.htmlN
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.fontbureau.com/designers/frere-user.html
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.fontbureau.com/designers8
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.fontbureau.com/designers?
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.fontbureau.com/designersG
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.418922541.0000000006200000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.fontbureau.coma
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.fonts.com
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.332613138.0000000006203000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.332668572.0000000006212000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.332032257.000000000622E000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.331997347.000000000622D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.332124047.000000000622E000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.founder.com.cn/cn
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.founder.com.cn/cn/bThe
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.founder.com.cn/cn/cThe
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.332032257.000000000622E000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.331997347.000000000622D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.332124047.000000000622E000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.founder.com.cn/cnz.
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.galapagosdesign.com/DPlease
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.galapagosdesign.com/staff/dennis.htm
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.goodfont.co.kr
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333907905.000000000620B000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334377911.0000000006203000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334225674.0000000006209000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334024770.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333907905.000000000620B000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp//lA
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334377911.0000000006203000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334225674.0000000006209000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334024770.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333907905.000000000620B000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/6l8
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/Dl&
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334377911.0000000006203000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334225674.0000000006209000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/P
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334024770.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333907905.000000000620B000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/Rl
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334377911.0000000006203000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334225674.0000000006209000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/Y0
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/Y0/
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334377911.0000000006203000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/Yl
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/i
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334225674.0000000006209000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/it-i
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334377911.0000000006203000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334225674.0000000006209000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/jp/
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/jp/=l/
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/jp/Yl
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334377911.0000000006203000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/wl
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.418922541.0000000006200000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427852516.0000000006214000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.monotype.
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.sajatypeworks.com
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.sakkal.com
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.331568930.000000000620E000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.sandoll.co.kr
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.tiro.com
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.tiro.comgo
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.tiro.comslnt
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333614957.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.tiro.comt
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.typography.netD
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.urwpp.deDPlease
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.zhongyicts.com.cn
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: http://www.zhongyicts.com.cna
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.420527964.00000000025F1000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://www.google.com
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.420527964.00000000025F1000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: https://www.google.com/
            Source: unknownDNS traffic detected: queries for: www.google.com
            Source: global trafficHTTP traffic detected: GET / HTTP/1.1Host: www.google.comConnection: Keep-Alive
            Source: unknownHTTPS traffic detected: -> version: TLS 1.2
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.419784361.00000000008C0000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmpBinary or memory string: <HOOK MODULE="DDRAW.DLL" FUNCTION="DirectDrawCreateEx"/>

            E-Banking Fraud

            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORY
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000000.00000002.426014225.00000000037FA000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORY
            Source: Yara matchFile source: Process Memory Space: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe PID: 588, type: MEMORYSTR

            System Summary

            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detetcs the Nanocore RAT Author: Florian Roth
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detects NanoCore Author: ditekSHen
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: NanoCore Author: Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 Author: unknown
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detetcs the Nanocore RAT Author: Florian Roth
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detects NanoCore Author: ditekSHen
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: NanoCore Author: Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 Author: unknown
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detetcs the Nanocore RAT Author: Florian Roth
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detects NanoCore Author: ditekSHen
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: NanoCore Author: Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 Author: unknown
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detetcs the Nanocore RAT Author: Florian Roth
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detetcs the Nanocore RAT Author: Florian Roth
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detects NanoCore Author: ditekSHen
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: NanoCore Author: Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 Author: unknown
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detects NanoCore Author: ditekSHen
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: NanoCore Author: Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 Author: unknown
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detetcs the Nanocore RAT Author: Florian Roth
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detetcs the Nanocore RAT Author: Florian Roth
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detects NanoCore Author: ditekSHen
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: NanoCore Author: Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 Author: unknown
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detects NanoCore Author: ditekSHen
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: NanoCore Author: Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 Author: unknown
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detetcs the Nanocore RAT Author: Florian Roth
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Detects NanoCore Author: ditekSHen
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: NanoCore Author: Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 Author: unknown
            Source: 00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Detetcs the Nanocore RAT Author: Florian Roth
            Source: 00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: NanoCore Author: Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>
            Source: 00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 Author: unknown
            Source: 00000000.00000002.426014225.00000000037FA000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Detetcs the Nanocore RAT Author: Florian Roth
            Source: 00000000.00000002.426014225.00000000037FA000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: NanoCore Author: Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>
            Source: 00000000.00000002.426014225.00000000037FA000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 Author: unknown
            Source: Process Memory Space: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe PID: 588, type: MEMORYSTRMatched rule: Detetcs the Nanocore RAT Author: Florian Roth
            Source: Process Memory Space: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe PID: 588, type: MEMORYSTRMatched rule: NanoCore Author: Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>
            Source: Process Memory Space: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe PID: 588, type: MEMORYSTRMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 Author: unknown
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeStatic PE information: EXECUTABLE_IMAGE, 32BIT_MACHINE
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Gen_2 date = 2016-04-22, hash1 = 755f49a4ffef5b1b62f4b5a5de279868c0c1766b528648febf76628f1fe39050, author = Florian Roth, description = Detetcs the Nanocore RAT, score = https://www.sentinelone.com/blogs/teaching-an-old-rat-new-tricks/, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Feb18_1 date = 2018-02-19, hash1 = aa486173e9d594729dbb5626748ce10a75ee966481b68c1b4f6323c827d9658c, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects Nanocore RAT, reference = Internal Research - T2T, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: MALWARE_Win_NanoCore author = ditekSHen, description = Detects NanoCore
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: NanoCore date = 2014/04, filetype = exe, author = Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>, maltype = Remote Access Trojan, ref = http://malwareconfig.com/stats/NanoCore
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 reference_sample = b2262126a955e306dc68487333394dc08c4fbd708a19afeb531f58916ddb1cfd, os = windows, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-06-13, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Windows.Trojan.Nanocore, fingerprint = e5c284f14c1c650ef8ddd7caf314f5318e46a811addc2af5e70890390c7307d4, id = d8c4e3c5-8bcc-43d2-9104-fa3774282da5, last_modified = 2021-08-23
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Gen_2 date = 2016-04-22, hash1 = 755f49a4ffef5b1b62f4b5a5de279868c0c1766b528648febf76628f1fe39050, author = Florian Roth, description = Detetcs the Nanocore RAT, score = https://www.sentinelone.com/blogs/teaching-an-old-rat-new-tricks/, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Feb18_1 date = 2018-02-19, hash1 = aa486173e9d594729dbb5626748ce10a75ee966481b68c1b4f6323c827d9658c, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects Nanocore RAT, reference = Internal Research - T2T, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: MALWARE_Win_NanoCore author = ditekSHen, description = Detects NanoCore
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: NanoCore date = 2014/04, filetype = exe, author = Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>, maltype = Remote Access Trojan, ref = http://malwareconfig.com/stats/NanoCore
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 reference_sample = b2262126a955e306dc68487333394dc08c4fbd708a19afeb531f58916ddb1cfd, os = windows, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-06-13, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Windows.Trojan.Nanocore, fingerprint = e5c284f14c1c650ef8ddd7caf314f5318e46a811addc2af5e70890390c7307d4, id = d8c4e3c5-8bcc-43d2-9104-fa3774282da5, last_modified = 2021-08-23
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Gen_2 date = 2016-04-22, hash1 = 755f49a4ffef5b1b62f4b5a5de279868c0c1766b528648febf76628f1fe39050, author = Florian Roth, description = Detetcs the Nanocore RAT, score = https://www.sentinelone.com/blogs/teaching-an-old-rat-new-tricks/, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Feb18_1 date = 2018-02-19, hash1 = aa486173e9d594729dbb5626748ce10a75ee966481b68c1b4f6323c827d9658c, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects Nanocore RAT, reference = Internal Research - T2T, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: MALWARE_Win_NanoCore author = ditekSHen, description = Detects NanoCore
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: NanoCore date = 2014/04, filetype = exe, author = Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>, maltype = Remote Access Trojan, ref = http://malwareconfig.com/stats/NanoCore
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 reference_sample = b2262126a955e306dc68487333394dc08c4fbd708a19afeb531f58916ddb1cfd, os = windows, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-06-13, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Windows.Trojan.Nanocore, fingerprint = e5c284f14c1c650ef8ddd7caf314f5318e46a811addc2af5e70890390c7307d4, id = d8c4e3c5-8bcc-43d2-9104-fa3774282da5, last_modified = 2021-08-23
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Gen_2 date = 2016-04-22, hash1 = 755f49a4ffef5b1b62f4b5a5de279868c0c1766b528648febf76628f1fe39050, author = Florian Roth, description = Detetcs the Nanocore RAT, score = https://www.sentinelone.com/blogs/teaching-an-old-rat-new-tricks/, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Feb18_1 date = 2018-02-19, hash1 = aa486173e9d594729dbb5626748ce10a75ee966481b68c1b4f6323c827d9658c, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects Nanocore RAT, reference = Internal Research - T2T, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Gen_2 date = 2016-04-22, hash1 = 755f49a4ffef5b1b62f4b5a5de279868c0c1766b528648febf76628f1fe39050, author = Florian Roth, description = Detetcs the Nanocore RAT, score = https://www.sentinelone.com/blogs/teaching-an-old-rat-new-tricks/, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Feb18_1 date = 2018-02-19, hash1 = aa486173e9d594729dbb5626748ce10a75ee966481b68c1b4f6323c827d9658c, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects Nanocore RAT, reference = Internal Research - T2T, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: MALWARE_Win_NanoCore author = ditekSHen, description = Detects NanoCore
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: NanoCore date = 2014/04, filetype = exe, author = Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>, maltype = Remote Access Trojan, ref = http://malwareconfig.com/stats/NanoCore
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 reference_sample = b2262126a955e306dc68487333394dc08c4fbd708a19afeb531f58916ddb1cfd, os = windows, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-06-13, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Windows.Trojan.Nanocore, fingerprint = e5c284f14c1c650ef8ddd7caf314f5318e46a811addc2af5e70890390c7307d4, id = d8c4e3c5-8bcc-43d2-9104-fa3774282da5, last_modified = 2021-08-23
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: MALWARE_Win_NanoCore author = ditekSHen, description = Detects NanoCore
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: NanoCore date = 2014/04, filetype = exe, author = Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>, maltype = Remote Access Trojan, ref = http://malwareconfig.com/stats/NanoCore
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 reference_sample = b2262126a955e306dc68487333394dc08c4fbd708a19afeb531f58916ddb1cfd, os = windows, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-06-13, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Windows.Trojan.Nanocore, fingerprint = e5c284f14c1c650ef8ddd7caf314f5318e46a811addc2af5e70890390c7307d4, id = d8c4e3c5-8bcc-43d2-9104-fa3774282da5, last_modified = 2021-08-23
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Gen_2 date = 2016-04-22, hash1 = 755f49a4ffef5b1b62f4b5a5de279868c0c1766b528648febf76628f1fe39050, author = Florian Roth, description = Detetcs the Nanocore RAT, score = https://www.sentinelone.com/blogs/teaching-an-old-rat-new-tricks/, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Gen_2 date = 2016-04-22, hash1 = 755f49a4ffef5b1b62f4b5a5de279868c0c1766b528648febf76628f1fe39050, author = Florian Roth, description = Detetcs the Nanocore RAT, score = https://www.sentinelone.com/blogs/teaching-an-old-rat-new-tricks/, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Feb18_1 date = 2018-02-19, hash1 = aa486173e9d594729dbb5626748ce10a75ee966481b68c1b4f6323c827d9658c, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects Nanocore RAT, reference = Internal Research - T2T, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: MALWARE_Win_NanoCore author = ditekSHen, description = Detects NanoCore
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: NanoCore date = 2014/04, filetype = exe, author = Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>, maltype = Remote Access Trojan, ref = http://malwareconfig.com/stats/NanoCore
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 reference_sample = b2262126a955e306dc68487333394dc08c4fbd708a19afeb531f58916ddb1cfd, os = windows, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-06-13, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Windows.Trojan.Nanocore, fingerprint = e5c284f14c1c650ef8ddd7caf314f5318e46a811addc2af5e70890390c7307d4, id = d8c4e3c5-8bcc-43d2-9104-fa3774282da5, last_modified = 2021-08-23
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: MALWARE_Win_NanoCore author = ditekSHen, description = Detects NanoCore
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: NanoCore date = 2014/04, filetype = exe, author = Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>, maltype = Remote Access Trojan, ref = http://malwareconfig.com/stats/NanoCore
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 reference_sample = b2262126a955e306dc68487333394dc08c4fbd708a19afeb531f58916ddb1cfd, os = windows, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-06-13, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Windows.Trojan.Nanocore, fingerprint = e5c284f14c1c650ef8ddd7caf314f5318e46a811addc2af5e70890390c7307d4, id = d8c4e3c5-8bcc-43d2-9104-fa3774282da5, last_modified = 2021-08-23
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Gen_2 date = 2016-04-22, hash1 = 755f49a4ffef5b1b62f4b5a5de279868c0c1766b528648febf76628f1fe39050, author = Florian Roth, description = Detetcs the Nanocore RAT, score = https://www.sentinelone.com/blogs/teaching-an-old-rat-new-tricks/, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Feb18_1 date = 2018-02-19, hash1 = aa486173e9d594729dbb5626748ce10a75ee966481b68c1b4f6323c827d9658c, author = Florian Roth, description = Detects Nanocore RAT, reference = Internal Research - T2T, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: MALWARE_Win_NanoCore author = ditekSHen, description = Detects NanoCore
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: NanoCore date = 2014/04, filetype = exe, author = Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>, maltype = Remote Access Trojan, ref = http://malwareconfig.com/stats/NanoCore
            Source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPEMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 reference_sample = b2262126a955e306dc68487333394dc08c4fbd708a19afeb531f58916ddb1cfd, os = windows, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-06-13, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Windows.Trojan.Nanocore, fingerprint = e5c284f14c1c650ef8ddd7caf314f5318e46a811addc2af5e70890390c7307d4, id = d8c4e3c5-8bcc-43d2-9104-fa3774282da5, last_modified = 2021-08-23
            Source: 00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Gen_2 date = 2016-04-22, hash1 = 755f49a4ffef5b1b62f4b5a5de279868c0c1766b528648febf76628f1fe39050, author = Florian Roth, description = Detetcs the Nanocore RAT, score = https://www.sentinelone.com/blogs/teaching-an-old-rat-new-tricks/, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: 00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: NanoCore date = 2014/04, filetype = exe, author = Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>, maltype = Remote Access Trojan, ref = http://malwareconfig.com/stats/NanoCore
            Source: 00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 reference_sample = b2262126a955e306dc68487333394dc08c4fbd708a19afeb531f58916ddb1cfd, os = windows, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-06-13, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Windows.Trojan.Nanocore, fingerprint = e5c284f14c1c650ef8ddd7caf314f5318e46a811addc2af5e70890390c7307d4, id = d8c4e3c5-8bcc-43d2-9104-fa3774282da5, last_modified = 2021-08-23
            Source: 00000000.00000002.426014225.00000000037FA000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Gen_2 date = 2016-04-22, hash1 = 755f49a4ffef5b1b62f4b5a5de279868c0c1766b528648febf76628f1fe39050, author = Florian Roth, description = Detetcs the Nanocore RAT, score = https://www.sentinelone.com/blogs/teaching-an-old-rat-new-tricks/, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: 00000000.00000002.426014225.00000000037FA000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: NanoCore date = 2014/04, filetype = exe, author = Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>, maltype = Remote Access Trojan, ref = http://malwareconfig.com/stats/NanoCore
            Source: 00000000.00000002.426014225.00000000037FA000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORYMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 reference_sample = b2262126a955e306dc68487333394dc08c4fbd708a19afeb531f58916ddb1cfd, os = windows, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-06-13, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Windows.Trojan.Nanocore, fingerprint = e5c284f14c1c650ef8ddd7caf314f5318e46a811addc2af5e70890390c7307d4, id = d8c4e3c5-8bcc-43d2-9104-fa3774282da5, last_modified = 2021-08-23
            Source: Process Memory Space: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe PID: 588, type: MEMORYSTRMatched rule: Nanocore_RAT_Gen_2 date = 2016-04-22, hash1 = 755f49a4ffef5b1b62f4b5a5de279868c0c1766b528648febf76628f1fe39050, author = Florian Roth, description = Detetcs the Nanocore RAT, score = https://www.sentinelone.com/blogs/teaching-an-old-rat-new-tricks/, license = Detection Rule License 1.1 https://github.com/Neo23x0/signature-base/blob/master/LICENSE
            Source: Process Memory Space: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe PID: 588, type: MEMORYSTRMatched rule: NanoCore date = 2014/04, filetype = exe, author = Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>, maltype = Remote Access Trojan, ref = http://malwareconfig.com/stats/NanoCore
            Source: Process Memory Space: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe PID: 588, type: MEMORYSTRMatched rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5 reference_sample = b2262126a955e306dc68487333394dc08c4fbd708a19afeb531f58916ddb1cfd, os = windows, severity = x86, creation_date = 2021-06-13, scan_context = file, memory, license = Elastic License v2, threat_name = Windows.Trojan.Nanocore, fingerprint = e5c284f14c1c650ef8ddd7caf314f5318e46a811addc2af5e70890390c7307d4, id = d8c4e3c5-8bcc-43d2-9104-fa3774282da5, last_modified = 2021-08-23
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 0_2_00D532F0
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 0_2_00D586B0
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 0_2_00D53918
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 0_2_00D50A68
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 0_2_00D56A20
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 0_2_00D5BF48
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 0_2_04BD4C50
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 0_2_0791D188
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 0_2_07918C4F
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 0_2_07918C60
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 0_2_079C6698
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 0_2_079C7B50
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.426344952.0000000004D30000.00000004.08000000.00040000.00000000.sdmpBinary or memory string: OriginalFilenamexnvi3838.dll2 vs SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000000.317508622.0000000000EA0000.00000002.00000001.01000000.00000003.sdmpBinary or memory string: OriginalFilenameSFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exeH vs SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.419784361.00000000008C0000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmpBinary or memory string: OriginalFilenameclr.dllT vs SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.425246168.00000000035F1000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpBinary or memory string: OriginalFilenamexnvi3838.dll2 vs SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeBinary or memory string: OriginalFilenameSFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exeH vs SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeStatic PE information: Resource name: RT_ICON type: GLS_BINARY_LSB_FIRST
            Source: SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe.4.drStatic PE information: Resource name: RT_ICON type: GLS_BINARY_LSB_FIRST
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exe REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /f /v "CHRIST,MARICERTYK" /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe"
            Source: Joe Sandbox ViewDropped File: C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe 9CF831EC812B6928EB2FE0C9625DA78E8F294D6A5B255DDF894BBBE5B3F7698A
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeStatic PE information: Section: .text IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ
            Source: SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe.4.drStatic PE information: Section: .text IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeReversingLabs: Detection: 88%
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeVirustotal: Detection: 79%
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeMetadefender: Detection: 33%
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeStatic PE information: Section: .text IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeKey opened: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers
            Source: unknownProcess created: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe "C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe"
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe cmd" /c ping -n 38 > nul && REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /f /v "CHRIST,MARICERTYK" /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe 0xffffffff -ForceV1
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE ping -n 38
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe cmd" /c ping -n 41 > nul && copy "C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe" "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe" && ping -n 41 > nul && "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe 0xffffffff -ForceV1
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE ping -n 41
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exe REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /f /v "CHRIST,MARICERTYK" /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe"
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE ping -n 41
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe cmd" /c ping -n 38 > nul && REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /f /v "CHRIST,MARICERTYK" /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe cmd" /c ping -n 41 > nul && copy "C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe" "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe" && ping -n 41 > nul && "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE ping -n 38
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exe REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /f /v "CHRIST,MARICERTYK" /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe"
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE ping -n 41
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE ping -n 41
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeFile created: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\CLR_v4.0_32\UsageLogs\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.logJump to behavior
            Source: classification engineClassification label: mal100.troj.evad.winEXE@15/6@1/3
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeStatic file information: TRID: Win32 Executable (generic) Net Framework (10011505/4) 49.83%
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeSection loaded: C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\mscorlib\a152fe02a317a77aeee36903305e8ba6\mscorlib.ni.dll
            Source: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exeMutant created: \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\Local\SM0:5928:120:WilError_01
            Source: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exeMutant created: \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\Local\SM0:972:120:WilError_01
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeFile read: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hostsJump to behavior
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeFile read: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hostsJump to behavior
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeFile opened: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorrc.dll
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeStatic PE information: data directory type: IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COM_DESCRIPTOR
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeStatic PE information: HIGH_ENTROPY_VA, DYNAMIC_BASE, NX_COMPAT, NO_SEH, TERMINAL_SERVER_AWARE

            Data Obfuscation

            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000000.00000002.420676515.0000000002643000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORY
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORY
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000000.00000002.422453842.000000000293F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORY
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000000.00000002.426014225.00000000037FA000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORY
            Source: Yara matchFile source: Process Memory Space: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe PID: 588, type: MEMORYSTR
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, Fr73/Wz97.cs.Net Code: NewLateBinding.LateCall(((TypeInfo)V_8).GetMethods()[0], null, "Invoke", new object[] { null, new object[0] }, null, null, null, true)
            Source: 0.0.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.e10000.0.unpack, Fr73/Wz97.cs.Net Code: NewLateBinding.LateCall(((TypeInfo)V_8).GetMethods()[0], null, "Invoke", new object[] { null, new object[0] }, null, null, null, true)
            Source: SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe.4.dr, Fr73/Wz97.cs.Net Code: NewLateBinding.LateCall(((TypeInfo)V_8).GetMethods()[0], null, "Invoke", new object[] { null, new object[0] }, null, null, null, true)
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 0_2_04BD580D push E905C65Eh; retf
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeCode function: 0_2_07916EE7 push ss; retf
            Source: initial sampleStatic PE information: section name: .text entropy: 6.851889706302912
            Source: initial sampleStatic PE information: section name: .text entropy: 6.851889706302912
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeFile created: C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exeJump to dropped file

            Boot Survival

            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exeRegistry value created or modified: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run CHRIST,MARICERTYKJump to behavior
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exeRegistry value created or modified: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run CHRIST,MARICERTYKJump to behavior
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exeRegistry value created or modified: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run CHRIST,MARICERTYKJump to behavior

            Hooking and other Techniques for Hiding and Protection

            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeFile opened: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe\:Zone.Identifier read attributes | delete
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information set: NOOPENFILEERRORBOX

            Malware Analysis System Evasion

            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE ping -n 38
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE ping -n 41
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE ping -n 41
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE ping -n 38
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE ping -n 41
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE ping -n 41
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe TID: 5936Thread sleep time: -31359464925306218s >= -30000s
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe TID: 5936Thread sleep time: -30000s >= -30000s
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE TID: 6084Thread sleep count: 37 > 30
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE TID: 6084Thread sleep time: -37000s >= -30000s
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE TID: 5296Thread sleep count: 39 > 30
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE TID: 5296Thread sleep time: -39000s >= -30000s
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE TID: 5952Thread sleep count: 32 > 30
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE TID: 5952Thread sleep time: -32000s >= -30000s
            Source: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exeLast function: Thread delayed
            Source: C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exeLast function: Thread delayed
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXELast function: Thread delayed
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXELast function: Thread delayed
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeThread delayed: delay time: 922337203685477
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeWindow / User API: threadDelayed 9879
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess information queried: ProcessInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeThread delayed: delay time: 922337203685477
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeThread delayed: delay time: 30000
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.327428788.0000000000935000.00000004.00000020.00020000.00000000.sdmpBinary or memory string: Hyper-V RAW%SystemRoot%\system32\mswsock.dll
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess token adjusted: Debug
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeMemory allocated: page read and write | page guard
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe cmd" /c ping -n 38 > nul && REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /f /v "CHRIST,MARICERTYK" /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe cmd" /c ping -n 41 > nul && copy "C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe" "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe" && ping -n 41 > nul && "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE ping -n 38
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exe REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /f /v "CHRIST,MARICERTYK" /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe"
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE ping -n 41
            Source: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exeProcess created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PING.EXE ping -n 41
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.VisualBasic\v4.0_10.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Windows.Forms\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\System.Windows.Forms.dll VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Drawing\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\System.Drawing.dll VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Accessibility\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\Accessibility.dll VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\arial.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\ariali.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\arialbi.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\ARIALN.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\ariblk.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\ARIALNI.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\ARIALNB.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\ARIALNBI.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\bahnschrift.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\calibri.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\calibril.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\calibrii.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\calibrili.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\calibrib.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\calibriz.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\cambria.ttc VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\cambriai.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\cambriab.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\cambriaz.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\Candara.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\Candarai.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\Candarab.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\Candaraz.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\comic.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\comici.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\comicbd.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\comicz.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\consola.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\consolai.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\consolab.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\consolaz.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\constan.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\constani.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\constanb.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\constanz.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\corbel.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\corbeli.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\corbelb.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\corbelz.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\cour.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\couri.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\courbd.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\courbi.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\ebrima.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\ebrimabd.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\framd.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\FRADM.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\framdit.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\FRADMIT.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\FRAMDCN.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\FRADMCN.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\FRAHV.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\FRAHVIT.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\Gabriola.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\gadugi.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\gadugib.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\georgia.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\georgiai.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\georgiab.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\georgiaz.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\impact.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\Inkfree.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\javatext.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\LeelawUI.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\LeelUIsl.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\LeelaUIb.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\lucon.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\l_10646.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\malgun.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\malgunsl.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\malgunbd.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\himalaya.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\msjh.ttc VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\msjhl.ttc VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\msjhbd.ttc VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\ntailu.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\ntailub.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\phagspa.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\phagspab.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\micross.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\taile.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\taileb.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\msyh.ttc VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\msyhl.ttc VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\msyhbd.ttc VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\msyi.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\mingliub.ttc VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\monbaiti.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\msgothic.ttc VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\mvboli.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\mmrtext.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\mmrtextb.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\Nirmala.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\NirmalaS.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\NirmalaB.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\pala.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\palai.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\palab.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\palabi.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\segoepr.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\segoeprb.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\segoesc.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\segoescb.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\seguisb.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\segoeuii.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\seguisli.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\seguili.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\seguisbi.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\segoeuiz.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\seguibl.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\seguibli.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\seguiemj.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\seguihis.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\seguisym.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\simsun.ttc VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\simsunb.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\Sitka.ttc VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\SitkaI.ttc VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\SitkaB.ttc VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\SitkaZ.ttc VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\sylfaen.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\symbol.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\tahoma.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\tahomabd.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\timesi.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\timesbd.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\timesbi.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\trebuc.ttf VolumeInformation
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            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\NIAGENG.TTF VolumeInformation
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            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\TCB_____.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\TCBI____.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\TCCM____.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\TCCB____.TTF VolumeInformation
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            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\SCRIPTBL.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\ROCK.TTF VolumeInformation
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            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\ROCCB___.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\RAGE.TTF VolumeInformation
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            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\PER_____.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\PERI____.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\PERB____.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\PERBI___.TTF VolumeInformation
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            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\LTYPEO.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\LTYPEB.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\LTYPEBO.TTF VolumeInformation
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            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\LSANSD.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\LSANSI.TTF VolumeInformation
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            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\GOUDOSB.TTF VolumeInformation
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            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\GIL_____.TTF VolumeInformation
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            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\GILB____.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\GILBI___.TTF VolumeInformation
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            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\COPRGTB.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\CENSCBK.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\SCHLBKI.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\SCHLBKB.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\SCHLBKBI.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\CASTELAR.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\CALIST.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\CALISTI.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\CALISTB.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\CALISTBI.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\BOOKOS.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\BOOKOSB.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\BOOKOSI.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\BOOKOSBI.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\BOD_R.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\BOD_I.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\BOD_B.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\BOD_BI.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\BOD_CR.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\BOD_BLAR.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\BOD_CI.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\BOD_CB.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\BOD_BLAI.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\BOD_CBI.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\ITCBLKAD.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\ARLRDBD.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\AGENCYR.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\AGENCYB.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\BSSYM7.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\REFSAN.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\REFSPCL.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\MTEXTRA.TTF VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\marlett.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeQueries volume information: C:\Windows\Fonts\micross.ttf VolumeInformation
            Source: C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exeKey value queried: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography MachineGuid

            Stealing of Sensitive Information

            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORY
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000000.00000002.426014225.00000000037FA000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORY
            Source: Yara matchFile source: Process Memory Space: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe PID: 588, type: MEMORYSTR

            Remote Access Functionality

            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: NanoCore.ClientPluginHost
            Source: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.426014225.00000000037FA000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpString found in binary or memory: NanoCore.ClientPluginHost
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.382d230.5.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.372ecf2.3.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.3761ae2.2.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 0.2.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.37fa462.4.raw.unpack, type: UNPACKEDPE
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORY
            Source: Yara matchFile source: 00000000.00000002.426014225.00000000037FA000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, type: MEMORY
            Source: Yara matchFile source: Process Memory Space: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe PID: 588, type: MEMORYSTR
            Initial AccessExecutionPersistencePrivilege EscalationDefense EvasionCredential AccessDiscoveryLateral MovementCollectionExfiltrationCommand and ControlNetwork EffectsRemote Service EffectsImpact
            Valid AccountsWindows Management Instrumentation11
            Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder
            Process Injection
            Input Capture
            Security Software Discovery
            Remote Services1
            Input Capture
            Exfiltration Over Other Network Medium11
            Encrypted Channel
            Eavesdrop on Insecure Network CommunicationRemotely Track Device Without AuthorizationModify System Partition
            Default AccountsScheduled Task/JobBoot or Logon Initialization Scripts11
            Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder
            Modify Registry
            LSASS Memory1
            Process Discovery
            Remote Desktop Protocol1
            Archive Collected Data
            Exfiltration Over Bluetooth1
            Remote Access Software
            Exploit SS7 to Redirect Phone Calls/SMSRemotely Wipe Data Without AuthorizationDevice Lockout
            Domain AccountsAt (Linux)Logon Script (Windows)Logon Script (Windows)1
            Disable or Modify Tools
            Security Account Manager21
            Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion
            SMB/Windows Admin SharesData from Network Shared DriveAutomated Exfiltration1
            Ingress Tool Transfer
            Exploit SS7 to Track Device LocationObtain Device Cloud BackupsDelete Device Data
            Local AccountsAt (Windows)Logon Script (Mac)Logon Script (Mac)21
            Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion
            Application Window Discovery
            Distributed Component Object ModelInput CaptureScheduled Transfer2
            Non-Application Layer Protocol
            SIM Card SwapCarrier Billing Fraud
            Cloud AccountsCronNetwork Logon ScriptNetwork Logon Script11
            Process Injection
            LSA Secrets11
            Remote System Discovery
            SSHKeyloggingData Transfer Size Limits13
            Application Layer Protocol
            Manipulate Device CommunicationManipulate App Store Rankings or Ratings
            Replication Through Removable MediaLaunchdRc.commonRc.common1
            Hidden Files and Directories
            Cached Domain Credentials1
            System Network Configuration Discovery
            VNCGUI Input CaptureExfiltration Over C2 ChannelMultiband CommunicationJamming or Denial of ServiceAbuse Accessibility Features
            External Remote ServicesScheduled TaskStartup ItemsStartup Items3
            Obfuscated Files or Information
            System Information Discovery
            Windows Remote ManagementWeb Portal CaptureExfiltration Over Alternative ProtocolCommonly Used PortRogue Wi-Fi Access PointsData Encrypted for Impact
            Drive-by CompromiseCommand and Scripting InterpreterScheduled Task/JobScheduled Task/Job12
            Software Packing
            Proc FilesystemNetwork Service ScanningShared WebrootCredential API HookingExfiltration Over Symmetric Encrypted Non-C2 ProtocolApplication Layer ProtocolDowngrade to Insecure ProtocolsGenerate Fraudulent Advertising Revenue
            Hide Legend


            • Process
            • Signature
            • Created File
            • DNS/IP Info
            • Is Dropped
            • Is Windows Process
            • Number of created Registry Values
            • Number of created Files
            • Visual Basic
            • Delphi
            • Java
            • .Net C# or VB.NET
            • C, C++ or other language
            • Is malicious
            • Internet
            behaviorgraph top1 signatures2 2 Behavior Graph ID: 709714 Sample: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe Startdate: 26/09/2022 Architecture: WINDOWS Score: 100 44 Multi AV Scanner detection for domain / URL 2->44 46 Malicious sample detected (through community Yara rule) 2->46 48 Antivirus detection for URL or domain 2->48 50 9 other signatures 2->50 7 SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe 15 3 2->7         started        process3 dnsIp4 40 www.google.com, 443, 49696 GOOGLEUS United States 7->40 42 unknown unknown 7->42 32 C:\...\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe.log, ASCII 7->32 dropped 54 Hides that the sample has been downloaded from the Internet (zone.identifier) 7->54 12 cmd.exe 1 7->12         started        15 cmd.exe 3 7->15         started        file5 signatures6 process7 file8 56 Uses ping.exe to sleep 12->56 58 Uses ping.exe to check the status of other devices and networks 12->58 18 reg.exe 1 1 12->18         started        21 PING.EXE 1 12->21         started        24 conhost.exe 12->24         started        34 C:\Users\user\...\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe, PE32 15->34 dropped 36 SFNM~12345HBV-0987...exe:Zone.Identifier, ASCII 15->36 dropped 26 conhost.exe 15->26         started        28 PING.EXE 1 15->28         started        30 PING.EXE 1 15->30         started        signatures9 process10 dnsIp11 52 Creates autostart registry keys with suspicious names 18->52 38 unknown unknown 21->38 signatures12

            This section contains all screenshots as thumbnails, including those not shown in the slideshow.

            SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe100%Joe Sandbox ML
            C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe100%Joe Sandbox ML
            No Antivirus matches
            No Antivirus matches
            http://www.founder.com.cn/cn/bThe0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.founder.com.cn/cn/bThe0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.tiro.com0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://ns.adobe.c/g0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.goodfont.co.kr0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.goodfont.co.kr0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.carterandcone.com0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.sajatypeworks.com0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.typography.netD0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.founder.com.cn/cn/cThe0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.galapagosdesign.com/staff/dennis.htm0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://fontfabrik.com0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.galapagosdesign.com/DPlease0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/Y00%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.sandoll.co.kr0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.urwpp.deDPlease0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.zhongyicts.com.cn0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.sakkal.com0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.tiro.comslnt0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://ns.adobe.cobj0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/P0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.tiro.comt0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/jp/0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.fontbureau.coma0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.carterandcone.coml0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.carterandcone.comk0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.founder.com.cn/cn0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.zhongyicts.com.cna0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/Y0/0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.monotype.0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/i0%URL Reputationsafe
            http://ns.ado/10%URL Reputationsafe
            http://www.tiro.comgo0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
            http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp//lA0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
            http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/it-i0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
   URL Cloudmalware
            9812.hopto.org100%Avira URL Cloudmalware
            http://www.founder.com.cn/cnz.0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
            http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/wl0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
            http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/jp/Yl0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
            http://www.carterandcone.como.-0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
            http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/Rl0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
            http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/Yl0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
            http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/6l80%Avira URL Cloudsafe
            http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/Dl&0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
            http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/jp/=l/0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
            http://www.carterandcone.com_Z0%Avira URL Cloudsafe
            NameIPActiveMaliciousAntivirus DetectionReputation
              NameMaliciousAntivirus DetectionReputation
              • Avira URL Cloud: malware
              • 11%, Virustotal, Browse
              • Avira URL Cloud: malware
                NameSourceMaliciousAntivirus DetectionReputation
                http://www.fontbureau.com/designersGSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                  http://www.fontbureau.com/designers/?SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                    http://www.founder.com.cn/cn/bTheSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                    • URL Reputation: safe
                    • URL Reputation: safe
                    http://www.fontbureau.com/designers?SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                      http://www.tiro.comSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                      • URL Reputation: safe
                      http://www.fontbureau.com/designersSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                        http://ns.adobe.c/gSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.418804128.0000000006248000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.419016717.000000000624E000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.340235301.0000000006244000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                        • URL Reputation: safe
                        http://www.goodfont.co.krSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                        • URL Reputation: safe
                        • URL Reputation: safe
                        http://www.carterandcone.comSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                        • URL Reputation: safe
                        http://www.sajatypeworks.comSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                        • URL Reputation: safe
                        http://www.typography.netDSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                        • URL Reputation: safe
                        https://www.google.comSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.420527964.00000000025F1000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                          http://www.founder.com.cn/cn/cTheSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                          • URL Reputation: safe
                          http://www.galapagosdesign.com/staff/dennis.htmSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                          • URL Reputation: safe
                          http://fontfabrik.comSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                          • URL Reputation: safe
                          http://www.tiro.comgoSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                          • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                          http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/it-iSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334225674.0000000006209000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                          • 0%, Virustotal, Browse
                          • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                          http://www.galapagosdesign.com/DPleaseSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                          • URL Reputation: safe
                          http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/Y0SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334377911.0000000006203000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334225674.0000000006209000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                          • URL Reputation: safe
                          http://www.fonts.comSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                            http://www.sandoll.co.krSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.331568930.000000000620E000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                            • URL Reputation: safe
                            http://www.urwpp.deDPleaseSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                            • URL Reputation: safe
                            http://www.zhongyicts.com.cnSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                            • URL Reputation: safe
                            http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/nameSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.420527964.00000000025F1000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                              http://www.sakkal.comSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                              • URL Reputation: safe
                              http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp//lASFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334377911.0000000006203000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334225674.0000000006209000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334024770.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333907905.000000000620B000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                              • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                              http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.332961781.000000000621A000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                http://www.fontbureau.comSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.418922541.0000000006200000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                  http://www.tiro.comslntSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                  • URL Reputation: safe
                                  http://ns.adobe.cobjSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.343011143.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.342501858.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.418804128.0000000006248000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.340800596.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.419016717.000000000624E000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.340235301.0000000006244000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.342178988.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341281240.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.340546586.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.343237476.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341513125.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.342726715.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341974759.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341036444.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.343497885.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341738243.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                  • URL Reputation: safe
                                  http://www.founder.com.cn/cnz.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.332032257.000000000622E000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.331997347.000000000622D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.332124047.000000000622E000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                  • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                                  http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/PSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334377911.0000000006203000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334225674.0000000006209000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                  • URL Reputation: safe
                                  http://www.tiro.comtSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333614957.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                  • URL Reputation: safe
                                  http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/wlSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334377911.0000000006203000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                  • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                                  http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/RlSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334024770.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333907905.000000000620B000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                  • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                                  http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/jp/SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334377911.0000000006203000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334225674.0000000006209000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                  • URL Reputation: safe
                                  http://www.fontbureau.comaSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.418922541.0000000006200000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                  • URL Reputation: safe
                                  http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/jp/YlSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                  • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                                  http://www.carterandcone.comlSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                  • URL Reputation: safe
                                  http://www.carterandcone.comkSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                  • URL Reputation: safe
                                  http://www.fontbureau.com/designers/cabarga.htmlNSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                    http://www.founder.com.cn/cnSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.332613138.0000000006203000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427997639.0000000007412000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.332668572.0000000006212000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.332032257.000000000622E000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.331997347.000000000622D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.332124047.000000000622E000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                    • URL Reputation: safe
                                    http://www.fontbureau.com/designers/frere-user.htmlSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                      http://www.zhongyicts.com.cnaSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                      • URL Reputation: safe
                                      http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/Y0/SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                      • URL Reputation: safe
                                      http://www.monotype.SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.418922541.0000000006200000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.427852516.0000000006214000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                      • URL Reputation: safe
                                      http://www.carterandcone.como.-SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                      • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                                      http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/YlSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334377911.0000000006203000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                      • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                                      http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333907905.000000000620B000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                      • URL Reputation: safe
                                      http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/iSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                      • URL Reputation: safe
                                      http://www.fontbureau.com/designers8SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000002.428587712.00000000074FD000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                        http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/6l8SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334377911.0000000006203000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334225674.0000000006209000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334024770.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333907905.000000000620B000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                                        http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/jp/=l/SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                                        http://www.jiyu-kobo.co.jp/Dl&SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.334521202.000000000620C000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                        • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                                        http://www.fontbureau.com/designers/SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.335070520.000000000621B000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                          http://www.carterandcone.com_ZSFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.333387167.000000000620D000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                          • Avira URL Cloud: safe
                                          http://ns.ado/1SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.343011143.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.342501858.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.418804128.0000000006248000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.340800596.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.419016717.000000000624E000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.340235301.0000000006244000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.342178988.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341281240.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.340546586.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.343237476.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341513125.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.342726715.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341974759.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341036444.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.343497885.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe, 00000000.00000003.341738243.000000000624F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmpfalse
                                          • URL Reputation: safe
                                          • No. of IPs < 25%
                                          • 25% < No. of IPs < 50%
                                          • 50% < No. of IPs < 75%
                                          • 75% < No. of IPs
                                          IPDomainCountryFlagASNASN NameMalicious
                                          www.google.comUnited States
                                          Joe Sandbox Version:36.0.0 Rainbow Opal
                                          Analysis ID:709714
                                          Start date and time:2022-09-26 07:57:54 +02:00
                                          Joe Sandbox Product:CloudBasic
                                          Overall analysis duration:0h 6m 38s
                                          Hypervisor based Inspection enabled:false
                                          Report type:light
                                          Sample file name:SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe
                                          Cookbook file name:default.jbs
                                          Analysis system description:Windows 10 64 bit v1803 with Office Professional Plus 2016, Chrome 104, IE 11, Adobe Reader DC 19, Java 8 Update 211
                                          Number of analysed new started processes analysed:15
                                          Number of new started drivers analysed:0
                                          Number of existing processes analysed:0
                                          Number of existing drivers analysed:0
                                          Number of injected processes analysed:0
                                          • HCA enabled
                                          • EGA enabled
                                          • HDC enabled
                                          • AMSI enabled
                                          Analysis Mode:default
                                          Analysis stop reason:Timeout
                                          EGA Information:
                                          • Successful, ratio: 100%
                                          HDC Information:Failed
                                          HCA Information:
                                          • Successful, ratio: 91%
                                          • Number of executed functions: 0
                                          • Number of non-executed functions: 0
                                          Cookbook Comments:
                                          • Found application associated with file extension: .exe
                                          • Exclude process from analysis (whitelisted): MpCmdRun.exe, audiodg.exe, WMIADAP.exe, conhost.exe, backgroundTaskHost.exe, svchost.exe
                                          • Not all processes where analyzed, report is missing behavior information
                                          • Report size getting too big, too many NtAllocateVirtualMemory calls found.
                                          • Report size getting too big, too many NtOpenKeyEx calls found.
                                          • Report size getting too big, too many NtProtectVirtualMemory calls found.
                                          • Report size getting too big, too many NtQueryValueKey calls found.
                                          • Report size getting too big, too many NtReadVirtualMemory calls found.
                                          07:59:09API Interceptor180x Sleep call for process: SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe modified
                                          No context
                                          No context
                                          No context
                                          No context
                                          No context
                                          File Type:ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
                                          Size (bytes):1216
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                                          Preview:1,"fusion","GAC",0..1,"WinRT","NotApp",1..2,"Microsoft.VisualBasic, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a",0..3,"System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089","C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System\4f0a7eefa3cd3e0ba98b5ebddbbc72e6\System.ni.dll",0..3,"System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089","C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Core\f1d8480152e0da9a60ad49c6d16a3b6d\System.Core.ni.dll",0..3,"System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a","C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Configuration\8d67d92724ba494b6c7fd089d6f25b48\System.Configuration.ni.dll",0..3,"System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089","C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Xml\b219d4630d26b88041b59c21e8e2b95c\System.Xml.ni.dll",0..2,"System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutra
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                                          Size (bytes):769536
                                          Entropy (8bit):6.094150307159493
                                          • Antivirus: Joe Sandbox ML, Detection: 100%
                                          • Antivirus: ReversingLabs, Detection: 88%
                                          • Antivirus: Metadefender, Detection: 33%, Browse
                                          Preview:MZ......................@...............................................!..L.!This program cannot be run in DOS mode....$.......PE..L........................................ ........@.. ....................... ............`.....................................O.................................................................................... ............... ..H............text........ ...................... ..`.rsrc...............................@..@.reloc..............................@..B........................H............G.............................................................o.s....<..2.a..`...04....<.L..+..N...A...7....e...\v.|.....[zJk=.E1...2.......e....y0...T.....[\}....?/[/&P.m{.!...-..F..].M...O".....F.....\.....9....k.".+.kU ({.e..:.....U.....[id..().D.s.EZ0.~..D.N....^?C..2.....%.zpF...Za5M....~4..4.^.8!..kUi..$..u.<R...,g~.&?.n.R.......wiW..R...X..Z..u..h..%.pI....,.}Tu..8.Y^A."sbBn..C..S.............j$.B.G.;.r8.7A.....N.!....8.b...m.J...6}.<T...{6
                                          File Type:ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
                                          Size (bytes):26
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                                          File type:PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows
                                          Entropy (8bit):6.094150307159493
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                                          • Win32 Executable (generic) a (10002005/4) 49.78%
                                          • Generic CIL Executable (.NET, Mono, etc.) (73296/58) 0.36%
                                          • Generic Win/DOS Executable (2004/3) 0.01%
                                          • DOS Executable Generic (2002/1) 0.01%
                                          File name:SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe
                                          File size:769536
                                          File Content Preview:MZ......................@...............................................!..L.!This program cannot be run in DOS mode....$.......PE..L........................................ ........@.. ....................... ............`................................
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                                          Time Stamp:0xCDAF51F [Mon Nov 1 06:03:11 1976 UTC]
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                                          add byte ptr [eax], al
                                          add byte ptr [eax], al
                                          add byte ptr [eax], al
                                          add byte ptr [eax], al
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                                          add byte ptr [eax], al
                                          add byte ptr [eax], al
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                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:57.472438097 CEST49696443192.168.2.4142.250.185.164
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                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.543555975 CEST49696443192.168.2.4142.250.185.164
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                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.545723915 CEST44349696142.250.185.164192.168.2.4
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.545757055 CEST44349696142.250.185.164192.168.2.4
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.545834064 CEST49696443192.168.2.4142.250.185.164
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.545862913 CEST44349696142.250.185.164192.168.2.4
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.545909882 CEST49696443192.168.2.4142.250.185.164
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.546937943 CEST44349696142.250.185.164192.168.2.4
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.548094034 CEST44349696142.250.185.164192.168.2.4
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.548125982 CEST44349696142.250.185.164192.168.2.4
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.548190117 CEST49696443192.168.2.4142.250.185.164
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.548218966 CEST44349696142.250.185.164192.168.2.4
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.548264980 CEST49696443192.168.2.4142.250.185.164
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.549196005 CEST44349696142.250.185.164192.168.2.4
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.550570011 CEST44349696142.250.185.164192.168.2.4
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.550606012 CEST44349696142.250.185.164192.168.2.4
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.550658941 CEST49696443192.168.2.4142.250.185.164
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.550690889 CEST44349696142.250.185.164192.168.2.4
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.550709009 CEST44349696142.250.185.164192.168.2.4
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.550738096 CEST49696443192.168.2.4142.250.185.164
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.550770998 CEST49696443192.168.2.4142.250.185.164
                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:58.553805113 CEST49696443192.168.2.4142.250.185.164
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                                          Sep 26, 2022 07:58:57.299617052 CEST5657253192.
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                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC11INData Raw: 66 3b 6c 69 6e 65 2d 68 65 69 67 68 74 3a 32 37 70 78 3b 70 61 64 64 69 6e 67 3a 31 30 70 78 20 32 30 70 78 20 30 3b 77 68 69 74 65 2d 73 70 61 63 65 3a 6e 6f 77 72 61 70 7d 2e 67 62 6d 70 61 6c 61 7b 70 61 64 64 69 6e 67 2d 6c 65 66 74 3a 30 3b 74 65 78 74 2d 61 6c 69 67 6e 3a 6c 65 66 74 7d 2e 67 62 6d 70 61 6c 62 7b 70 61 64 64 69 6e 67 2d 72 69 67 68 74 3a 30 3b 74 65 78 74 2d 61 6c 69 67 6e 3a 72 69 67 68 74 7d 23 67 62 6d 70 61 73 62 20 2e 67 62 70 73 7b 63 6f 6c 6f 72 3a 23 30 30 30 7d 23 67 62 6d 70 61 6c 20 2e 67 62 71 66 62 62 7b 6d 61 72 67 69 6e 3a 30 20 32 30 70 78 7d 2e 67 62 70 30 20 2e 67 62 70 73 7b 2a 64 69 73 70 6c 61 79 3a 69 6e 6c 69 6e 65 7d 61 2e 67 62 69 62 61 7b 6d 61 72 67 69 6e 3a 38 70 78 20 32 30 70 78 20 31 30 70 78 7d 2e 67
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                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC12INData Raw: 20 30 20 31 70 78 20 23 66 66 66 2c 30 20 31 70 78 20 31 70 78 20 72 67 62 61 28 30 2c 30 2c 30 2c 2e 31 29 7d 2e 67 62 71 66 62 2d 6e 6f 2d 66 6f 63 75 73 3a 66 6f 63 75 73 7b 62 6f 72 64 65 72 3a 31 70 78 20 73 6f 6c 69 64 20 23 33 30 37 39 65 64 3b 2d 6d 6f 7a 2d 62 6f 78 2d 73 68 61 64 6f 77 3a 6e 6f 6e 65 3b 2d 77 65 62 6b 69 74 2d 62 6f 78 2d 73 68 61 64 6f 77 3a 6e 6f 6e 65 3b 62 6f 78 2d 73 68 61 64 6f 77 3a 6e 6f 6e 65 7d 2e 67 62 71 66 62 2d 68 76 72 2c 2e 67 62 71 66 62 61 2d 68 76 72 2c 2e 67 62 71 66 62 62 2d 68 76 72 7b 2d 77 65 62 6b 69 74 2d 62 6f 78 2d 73 68 61 64 6f 77 3a 30 20 31 70 78 20 31 70 78 20 72 67 62 61 28 30 2c 30 2c 30 2c 2e 31 29 3b 2d 6d 6f 7a 2d 62 6f 78 2d 73 68 61 64 6f 77 3a 30 20 31 70 78 20 31 70 78 20 72 67 62 61 28
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                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC14INData Raw: 61 64 69 65 6e 74 28 74 6f 70 2c 23 34 64 39 30 66 65 2c 23 33 35 37 61 65 38 29 3b 62 61 63 6b 67 72 6f 75 6e 64 2d 69 6d 61 67 65 3a 2d 6d 6f 7a 2d 6c 69 6e 65 61 72 2d 67 72 61 64 69 65 6e 74 28 74 6f 70 2c 23 34 64 39 30 66 65 2c 23 33 35 37 61 65 38 29 3b 62 61 63 6b 67 72 6f 75 6e 64 2d 69 6d 61 67 65 3a 2d 6d 73 2d 6c 69 6e 65 61 72 2d 67 72 61 64 69 65 6e 74 28 74 6f 70 2c 23 34 64 39 30 66 65 2c 23 33 35 37 61 65 38 29 3b 62 61 63 6b 67 72 6f 75 6e 64 2d 69 6d 61 67 65 3a 2d 6f 2d 6c 69 6e 65 61 72 2d 67 72 61 64 69 65 6e 74 28 74 6f 70 2c 23 34 64 39 30 66 65 2c 23 33 35 37 61 65 38 29 3b 62 61 63 6b 67 72 6f 75 6e 64 2d 69 6d 61 67 65 3a 6c 69 6e 65 61 72 2d 67 72 61 64 69 65 6e 74 28 74 6f 70 2c 23 34 64 39 30 66 65 2c 23 33 35 37 61 65 38 29
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                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC15INData Raw: 72 2d 67 72 61 64 69 65 6e 74 28 74 6f 70 2c 23 66 38 66 38 66 38 2c 23 66 31 66 31 66 31 29 3b 62 61 63 6b 67 72 6f 75 6e 64 2d 69 6d 61 67 65 3a 6c 69 6e 65 61 72 2d 67 72 61 64 69 65 6e 74 28 74 6f 70 2c 23 66 38 66 38 66 38 2c 23 66 31 66 31 66 31 29 3b 66 69 6c 74 65 72 3a 70 72 6f 67 69 64 3a 44 58 49 6d 61 67 65 54 72 61 6e 73 66 6f 72 6d 2e 4d 69 63 72 6f 73 6f 66 74 2e 67 72 61 64 69 65 6e 74 28 73 74 61 72 74 43 6f 6c 6f 72 53 74 72 3d 27 23 66 38 66 38 66 38 27 2c 45 6e 64 43 6f 6c 6f 72 53 74 72 3d 27 23 66 31 66 31 66 31 27 29 7d 2e 67 62 71 66 62 62 7b 62 61 63 6b 67 72 6f 75 6e 64 2d 63 6f 6c 6f 72 3a 23 66 66 66 3b 62 61 63 6b 67 72 6f 75 6e 64 2d 69 6d 61 67 65 3a 2d 77 65 62 6b 69 74 2d 67 72 61 64 69 65 6e 74 28 6c 69 6e 65 61 72 2c 6c
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                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC16INData Raw: 2c 2e 31 29 3b 2d 6d 6f 7a 2d 62 6f 78 2d 73 68 61 64 6f 77 3a 30 20 31 70 78 20 31 70 78 20 72 67 62 61 28 30 2c 30 2c 30 2c 2e 31 29 3b 62 6f 78 2d 73 68 61 64 6f 77 3a 30 20 31 70 78 20 31 70 78 20 72 67 62 61 28 30 2c 30 2c 30 2c 2e 31 29 3b 63 6f 6c 6f 72 3a 23 32 32 32 20 21 69 6d 70 6f 72 74 61 6e 74 7d 2e 67 62 71 66 62 61 3a 61 63 74 69 76 65 2c 2e 67 62 71 66 62 62 3a 61 63 74 69 76 65 7b 2d 77 65 62 6b 69 74 2d 62 6f 78 2d 73 68 61 64 6f 77 3a 69 6e 73 65 74 20 30 20 31 70 78 20 32 70 78 20 72 67 62 61 28 30 2c 30 2c 30 2c 2e 31 29 3b 2d 6d 6f 7a 2d 62 6f 78 2d 73 68 61 64 6f 77 3a 69 6e 73 65 74 20 30 20 31 70 78 20 32 70 78 20 72 67 62 61 28 30 2c 30 2c 30 2c 2e 31 29 3b 62 6f 78 2d 73 68 61 64 6f 77 3a 69 6e 73 65 74 20 30 20 31 70 78 20 32
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                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC17INData Raw: 3b 62 6f 72 64 65 72 2d 63 6f 6c 6f 72 3a 72 67 62 61 28 30 2c 30 2c 30 2c 2e 33 29 3b 74 6f 70 3a 30 7d 2e 67 62 73 62 20 2e 67 62 73 62 62 7b 2d 77 65 62 6b 69 74 2d 6d 61 73 6b 2d 62 6f 78 2d 69 6d 61 67 65 3a 2d 77 65 62 6b 69 74 2d 67 72 61 64 69 65 6e 74 28 6c 69 6e 65 61 72 2c 6c 65 66 74 20 74 6f 70 2c 72 69 67 68 74 20 74 6f 70 2c 63 6f 6c 6f 72 2d 73 74 6f 70 28 30 2c 72 67 62 61 28 30 2c 30 2c 30 2c 2e 31 29 29 2c 63 6f 6c 6f 72 2d 73 74 6f 70 28 2e 35 2c 72 67 62 61 28 30 2c 30 2c 30 2c 2e 38 29 29 2c 63 6f 6c 6f 72 2d 73 74 6f 70 28 31 2c 72 67 62 61 28 30 2c 30 2c 30 2c 2e 31 29 29 29 3b 62 61 63 6b 67 72 6f 75 6e 64 3a 2d 77 65 62 6b 69 74 2d 67 72 61 64 69 65 6e 74 28 6c 69 6e 65 61 72 2c 6c 65 66 74 20 62 6f 74 74 6f 6d 2c 6c 65 66 74 20
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                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC19INData Raw: 76 65 7b 74 65 78 74 2d 64 65 63 6f 72 61 74 69 6f 6e 3a 75 6e 64 65 72 6c 69 6e 65 7d 2e 66 6c 20 61 7b 63 6f 6c 6f 72 3a 23 31 35 35 38 64 36 7d 61 3a 76 69 73 69 74 65 64 7b 63 6f 6c 6f 72 3a 23 34 62 31 31 61 38 7d 2e 73 62 6c 63 7b 70 61 64 64 69 6e 67 2d 74 6f 70 3a 35 70 78 7d 2e 73 62 6c 63 20 61 7b 64 69 73 70 6c 61 79 3a 62 6c 6f 63 6b 3b 6d 61 72 67 69 6e 3a 32 70 78 20 30 3b 6d 61 72 67 69 6e 2d 6c 65 66 74 3a 31 33 70 78 3b 66 6f 6e 74 2d 73 69 7a 65 3a 31 31 70 78 7d 2e 6c 73 62 62 7b 62 61 63 6b 67 72 6f 75 6e 64 3a 23 66 38 66 39 66 61 3b 62 6f 72 64 65 72 3a 73 6f 6c 69 64 20 31 70 78 3b 62 6f 72 64 65 72 2d 63 6f 6c 6f 72 3a 23 64 61 64 63 65 30 20 23 37 30 37 35 37 61 20 23 37 30 37 35 37 61 20 23 64 61 64 63 65 30 3b 68 65 69 67 68 74
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                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC20INData Raw: 28 65 3d 33 29 2c 63 2b 3d 22 26 73 63 72 69 70 74 3d 22 2b 62 28 67 29 2c 66 26 26 67 3d 3d 3d 77 69 6e 64 6f 77 2e 6c 6f 63 61 74 69 6f 6e 2e 68 72 65 66 26 26 28 66 3d 64 6f 63 75 6d 65 6e 74 2e 64 6f 63 75 6d 65 6e 74 45 6c 65 6d 65 6e 74 2e 6f 75 74 65 72 48 54 4d 4c 2e 73 70 6c 69 74 28 22 5c 6e 22 29 5b 66 5d 2c 63 2b 3d 22 26 63 61 64 3d 22 2b 62 28 66 3f 66 2e 73 75 62 73 74 72 69 6e 67 28 30 2c 33 30 30 29 3a 22 4e 6f 20 73 63 72 69 70 74 20 66 6f 75 6e 64 2e 22 29 29 29 3b 63 2b 3d 22 26 6a 73 65 6c 3d 22 2b 65 3b 66 6f 72 28 76 61 72 20 75 20 69 6e 20 64 29 63 2b 3d 22 26 22 2c 63 2b 3d 62 28 75 29 2c 63 2b 3d 22 3d 22 2c 63 2b 3d 62 28 64 5b 75 5d 29 3b 63 3d 63 2b 22 26 65 6d 73 67 3d 22 2b 62 28 61 2e 6e 61 6d 65 2b 22 3a 20 22 2b 61 2e 6d
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                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC21INData Raw: 74 74 61 63 68 45 76 65 6e 74 29 61 2e 61 74 74 61 63 68 45 76 65 6e 74 28 64 2c 63 29 3b 65 6c 73 65 7b 76 61 72 20 66 3d 61 5b 64 5d 3b 61 5b 64 5d 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 76 61 72 20 6b 3d 66 2e 61 70 70 6c 79 28 74 68 69 73 2c 61 72 67 75 6d 65 6e 74 73 29 2c 6c 3d 63 2e 61 70 70 6c 79 28 74 68 69 73 2c 61 72 67 75 6d 65 6e 74 73 29 3b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 76 6f 69 64 20 30 3d 3d 6b 3f 6c 3a 76 6f 69 64 20 30 3d 3d 6c 3f 6b 3a 6c 26 26 6b 7d 7d 7d 76 61 72 20 64 61 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 29 7b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 67 2e 62 76 2e 6d 3d 3d 61 7d 7d 2c 65 61 3d 64 61 28 31 29 2c 66 61 3d 64 61 28 32 29 3b 70 28 22 73 62 22 2c 65 61 29 3b 70 28 22 6b 6e 22 2c 66 61 29 3b 68 2e 61
                                          Data Ascii: ttachEvent)a.attachEvent(d,c);else{var f=a[d];a[d]=function(){var k=f.apply(this,arguments),l=c.apply(this,arguments);return void 0==k?l:void 0==l?k:l&&k}}}var da=function(a){return function(){return g.bv.m==a}},ea=da(1),fa=da(2);p("sb",ea);p("kn",fa);h.a
                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC22INData Raw: 66 35 0d 0a 7c 7c 62 5b 31 5d 2e 73 7c 7c 28 62 5b 31 5d 2e 73 3d 21 30 2c 72 61 28 32 2c 61 29 2c 62 5b 31 5d 2e 75 72 6c 26 26 71 61 28 62 5b 31 5d 2e 75 72 6c 2c 61 29 2c 62 5b 31 5d 2e 6c 69 62 73 26 26 44 26 26 44 28 62 5b 31 5d 2e 6c 69 62 73 29 29 7d 2c 74 61 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 29 7b 42 28 22 67 63 22 2c 61 29 7d 2c 75 61 3d 6e 75 6c 6c 2c 76 61 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 29 7b 75 61 3d 61 7d 2c 72 61 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 2c 62 2c 63 29 7b 69 66 28 75 61 29 7b 61 3d 7b 74 3a 61 2c 62 3a 62 7d 3b 69 66 28 63 29 66 6f 72 28 76 61 72 20 64 20 69 6e 20 63 29 61 5b 64 5d 3d 63 5b 64 5d 3b 74 72 79 7b 75 61 28 61 29 7d 63 61 74 63 68 28 66 29 7b 7d 7d 7d 3b 70 28 22 6d 64 63 22 2c 77 29 3b 70 28 22 6d 64 0d 0a
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                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC23INData Raw: 36 35 66 38 0d 0a 69 22 2c 6b 61 29 3b 70 28 22 62 6e 63 22 2c 78 29 3b 70 28 22 71 47 43 22 2c 74 61 29 3b 70 28 22 71 6d 22 2c 43 29 3b 70 28 22 71 64 22 2c 41 29 3b 70 28 22 6c 62 22 2c 73 61 29 3b 70 28 22 6d 63 66 22 2c 6f 61 29 3b 70 28 22 62 63 66 22 2c 6e 61 29 3b 70 28 22 61 71 22 2c 42 29 3b 70 28 22 6d 64 64 22 2c 22 22 29 3b 0a 70 28 22 68 61 73 22 2c 70 61 29 3b 70 28 22 74 72 68 22 2c 76 61 29 3b 70 28 22 74 65 76 22 2c 72 61 29 3b 69 66 28 68 2e 61 28 22 6d 3b 2f 5f 2f 73 63 73 2f 61 62 63 2d 73 74 61 74 69 63 2f 5f 2f 6a 73 2f 6b 3d 67 61 70 69 2e 67 61 70 69 2e 65 6e 2e 49 4b 35 4f 6d 55 55 52 64 32 45 2e 4f 2f 64 3d 31 2f 72 73 3d 41 48 70 4f 6f 6f 39 33 32 4a 69 6e 6b 53 4a 48 4b 39 32 57 67 56 6a 49 56 2d 4a 77 77 79 75 33 52 77 2f 6d
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                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC24INData Raw: 65 77 20 44 61 74 65 29 2e 67 65 74 54 69 6d 65 28 29 2c 22 26 6a 65 78 70 69 64 3d 22 2c 64 28 22 32 38 38 33 34 22 29 2c 22 26 73 72 63 70 67 3d 22 2c 64 28 22 70 72 6f 70 3d 31 22 29 2c 22 26 6a 73 72 3d 22 2c 4d 61 74 68 2e 72 6f 75 6e 64 28 31 2f 46 61 29 2c 22 26 6f 67 65 76 3d 22 2c 64 28 22 6f 6a 38 78 59 2d 65 6b 48 65 54 46 37 5f 55 50 68 4f 4f 31 79 41 73 22 29 2c 22 26 6f 67 66 3d 22 2c 67 2e 62 76 2e 66 2c 22 26 6f 67 72 70 3d 22 2c 64 28 22 22 29 2c 22 26 6f 67 76 3d 22 2c 64 28 22 34 37 33 36 33 35 31 38 32 2e 30 22 29 2c 22 26 6f 67 67 76 3d 22 2b 64 28 22 65 73 5f 70 6c 75 73 6f 6e 65 5f 67 63 5f 32 30 32 32 30 38 30 31 2e 30 5f 70 30 22 29 2c 22 26 6f 67 64 3d 22 2c 64 28 22 63 6f 6d 22 29 2c 22 26 6f 67 63 3d 22 2c 64 28 22 47 42 52 22
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                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC25INData Raw: 4e 48 55 51 6b 6e 72 76 78 51 57 6c 62 4a 67 65 79 54 6d 71 49 75 77 51 22 5d 3b 4b 61 26 26 61 2e 70 75 73 68 28 22 3f 68 6f 73 74 3d 77 77 77 2e 67 73 74 61 74 69 63 2e 63 6f 6d 26 62 75 73 74 3d 6f 67 2e 6f 67 32 2e 65 6e 5f 55 53 2e 67 33 65 72 6a 35 31 55 38 45 59 2e 44 55 22 29 3b 61 3d 61 2e 6a 6f 69 6e 28 22 22 29 3b 71 61 28 61 29 7d 3b 70 28 22 63 61 22 2c 49 29 3b 70 28 22 63 72 22 2c 4a 29 3b 70 28 22 63 63 22 2c 48 29 3b 68 2e 6b 3d 49 3b 68 2e 6c 3d 4a 3b 68 2e 6d 3d 48 3b 68 2e 6e 3d 4d 61 3b 68 2e 70 3d 4f 61 3b 68 2e 71 3d 4e 61 3b 76 61 72 20 50 61 3d 5b 22 67 62 5f 37 31 22 2c 22 67 62 5f 31 35 35 22 5d 2c 51 61 3b 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 52 61 28 61 29 7b 51 61 3d 61 7d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 53 61 28 61 29 7b 76 61 72 20 62 3d
                                          Data Ascii: NHUQknrvxQWlbJgeyTmqIuwQ"];Ka&&a.push("?host=www.gstatic.com&bust=og.og2.en_US.g3erj51U8EY.DU");a=a.join("");qa(a)};p("ca",I);p("cr",J);p("cc",H);h.k=I;h.l=J;h.m=H;h.n=Ma;h.p=Oa;h.q=Na;var Pa=["gb_71","gb_155"],Qa;function Ra(a){Qa=a}function Sa(a){var b=
                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC26INData Raw: 67 65 74 45 6c 65 6d 65 6e 74 42 79 49 64 28 6e 29 3b 6d 26 26 6d 2e 70 61 72 65 6e 74 4e 6f 64 65 26 26 4a 28 6d 2e 70 61 72 65 6e 74 4e 6f 64 65 2c 22 67 62 74 6f 22 29 7d 7d 7d 24 61 28 66 29 26 26 61 62 28 66 29 3b 4e 3d 64 3b 49 28 6b 2c 22 67 62 74 6f 22 29 7d 7d 7d 7d 43 28 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 67 2e 74 67 28 61 2c 62 2c 21 30 29 7d 29 3b 62 62 28 61 29 7d 63 61 74 63 68 28 71 29 7b 72 28 71 2c 22 73 62 22 2c 22 74 67 22 29 7d 7d 2c 64 62 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 29 7b 43 28 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 67 2e 63 6c 6f 73 65 28 61 29 7d 29 7d 2c 65 62 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 29 7b 43 28 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 67 2e 72 64 64 28 61 29 7d 29 7d 2c 5a 61 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 29 7b 76 61 72 20 62 2c
                                          Data Ascii: getElementById(n);m&&m.parentNode&&J(m.parentNode,"gbto")}}}$a(f)&&ab(f);N=d;I(k,"gbto")}}}}C(function(){g.tg(a,b,!0)});bb(a)}catch(q){r(q,"sb","tg")}},db=function(a){C(function(){g.close(a)})},eb=function(a){C(function(){g.rdd(a)})},Za=function(a){var b,
                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC28INData Raw: 6e 64 43 68 69 6c 64 28 6c 29 7d 7d 63 61 74 63 68 28 42 62 29 7b 72 28 42 62 2c 22 73 62 22 2c 22 61 6c 22 29 7d 7d 2c 66 62 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 2c 62 29 7b 66 6f 72 28 76 61 72 20 63 3d 62 2e 6c 65 6e 67 74 68 2c 0a 64 3d 30 3b 64 3c 63 3b 64 2b 2b 29 69 66 28 48 28 61 2c 62 5b 64 5d 29 29 72 65 74 75 72 6e 21 30 3b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 21 31 7d 2c 68 62 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 2c 62 2c 63 29 7b 67 62 28 61 2c 62 2c 63 29 7d 2c 69 62 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 2c 62 29 7b 67 62 28 61 2c 22 67 62 65 22 2c 62 29 7d 2c 6a 62 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 43 28 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 67 2e 70 63 6d 26 26 67 2e 70 63 6d 28 29 7d 29 7d 2c 6b 62 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 43 28 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b
                                          Data Ascii: ndChild(l)}}catch(Bb){r(Bb,"sb","al")}},fb=function(a,b){for(var c=b.length,d=0;d<c;d++)if(H(a,b[d]))return!0;return!1},hb=function(a,b,c){gb(a,b,c)},ib=function(a,b){gb(a,"gbe",b)},jb=function(){C(function(){g.pcm&&g.pcm()})},kb=function(){C(function(){
                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC29INData Raw: 29 69 66 28 48 28 62 2c 22 67 62 6d 73 67 22 29 29 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 62 7d 2c 4f 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 71 62 26 26 77 69 6e 64 6f 77 2e 63 6c 65 61 72 54 69 6d 65 6f 75 74 28 71 62 29 7d 2c 75 62 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 29 7b 76 61 72 20 62 3d 22 69 6e 6e 65 72 22 2b 61 3b 61 3d 22 6f 66 66 73 65 74 22 2b 61 3b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 77 69 6e 64 6f 77 5b 62 5d 3f 77 69 6e 64 6f 77 5b 62 5d 3a 64 6f 63 75 6d 65 6e 74 2e 64 6f 63 75 6d 65 6e 74 45 6c 65 6d 65 6e 74 26 26 64 6f 63 75 6d 65 6e 74 2e 64 6f 63 75 6d 65 6e 74 45 6c 65 6d 65 6e 74 5b 61 5d 3f 64 6f 63 75 6d 65 6e 74 2e 64 6f 63 75 6d 65 6e 74 45 6c 65 6d 65 6e 74 5b 61 5d 3a 30 7d 2c 76 62 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 72 65 74 75 72 6e 21 31 7d 2c 77 62 3d 66 75 6e
                                          Data Ascii: )if(H(b,"gbmsg"))return b},O=function(){qb&&window.clearTimeout(qb)},ub=function(a){var b="inner"+a;a="offset"+a;return window[b]?window[b]:document.documentElement&&document.documentElement[a]?document.documentElement[a]:0},vb=function(){return!1},wb=fun
                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC30INData Raw: 29 7d 3b 77 69 6e 64 6f 77 2e 5f 5f 50 56 54 3d 22 22 3b 76 61 72 20 45 62 3d 5b 31 2c 32 2c 33 2c 34 2c 35 2c 36 2c 39 2c 31 30 2c 31 31 2c 31 33 2c 31 34 2c 32 38 2c 32 39 2c 33 30 2c 33 34 2c 33 35 2c 33 37 2c 33 38 2c 33 39 2c 34 30 2c 34 31 2c 34 32 2c 34 33 2c 34 38 2c 34 39 2c 35 30 30 5d 3b 76 61 72 20 46 62 3d 68 2e 62 28 22 30 2e 30 30 31 22 2c 31 45 2d 34 29 2c 47 62 3d 68 2e 62 28 22 31 22 2c 31 29 2c 48 62 3d 21 31 2c 49 62 3d 21 31 3b 69 66 28 68 2e 61 28 22 31 22 29 29 7b 76 61 72 20 4a 62 3d 4d 61 74 68 2e 72 61 6e 64 6f 6d 28 29 3b 4a 62 3c 46 62 26 26 28 48 62 3d 21 30 29 3b 4a 62 3c 47 62 26 26 28 49 62 3d 21 30 29 7d 76 61 72 20 51 3d 6e 75 6c 6c 3b 0a 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 4b 62 28 61 2c 62 29 7b 76 61 72 20 63 3d 46 62 2c 64 3d
                                          Data Ascii: )};window.__PVT="";var Eb=[1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11,13,14,28,29,30,34,35,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,48,49,500];var Fb=h.b("0.001",1E-4),Gb=h.b("1",1),Hb=!1,Ib=!1;if(h.a("1")){var Jb=Math.random();Jb<Fb&&(Hb=!0);Jb<Gb&&(Ib=!0)}var Q=null;function Kb(a,b){var c=Fb,d=
                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC31INData Raw: 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 43 28 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 67 2e 70 72 6d 28 29 7d 29 7d 2c 50 62 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 29 7b 43 28 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 67 2e 73 70 6e 28 61 29 7d 29 7d 2c 51 62 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 29 7b 43 28 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 67 2e 73 70 73 28 61 29 7d 29 7d 2c 52 62 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 29 7b 43 28 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 67 2e 73 70 70 28 61 29 7d 29 7d 2c 53 62 3d 7b 22 32 37 22 3a 22 68 74 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 6c 68 33 2e 67 6f 6f 67 6c 65 75 73 65 72 63 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2e 63 6f 6d 2f 6f 67 77 2f 64 65 66 61 75 6c 74 2d 75 73 65 72 3d 73 32 34 22 2c 22 32 37 22 3a 22 68 74 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 6c 68 33 2e 67 6f 6f 67 6c 65 75 73 65 72 63 6f 6e 74 65 6e
                                          Data Ascii: function(){C(function(){g.prm()})},Pb=function(a){C(function(){g.spn(a)})},Qb=function(a){C(function(){g.sps(a)})},Rb=function(a){C(function(){g.spp(a)})},Sb={"27":"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/ogw/default-user=s24","27":"https://lh3.googleuserconten
                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC33INData Raw: 2c 62 63 3d 0a 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 2c 62 2c 63 29 7b 69 66 28 59 28 5b 31 5d 2c 22 61 6f 70 22 29 26 26 63 29 7b 69 66 28 57 29 66 6f 72 28 76 61 72 20 64 20 69 6e 20 57 29 57 5b 64 5d 3d 57 5b 64 5d 26 26 2d 31 21 3d 59 62 28 63 2c 64 29 3b 65 6c 73 65 20 66 6f 72 28 57 3d 7b 7d 2c 64 3d 30 3b 64 3c 63 2e 6c 65 6e 67 74 68 3b 64 2b 2b 29 57 5b 63 5b 64 5d 5d 3d 21 30 3b 67 2e 75 70 2e 73 70 6c 28 61 2c 62 2c 22 61 6f 70 22 2c 63 29 7d 7d 2c 63 63 3d 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 74 72 79 7b 69 66 28 58 3d 32 2c 21 58 62 29 7b 58 62 3d 21 30 3b 66 6f 72 28 76 61 72 20 61 20 69 6e 20 52 29 66 6f 72 28 76 61 72 20 62 3d 52 5b 61 5d 2c 63 3d 30 3b 63 3c 62 2e 6c 65 6e 67 74 68 3b 63 2b 2b 29 74 72 79 7b 62 5b 63 5d 28 5a 62 28 61 29 29 7d 63 61
                                          Data Ascii: ,bc=function(a,b,c){if(Y([1],"aop")&&c){if(W)for(var d in W)W[d]=W[d]&&-1!=Yb(c,d);else for(W={},d=0;d<c.length;d++)W[c[d]]=!0;g.up.spl(a,b,"aop",c)}},cc=function(){try{if(X=2,!Xb){Xb=!0;for(var a in R)for(var b=R[a],c=0;c<b.length;c++)try{b[c](Zb(a))}ca
                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC34INData Raw: 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 61 2c 62 29 7b 74 72 79 7b 69 66 28 64 63 28 61 29 29 72 65 74 75 72 6e 2d 31 3b 76 61 72 20 63 3d 61 2e 63 6f 6f 6b 69 65 2e 6d 61 74 63 68 28 2f 4f 47 50 43 3d 28 5b 5e 3b 5d 2a 29 2f 29 3b 69 66 28 63 26 26 63 5b 31 5d 29 7b 76 61 72 20 64 3d 63 5b 31 5d 2e 6d 61 74 63 68 28 6e 65 77 20 52 65 67 45 78 70 28 22 5c 5c 62 22 2b 0a 62 2b 22 2d 28 5b 30 2d 39 5d 2b 29 3a 22 29 29 3b 69 66 28 64 26 26 64 5b 31 5d 29 72 65 74 75 72 6e 20 70 61 72 73 65 49 6e 74 28 64 5b 31 5d 2c 31 30 29 7d 7d 63 61 74 63 68 28 66 29 7b 66 2e 63 6f 64 65 21 3d 44 4f 4d 45 78 63 65 70 74 69 6f 6e 2e 51 55 4f 54 41 5f 45 58 43 45 45 44 45 44 5f 45 52 52 26 26 72 28 66 2c 22 75 70 22 2c 22 67 63 63 22 29 7d 72 65 74 75 72 6e 2d 31 7d 3b 70 28 22 75 70 22 2c
                                          Data Ascii: nction(a,b){try{if(dc(a))return-1;var c=a.cookie.match(/OGPC=([^;]*)/);if(c&&c[1]){var d=c[1].match(new RegExp("\\b"+b+"-([0-9]+):"));if(d&&d[1])return parseInt(d[1],10)}}catch(f){f.code!=DOMException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR&&r(f,"up","gcc")}return-1};p("up",
                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC35INData Raw: 6e 22 3a 22 63 66 67 2e 69 6e 69 74 22 7d 29 3b 7d 7d 29 28 29 3b 0a 28 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 74 72 79 7b 2f 2a 0a 0a 20 43 6f 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 54 68 65 20 43 6c 6f 73 75 72 65 20 4c 69 62 72 61 72 79 20 41 75 74 68 6f 72 73 2e 0a 20 53 50 44 58 2d 4c 69 63 65 6e 73 65 2d 49 64 65 6e 74 69 66 69 65 72 3a 20 41 70 61 63 68 65 2d 32 2e 30 0a 2a 2f 0a 76 61 72 20 61 3d 77 69 6e 64 6f 77 2e 67 62 61 72 3b 61 2e 6d 63 66 28 22 70 6d 22 2c 7b 70 3a 22 22 7d 29 3b 7d 63 61 74 63 68 28 65 29 7b 77 69 6e 64 6f 77 2e 67 62 61 72 26 26 67 62 61 72 2e 6c 6f 67 67 65 72 26 26 67 62 61 72 2e 6c 6f 67 67 65 72 2e 6d 6c 28 65 2c 7b 22 5f 73 6e 22 3a 22 63 66 67 2e 69 6e 69 74 22 7d 29 3b 7d 7d 29 28 29 3b 0a 28 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 74 72 79
                                          Data Ascii: n":"cfg.init"});}})();(function(){try{/* Copyright The Closure Library Authors. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0*/var a=window.gbar;a.mcf("pm",{p:""});}catch(e){window.gbar&&gbar.logger&&gbar.logger.ml(e,{"_sn":"cfg.init"});}})();(function(){try
                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC37INData Raw: 2e 69 6e 69 74 22 7d 29 3b 7d 7d 29 28 29 3b 0a 28 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 74 72 79 7b 2f 2a 0a 0a 20 43 6f 70 79 72 69 67 68 74 20 54 68 65 20 43 6c 6f 73 75 72 65 20 4c 69 62 72 61 72 79 20 41 75 74 68 6f 72 73 2e 0a 20 53 50 44 58 2d 4c 69 63 65 6e 73 65 2d 49 64 65 6e 74 69 66 69 65 72 3a 20 41 70 61 63 68 65 2d 32 2e 30 0a 2a 2f 0a 76 61 72 20 61 3d 74 68 69 73 7c 7c 73 65 6c 66 3b 76 61 72 20 62 3d 77 69 6e 64 6f 77 2e 67 62 61 72 3b 76 61 72 20 63 3d 62 2e 69 3b 76 61 72 20 64 3d 63 2e 61 2c 65 3d 63 2e 63 2c 66 3d 7b 63 74 79 3a 22 47 42 52 22 2c 63 76 3a 22 34 37 33 36 33 35 31 38 32 22 2c 64 62 67 3a 64 28 22 22 29 2c 65 63 76 3a 22 30 22 2c 65 69 3a 65 28 22 6f 6a 38 78 59 2d 65 6b 48 65 54 46 37 5f 55 50 68 4f 4f 31 79 41 73 22 29 2c
                                          Data Ascii: .init"});}})();(function(){try{/* Copyright The Closure Library Authors. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0*/var a=this||self;var b=window.gbar;var c=b.i;var d=c.a,e=c.c,f={cty:"GBR",cv:"473635182",dbg:d(""),ecv:"0",ei:e("oj8xY-ekHeTF7_UPhOO1yAs"),
                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC38INData Raw: 3d 67 62 3e 3c 73 63 72 69 70 74 20 6e 6f 6e 63 65 3d 27 62 67 39 79 35 4f 76 57 64 43 63 4b 48 5a 70 76 59 59 72 34 37 51 27 3e 77 69 6e 64 6f 77 2e 67 62 61 72 26 26 67 62 61 72 2e 65 6c 69 26 26 67 62 61 72 2e 65 6c 69 28 29 3c 2f 73 63 72 69 70 74 3e 3c 64 69 76 20 69 64 3d 67 62 77 3e 3c 64 69 76 20 69 64 3d 67 62 7a 3e 3c 73 70 61 6e 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 67 62 74 63 62 3e 3c 2f 73 70 61 6e 3e 3c 6f 6c 20 69 64 3d 67 62 7a 63 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 67 62 74 63 3e 3c 6c 69 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 67 62 74 3e 3c 61 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 22 67 62 7a 74 20 67 62 7a 30 6c 20 67 62 70 31 22 20 69 64 3d 67 62 5f 31 20 68 72 65 66 3d 22 68 74 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 77 77 77 2e 67 6f 6f 67 6c 65 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 2f 77 65 62 68 70 3f 74 61 62 3d 77 77 22 3e 3c 73 70 61
                                          Data Ascii: =gb><script nonce='bg9y5OvWdCcKHZpvYYr47Q'>window.gbar&&gbar.eli&&gbar.eli()</script><div id=gbw><div id=gbz><span class=gbtcb></span><ol id=gbzc class=gbtc><li class=gbt><a class="gbzt gbz0l gbp1" id=gb_1 href="https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?tab=ww"><spa
                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC39INData Raw: 69 76 65 3c 2f 73 70 61 6e 3e 3c 2f 61 3e 3c 2f 6c 69 3e 3c 6c 69 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 67 62 74 3e 3c 61 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 67 62 67 74 20 69 64 3d 67 62 7a 74 6d 20 68 72 65 66 3d 22 68 74 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 77 77 77 2e 67 6f 6f 67 6c 65 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 2f 69 6e 74 6c 2f 65 6e 2f 61 62 6f 75 74 2f 70 72 6f 64 75 63 74 73 3f 74 61 62 3d 77 68 22 20 20 61 72 69 61 2d 68 61 73 70 6f 70 75 70 3d 74 72 75 65 20 61 72 69 61 2d 6f 77 6e 73 3d 67 62 64 3e 3c 73 70 61 6e 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 67 62 74 62 32 3e 3c 2f 73 70 61 6e 3e 3c 73 70 61 6e 20 69 64 3d 67 62 7a 74 6d 73 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 22 67 62 74 73 20 67 62 74 73 61 22 3e 3c 73 70 61 6e 20 69 64 3d 67 62 7a 74 6d 73 31 3e 4d 6f 72 65 3c 2f 73 70 61 6e 3e 3c 73 70 61 6e 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 67 62 6d
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                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC40INData Raw: 3d 67 62 6d 74 20 69 64 3d 67 62 5f 31 32 20 68 72 65 66 3d 22 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 76 69 64 65 6f 2e 67 6f 6f 67 6c 65 2e 63 6f 2e 75 6b 2f 3f 68 6c 3d 65 6e 26 74 61 62 3d 77 76 22 3e 56 69 64 65 6f 73 3c 2f 61 3e 3c 2f 6c 69 3e 3c 6c 69 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 67 62 6d 74 63 3e 3c 61 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 67 62 6d 74 20 69 64 3d 67 62 5f 32 35 20 68 72 65 66 3d 22 68 74 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 64 6f 63 73 2e 67 6f 6f 67 6c 65 2e 63 6f 6d 2f 64 6f 63 75 6d 65 6e 74 2f 3f 75 73 70 3d 64 6f 63 73 5f 61 6c 63 22 3e 44 6f 63 73 3c 2f 61 3e 3c 2f 6c 69 3e 3c 6c 69 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 67 62 6d 74 63 3e 3c 64 69 76 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 22 67 62 6d 74 20 67 62 6d 68 22 3e 3c 2f 64 69 76 3e 3c 2f 6c 69 3e 3c 6c 69 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 67 62 6d 74 63 3e 3c 61 20 20 68 72
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                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC42INData Raw: 42 79 49 64 28 27 67 62 67 35 27 29 2e 61 64 64 45 76 65 6e 74 4c 69 73 74 65 6e 65 72 28 27 63 6c 69 63 6b 27 2c 20 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 63 6c 69 63 6b 48 61 6e 64 6c 65 72 28 29 20 7b 20 67 62 61 72 2e 74 67 28 65 76 65 6e 74 2c 74 68 69 73 29 3b 20 7d 29 3b 3c 2f 73 63 72 69 70 74 3e 3c 64 69 76 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 67 62 6d 20 69 64 3d 67 62 64 35 20 61 72 69 61 2d 6f 77 6e 65 72 3d 67 62 67 35 3e 3c 64 69 76 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 67 62 6d 63 3e 3c 6f 6c 20 69 64 3d 67 62 6f 6d 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 67 62 6d 63 63 3e 3c 6c 69 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 22 67 62 6b 63 20 67 62 6d 74 63 22 3e 3c 61 20 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 67 62 6d 74 20 68 72 65 66 3d 22 2f 70 72 65 66 65 72 65 6e 63 65 73 3f 68 6c 3d 65 6e 22 3e 53 65 61 72 63 68 20 73 65 74 74 69 6e 67
                                          Data Ascii: ById('gbg5').addEventListener('click', function clickHandler() { gbar.tg(event,this); });</script><div class=gbm id=gbd5 aria-owner=gbg5><div class=gbmc><ol id=gbom class=gbmcc><li class="gbkc gbmtc"><a class=gbmt href="/preferences?hl=en">Search setting
                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC43INData Raw: 30 30 22 20 61 75 74 6f 63 6f 6d 70 6c 65 74 65 3d 22 6f 66 66 22 20 76 61 6c 75 65 3d 22 22 20 74 69 74 6c 65 3d 22 47 6f 6f 67 6c 65 20 53 65 61 72 63 68 22 20 6d 61 78 6c 65 6e 67 74 68 3d 22 32 30 34 38 22 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 71 22 20 73 69 7a 65 3d 22 35 37 22 3e 3c 2f 64 69 76 3e 3c 62 72 20 73 74 79 6c 65 3d 22 6c 69 6e 65 2d 68 65 69 67 68 74 3a 30 22 3e 3c 73 70 61 6e 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 22 64 73 22 3e 3c 73 70 61 6e 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 22 6c 73 62 62 22 3e 3c 69 6e 70 75 74 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 22 6c 73 62 22 20 76 61 6c 75 65 3d 22 47 6f 6f 67 6c 65 20 53 65 61 72 63 68 22 20 6e 61 6d 65 3d 22 62 74 6e 47 22 20 74 79 70 65 3d 22 73 75 62 6d 69 74 22 3e 3c 2f 73 70 61 6e 3e 3c 2f 73 70 61 6e 3e 3c 73 70 61 6e 20 63 6c 61 73 73 3d 22 64 73 22
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                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC44INData Raw: 67 62 76 3d 32 22 29 29 7b 76 61 72 20 66 3d 67 6f 6f 67 6c 65 2e 67 62 76 75 2c 67 3d 64 6f 63 75 6d 65 6e 74 2e 67 65 74 45 6c 65 6d 65 6e 74 42 79 49 64 28 22 67 62 76 22 29 3b 67 26 26 28 67 2e 76 61 6c 75 65 3d 61 29 3b 66 26 26 77 69 6e 64 6f 77 2e 73 65 74 54 69 6d 65 6f 75 74 28 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 6c 6f 63 61 74 69 6f 6e 2e 68 72 65 66 3d 66 7d 2c 30 29 7d 3b 7d 29 2e 63 61 6c 6c 28 74 68 69 73 29 3b 3c 2f 73 63 72 69 70 74 3e 3c 2f 66 6f 72 6d 3e 3c 64 69 76 20 69 64 3d 22 67 61 63 5f 73 63 6f 6e 74 22 3e 3c 2f 64 69 76 3e 3c 64 69 76 20 73 74 79 6c 65 3d 22 66 6f 6e 74 2d 73 69 7a 65 3a 38 33 25 3b 6d 69 6e 2d 68 65 69 67 68 74 3a 33 2e 35 65 6d 22 3e 3c 62 72 3e 3c 2f 64 69 76 3e 3c 73 70 61 6e 20 69 64 3d 22 66 6f 6f 74 65 72 22
                                          Data Ascii: gbv=2")){var f=google.gbvu,g=document.getElementById("gbv");g&&(g.value=a);f&&window.setTimeout(function(){location.href=f},0)};}).call(this);</script></form><div id="gac_scont"></div><div style="font-size:83%;min-height:3.5em"><br></div><span id="footer"
                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC45INData Raw: 3a 27 78 6a 73 2e 68 70 2e 6e 41 74 38 6d 6b 48 6c 76 56 77 2e 4c 2e 58 2e 4f 27 2c 63 73 3a 27 41 43 54 39 30 6f 46 62 53 6e 69 32 64 69 79 71 57 48 6b 5a 45 30 4e 42 50 77 76 77 4d 39 43 55 56 77 27 2c 65 78 63 6d 3a 5b 5d 7d 3b 7d 29 28 29 3b 3c 2f 73 63 72 69 70 74 3e 20 20 3c 73 63 72 69 70 74 20 6e 6f 6e 63 65 3d 22 62 67 39 79 35 4f 76 57 64 43 63 4b 48 5a 70 76 59 59 72 34 37 51 22 3e 28 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 76 61 72 20 75 3d 27 2f 78 6a 73 2f 5f 2f 6a 73 2f 6b 5c 78 33 64 78 6a 73 2e 68 70 2e 65 6e 2e 50 61 32 46 7a 52 51 66 79 57 55 2e 4f 2f 61 6d 5c 78 33 64 41 41 43 65 41 41 41 6b 41 45 41 42 2f 64 5c 78 33 64 31 2f 65 64 5c 78 33 64 31 2f 72 73 5c 78 33 64 41 43 54 39 30 6f 47 47 4f 48 41 47 39 39 71 72 61 41 39 68 59 4d 73 78 64
                                          Data Ascii: :'xjs.hp.nAt8mkHlvVw.L.X.O',cs:'ACT90oFbSni2diyqWHkZE0NBPwvwM9CUVw',excm:[]};})();</script> <script nonce="bg9y5OvWdCcKHZpvYYr47Q">(function(){var u='/xjs/_/js/k\x3dxjs.hp.en.Pa2FzRQfyWU.O/am\x3dAACeAAAkAEAB/d\x3d1/ed\x3d1/rs\x3dACT90oGGOHAG99qraA9hYMsxd
                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC47INData Raw: 6f 67 6c 65 2e 78 6a 73 75 3d 75 3b 73 65 74 54 69 6d 65 6f 75 74 28 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 6e 28 29 7d 2c 30 29 3b 7d 29 28 29 3b 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 5f 44 75 6d 70 45 78 63 65 70 74 69 6f 6e 28 65 29 7b 74 68 72 6f 77 20 65 3b 7d 0a 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 5f 46 5f 69 6e 73 74 61 6c 6c 43 73 73 28 63 29 7b 7d 0a 28 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 28 29 7b 67 6f 6f 67 6c 65 2e 6a 6c 3d 7b 62 6c 74 3a 27 6e 6f 6e 65 27 2c 63 68 6e 6b 3a 30 2c 64 77 3a 66 61 6c 73 65 2c 64 77 75 3a 74 72 75 65 2c 65 6d 74 6e 3a 30 2c 65 6e 64 3a 30 2c 69 6e 65 3a 66 61 6c 73 65 2c 69 6e 6a 73 3a 27 6e 6f 6e 65 27 2c 69 6e 6a 74 3a 30 2c 69 6e 6a 74 68 3a 30 2c 69 6e 6a 76 32 3a 66 61 6c 73 65 2c 6c 6c 73 3a 27 64 65 66 61 75 6c 74 27 2c 70 64 74 3a 30 2c 72 65
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                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC48INData Raw: 2f 73 63 72 69 70 74 3e 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 3c 2f 62 6f 64 79 3e 3c 2f 68 74 6d 6c 3e 0d 0a
                                          Data Ascii: /script> </body></html>
                                          2022-09-26 05:58:58 UTC48INData Raw: 30 0d 0a 0d 0a
                                          Data Ascii: 0

                                          Click to jump to process

                                          Target ID:0
                                          Start time:07:58:54
                                          Start date:26/09/2022
                                          Wow64 process (32bit):true
                                          File size:769536 bytes
                                          MD5 hash:54E31B7E289BEA078ED769A046C3842E
                                          Has elevated privileges:true
                                          Has administrator privileges:true
                                          Programmed in:.Net C# or VB.NET
                                          Yara matches:
                                          • Rule: JoeSecurity_DarkTortilla, Description: Yara detected DarkTortilla Crypter, Source: 00000000.00000002.420676515.0000000002643000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                          • Rule: Nanocore_RAT_Gen_2, Description: Detetcs the Nanocore RAT, Source: 00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, Author: Florian Roth
                                          • Rule: JoeSecurity_DarkTortilla, Description: Yara detected DarkTortilla Crypter, Source: 00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                          • Rule: JoeSecurity_Nanocore, Description: Yara detected Nanocore RAT, Source: 00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                          • Rule: NanoCore, Description: unknown, Source: 00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, Author: Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>
                                          • Rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5, Description: unknown, Source: 00000000.00000002.425643462.00000000036FB000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, Author: unknown
                                          • Rule: JoeSecurity_DarkTortilla, Description: Yara detected DarkTortilla Crypter, Source: 00000000.00000002.422453842.000000000293F000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                          • Rule: Nanocore_RAT_Gen_2, Description: Detetcs the Nanocore RAT, Source: 00000000.00000002.426014225.00000000037FA000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, Author: Florian Roth
                                          • Rule: JoeSecurity_DarkTortilla, Description: Yara detected DarkTortilla Crypter, Source: 00000000.00000002.426014225.00000000037FA000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                          • Rule: JoeSecurity_Nanocore, Description: Yara detected Nanocore RAT, Source: 00000000.00000002.426014225.00000000037FA000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, Author: Joe Security
                                          • Rule: NanoCore, Description: unknown, Source: 00000000.00000002.426014225.00000000037FA000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, Author: Kevin Breen <kevin@techanarchy.net>
                                          • Rule: Windows_Trojan_Nanocore_d8c4e3c5, Description: unknown, Source: 00000000.00000002.426014225.00000000037FA000.00000004.00000800.00020000.00000000.sdmp, Author: unknown

                                          Target ID:1
                                          Start time:07:59:07
                                          Start date:26/09/2022
                                          Wow64 process (32bit):true
                                          Commandline:cmd" /c ping -n 38 > nul && REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /f /v "CHRIST,MARICERTYK" /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe
                                          File size:232960 bytes
                                          MD5 hash:F3BDBE3BB6F734E357235F4D5898582D
                                          Has elevated privileges:true
                                          Has administrator privileges:true
                                          Programmed in:C, C++ or other language

                                          Target ID:2
                                          Start time:07:59:08
                                          Start date:26/09/2022
                                          Wow64 process (32bit):false
                                          Commandline:C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe 0xffffffff -ForceV1
                                          File size:625664 bytes
                                          MD5 hash:EA777DEEA782E8B4D7C7C33BBF8A4496
                                          Has elevated privileges:true
                                          Has administrator privileges:true
                                          Programmed in:C, C++ or other language

                                          Target ID:3
                                          Start time:07:59:09
                                          Start date:26/09/2022
                                          Wow64 process (32bit):true
                                          Commandline:ping -n 38
                                          File size:18944 bytes
                                          MD5 hash:70C24A306F768936563ABDADB9CA9108
                                          Has elevated privileges:true
                                          Has administrator privileges:true
                                          Programmed in:C, C++ or other language

                                          Target ID:4
                                          Start time:07:59:39
                                          Start date:26/09/2022
                                          Wow64 process (32bit):true
                                          Commandline:cmd" /c ping -n 41 > nul && copy "C:\Users\user\Desktop\SFNM#U007e12345HBV-09876567.exe" "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe" && ping -n 41 > nul && "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe
                                          File size:232960 bytes
                                          MD5 hash:F3BDBE3BB6F734E357235F4D5898582D
                                          Has elevated privileges:true
                                          Has administrator privileges:true
                                          Programmed in:C, C++ or other language

                                          Target ID:7
                                          Start time:07:59:41
                                          Start date:26/09/2022
                                          Wow64 process (32bit):false
                                          Commandline:C:\Windows\system32\conhost.exe 0xffffffff -ForceV1
                                          File size:625664 bytes
                                          MD5 hash:EA777DEEA782E8B4D7C7C33BBF8A4496
                                          Has elevated privileges:true
                                          Has administrator privileges:true
                                          Programmed in:C, C++ or other language

                                          Target ID:9
                                          Start time:07:59:41
                                          Start date:26/09/2022
                                          Wow64 process (32bit):true
                                          Commandline:ping -n 41
                                          File size:18944 bytes
                                          MD5 hash:70C24A306F768936563ABDADB9CA9108
                                          Has elevated privileges:true
                                          Has administrator privileges:true
                                          Programmed in:C, C++ or other language

                                          Target ID:10
                                          Start time:07:59:50
                                          Start date:26/09/2022
                                          Wow64 process (32bit):true
                                          Commandline:REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /f /v "CHRIST,MARICERTYK" /t REG_SZ /d "C:\Users\user\Favorites\SFNM~12345HBV-09876567.exe"
                                          File size:59392 bytes
                                          MD5 hash:CEE2A7E57DF2A159A065A34913A055C2
                                          Has elevated privileges:true
                                          Has administrator privileges:true
                                          Programmed in:C, C++ or other language

                                          Target ID:11
                                          Start time:08:00:25
                                          Start date:26/09/2022
                                          Wow64 process (32bit):true
                                          Commandline:ping -n 41
                                          File size:18944 bytes
                                          MD5 hash:70C24A306F768936563ABDADB9CA9108
                                          Has elevated privileges:true
                                          Has administrator privileges:true
                                          Programmed in:C, C++ or other language

                                          No disassembly